blue fairy tale book

Chapter 9 The Story of Prince Ahmed and the Fairy Paribano

Chapter 9 The Story of Prince Ahmed and the Fairy Paribano (4)
Ahmed could hardly have imagined that his father would ask him for such an incredible thing.Though he knew full well what the elves were capable of, he doubted they would ever find a tent that big.Finally he replied: "What you want is incredible, but I will let my wife look for it, but I can't guarantee that I will find it. If I don't find it, I will be ashamed to see you again. Please forgive me first." , this is what you forced me to do."

"Son," said the King, "I shall be very sorry if this request prevents me from seeing you again. You do not seem to know that a husband is more powerful than a wife. If this little request can’t be met, then it means she doesn’t love you.” The prince returned to the fairy sullenly, not daring to mention this matter, for fear of offending Paribano.After her repeated begging, he said: "My princess, you have seen it too. With your love, I have always been content and never asked for anything. But my confused father asked me to ask You want a tent, which can be folded up so that one hand can be lifted up, and opened up to shelter him and the entire army from wind and rain. This is not what I asked for, but what my father asked for!"

"My Prince," replied the Fairy, smiling, "I never thought such a trifle could disturb your mind."

So she sent someone to find the treasurer and said to her, "Nuo Qian'an, go and get the biggest tent in the treasure." Nuo Qian'an delivered the tent as ordered. When you lift it up, you can hold it up with the palm of your hand.She gave the tent to the maid, who gave it to Ahmed.

Ahmed originally thought the fairy was joking with him by saying that, but when he saw the tent, he showed surprise.Seeing his appearance, Paribano couldn't help laughing. "What! Do you think I'm joking with you? I'm serious!" She took the tent from Ahmed and said to the treasurer, "Nuoqian, go and set up the tent so that the prince can see , the tent is not as big as his father asked for."

The treasurer took the tent out of the palace and came to a place far away from the palace.When she stretched the tent, one end of which was almost touching the palace, the prince saw that it could hold two armies larger than his father's, and he said to Paribano: " My dear, please forgive my ignorance, and now I understand that there is nothing you can't do." "Yes," said Paribano, "you see, this tent is much bigger than your father asked for. , because it has a feature: it can grow or shrink according to the size of the army."

The treasurer put away the tent and gave it to Ahmed.The next day, he rode on his horse, took the servants from last time, and went to see the king.

The king did not expect such a tent to exist in the world, but he was surprised to see the prince coming.He picked up the tent, marveling at its small size.He had a tent pitched on the plain, and found that it could hold an army twice the size of the plain.

However, the king was not satisfied.He said to Ahmed, "Son, I thank you for finding this tent for me. I consider it the most precious of all my treasures. But you have to do one more thing for me. If I shall be glad if you agree. I was told that your wife has a divine water called Lion's Spring Water which can cure all kinds—even the deadliest of fevers. I think you must miss me very much. Health, you should ask your wife for a bottle of Lion Spring water for me. If I have a fever, this magic medicine will come in handy. Go ahead, complete this important task, and you have done what a good son should do. responsibility."

Ahmed told Paribano what his father had said, "Your father is very vicious," she replied, "you will understand after I tell you: the Lion Spring is located in the middle of the courtyard of a large castle, The passage to the Lion Spring is guarded by four fierce lions, who take turns guarding the passage: two awake and two asleep. I will teach you how to get to the spring in safety."

Paribano was busy and wound up several balls of thread. She took one and handed it to Ahmed, saying to him:
"Bring it, and I will show you how to use it. I will prepare two horses for you. You will ride one, and the other will follow. The following horse will carry a sheep that was killed today and divided into four parts. .Besides, I have prepared a bottle of spring water for you. Go out early tomorrow morning, and when you are out of the gate, you throw the ball of thread ahead, and it will roll all the way to the gate of the castle. Follow it, and wait When it stops, the gate of the castle will open and you will see four lions: two awake lions will growl to wake the other two, don't be afraid, you throw the mutton to them, they are busy eating the mutton , so I can’t take care of you, you should ride to Lion Spring quickly, fill the bottle to the brim, and then return the same way.”

