blue fairy tale book

Chapter 8 The Story of Prince Ahmed and the Fairy Paribano

Chapter 8 The Story of Prince Ahmed and the Fairy Paribano (3)
The Fairy led the Prince into the next room, where the priest was waiting for the feast to begin.It was the last room the prince saw in the palace, and it was as magnificent as the others.As soon as he entered the room, he was attracted by the hundreds of candles, burning candles that made the amber on the candlesticks emit bursts of fragrance.Although there are many candles, they are neatly arranged, which is perfectly combined with the festive atmosphere, making people feel happy and comfortable.A huge table was laid out, with all kinds of gold plates on it, with fine workmanship, it can be said that the craftsmanship of the craftsmen is more valuable than the weight of gold.Several selected maids in costumes are very beautiful, and their voices are also very charming.Various musical instruments played harmonious and pleasant music, and they sang with the accompaniment of the music.Ahmed and Paribano sat down at the table, and she carefully served him food, adding that it was she who had invited him to taste these delicacies.Ahmed felt that these dishes were particularly delicious, so he exaggeratedly recommended them to the people around him, and said that the dishes in the fairy world are much better than those in the world.He also found that their wine was much better than the wine of the world, so he and the fairy drank until dessert (including a wide variety of desserts and fruits) was brought to the table.

The wedding banquet continued until the next day, or rather, those days after the wedding were the continuation of the wedding banquet.

At the end of the sixth month after marrying Paribano, Ahmad began to miss his beloved father. He wanted to know if he was all right, and he had to go back to see his father in person to be relieved.He told Paribano about it, hoping she would let him go back.

"My prince," she said, "you may go if you like. But, in order not to make any trouble, I must tell you what to do. First, don't tell your father about our marriage, don't tell me who I am, and don't Don't tell him where you live. Let him know that you're happy and that's what makes him happy, and that your main purpose in seeing him is to reassure him."

She sent twenty well-armed retinues with him, and when everything was ready, Ahmed was to bid farewell to Paribano.He hugs her and promises her to be back soon.The entourage brought over the magnificently dressed horse, which was as handsome as the horses of his native country.He rode on the horse gracefully, bid farewell to Paribano for the last time, and set off on the journey.

It was not a long journey from Paribano's to the palace, and Ahmed arrived home in no time.The people in the palace greeted him with joy, and surrounded him to the king's chambers.The King embraced him joyfully, and at the same time kindly and gently rebuked him for being away so long.The King said that he was distressed by it, and that he was still more apprehensive that, as luck had favored Ali, he might do something rash.

Ahmed told his father about his experience, but said nothing about meeting the fairy - he had promised her.Finally he said: "I just want to ask my father to allow me to visit you often and let me know how you are doing."

"Son," replied the king, "of course I grant your request, but I would rather you stay with me, or at least tell me where I can fetch you if you cannot come, or if I miss you." "My lord," said Ahmed, "this is a secret, and I cannot tell you. I ask you to allow me to keep it a secret. I do not want to cause any trouble, and I will certainly see you often."

The king didn't force him any more, but said to him: "Son, I won't ask your secret anymore, you can go if you want, but you know, nothing makes me happier than you coming to see me." , I haven’t been this happy for a long time, the door of my house is always open to you, I will not hinder your business, nor will I hinder your happiness.”

Ahmed stayed in the palace for three days and returned to Paribano on the fourth day. She did not expect him to come back so soon.

After a month, Paribano found that since Ahmed told her about his visit to his father, Selan had never mentioned the king again. It seemed that there was no such person in the world, but He used to talk about him often.She felt that he did this because of her, so one day she took a chance and told him about it: "My prince, have you forgotten your father? Do you remember the promise to Do you often visit him? I haven't forgotten what you said to me when you came back, so I came to remind you: You should fulfill your promise!"

So, the next day Ahmed set off with the same team as last time, this time his attire was even more luxurious.The king still greeted him with such joy.In the next few months, he often visited the king, and his attire and accompanying carriages became more refined each time.

At last, some of the king's favorites discovered this, and they wanted to make the king jealous of their son, so they told him that the prince probably did this in order to gain the support of the people and usurp the throne.

The king did not expect his son to do this at all, so he said to them, "You are mistaken, my son loves me very much, and I have no doubts in his obedience and loyalty, because he has no reason to hate me."

But the favorites kept saying bad things about Ahmed, and finally the king said: "Facts are facts after all. I don't believe my son is as bad as you say, but I still thank you for your kindness. I appreciate your kindness." I won't argue with you anymore."

Hearing the king say this, the favorites may not know it, but their words have already been branded in his mind.He became alarmed and decided to send someone to monitor Ahmad's every word and action.So he sent for a witch to enter his room through the back door. "You follow my son right away, see where he lives, and call me back."

The witch said goodbye to the king.After finding out where Ahmad had found the arrow, she immediately went to the rocky mountain and hid in a hidden place nearby.

The next day, Ahmad set out, as usual, without saying goodbye to the king and the palace.When the witch saw him coming, she kept her eyes on him until he and his entourage disappeared.

Due to the steepness of the rock mountain, ordinary people cannot cross it. The witch judged that there are only two possibilities: the prince either lives in a certain cave, or lives with the elves.So she left her hiding place, and followed straight up the hill until there was no more road ahead.She checked the surroundings carefully, but no matter how hard she searched, she couldn't find the iron gate that was only opened for the people the fairy wanted to see like the prince did at the beginning.

The witch knew that it would be useless to search again, so she went back to report the situation to the king contentedly.

