Chapter 115 The Long-Lost Daughter (typos corrected)
Chapter 130

Zuo Zhixiu didn't contact Chen Jiajie for a long time after celebrating Xin Gan and Baby's birthday, which made Chen Jiajie a little puzzled, but what she didn't know was that when she was at work, she was supposed to have lunch in the kindergarten Both Xin Gan and Bao Bao will go to Zuo's house for lunch.

In fact, it's not that Zuo Zhixiu doesn't contact Chen Jiajie anymore, it's just that he finds an opportunity to meet once or twice a week, and the two of them seem to have made an agreement. On Sundays, Chen Jiajie would be invited out to have a meal together.

After a month passed like this, Xin Gan saw that the heat between them was almost on the verge of breaking out, so she sorted out her mood and went to Chen Jiajie's room.

Seeing Xin Gan who came in at this time, Chen Jiajie was stunned, looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Is there something going on so late?"

Xin Gan looked at Chen Jiajie, nodded, and said, "Mom remembers asking me to find my father?"

Chen Jiajie was taken aback, looked at Xin Gan and asked, "I remember, what's wrong?"

Seeing the indistinct emotion on Xin Gan's face, Chen Jiajie thought that he was blaming himself for not finding out through the investigation, and walked up to him and said, "Didn't it find out? It doesn't matter. If we can't find out, we won't look for him. From now on we will The three live together."

Xin Gan heard what Chen Jiajie said, looked up at her, and said, "No, mom, I've already found dad."

Hearing this, Sister Chen looked at Xin Gan in disbelief. She didn't know why, but now she didn't want to see anything about the child's father, which seemed to be a deep-seated resistance.

"Xin Gan, you didn't lie to mom, did you?"

Xin Gan shook her head: "I definitely didn't lie to my mother. I really found my father. Doesn't my mother want to know who he is?"

Chen Jiajie was stunned, and then reacted, shaking her head directly: "Don't tell me, let me think about it alone."

Hearing this, Xin Gan looked at Chen Jiajie and blinked, then silently exited the room. After walking out of the room, Xin Gan glanced at the closed door, thinking that his mother did not object to him looking for his father at that time, now it seems But I don't want to see my father. If my guess is correct, my mother should be interested in my father, otherwise I wouldn't react like this when I heard him say that I found my father.

In fact, Chen Jiajie didn't know what was wrong with her, she just suddenly didn't want to know who the father of Xin Gan and Bao Bao was, so that she could live like this.

Such a life?Thinking of Chen Jiajie and Zuo Zhixiu, he suddenly got a nervous shock and stared in the direction of the door in a daze.

Could it be that she doesn't want to break this life because of the existence of Zuo Zhixiu in her life now?
Chen Jiajie was frightened by her wild thoughts, she quickly shook her head, lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling, her mind was always filled with what Xin Gan said just now.

Here, Xin Gan returned to the room, glanced at the time, thought of Chen Jiajie's reaction just now, pursed the corners of his mouth, felt that his family of four would soon be reunited, and the smile on the corner of his mouth grew wider and wider.

Many things happened in this month, Chen Jiajie gradually became familiar with them, Zuo Zhixiu and Jiang Yuqiao who were extra in life gradually became familiar with them, the child in her stomach, and Li Yanfeng also gradually became familiar with them. Eight months later, the coming to the children in their lives.

A lot has happened and changed in their lives, and a lot has happened in other people's lives.

Just like Mr. Jin, he traveled to several cities in this month, investigated many things, and uncovered secrets that many people did not know before.

Looking at the clues that he had investigated, Mr. Jin couldn't believe it. In order to get his suspicions verified accurately, he personally came to the Wenxin Orphanage.

The old dean couldn't see very clearly. He saw Mr. Jin coming over and smiled at him from a distance: "Excuse me, sir, what do you want to see me for?"

When he came back from the outside, he was told that a Mr. Jin had come to the orphanage and said that he had something to confirm with her.

