Chapter 116 The Place of Satisfaction

Chapter 131

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuqiao said: "Of course I miss my mother. There is no child in the world who does not miss his mother, and there is no child who really hates his mother."

Hearing what she said, Mrs. Liang was startled, and was inexplicably moved. A gratified smile appeared on his face, and he looked at Jiang Yuqiao excitedly, holding her hand tightly with both hands, as if expressing some emotion.

Seeing Liang's Jiangyu like this, Qiao thought that she was moved by what she just said, and thought: Although she usually doesn't have as much love for Li Yanfeng as other mothers do for their children, but from the reaction at this moment It can be seen that she cares about her son in her heart.

One was moved because of what she said to her daughter, not resenting her mother, and the other was moved because of her feelings for her son who was usually unreasonable. The two had their own thoughts, held each other's hand, and chatted for a whole day all afternoon.

When Li Yanfeng came back from get off work, he saw two women sitting in the living room chatting with each other, he was taken aback, then changed his shoes and walked in.

"I'm back." Jiang Yuqiao saw him walk in and stood up and said.

Mrs. Liang also stood up, but because she was worried that Jiang Yuqiao would not be good for the child in her belly because of the sudden movement of standing up, she glanced at Li Yanfeng who was walking over, and said: "It's better to come back today. Early?"

"It's almost the weekend, the company has nothing to do, so I'm back." Li Yanfeng said lightly.

At this time, Li Ma brought him a glass of water, and then silently exited the living room. Li Yanfeng drank a glass of water, and looked Jiang Yuqiao up and down.

Seeing his patrolling eyes, Liang said with a smile: "Qiao Qiao and I are staying at home well, we haven't done anything, so don't worry so much, we'll see if she's injured as soon as we come back."

Li Yanfeng opened his eyes deliberately just now, and then helped Jiang Yuqiao to sit down together, and said, "Chen Jiajie introduced me to a class for expectant mothers and fathers, do you want to go tomorrow?"

Jiang Yuqiao was stunned at first, she didn't want to go at first, but she looked up and saw his expectant eyes, after thinking about it, knowing how much he valued the child in her belly, she nodded her head: "Is it tomorrow's class? Where?"

"Tomorrow morning, it's only half an hour's journey away, and it will arrive in a while." Li Yanfeng said.

Wen Yanjiang Yu Qiao nodded: "You can arrange it, I will listen to you."

Li Yanfeng hummed and nodded lightly, indicating that he had heard what she said.

Mrs. Liang, who was sitting by the side, was very pleased to see the affectionate look of the husband and wife. Her daughter married someone she knew well, and her husband was so considerate to her, and he was full of expectations for the child in her womb. His life is what he has always expected.

Inadvertently, Li Yanfeng caught a glimpse of the smile on Liang's face, thinking of her abnormal reaction at noon today, he was even more puzzled.

She has never been so eager to her son, why does she feel a different feeling for Jiang Yuqiao, as if she is more affectionate than anyone else, especially when he is watching Jiang Yuqiao say that my eyes are like There is something to say, and it seems to be holding back his own emotions.

She didn't have such feelings before, and she didn't know why it started like this at noon today, and this day made Li Yanfeng even more puzzled.

The next morning, the two of them got up early after breakfast and then drove to the class you mentioned to Li Yanfeng. Today is the weekend, and he doesn't have to go to work, so Jiang Yuqiao doesn't feel any pressure to go out with him, and usually delays his time. I feel a little sorry, but the weekends are different.

Sure enough, it was only half an hour away, and with the support of Li Yanfeng, Jiang Yuqiao came to the class of the father-to-be and mother-to-be he said, but as soon as he entered, he felt something was wrong.

Looking at the pregnant women who were already pregnant, who looked like they were about to give birth, Jiang Yuqiao turned her head and glanced at Li Yanfeng who was standing beside her in doubt: "Are you sure we didn't come to the wrong place?" Or maybe Chen Jiajie didn't tell the mistake place?

