blue fairy tale book

Chapter 7 The Story of Prince Ahmed and the Fairy Paribano

Chapter 7 The Story of Prince Ahmed and the Fairy Paribano (2)
So he led the peddler to his residence, counted 30 gold coins to him, and bought the telescope.

Ali thought ecstatically, it is impossible for the brothers to come across such a rare treasure. Princess Noronia is mine, and this time I will be compensated for my hard work!Now he just wanted to see the Persian palace incognito, and see everything that aroused his curiosity in Cheraz and the surrounding area, until the day when the caravan returned to India.

At last the day came when Ali joined them, and after a tiring journey he returned safely to the assembly point.He found that Hussain had arrived first, so the two waited for Ahmed together.

Ahmed embarked on the road to Samakand, and the day after arriving at his destination, he also entered the city like his brothers.Not long after walking, I heard a burst of hawking. The peddler held an artificial apple in his hand and asked for 35 gold coins. He stopped the peddler and said to him: "Let me see! Let me see! Is there any apple in it?" What's so good about it, why is it so expensive?" "Sir," said the peddler, handing the apple into his hand, "you won't think it's valuable just by looking at it, but if you know its magic, You will feel that it is priceless, and that to own it is to have endless wealth. To put it simply, it can cure all diseases, even if someone is terminally ill, it can immediately cure his disease and restore him to health. The cure for disease is the easiest in the world—patients just have to smell it!"

"If what you say is true," said Ahmed, "this apple is amazing and indeed a priceless treasure. But how can you prove that what you say is true?" "Sir," replied the peddler He said, "Its magic is well known in the whole city. Not to mention far away, why don't you ask the merchants here first and listen to what they say. Some of them will tell you that if it weren't for this magical Apples, they wouldn't live today. I'd better tell you the history of this apple: it was the result of research and experimentation by a famous philosopher in town who devoted his life to discovering and studying the efficacy of plants and minerals , and finally synthesized this apple. He cured their diseases with this miraculous apple, and they will never forget his good deeds. One day, he passed away suddenly - he didn't have time to use the apple, and left Wife and a bunch of young kids, it's in dire straits. His wife decided to sell the apple in order to provide for the family."

When the peddler told Ahmed about the miraculous functions of the apple, many passers-by came to prove that he was telling the truth.One of them said that a friend of his was seriously ill and was dying, and he could take this opportunity to prove the efficacy of apples to Ahmed.After hearing this, Ahmed told the peddler that if he cured the man with apples, he would buy them for 40 gold coins.

The peddler replied: "Come on, sir, let's try this apple, and you will be its master. I can assure you that it will always cure your disease." Finally, the experiment was successful, and Ahmed Bought the apples for 40 gold coins, and waited patiently for the first caravan to return to India, and returned unharmed to the rendezvous point, where Hussein and Ali were waiting for him.

As soon as the three met, they brought out their treasures, and they soon saw through the ivory telescope that the princess was seriously ill and dying.So they sat on the flying carpet and returned to the palace as soon as they made a wish.

The three of them ran to the princess' room as soon as they got off the flying carpet. When they came to the bed, Ahmed stuck the apple under the princess's nose.After a while, the princess opened her eyes and looked around at the people around her. Then she sat up from the bed and asked the maids to dress her, looking as if she had just woken up from a deep sleep.The maids cheerfully told her what had happened: thanks to the three princes, she was cured, especially Ahmed.

So she immediately expressed to them how happy she was to see them, and thanked them, and later thanked Ahmed in particular.

While the princess was dressing, the princes went to visit their father.The princess' attendants had told the king that they had returned home and cured the princess' illness, and the king embraced them warmly, happy for their return and for the princess' recovery—he always treated them like Love her like his own daughter.The king held the usual welcome ceremony for the princes, in which he praised them one by one, and then the princes brought out their treasures: Hussein's flying carpet, Ali's ivory telescope and Ahmed's apple .They gave the treasure to their father, and asked him to keep his promise, and decide who should marry Princess Noronia.

The princes gave a more detailed introduction to their treasures and their roles in saving the princess. The king patiently listened to them, and fell silent for a while, as if thinking about how to answer them.At last he broke the silence and said to them: "If only I could justly judge who should marry the princess, but I can't. It is true that Ahmed saved the princess with the apple, but Without Ali's telescope, you don't know how seriously ill she is, and if it weren't for Hussein's flying carpet, you wouldn't be back so soon. Ali's telescope let you know the princess's condition, which made him Made a great contribution.

But without the flying carpet and the apple, the telescope can't solve the problem either.As for Hussein, he will be very upset if the princess does not know that it was his flying carpet that brought you to her.But let's see, if it weren't for Ali's telescope, you wouldn't know that the princess was sick, and Ahmed's apple wouldn't work.So the flying carpet, the telescope, and the apple all played an equally important role, and I can't be partial to any one of you.

The only thing you have gained from this trip is that you have contributed equally to the recovery of the Princess. "

"If you all agree with me," continued the king, "I must think of any other way of judging whom to marry the princess. It is still early, and let the decision be made today. You Take a bow and an arrow each, and go to the plain where the cavalry train their horses, and I will follow. Whoever shoots the arrow farther, I will give the princess to him."

The princes did not object to their father's decision, so they each asked their followers to take bows and arrows, and came to the designated place, followed by a large group of onlookers.