This is an orphanage, and there are many people who came to her suddenly to ask her something, so the dean didn't feel curious, but walked into the room calmly, first poured a glass of water for Mr. Jin and pushed it in front of him, then kindly laughed.

"Suddenly, most of the people who came to the orphanage to ask me about things were related to children. I don't know which child Mr. Jin came here to ask, is it his own or someone else's?"

The old dean asked very directly, Mr. Jin showed a bit of embarrassment, but then calmed down, looked at the dean and nodded politely, took a sip of water, and said: "To be honest, I am here today to accept Trust, I want to ask the old dean about something that happened 20 years ago, and I hope the old dean can answer truthfully."

Thinking that the truth would be revealed soon, Mr. Jin was very excited, so he looked at the old dean with eager eyes.

Seeing this, the old dean nodded, still with a kind smile on his face, looked at Mr. Jin who was sitting opposite and said: "There have been many people who have come to ask me about things in the past few decades. For everyone who comes to ask I have reported the truth, it is about the child's life experience, I will not conceal it, if Mr. Jin has any questions, just ask."

Mr. Jin felt very relieved and excited to see the cooperation of the old director. He took a sip of water nervously, looked at the old director and asked, "I don't know if the old director still remembers that he picked it up at the gate of the orphanage 23 years ago. a child?"

The old dean thought for a while, looked at Mr. Jin, and smiled helplessly: "Most of the children in my orphanage were abandoned at the gate of the orphanage, and then I brought them in. I don't know what Mr. Jin said specifically. Which one? A boy or a girl?"

Mr. Chen was stunned for a moment, and then realized that his question was a bit ambiguous, and immediately said: "It was a thunderstorm night 20 years ago, did the director pick up a baby girl at the entrance of the orphanage?"

Hearing what he said, the old dean thought about it, looked at Mr. Jin and said suspiciously: "You ask what this child is doing, is it her family who came to him? Or are you her family?"

Mr. Jin, I also quickly shook my head and smiled: "I have just said that I was entrusted by someone, and it was this girl's family who came to find her. I just came here to help and ask. Response, do you remember that girl?"

The old dean nodded, glanced at the lush poplar trees outside the window, squinted his eyes, his eyes were a little blurred, as if he was recalling.

"I remember that it was a night more than 20 years ago. It was raining heavily and thunderstorms, and it was very difficult to travel, but I don't know why I suddenly heard someone knocking on the door. More than 20 years ago, the orphanage was not in this place. Then At that time, the orphanage was a relatively small yard, and it was not difficult to hear the door slamming inside the house. I came out with an umbrella, and as soon as I opened the door, I saw the baby girl who was placed in the heavy rain. At that time, there was a lot of accumulation on the road The water and the rain drenched the child thoroughly. I looked around and saw no one, so I knew she was abandoned. I was afraid that she would freeze, so I hurriedly carried her into the kindergarten. After asking many people, there was no one. I found out about his family, and then I gave up, anyway, this is an orphanage, and one more her is not too much."

"Then I don't know where the baby girl is now. Is the dean still in contact with her?" Mr. Jin looked at the old dean with hope in his eyes.

Hearing this, the old dean suddenly laughed, and said: "Of course there is a connection. That child was the best child in the orphanage. , her husband is very kind to her, she was just pregnant some time ago, and she has been pregnant for two months, and he even came to visit me a few days ago."

Saying this, the old dean was as excited as if talking about his own child, with a kind smile on his face, Mr. Jin looked at her and pursed his lips, and continued to ask: "What's her name?"

"Qiao Qiao, Jiang Yuqiao, there was a costume competition on TV a while ago, and she was the champion."

Hearing what the old dean said, Mr. Jin was completely stunned. He didn't know what to say, and he also wondered if he heard it wrong.

The grandson that the old lady was looking for actually married the lady's daughter, shouldn't they be half-brothers and sisters?