Li Yanfeng nodded affirmatively and said: "I've signed up, and I definitely won't come to the wrong place. Let's go in and have a look." Of course, he also saw the situation inside, but he felt that they were parents-to-be anyway, but sooner or later There should be no time for class together.

Jiang Yuqiao was still wondering if he had given the wrong name. At this time, a staff member came over and politely called Mr. and Ms. to them: "Excuse me, are you Mr. Li and Ms. Jiang?" ?”

Jiang Yuqiao looked at the staff with a beautiful voice and nodded, then looked at Li Yanfeng: "It seems that you really did not give the wrong name."

The staff glanced at Li Yanfeng, then looked at Jiang Yuqiao's stomach, a trace of doubt flashed in their eyes, and asked, "I don't know how many months pregnant Ms. Jiang is?"

Jiang Yuqiao was only two months pregnant, so her belly was not obvious yet. Seeing the suspicion in the staff's eyes, Jiang Yuqiao smiled and said, "It's only two months. I don't know if I can join you in today's class?"

The staff glanced at the situation in the classroom, and then looked at Li Yanfeng who had been standing aside and said nothing: "This gentleman was the one who signed up at the time, it was my negligence at work, and I didn't ask your wife how many months she was pregnant. I'm pregnant, it's a mistake now, I'm sorry, our class is for pregnant women who are about to give birth, the two of you may not be too old, so it's suitable to participate, but you can come in a few months."

Hearing that Li Yanfeng left, he frowned and said: "It is also possible to learn in advance."

If you learn in advance, you can prepare well and save time when you are in a hurry.

Jiang Yuqiao looked up at her, then at the embarrassed staff, and immediately said: "Maybe you made a mistake, the class that Sister Chen told you may just be a reminder to us, let us wait a few months Come again, so let's go."

Li Yanfeng frowned, and was about to say something when someone grabbed his sleeve. Looking down, he saw Mr. Jiang Yuqiao pulling his sleeve and trying to go outside. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded apologetically to the staff and followed him. Go outside the classroom.

"I think I will come sooner or later anyway, and it's the same for this class now." Li Yanfeng said as it should.

Wen Yan Jiangyu Qiao expressed a little speechless, looked at him and raised his eyebrows and said: "The pregnant women in it are already about to give birth. I haven't experienced what they have experienced, and I can't understand their feelings. Maybe the teacher is here I can’t understand it during class, so they won’t let us in.”

After hearing her words, Li Yanfeng nodded thoughtfully: "Then I will only come back in two months. Since we have already come out, why don't we go out for a stroll?"

When she heard that she was going out to play, Jiang Yuqiao glanced at Li Yanfeng happily, and said with a smile, "Okay, where are we going to play?"

"You can't play to your heart's content anymore. Don't forget, you are not alone now. Where do you want to go to eat, I will take you there." Li Yanfeng saw through his mind at a glance, as if warning Glancing at her belly, she said lightly.

Wen Yan Jiangyu Qiao pouted helplessly and glanced at him, then glanced at the time, and said, "Is it too early for dinner at this time?" She just finished eating at home and came out to eat, even if she is pregnant now When you are pregnant, you often feel hungry, so it is impossible to eat in this little time.

Li Yanfeng looked at her with a smile, and said, "I thought you were hungry. If so, where do you think we should go?"

Jiang Yuqiao's eyes lit up, she thought for a while and said, "Didn't Li Li come to see me last time and bought a lot of children's clothes? He said that there are many beautiful children's clothes in the mall. We have never seen them before. How about going for a walk today?"

Hearing what she said, Li Yanfeng was also a little moved, smiled and nodded: "Then let's go to the mall now."

When they were turned away from other people's classes, the two of them discussed it and drove to the shopping mall. When you arrived at the shopping mall, the two of them rushed to the floor of mother and baby products.

There are no friends near Jiang Yuqiao who already have children, nor any relatives with children, so there is no chance to come to this kind of place. When I come in, I see all kinds of clothes and toys, and my eyes are a little dazzled. , don't know where to look.