The king was very satisfied with the witch's report, and said to her: "Do as you think is appropriate, and I will wait patiently for you to clarify this matter." Give her a precious diamond.

After some time, Paribano sent Ahmed to visit the king again, and he agreed.The witch found out the time of the prince's departure, and came to the foot of the rock a day or two earlier, hiding in the place where the prince and his entourage disappeared last time.

The next morning, Ahmed set off again as usual, with the same entourage following him.They went out of the iron gate and met the witch on the road. They saw her lying on the ground with her head against a rock, moaning non-stop, as if she was in pain.Seeing that she was pitiful, Ahmed turned around and walked over to her, asking what was wrong and what he could do to help her.

The witch looked at the prince pitifully, as if she couldn't lift her head, and replied out of breath that she wanted to go to the capital, but she had a high fever on the way, and had no strength left, so she had to lie helplessly. In this deserted place.

"O good man," replied Ahmed, "you are not as helpless as you think. I will help you, and I will quickly take you to your destination. Get up, my squire Will give you a ride."

The feigning witch wanted to know where the prince lived and what he was doing, but of course she did not refuse his offer.

In order to pretend to be sick, she pretended to be unable to get up after climbing several times.At this time, two attendants dismounted and helped her up, and let her sit behind another attendant, and then climbed on the horse's back and followed the prince.The prince turned his horse and walked towards the iron gate. An attendant in front opened the gate for him.He rode into the palace of Paribano, and sent to tell her that he had something to say to her.

Palibano wondered why the prince came back so soon, and rushed out in a hurry, but the prince didn't wait for her to ask, and said to her: "Princess, please sympathize with this poor woman." A witch supported by a follower, "She was like this when I found her, and I promised to take her to the destination. For my sake, don't despise her!"

When the prince talked about the witch, Paribano's eyes were fixed on the pretender.She ordered the two maids and two male servants who followed her to pick up the witch and help her to a room in the palace, letting them take care of the "sick" as she would herself.

The two maids did as she was told, and Paribano whispered in Ahmed's ear, "My prince, this woman is not sick, she is faking it. I am sure she is a liar and will It will bring you big trouble. However, you don’t have to worry, just let her play the tricks, you have to believe, I will help you clean up all the troubles. Go and see your father with peace of mind. "

Ahmed was not intimidated by what Paribano said. "My Princess Selan," he said, "I have never harmed anyone, and I don't even have the intention of harming others. I don't believe that anyone will harm me. Even if someone wants to harm me, I will still repay you with kindness." Evil." After finishing speaking, he went to visit his father.

At the same time, two maids escorted the witch into a luxurious room.They seated her on a sofa, propped her up on a cushion of golden brocade, and made her a bed on the sofa: a quilt bordered in beautiful silk, a quilt of fine linen, Sheets with gold threads.After they had carried her into bed (for the old witch pretended to be very ill, and her body was not in control), one of the maids went out for a while, and came back with a china plate filled with some kind of liquid.She handed the china plate to the witch, and the other helped her to sit up. "Drink the water here," she said, "this is the water of the Lion Spring, it is the best medicine for fever.

You can see results in less than an hour. "

In order to pretend to be sick, the witch let them talk and talk, and finally took the porcelain plate, raised her head and drank the spring water.After drinking she lay down again, and the maids covered her with a quilt. "Lie down," said the maid who brought her the water, "and sleep, if you can. We're going out, and we'll be back in an hour, and I hope you're all well by then. "

An hour later, the two servants came back to the witch's room, and found that the witch had got up and dressed, and was sitting on the sofa. "Ah, the water is amazing!" she said. "It works faster than you say, and now I can go on my way!"

Although the two maids are servants, they are also elves.They told the Witch that they were glad to hear that she had recovered so quickly, and they led the Witch through several rooms, all of which were more luxurious than the one in which she lived, and at last came to a great hall where It is the most ornately decorated place in the palace.

Paribano sat on a golden throne studded with diamonds, rubies, and large pearls, surrounded by many beautiful nymphs in costumes.Such a noble and solemn aura made the witch dizzy and amazed.She originally planned to say something to thank the princess, but when she bowed down in front of Palibano, she couldn't open her mouth anyway.However, Paribano sensed her embarrassment and said to her: "My dear girl, I am glad to help you and to see that you are on your way again. I will not keep you, but, You may be tempted to visit my palace, so let my servants show you."

When she got back to the king, the witch told the king exactly what had happened, and she told him how rich the prince had been after marrying the fairy—richer than all the kings in the world, It also analyzes how great the danger of the prince usurping the throne is.

Although the king believed in Ahmed's good nature, the witch's words made him wary of the prince.As the Witch left, he said to her, "Thank you for your hard work, and for your advice. I know very well that this matter is of great importance, and I will bring it up in Parliament."

Therefore, the favorites suggested that the prince should die, but the witch's proposal was quite different: "The prince should give you all the rare treasures. In this way, the prince will ask the elf for help, and one day she will come back to you." Get bored with him and drive him away. For example, every time your majesty goes to war, you incur a lot of expenses, not only to buy tents for the army, but also to buy mules, horses and camels to transport luggage. Now, why don't you use the prince The relationship with the elf, let him find you a magical tent? This tent can be folded up and one hand can be raised, and it can be opened to protect you and the entire army from wind and rain."

When the witch had finished speaking, the king asked his favorites if they had any better ideas, but they were silent, so he decided to do as the witch said, as it suited his gentle style of rule best.

The next day the king said to the prince that he wanted a tent that could be folded up so that one hand could be lifted up, and opened up to shelter the whole army from the wind and rain.

(End of this chapter)

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