Seeing the shock on Mr. Jin's face, the old dean was puzzled, frowned and said, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Mr. Jin didn't seem to have heard the old dean's words, he was still in shock, his face was full of disbelief, and he looked at the dean after a while.

Confirmed again: "Is what you said true? Is the Jiang Yuqiao you are talking about the baby girl who was placed at the gate of the orphanage in the heavy rain 23 years ago?"

The old dean thought that he was overjoyed and excited and didn't know what to say after hearing the news. She had seen too many parent-child reunions, and this appearance was not uncommon. She smiled when she saw him like this.

"Yes, I can't remember wrongly. I have a deep impression of this child since she was a child. It is because she was abandoned during a thunderstorm, so she has been afraid of thunder since she was a child."

Mr. Jin absent-mindedly spoke a few more words to the old director, and then left the orphanage, but he was embarrassed.

How should I tell the old lady about this news? Do I have to tell him directly that her grandson is with her granddaughter?What's more, the two of them are pregnant. What an irony it is. It's clearly a mistake between adults, but it's a sin for two children to bear it.

Thinking like this, Mr. Jin hesitated all the time, because he didn't know how to talk to the old lady about this matter. After three days, he finally decided to go to Xuanyin Temple to find the old lady in person.

For hundreds of years, Xuanyin Temple has been the most prosperous temple of incense. It is said that people who make wishes here are very effective. As early as 20 years ago, the old lady moved to Xuanyin Temple and donated a lot of incense money, so There is a yard of its own in Xuanyin Temple.

Because Xuanyin Temple is located on the top of the mountain and the road up the mountain is composed of time, the car cannot go up, so Mr. Jin went up the mountain on foot.

After going up the mountain, under the guidance of Aunt Hui, Mr. Jin came to the old lady's room. As early as when Mr. Jin went up the mountain, Aunt Hui found that his face was not very good-looking. What comes next is not necessarily good news.

Aunt Hui glanced at the old lady, and brought Mr. Jin a glass of water. Mr. Jin nodded politely at her, but because he was thinking about something, his face didn't look very good.

"What did Mr. Jin come to investigate in person?" The old lady asked calmly.

Mr. Jin glanced at the old lady. He obviously had a calm expression of not caring about world affairs, but it gave people an invisible pressure, making people look into his eyes without daring to have any distracting thoughts.

"It's something that was investigated, but..." Mr. Jin hesitated at this point, because he didn't know how she would react after telling the old lady what he had investigated, and whether she could bear it.

Seeing that he stopped talking halfway through, the old lady glanced at him and continued to ask: "But what? Mr. Jin might as well just say it."

Mr. Jin glanced at the old woman, then at Aunt Hui, and said, "I've found the girl you asked me to investigate."

"You found it?" The old lady had a look of surprise on her face, and then said with a smile, "Where is he now? How is he doing?"

Seeing Mr. Jin's hesitation and embarrassment after speaking, the old lady had a bad heart. Could it be that there was something hidden, that the girl didn't grow up alive after a while?

Thinking of this, the old lady narrowed her eyes, and opened her mouth to ask, "Mr. Jin, if you have anything to say, you may as well just say it. Although I am old, I still have the ability to bear it."

I have experienced so many things when I was young, and I still have a little tolerance.

Mr. Jin also thought of the beauty of the old lady when she was young, sighed, and said: "I searched many people, asked a lot, and finally found some clues about that girl, and then traced the clues to find the girl she grew up with. Orphanage, I found out about the girl's current living conditions and her name from the old director."

"How is she doing now?" The old lady didn't ask the name, but was more worried about how the child was doing now.

Mr. Chen nodded and said: "She is doing very well now. She is married and two months pregnant. The man she married is a young master from a family. He is very rich, but he treats her very well. Both of them People are very friendly.”

Aunt Hui, who was standing aside, frowned listening to Mr.'s words, and felt more and more familiar with the person she was talking about, but couldn't remember it for a while.