As for Li Yanfeng, although there are two children, Xin Gan and Bao Bao, who often buy gifts and toys for them, they don't choose them by themselves. Li's mother helped to buy it, so it was his first time to come to a place for mother and baby products. Looking at all kinds of small clothes and toys for children of all ages, he thought of the little things in Jiang Yuqiao's stomach now. There was a smile on his mouth, and he couldn't help feeling warm in his heart. He really wanted to buy the whole place and only use it for him.

Thinking of this, Li Yanfeng really had such thoughts, looked at Jiang Yuqiao who was walking beside him with a face of joy and surprise, and said, "How about we buy all of this place, so that we don't have to pick and choose. "

Hearing that Jiang Yuqiao, who always didn't know where to look, looked at him, thought for a while, then suddenly shook her head and said: "This is not good, and you know whether the child in your belly is a boy or a girl, something must be If you don’t use it, wouldn’t it be a waste to buy it? It’s safer to buy what you need.”

Knowing that she was an orphan since she was a child, she didn't spend money so extravagantly, so she lived a frugal life. Li Yanfeng also tried to keep the same reference behavior as her in life. Hearing her words at this time, he felt that his ideas were indeed a bit extravagant and wasteful. , glanced at all kinds of things, had no choice but to give up the idea in my heart.

Jiang Yuqiao was attracted by the children's clothes, and walked over uncontrollably. Seeing the palm-sized small clothes in the white car in the showcase, she felt very surprised. How small children can wear such small clothes go in.

Showing the clothes in her hand to Li Yanfeng who was following her, Jiang Yuqiao said, "Are newborn babies so small? Seeing how cute these clothes are, I really want to buy them."

As he spoke, he picked up another piece of clothing and looked around. He was even more surprised. There were so many styles and things on such a small piece of clothing, and there were some small buttons and decorations on the sleeves and collars. Surprised.

Seeing the surprised smile on Jiang Yuqiao's face and the unstoppable joy in his eyes, Li Yanfeng picked up a small dress and looked at it in front of his eyes. A little guy like that will come out of his stomach, and his hands will feel warm when he thinks about it. If the little guy wears this dress, he must be very beautiful.

"Since you can't come in vain, just buy a few pairs and go back to prepare, so as to save you from being in a hurry." Li Yanfeng said holding two small clothes.

Hearing this, Jiang Yuqiao nodded with a smile and said, "Okay."

As he spoke, he saw the small shoes worn by the newborn baby. His eyes lit up and he walked over to hold them in his hands. Seeing the small shoes no bigger than a palm, he grabbed the hand of Li Yanfeng who was standing aside, and put the small shoes in his On the palm, there are none, his fingers are long,

"It's amazing." Jiang Yuqiao glanced at Li Yanfeng with a smile.

Li Yanfeng also felt very surprised, the news was just too small before.

The two expectant mothers and fathers for the first time had never seen these small clothes and shoes before. The last two were completely attracted by these miniature things. Jiang Yuqiao couldn't carry anything, but he had to carry two bags, because they bought too many things, and he couldn't carry them by himself.

The things I bought were placed in the trunk, and they couldn’t fit at all, so I had to put them on the rear seat of the car. Jiang Yuqiao took a look at the full car, and then looked at Li Yanfeng: "I just saw some very It's a small car suitable for babies, but we can't take it this time, let's come again next time, okay?"

Li Yanfeng also saw the baby car he was talking about, and wanted to buy it at the time, but when she heard her say that, the hope in his heart became more eager, and he nodded: "I definitely can't prepare everything at once. We will buy things slowly in the future, anyway, there are still eight months, we are not in a hurry."

Hearing his gentle tone, Jiang Yuqiao felt at ease, thinking of how happy her child would be if she wore the clothes her father and mother personally bought.

She grew up in an orphanage, not to mention the clothes brought by her father and mother herself, even if it is a new beautiful dress, she can only wear it on holidays or birthdays, and her father and mother bought it herself Clothes are an impossible wish for her.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuqiao took a peek at her slightly protruding abdomen, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Their child is definitely happy, and she must give all her love to herself in the future Let him be the happiest child in the world who has both a father and a mother.

