Hidden Marriage in a Wealthy Family: Shao Li's Pampered Wife

Chapter 121 Is His Fighting Power Too Strong?

Chapter 121 Is His Fighting Power Too Strong?
Chapter 138

Li Yanqing sent Yan Xiao home, and seeing him coming home, Jiang smiled excitedly and said, "Why did you go home?"

It's been a long time since I've been back to China, but now I know how to go home to see them, I was about to say this, but when I saw Yan Xiao standing beside him, I immediately restrained my words.

Seeing him coming home, the old man didn't show any excitement on his face, he just gave him a flat look, and then went upstairs.

"I came back to see you, and I happened to meet Yan Xiao outside, so I sent her back."

Li Yanqing looked at them and said, hearing that Jiang looked at him in surprise and asked: "You just came back to see us, do you want to leave again?"

Li Yanqing nodded: "I have my own villa, so I want to move out."

"Move out?" Jiang wanted to call out, "Absolutely not, you are the young master of our family, how can the future heir move out, what does it look like?"

Seeing Jiang's resolute opposition, Li Yanqing nodded helplessly: "Then I'll talk about it later, but I have some things to deal with recently, and I may not be able to go home every day."

"There are some things to deal with, what are they?" Jiang asked resolutely, Li Yanqing frowned, "It's just some things, I don't understand if I tell you. I'm a little tired, so I went upstairs to rest. "

After speaking, she went upstairs directly. Yan Xiao originally wanted to go upstairs with him, but was caught by Jiang Shi all of a sudden, and asked, "Where did you meet him?"

"At the entrance of a restaurant, my friend and I went out to eat. When we came out, we met him and Qiqi who was with him. He said that the two of them met by chance."

With a gentle smile on Yan Xiao's face, Jiang's eyes narrowed after listening to her words: "Qiqi, Lou Qiqi?"

Yan Xiao nodded, glanced upstairs and said, "I think Yan Qing is in a bad mood today, I'll go up and see him."

Hearing that Mrs. Jiang also glanced at the direction upstairs, looked at her face, and didn't see her angry or other expressions, so she nodded reassuringly: "Okay, you go up."

When Yan Xiao disappeared in the direction of the stairs, Jiang turned her head and glanced at Li Zhenzhong who had been silent all this time, and asked, "Could it be possible that Yan Qing has been with Lou Qiqi all this time?"

Li Zhenzhong thought for a while: "You asked me what I did. I don't know."

"What do you know? You know how to go out and have fun all day long. You don't care about family affairs, and you don't go to the company. You don't even ask about your son's affairs."

Hearing that she started nagging again, Li Zhenzhong and I frowned impatiently, got up and was about to leave, when seeing him walking outside, Mrs. Jiang said, "Where are you going?"

It's not like going out to find another woman, right?
Li Zhenzhong didn't seem to hear his question, and left the house quickly. Jiang looked angrily at the direction of the door, and then looked upstairs.

It has been more than a month since her son came back from abroad, but he has never returned home. In order not to make Yan Xiao suspicious, she has been hiding it from her all the time. Today, she unexpectedly bumped into Yan Qing and Lou Qiqi together. , Yan Xiao didn't even show any doubt or anger, and said that the scholarly family, it seems that he has read too much, and his brain has become stupid.

But Jiang Shi still likes such a daughter-in-law. After all, she will believe everything she says, and she will not be suspicious of her husband, and she is easy to control. Using her in the Yan family can also get a lot of benefits.

Li Yanqing, who went upstairs here, did not go back to the bedroom, but went to his own study, locked the door when he got back to the study, took out his mobile phone and dialed Lou Qiqi's number.

At this time, Lou Qiqi, who had just walked to the hotel, saw the caller ID without thinking about it, and hung up directly. Now when she saw his name, all she remembered in her mind was him, and him hugging his wife's head. Does not return to the screen of leaving.

Compared with her, a man like him will definitely prefer gentle, majestic and charming words and smiles. Sometimes as a woman, seeing such unbelievably beautiful words and smiles makes her feel a little moved, let alone a man with a heart .

Thinking of this, I don't know why I suddenly feel very angry. The person who ruined her life is Yan Xiao, but she can still stay with her husband. Shouldn't she hate both of them?But I don't know why I have a strange feeling in my heart.

In the past, she hated Jiang Yuqiao for taking away Li Yanfeng, and also hated Li Yanfeng for being cruel to him. Even now, she still thought that if she had the chance one day, she must take revenge, but when she met Yan Xiao again At that time, he realized that his hatred for her was deeper than that for Jiang Yuqiao and Li Yanfeng.

The culprit of everything is her. If she hadn't used herself as a gunman, if she hadn't been cruel, she would not have done such a thing to Jiang Yuqiao on a whim, and she would not have gotten revenge from Li Yanfeng.