The old lady also frowned, and asked: "Young master married to an aristocratic family, there seem to be very few young masters from aristocratic families that are still in city A, and have reached the marriageable age, I don't know which one you are talking about? "

Mr. Jin secretly glanced at the old lady's reaction, hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth, and squeezed out a few words between his teeth: "It's the Li family."

Hearing Mr. Jin's words, the old lady and Aunt Hui who stood aside were taken aback for a moment, and then they all reflected. Aunt Hui glanced at Mr. Jin, and then at the old lady.

"Miss, Mr. Jin is not talking about Mrs. Young, is he?"

The old lady also thought of this relationship, squinted at Mr. Jin, and reconfirmed: "The child you are talking about is Jiang Yuqiao?"

Mr. Jin nodded, he no longer dared to look into the eyes of the old lady and lowered his head, staring at the water glass in front of him.

The old lady looked at Aunt Hui who was standing next to her, a smile suddenly appeared on her face, and she said, "It's true that the whole family doesn't enter the house. It turns out that after searching for so long, the child has already entered the house. Know."

Aunt Hui also looked excitedly at the old lady's smiling face: "It's all right now, no wonder Madam has an inexplicable affection for Young Madam, so this is a kinship relationship."

Hearing that the old lady nodded, she smiled kindly.

Listening to what they said, Mr. Jin felt that something was wrong. Could it be that his grandson and daughter-in-law got married and became pregnant when they were outside with the granddaughter of another man? Shouldn't this be something that should be angry and shocked?But why does the old lady look happy and relieved?
Mr. Jin raised his head and glanced at the old lady in doubt, to confirm that he was not mistaken, he was even more confused.

Perhaps his suspicious eyes were too enthusiastic. Aunt Hui smiled at Mr. Jin and said, "Don't think too much, Mr. Jin. There is no blood relationship between the young master and the young lady. As for the specific relationship, I believe Mr. Jin's It is not difficult to find out the ability, but I still hope that this matter can be kept secret."

Mr. Jin froze for a moment, watched Aunt Hui take a long time to react, nodded and said: "Don't worry, digging secrets and keeping secrets is my specialty, and I will definitely not tell outsiders."

Although Aunt Hui said that, he must not investigate whether Li Yanfeng and Jiang Yuqiao are related by blood.

The old lady still had a happy face, she thought of something, looked at Mr. Jin and said, "Did you encounter any difficulties in this investigation?"

Mr. Jin froze for a moment, shook his head and said: "With the financial and human help of Mrs. Lao, I didn't encounter any difficulties. It went smoothly, and there was no doubt left."

Hearing this, the old lady nodded in satisfaction, and then glanced at Aunt Hui who was standing beside her. Seeing her look, Aunt Hui immediately understood what the old lady meant, nodded, and walked behind the screen.

After a while, Aunt Hui came out from behind the screen, but she already had a suitcase in her hand. Aunt Hui walked up to Mr. Jin with the suitcase, put the suitcase on the table, and then retreated to the old man. around people,

Mr. Jin glanced at the box, his eyes showed doubts, his remuneration will be charged to his bank card, but he doesn't know what is in this box?
Seeing Mr. Jin's puzzled face, Aunt Hui said with a smile: "Last time I heard that Mr. Jin got into a car accident because he was in a trance because of inquiring about the news. Miss has always felt guilty, but she didn't want to disturb Mr. Jin. So I didn't rashly ask me to give this gift to you. Now that things have come to an end, the remuneration that should have been given to you has already been charged to your bank card. Don't take it."

Wen Yan Mr. Jin glanced at the old lady and said: "You gave me a reward, I will help you find out about things, this is my job, and it is also my duty, the accident happened because I was born thinking about things It has nothing to do with what you confessed, so you don't have to feel guilty, besides, it was a minor injury, and I'm fine now."

"You can accept the gift that Miss gave you, even if it's not to thank you for helping us investigate the matter with all your heart, but also to apologize for the incident that the young master bumped into you last time." Aunt Hui said from the side.