"It's time for lunch now, where are we going to eat?" Li Yanfeng, who was driving, turned his head and glanced at Jiang Yuqiao who was sitting in the passenger seat.

Wen Yan Jiangyu Qiao thought about it, and said: "With my current situation, I definitely can't go to the lively snack street. Thinking about it this way, I still have a little regret in my heart, but as long as there are delicious food, it's the same to go to other places. "

Not to mention that she is pregnant now and cannot go to the crowded snack street. Even if the snack street is not crowded now, Li Yanfeng will never allow him to eat. It’s okay to eat once or twice, but she is pregnant now. When you are pregnant, you need to pay attention to all aspects of hygiene, especially in terms of diet. You must not slack off at all, so you must not go to the snack street.

Seeing her being so self-conscious, Li Yanfeng smiled in relief, and then said, "Is there anything you particularly want to eat or a favorite flavor? Let's eat it today." Although he can't go to the snack street, he can still satisfy his appetite .

Hearing this, Jiang Yuqiao thought about it seriously, then suddenly turned his head and glanced at him, and said, "I really want to eat spicy food now, one is because I didn't eat it often before, and I have always thought about him in my heart, and the other is because I think it will be very refreshing to eat that thing in your mouth, and you can suppress the nausea that occasionally arises now."

As soon as he heard that she wanted to eat spicy food, Li Yanfeng immediately shook his head and said: "Although the doctor said that your stomach is fine now, but after all, you are still in the recuperation stage, so don't even think about spicy food."

Since he rejected her words so resolutely, Jiang Yuqiao pouted and thought for a while, then said, "Since you can't eat spicy food, then I want to eat something cold or sour, okay?"

Now is the hottest time in summer. Sometimes the weather is so hot that people have no appetite at all. If it is a little cooler, it will be very comfortable.

Jiang Yuqiao thought this way, but she was afraid that he would reject her request as firmly as she had rejected her just now, so she secretly glanced at Li Yanfeng who was driving seriously, and said hesitantly, "Just eat a little bit?"

He couldn't supervise her at home all the time, but Li Yanfeng knew that he would eat cold food once in a while. Anyway, the doctor said there was no problem, and he didn't resolutely forbid her to eat cold food. Hearing her pitiful request at this time, Li Yanfeng couldn't bear to refuse, and then nodded lightly.

Seeing him nodding, Jiang Yuqiao smiled happily, and then said, "Where are we going to eat, have you figured out where to go?"

"The last time I chatted with Chen Jiajie, I heard that she used to go to a place to eat when she was pregnant. The raw materials or ingredients used in that restaurant are the safest and most reliable. Pregnant women have no problems at all, even the most basic food additives. None, let's go to that place to eat."

Although the five-star and four-star restaurants he usually eats are safe in terms of ingredients and hygiene, there are still additives in the cooking after the fact. This is why he has never taken Jiang Yuqiao out to eat since she became pregnant. The reason for the rice, now when Li Ma is cooking at home, she will pay attention to not allowing any food with additives to be served on the table.

Hearing what he said, Jiang Yuqiao looked at him suspiciously, and asked, "You wouldn't go out of your way to inquire about such things with Sister Chen, would you?"

I also heard from Sister Chen about the class of the parents-to-be and mother-to-be just now, and now I also heard from Sister Chen that I went to a restaurant to eat. Could it be that he really learned from Chen Jie for this kind of thing?
Jiang Yuqiao was puzzled, but when she thought of this possibility, she felt very ironic. Marrying a man who can treat her wholeheartedly is a blessing that she never dared to think about. The orphan owed her so much that she met a man who treated her so well for the rest of her life.

Sometimes Jiang Yuqiao still feels a little unreal when she thinks about it, she actually married such an excellent man, and the purpose of marrying him at that time or some thoughts about leaving, I have completely forgotten it now, I can remember All that matters are the little things in life and his meticulous care for her.