The next morning, Ahmed set off at the time Paribano had appointed, throwing the ball of thread as she had instructed.He came to the gate of the castle, threw the mutton to the four lions, and while they were eating the meat, he bravely passed among them, came to the Lion Spring, filled the spring with water, and returned safely the same way.Not far from the city gate, he saw two lions chasing him. He drew his sword and prepared to defend himself.But he walked forward for a while, and found that one of them left the main road not far away, shaking its head at him, as if saying that it would not hurt him, just wanted to go ahead of him, and signaled the other to follow behind it, So he safely inserted the sword into the scabbard.Just being on guard all the way, he returned to the capital, and the two lions sent him to the gate of the palace before turning around and returning.They were docile along the way and didn't hurt anyone.

When Ahmed dismounted, the ministers came to greet him, and then led him into the king's room, where the favorites were surrounding the king.He went up, put the bottle at the king's feet, kissed the tapestry on the king's footstool, and said: "Father, I have brought the magic water you dreamed of, but I wish you Eucharistic well-being, never need it."

After saying the words of blessing, the king seated him on his right hand and said to him: "Son, thank you for taking the risk to bring back such a precious gift (a mage who knows the lion's spring told me what danger there is), but , can you tell me, what kind of superpower did you rely on to get back safely?"

Ahmed replied: "Father, you are really flattered. All this is thanks to the help of my wife. I got the water from the Lion Spring smoothly after listening to her instructions." He told the king about it, and the king pretended to be very happy on the surface, but secretly he was even more jealous of the prince.He went into the secret room and sent someone to invite the witch.

The Witch had heard about it, so she had another idea, and thought that this time she would win.

The next day, the king said to the prince in front of all his ministers: "Son, I just want to make one more request to you, and I will never make any more requests from you, and I will not object to your union with your wife." I want a man a foot and a half tall, with a thirty-foot beard, and a five-hundred-pound iron rod on his shoulder."

Ahmed didn't believe that there would be such a person in the world, so he had to politely evade, but the king insisted on this person, and he told the prince that fairies can do many incredible things.

The next day, Ahmed returned to Paribano's and told her his father's request, which he said was more difficult than the previous two, saying, "I don't believe that there are still people in the world. This man, there is no doubt that my father either wanted to see if I was a fool, or he wanted to find a reason to kill me. How could he come up with a way to capture a dwarf in full arms? With what What can a weapon catch such a man, so that my father will ask no more of me? If there is a way, I beg you to tell me, and let me go on my way with honor."

"Don't frighten yourself, my dear," said Paribano, "you risked your life to get the water from the Lion Spring for your father, but this time you don't have to risk it. The man your father wants is my brother. Sabah, but he is far away, even though we are brother and sister. He has a bad temper, and if anyone offends him, he will fight and no one can stop him. However, he can make anyone dream Come true. He was exactly as your father described him, and he had no other weapon but a five-hundred-pound iron rod, which he carried at all times, and people were in awe of him. I sent Invite him here, and then you will know if what I'm talking about is true, but don't be afraid when you see his strange appearance." "Honey, what are you talking about? what!"

Ahmed replied, "Since Sabah is your elder brother, no matter how ugly he is, he is also our elder brother. Why should I be afraid? I will love and respect him."

Paribano ordered the servants to place a lighted golden brazier under the corridors of the palace, then she took a packet of spices from a gold box and threw it into the brazier, from which a puff of smoke rose.

After a while, Paribano said to Ahmed, "Look, my brother is here." Ahmed immediately saw Shaba appearing in front of him with the heavy stick on his shoulder, stroking his long beard. , the other two bushy beards were hung behind his ears, and almost covered his face, with sunken eyes, extremely small eyes, wearing an infantry cap, and his back was very stooped.