Mr. Jin immediately shook his head: "Mr. Li has already apologized to me for the car accident and paid for my medical expenses. How can I accept gifts from the old lady?"

"It's for you, just accept it. If there is anything in the future, I will trouble you."

The old woman sitting on it said suddenly, after hearing that Mr. Jin glanced at her, seeing her undeniable expression, he nodded and said with a faint smile: "Then Jin is here, thank you old man people."

Mr. Jin left with the box, and Aunt Hui sent people out of the yard. When Aunt Hui came back, the old lady looked at her with a smile and said, "This is good news. I didn't expect Mr. Jin to be quite efficient in his work." , They were found out in such a short time.”

Aunt Hui smiled and nodded, thinking of something and asked: "Should I tell Madam this news immediately, she will be very happy when she finds out."

Thinking of the happy and loving expression on Madam's face every time she comes to Xuanyin to talk about Young Madam, if he knows the news, he will be even happier. I never thought that the daughter-in-law I am satisfied with is the one I have been looking for for more than 20 years. daughter.

The old lady nodded, then frowned suddenly, looked at Aunt Hui, and said, "Tell Yuanyuan that she knows in her heart that Qiao Qiao is her woman. You must not let the two children know about it. Yanfeng didn't know that he was not Yuanyuan's own child. If the two children found out, something bad might happen. Besides, Qiao Qiao was two months pregnant, so he couldn't be stimulated, no matter what Did he know his own background, or did he marry Yanfeng?"

Aunt Wen Yanhui nodded and said: "Miss, don't worry, I will make it clear to Madam."

Aunt Hui left the old lady's room and immediately called Mrs. Liang.

Li Yanfeng and Jiang Yuqiao went to the hospital for an obstetric examination, and only Mama Li and Mrs. Liang were at home. Mrs. Liang was stunned when she received Aunt Hui's call.

Normally, the old lady would never take the initiative to ask Aunt Hui to call her. I don't know what happened today.

Thinking so, Mrs. Liang connected the phone and said, "Aunt Hui, what's the matter?"

"Miss asked me to tell you a happy event." Aunt Hui's happy voice rang from the phone.

Hearing this, Mrs. Liang smiled and said, "What happy event did the old lady ask you to tell me?"

"Recently, the old lady's people have been investigating the whereabouts of the little lady. Today, Mr. Jin came over and said that he had found the little lady."

Liang shi was stunned listening to the voice on the phone, and couldn't believe his ears for a moment.

"Ma'am?" Aunt Hui asked after not hearing the answer for a long time.

Hearing the voice again, Liang came back to his senses, and said happily, "Have you found her? Where is she now? How are you doing?"

Aunt Hui smiled and said: "She is doing very well now, she has married a rich man, and now she is a well-known designer, her life is very good, her husband loves her very much, and the most pleasing What's more, she is now two months pregnant."

Liang Shi was just immersed in the joy of finding the girl, without thinking too much, and said with a smile: "Okay, very good, where is she now and doesn't know my existence?"

Aunt Hui said that she hadn't reacted yet, and said with a smile: "She still doesn't know about your existence, Madam, don't you want to know what the young lady's name is now and who she is married to?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Liang responded, "What's her name now, and who is she married to?"

"You know the lady who married him, and you are very familiar."

Hearing what Aunt Hui said, Liang raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then asked, "Someone I know? Who is it?"

"It's far away in the sky, but close in front of you. The daughter you have been looking for for more than 20 years is the young lady who lives with you now."

Liang felt that the most beautiful voice in the world at this moment was probably the voice that came along with the current on the phone, and even the beautiful she wondered if she had heard it wrong.

"What did you say, you say it again?"

"It's far away, but it's right in front of you. The daughter you've been looking for for more than 20 years is the young lady who lives with you now. The person you're going to marry with is the young master." Aunt Hui reiterated what she just said.