Hearing what he said, Li Yanfeng turned his head to look at her, smiled lightly, and said: "If you ask others about the child, I always feel uneasy. Anyway, Chen Jiajie is from the past, and at that time, Xin Gan and Baobao were born all at once. The two children, besides, both of them were brought up by Chen Jiajie himself, he has more than others, so I feel relieved to ask her."

Jiang Yuqiao thought that she asked Chen Jiajie about this kind of thing because she was too embarrassed to ask others. After all, it is really not good for a big man to ask about things like children and women's pregnancy, but he went to ask Chen Jiajie about it unexpectedly. This kind of thing turned out to be that she felt that she was one of her own, and it was more reassuring to listen to him.

After driving for more than half an hour, the two finally arrived at the restaurant Chen Jiajie mentioned. Sure enough, the sign on it was about safety and no food additives.

Jiang Yuqiao walked in with Li Yanfeng, and felt that it was quite different from the restaurant he had been to before. The restaurant he came to at this time felt more like a farmyard. I don’t know why it always gives people a very comfortable feeling, like When you come to the countryside, even the air you breathe feels a little different.

Jiang Yuqiao looked around curiously, and saw that all kinds of plants and some small potted plants were placed around the restaurant, and then she understood why the air here felt different from other places.

As soon as the two came in, the waiter hurried up to greet them and greeted them politely: "I don't know what you want to eat, sir and madam. This is the menu of our restaurant. Please have a look."

The two finally sat down at a table near a table with succulent plants. Li Yanfeng and Jiang Yuqiao took the menu handed over by the waiter. Jiang Yuqiao looked through the catalog and found that there were special items for pregnant women on the menu. Food set, looked at Li Yanfeng in surprise, and said: "This is really a good place, no wonder Sister Chen recommended this place to you."

Li Yanfeng also saw what was on the menu, raised his eyebrows and looked at the waiter and said, "Here is a set meal for pregnant women."

The waiter glanced at Jiang Yuqiao, and then realized that she was a pregnant woman. He glanced at Li Yanfeng, who was a rich man. His eyes were full of envy. He nodded and left the two of them with a smile.

"I feel that this place is very comfortable, as if I have come to a farmyard." Jiang Yuqiao looked around and said.

"Have you been to the farmyard?" Li Yanfeng said.

Jiang Yuqiao nodded with a smile: "When I was in college, there was an activity organized in my class, which was to go hiking together. At that time, we went to the farmyard. I still remember that all the expenses for that trip were paid by our class leader. provided."

Thinking of the past, Jiang Yuqiao immediately recalled it, and a smile appeared on her face. Li Yanfeng, who was sitting opposite her, heard her mentioning her monitor, and also remembered the Cheng Qing she met on the snack street. Hao, when he thinks of him, he will inevitably recall the way he looked at Jiang Yuqiao when they met on the snack street.

Li Yanfeng frowned and asked: "Do you like the farmyard very much?"

Jiang Yuqiao nodded with a smile and said: "Yes, you feel very relaxed when you go to that kind of place, and you don't have any pressure in an instant. You always want to relax yourself. I still remember the time we went there. There is a hot spring behind the farmyard, soaking in the hot spring feels very comfortable.”

Did Jiang Yuqiao see the look on his face, only caring about his own memories, with a happy smile on his face.

Hearing his words, Li Yanfeng frowned, soaking in hot spring?Don't you have to dress naked?
"There is also a hot spring in the resort, and I will take you there with me when the time comes." Li Yanfeng said suddenly.

Jiang Yuqiao, who finally realized that something was wrong with his tone, looked up at him, and asked suspiciously, "You seem to be angry all of a sudden."

Jiang Yuqiao was a little unsure of her guess. She took a closer look at the expression between his brows and found that he was indeed a little unhappy. She asked cautiously, "What's wrong?"

Thinking back carefully on what he said just now, he didn't feel that there was anything that made him angry, and he was even more puzzled.