If Ahmad hadn't known that Sabah was Paribano's elder brother, he would have been terrified by the appearance of Sabah; however, he knew who Sabah was beforehand, so he stood calmly beside Paribano.

As soon as Shaba appeared, he stared straight at Ahmad, causing him to gasp in horror.Sabah asked Paribano who this person was.Paribano replied: "Brother, he is my husband Ahmed, the son of the King of India. I didn't want to interrupt your expedition, so I didn't invite you to my wedding. I heard that you returned triumphantly. You are happy. I took the liberty to invite you when I knew you were back."

After hearing this, Sabah's eyes became kind, and he said to Paribano: "Dear sister, what do you want me to do for him? Since he is your husband, I can satisfy him whatever he wants." Him." Paribano replied:
"His father wants to see you very much. I want him to take you to see his father." "Okay, I'll go with him." "Brother," Paribano said, "it's too late today, why don't you Stay here for one night and leave tomorrow morning. Besides, I will tell you everything that has happened between him and his father since we got married."

The next morning, Sabah, who already knew the stories, set off for the palace with Ahmed.When they came to the gate of the city, people ran and hid when they saw Sabah; some even closed the shop door, hid in the house, and locked the door; some ran and told the people they met. Terrible in Sabah.These people didn't dare to turn their heads back, and they ran forward, and finally all the people on the street ran away.When they came to the palace, the guards stopped guarding the door and ran away.In this way, Ahmad and Sabah came unhindered to the main hall, where the king was sitting on the throne and administering the government.The king's bodyguard, like everyone else, ran away desperately when he saw Sabah approaching.

Sabah left Ahmad, walked quickly to the throne without fear, and said to the king, "Don't you really want to see me, look, here I am, what do you want?"

The king was so frightened that he could not speak, so he quickly covered his eyes with his hands. Sabah thought that he had come all the way, and the king was so rude to him, so he became furious and beat the king to death with a stick.Ahmed wanted to intercede for his father, but it was too late.All he could do was to prevent him from killing a favorite, while he was sitting not far away, pleading with him constantly, saying that he had been advising the king all along.Shaba said: "The king just listened to the slander of these guys!" As he said, he raised his stick and beat to death other veterans and favorites who were enemies of Ahmed.When Sabah killed someone, those people who stood beside him frightened and stunned also became his ghosts, and only those who ran away were spared.

After the massacre ended, Shaba walked out of the hall with the iron rod on his shoulders, came to the center of the courtyard, stared fiercely at the favorite who was saved by the prince, and said: "I know, there is a witch here, she is better than the ones I killed." The favorite is even more harmful to my brother-in-law. You bring her here now." The favorite quickly sent someone to bring her, and as soon as he saw her, he swung his stick towards her and said, "This is You will end up with a bad idea, let's see how you pretend to be sick!"

After killing the witch, he announced to the crowd: "I haven't beaten enough. If the whole city doesn't hurry up and honor my brother-in-law Ahmed as king, I will deal with them in the same way." Everyone shouted "Long live His Majesty Ahmed" in unison, and soon spread the news of the new king's enthronement throughout the city.Sabah put on the royal robes for Ahmed, helped him to the throne, and ordered everyone to worship the new king.After doing this, he went to the Rock Mountain to fetch his sister, and held a solemn and grand ceremony for her, so that Paribano became the queen of India.

As for Prince Ali and Princess Noroniya, since they knew nothing about the plot to murder Ahmed and did not join in with those guys, Ahmed handed over a large province and its capital to their jurisdiction—— They will spend the rest of their lives there.Then he sent an official to find Hussein, told him what happened in the palace, and gave him his favorite province, but Hussein felt that his seclusion was very happy, so he let this The officials went back to express their thanks and respect to the king.He made only one request to the king, that he should continue to live in seclusion in the place of his choice.

(End of this chapter)

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