Aunt Hui's voice was so loud that Mrs. Liang understood it completely this time. She stared blankly at the front, blinked her eyes for a long time before saying, "Qiao Qiao is the daughter I've been looking for for more than 20 years? Fate is so amazing. No wonder I think she likes her so much, and I still have the urge to protect her."

"Yeah, you've been looking for your daughter for more than 20 years, and now you're living with her, and you're marrying her with someone you know very well. Now that the young master treats the young lady so well, you should be relieved." ?”

Liang smiled and nodded on the phone, thinking that Qiao Qiao was his daughter, she couldn't restrain the joy in her heart, even the smile on her face was unprecedentedly brilliant, as if she had returned to many years ago, the young girl Girls do.

"But ma'am, miss, I have something to tell you that you can't let the young master and the young madam know about it for the time being, because no one knows that you are not the young master's biological mother, so I'm afraid that the two of them will be punished if they find out. A blow is not good for the young lady, after all, she is already two months pregnant."

Mrs. Liang understood what Aunt Hui said, and I also knew what the old lady meant when she asked Aunt Hui to say this to her, so she quickly agreed: "I know the priorities of the matter, and now I know that Qiao Qiao is my daughter. This is already very satisfying for me, she doesn't know that there is a mother like me, as long as the two of them live well, I will be happy."

Hearing his answer like this, Aunt Hui happily said a few more words, hung up the phone and told the old lady Liang's answer.

Mrs. Liang, who was in the villa in the middle of the mountain, couldn't believe it at this moment. The joy came too suddenly, and life was full of surprises. She didn't expect that Qiao Qiao was her daughter.

Liang thought happily, after a while, Li Yanfeng and Jiang Yuqiao, who had gone to the hospital for a prenatal checkup, came back, Liang, who heard the voice, hurried to the door excitedly, and even rushed in front of Li Ma.


Mrs. Liang walked to the door and looked at Jiang Yuqiao who came in and called out. Her voice trembled because of the excitement. Jiang Yuqiao who was called out by her looked up at Mrs. Liang who was excited, and said in a daze, "What's wrong, mom?"

Hearing his claim, Liang was so excited that she shed tears. After a long time of emotions, she finally couldn't help it when she saw Jiang Yuqiao walk in. The daughter she had been thinking about for more than 20 years was now standing beside her. How could she control her emotions in front of her?

Seeing the out-of-control Liang's Jiang Yuqiao, she was stunned, and looked up at Li Yanfeng who was standing beside her, also full of doubts.

Since Li Yanfeng grew up, it was the first time in his memory that he saw such a Liang family, and he was more surprised than puzzled for a moment.

"What's wrong with you?" Li Yanfeng asked.

Mrs. Liang wiped her eyes, looked at the two puzzled children on the opposite side, quickly shook her head, showed a smile and said, "I'm fine, I just suddenly remembered a person who I haven't contacted for more than 20 years After that, I suddenly heard news about her today, knowing that she is doing well, I am also happy, and I am a little excited."

Listening to her explanation, Li Yanfeng naturally didn't believe it, but the simple-minded Jiang Yuqiao did believe the red-eyed Liang Shi, walked over, and held her hand naturally.

"This person must be my mother's good friend. Since I haven't contacted her for so many years, I will be very happy to contact her again now. If you have time, ask her out for dinner."

Hearing Jiang Yuqiao say this, Liang thought to himself: The person I haven't contacted for a long time is you.

Although I thought so in my heart, I didn't say it out of my mouth, and there was still a satisfied smile on my face: "Just listen to you, I have time, ask her out to have a meal together."

After speaking, the mother and daughter supported each other and walked towards the living room. Li Yanfeng, who was walking behind them, frowned suspiciously, but he couldn't say anything when he saw the two getting along very well.

After knowing that Jiang Yuqiao is his daughter, Liang always looks at her in a daze, looks at her brows and eyes, and tears flow out unconsciously. Seeing Liang's Jiang Yuqiao like this is very puzzled, but A little scared, he glanced at the calm Li Yanfeng, frowned a little, and wanted to say: "What's going on here, I'm a little confused?"