Looking at Jiang Yuqiao who didn't see where he was angry at all, Li Yanfeng felt very helpless. When she heard her mentioning her monitor and the things she had experienced with them before, she felt uncomfortable, but seeing her looking carefully Looking at his expression, I felt a little unbearable again. I was dissatisfied with those men who had some thoughts about her, but I couldn't show it to her.

Thinking of this, Li Yanfeng immediately shook his head and said: "I'm not angry, I just remembered something suddenly. I just said that I have time and I want to take you to the resort to soak in the hot springs. What do you think?"

The topic was suddenly changed by Li Yanfeng, Jiang Yuqiao had already said to go to the resort to take a hot spring, with an excited smile on his face, he said with a smile: "Okay, when will I wait for you, do you have time next time? "

Li Yanfeng looked at her smile immediately, thought it was funny, and nodded with a smile: "We can go whenever you want."

Although he said so, Jiang Yuqiao felt that as the wife of the president of a large group, she couldn't be so capricious, and had to consider his time.

Thinking of Jiang Yuqiao, she said with a smile, "Then we will go to the resort to soak in the hot spring together when you are on your next vacation."

Li Yanfeng nodded lightly to express his agreement with her agreement.

The two of them were talking, and the waiter pushed the dining car over and brought the pregnant women's set meal they had heard to the table. Looking at the rich lunch, Jiang Yuqiao's eyes were full of heart-shaped bubbles, and she took a look and sat opposite Li Yanfeng, with a look of appreciation in his eyes, felt that he had chosen this place really well.

After putting the set meal on the table, the waiter brought another plate of fruit: "This is the fruit that our restaurant grows in our own orchard. They are all fresh and have not been treated with any pesticides. This is a special gift from our restaurant for pregnant women. I think You can eat with confidence."

After speaking, the waiter nodded to the two of them, smiled politely, and left.

Jiang Yuqiao glanced at the table full of food, and then at the fruit plate: "I feel more and more that this place is a good place. We will come here often when we have time in the future, okay?"

Seeing that her eyes were completely attracted by the food on the table, she didn't even look up at him when talking to him, and stared directly at the food on the table to talk to him.

Li Yanfeng smiled lightly when she liked it so much, and felt very satisfied in his heart, and said with a smile: "As long as you like it and are good to the children, it is not a problem for us to come often in the future."

Hearing his promise, Jiang Yuqiao smiled at him, then picked up the chopsticks and said, "Can I eat now?"

Seeing the anticipation on her face, Li Yanfeng nodded lightly, only to see that she had already picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

Jiang Yuqiao narrowed his eyes after picking up a piece of fish meat and slowly chewing it in his mouth. He smiled and looked at Li Yanfeng who was sitting opposite him, and said, "Try it too, this dish is really good. Eat, I've never been late before, I think Li Ma's sitting is the best I've ever eaten, but I didn't expect it to be so delicious."

Because she ate delicious food, she was very happy in her heart, and the happy Jiang Yuqiao spoke a little incoherently.

Seeing her liking so much, Li Yanfeng took a look at the fish she had just eaten, picked up a piece of fish with chopsticks, put it in his mouth, savored it carefully, raised his eyebrows, it was indeed delicious.

Looking up, she saw Jiang Yuqiao looking at him sadly, and seeing him looking over, Jiang Yuqiao asked with a smile, "What do you think, isn't it delicious?"

Li Yanfeng smiled and nodded: "It's delicious." It seems that she is really a foodie.

Jiang Yuqiao made a few more dishes, all of which were her favorite flavors. Every time she ate a dish, she would recommend it to Li Yanfeng who was sitting opposite, and Li Yanfeng would also eat it, and finally gave her a very high evaluation.

Some people ate lunch like this without knowing that a table of dishes was eaten by two people, and Jiang Yuqiao ate it alone.

Jiang Yuqiao looked at the finished lunch and said with a smile: "If I didn't feel a little full in my stomach, I would really like to order another table. It's really delicious. This place is great. I will definitely order it next time." to come again."