Not long after, the king also came.As soon as he arrived, Hussein shot the arrow first, and then Ali Blue Fairy Tale Book also fired the arrow, shooting much farther than Hussein, and finally it was Ahmed's turn, but unexpectedly , no one saw where his arrow fell, and he and everyone else tried hard to find it, but they couldn't find it.Although everyone believed that he shot the farthest and deserved the princess, on the other hand, everyone believed that the arrow should be found to count, and Ahmed objected to this.Regardless of the protests of his youngest son, the king decided to betroth the princess to Ali, and ordered the people in the palace to prepare for the grand wedding to be held in a few days.

Hussain had no desire to go to the wedding at all.This result made him heartbroken, and he left the palace in a fit of anger, became a hermit, and severed all ties with the royal family.

Ahmed was even more reluctant to go to the wedding, but he was not as extreme as Hussein.He couldn't figure out where the arrow would fall, so he decided to find the arrow alone without telling the servants, no matter what the result was, at least he would not blame himself.With this thought in mind, he came to the spot where he was shooting the arrow, and walked straight forward from there, looking around carefully while walking.After walking a long distance without finding the arrow, he began to feel that he was wasting his efforts, but he couldn't help but keep going, and finally he was blocked by a rugged and steep rocky mountain.The rocky mountain stood in a deserted village four miles from where he had started.

As Ahmed approached the rocky mountain, he spotted an arrow.He picked up the arrow, looked at it with great joy, and was amazed to find that it was the arrow he had shot.He said to himself, "It's unbelievable. No one, including myself, can shoot an arrow so far!" The arrow lay flat on the ground and did not penetrate the ground. It was shot at a rock and bounced back to the ground. "There must be some magical power," he began to talk to himself again, "maybe it can help me and make up for the happiness that has been taken away from me, maybe I will be lucky!"

The rocky mountain is full of caves, some of which are very deep.Ahmed groped into one of the caves, looked around, and his eyes fell on an iron door.The door didn't seem to be locked, and it seemed to be tightly closed, but he pushed the door open and found a simple passage, but there were no steps. He walked down the passage, holding the gun in his hand. arrow.At first, he thought he had walked into a dark place, but after walking through the dark road, he walked into a spacious and bright place, and found a magnificent palace about fifty or sixty steps away. .Before he could take a closer look, a noble lady came towards him along the corridor, followed by a group of beautifully dressed girls, it was almost impossible to tell who was the master and who was the servant.

Ahmed hurried forward to meet her. Seeing this, the girl rushed to speak before him: "Come on, Prince Ahmed, welcome!"

Ahmed was taken aback: in this unheard of place, someone knew his name, even though it was very close to the capital.And he couldn't figure out why a strange girl would know his name.Finally, he knelt down to return the salute to the girl. After getting up, he said to the girl: "Miss, my curiosity and rashness have brought me here. Thank you very much for your welcome. However, may I take the liberty to ask?" In a word, how do you know me? Why do we live not far from each other, but I have never seen you?"

"Prince," said the girl, "please come into the living room, and I will answer your questions there."

After all, the girl led Ahmed into the living room, and then sat down on the sofa, and the prince also sat down upon invitation.

Then she said: "You just mentioned that you wonder why I know you and you don't know me, but you will no longer be surprised when I tell you who I am. Your religion makes you I believe there are elves in the world besides humans. My name is Paribano, and my father is one of the most respected elves. I just want to say one more thing. In my opinion, you should be better than the one who married Princess Noronia Ali was happier, and you are likely to be as happy. I was there when you shot your arrow, but I reckoned your arrow was no better than Hussein's, so I intercepted it and threw it at The rocky mountain, that is where you found it. Let me tell you, this is a good chance, and it will bring you happiness, if you catch it or not."

Fairy Paribano changed her tone when she uttered these last words, and she looked at Ahmed affectionately, blushing with embarrassment.Ahmed suddenly understood what she meant by happiness.He knew very well now that Princess Noronia would not be his; on the other hand, the Fairy Paribano was far more beautiful than she, admired him more than she, and was also wiser than she; besides, from the grandeur of the palace To a certain degree, the owner of the palace must have everything that one expects to have.He was so happy that he wished that this adventure of searching for arrows would happen again. "Ma'am," he answered, "I have had the great honor of being your slave all my life, and I feel so captivated by your charms that I consider myself the luckiest man in the world. If I may venture to say, I am very I am willing to enter the palace with you, and I will love you with all my heart."

"Prince," replied the fairy, "why don't we promise each other our fidelity to each other now?" ? Ah, my princess, my queen, I will always be faithful to you!" "Then," answered the Fairy, "now you are my husband and I am your wife. But I I don't think you have eaten anything today. I asked them to prepare a light meal for you. At the same time, I started to prepare for the wedding dinner tonight. After the dinner, I will show you my palace. You will know that this living room It is the smallest room in the palace." Just as she was speaking, several maids came in, they guessed her intention, and went out immediately, and when they came back, they brought some good wine and food.

After Ahmed had eaten and drank enough, Paribano led him to visit various rooms. He saw all kinds of the most precious treasures, including diamonds, rubies, emeralds and other high-quality gems, as well as Pearls, agates, jaspers and crystals and all kinds of precious marble.Needless to say, the magnificence and priceless furnishings of the furniture, but Ahmed had never seen such a large number. He couldn't imagine any other place in the world with so many treasures.The Fairy said to him, "Prince, if you really like my palace, which is indeed very beautiful, how would you describe my father's palace? His palace is more beautiful, more spacious, and more magnificent than mine." .As well as my palace, my garden will fascinate you as well, but we will talk about that later. It is getting dark, and it is time for us to eat dinner."

(End of this chapter)

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