But Li Yanfeng can't answer Jiang Yuqiao's question, because he doesn't know what's going on now, why did he accompany Jiang Yuqiao to the hospital for a prenatal checkup, and when he came back, his mother became like this look.

After holding back such excitement for a long time, Mrs. Liang finally calmed down. The three of them sat at the same table for lunch. After the meal, Li Yanfeng went to work in the company, and Jiang Yuqiao stayed at home as usual, but today But it was different from usual, because Mrs. Liang behaved abnormally today.

Usually at this time after lunch, Jiang Yuqiao would go upstairs to take a nap, but today, Mrs. Liang behaved a little abnormally, and she was a little worried, so she stayed in the living room late.

Mrs. Liang just found out that she was his daughter, and she was very happy, and wanted to spend more time with her. Seeing that she hadn't gone upstairs, she wanted to spend more time with her, so she took her hand and walked into the living room, where she sat on the sofa. On the table, the two shook hands and chatted.

"You grew up in an orphanage when you were young, so you must have suffered a lot of bullying?"

There are not only children of her size in the orphanage, but also bigger ones. There must be many children who can bully others. I don't know if she was bullied at that time.

Jiang Yuqiao thought for a while and nodded sincerely: "I was relatively thin at that time, and I was often bullied by children who were older than me, but at that time I had a big brother who was always protecting me. When my friends bullied me, they stood up to protect me, and after my big brother left, the dean was very kind to me, and would often protect me, and would secretly save any delicious food for me to eat."

When she first heard Jiang Yuqiao say that she would be bullied by other older children in the orphanage, Liang’s heart ached. Although she later said that someone would protect her and she was not bullied, but I still feel guilty.

If she hadn't passed out in the fire and was not rescued, maybe she could have stayed with her daughter forever, even if it would be hard to live there, as long as she was with her daughter, she would be happy just thinking about it , at least that way you can witness your daughter's growth process with your own eyes.

"Yanfeng said that your grades were always good when you were in school, so you must have had a hard life, right?"

She studied very well when she was in school, but after getting along with her for the past few months, I found that she is not the kind of very shrewd and IQ child, so she must study very hard to get the approval of the teacher and others , so I must pay more than other children.

Hearing what Liang asked, Jiang Yuqiao thought she was talking about the hard work of living in the orphanage, and immediately shook her head and said: "Although I grew up in the orphanage, I am very envious that other students have parents, but I Life is not hard, because I have a big brother who has always protected me and a dean who has always loved me."

Thinking of the dean Jiang Yuqiao showed a smile on his face, and said: "The dean is very kind, she always smiles kindly at everyone, and she is very tolerant. Even if we make mistakes, she will never Beating and scolding us will only reason with us."

Hearing what she said, Mrs. Liang smiled in relief, but the sense of indebtedness in her body was still not enough, because after all, she was missing more than 20 years in her life. What was missing was not only companionship, but every bit of her life. Di, and she has been treated differently from other children since she was a child, and the world treats them differently.

"You said you were envious of other children who had parents since childhood, so do you miss your mother?" Liang asked cautiously.

For some reason, Jiang Yuqiao saw a warm hope in his eyes, and for a moment, she didn't know what it meant, and stared at her blankly.

I heard from Li Yanfeng that when he was a child, she never cared much about him, it could even be said that she was very cold, like an outsider, not like the reaction a mother should have when treating her own child.

At this moment, hearing her ask such a question, Jiang Yuqiao didn't know how to answer, and thought, is she testing her daughter-in-law as a mother-in-law?Let's see if she will have the same resentment towards her as Li Yanfeng did?Or maybe it was indirectly testing Li Yanfeng's closeness to her mother or his envy of other children when he was young.

 I’ve been so busy recently, I’ve been writing all the code words to make up for the time, I’ll check them later, and the typos in the previous chapters will also be corrected~
(End of this chapter)

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