Li Yanfeng agreed with her words, he had never been more than [-]% full before eating, but today he eats with her until his stomach is a little bloated, one is because she always recommends her to eat this or that, and he can't refute her heart, but because the food here is really delicious.

Looking at the last plate of fruit left, Jiang Yuqiao put it between the two of them, like Li Yanfeng opposite: "This is a dessert given to us by the restaurant. It is said to be grown in our own orchard. Try it. Taste it and see how it goes."

Speaking of which, he picked up a fork and forked a piece of apple he liked and put it in his mouth. After chewing and swallowing, he smiled and nodded after going: "I don't know if it's because of psychological reasons, I always feel that this plate of fruit is better than the one bought outside. tasty."

Hearing him say such words, Li Yanfeng also inserted a piece into his mouth, it was sweet and delicious, it was indeed the best fruit.

After the last meal, Li Yanfeng came to a conclusion: this is a good restaurant, and he will definitely bring Jiang Yuqiao here in the future.

After eating, the waiter came to pay the bill, and when he brought the bill, Li Yanfeng raised his eyebrows. Jiang Yuqiao, who was sitting opposite him, saw his expression, and thought: The food here is so delicious, and the environment is so good, it can’t be very expensive, right?
Thinking of this, Jiang Yuqiao glanced at the bill in his hand, but saw nothing. Seeing that he handed the credit card to the waiter, the waiter left.

"How much is this set meal?" Jiang Yuqiao asked curiously.

Li Yanfeng handed her the bill and glanced at it. Jiang Yuqiao raised her eyebrows when she saw the number on it. Such a table of delicious food only cost 400 yuan, which is more expensive than eating in a five-star restaurant. A steak is even cheaper.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuqiao looked up at Li Yanfeng, and said with a smile: "The place recommended by Sister Chen is really a good place."

Suddenly thought of something Jiang Yuqiao actually asked: "Why didn't you bring us here before the Spring Festival? Is this your first time too?"

Li Yanfeng nodded: "In the past, the fixed place for our gatherings was in the f clubhouse, and I heard her mention that I came to this place before, but this place is a little far from the half-level villa or the company. The three of us are I'm afraid of trouble, so I haven't been here before, maybe Chen Jiajie has always wanted to come here, otherwise she wouldn't have mentioned this place to me."

When she came to this place in advance, her eyes were full of expectations, but she knew that both he and Chen Yize didn't like troublesome people, so they didn't have a mandatory requirement to come. When I asked her about it two days ago, she heard her He didn't remember it until he said it once, so he brought Jiang Yuqiao here today when he was free. He really didn't expect that the place she suggested before would have such delicious food.

"It seems that the back kitchen of Clubhouse F has a lot of room for improvement." Jiang Yuqiao said with a smile.

Li Yanfeng knew that she was joking, so he also smiled: "The original intention of the establishment of the f clubhouse was that the three of us often went to bars for parties. Later, we all became a little famous, and it was not very good to often go to public places, so we founded After entering the guild hall, we have our own private room where we can drink and eat, and it provides a place for the three of us to get together, so it was not originally established to provide a place for individuals to eat."

Thinking of something, Li Yanfeng paused and said, "If you like this place, I will ask Tezhu Zhao to discuss it with his boss. Otherwise, if we buy this place, how about we use it as a place for frequent gatherings between us and our friends?"

"Are you joking?" Jiang Yuqiao looked at him and said seriously.

Seeing that she was serious, Li Yanfeng suddenly smiled and said: "I'm just kidding, the owner of this restaurant is a senior gourmet and also a person who pays attention to nutrition. I heard that he has been active in various food shows. This restaurant also It is very well-known, but we came a little early today, so there are not many customers yet, but it may be a bit difficult to sell this place.”

Seeing that he said he was joking, Jiang Yuqiao was relieved, and after taking a look at the situation in the restaurant, she felt even more comfortable here.

After a while, the waiter came over with the credit card and handed the card to Li Yanfeng, and then the two left the restaurant. Before getting into the car, Jiang Yuqiao looked back at the restaurant and murmured, "I must come next time."

(End of this chapter)

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