The phone rang again, Lou Qiqi wanted to hang up, but when she thought of something, a stern look flashed in her eyes, and she connected the phone.

"Qiqi, have you gone home by yourself? I'm still eating out now. I'm afraid I won't be able to go back for a few days. I'll go to see you when I have time. I want to be well alone."

At first, I was very happy to hear that he cared about me, but when I heard what he said later, the expression on my face suddenly turned cold, and I said to the person on the phone: "That's your home, not mine. , I have found a place to live now, and I am living well, so you don’t need to worry about it, but there is one thing I must tell you. "

"As long as you don't talk nonsense, you can say anything." Li Yanqing frowned and said on the phone. He just heard her say that he doesn't have to worry about it in the future, and he felt anxious in his heart.

"Do you know your wife?" Lou Qiqi asked directly.

For some reason, Li Yanqing resisted discussing this issue with her in his heart, and frowned: "Can we talk about something else?"


Li Yanqing thought of how she acted like a baby when she said these two words, but this time the tone from the phone might be mixed with the sound of the electric current, it seemed a bit cold.

"I know our relationship is a bit awkward right now..."

"It's not embarrassing. We were together at the time, but we just wanted to deal with Li Yanfeng together. But the two of us worked hard together, but we didn't do anything to Li Yanfeng, so I think we should split up."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Li Yanqing thought for a while, and felt that something was unclear on the phone, and said, "Where are you now? I'll go there right away."

"You don't need to come here, I just want to tell you one thing." Lou Qiqi directly refused him.

Listening to her decisive words, Li Yanqing forced herself to calm down and asked, "What is it, tell me."

"Do you still remember that I was drugged by Li Yanfeng and then raped?"

It has been several months. In the past few months, she spent time abroad and stayed with Li Yanqing all the time, so she didn't think about it specifically. Not saying she didn't want to doesn't mean she had forgotten it. It hurts to say it now.

Li Yanqing frowned when she heard her talking about it: "Why bring this up?"

"Yeah, what's the point of bringing up such a disgusting thing? But such a disgusting thing was done by your gentle and generous wife. Will you believe me?"

Lying in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and looking at the small ant-like people downstairs, Lou Qiqi slightly hooked the corners of her mouth, and smiled mockingly, maybe this is the feeling of God looking up at people, like ants, small people can Trample at will.

Hearing her words, Li Yanqing was stunned for a moment, and then said very firmly: "Impossible, Yan Xiao is definitely not that kind of person, I know you may be a little hostile to her, but there are some things that cannot be said, this is slander. "

"Slander?" Lou Qiqi smiled, "That means you don't believe what I said at all, and you are very firm that your wife is as kind and generous as you think?"

"..." Li Yanqing didn't say anything, she thought so in her heart, but felt that she couldn't speak out about it, because Lou Qiqi's current state might not be very good, and saying something like that might irritate her.

"Since you trust her so much, then protect her well, otherwise I can't guarantee that I will do to her what she did to me anytime."

"Lou Qiqi!" Li Yanqing was sad. With her willful personality and after experiencing the most desperate thing in her life, she would definitely do that kind of thing. Thinking about it, she felt a little scary in her heart, so her tone of voice was unavoidable. some.

If he lost his charming smiling face and the flowery smile he used to have, but turned into a demon who only wanted revenge, that would be too scary.

"I'm Lou Qiqi, so you don't need to emphasize my name. Jiang Yuqiao has Li Yanfeng's protection, and Yan Xiao has your protection. Li Yanfeng protects Jiang Yuqiao so tightly that she might not even let her see us messing around online. You'd better protect Yanxiao like Li Yanfeng protected Jiang Yuqiao for those things you made up, and don't let me get it."

After finishing speaking, Lou Qiqi hung up the phone, looked at the bustling traffic and people coming and going on the bottom floor in the high-rise room of the hotel, and then looked up at the sky, it was gray, just like her mood at this time.

All women will be loved and protected, why is she so pitiful, no one believes even when she tells the truth, why?God was so unfair to her.

Thinking of this, Lou Qiqi opened the window and lay down on the edge of the window, leaning half of her body out, feeling the scorching heat in the air, looking at the crowd below, unexpectedly had a thought of relief, suddenly a drop of sweat It dripped from her forehead, passed in front of her eyes, and fell all the way down.

Lou Qiqi woke up suddenly, felt two steps back, her heart was pounding all the time, thinking that she had just had such a thought, her mind went blank, seeing the open window, she hurried over to close it.

She must have been crazy just now, otherwise she wouldn't have come up with such an idea. Her revenge has not been avenged, and those who deserve retribution have not yet received retribution. How could she do such a thing?Absolutely not.

Afraid that she might have a wrong idea, Lou Qiqi hurried back to the bed, looked at the sky outside the window and thought of what had happened to her, her face became more and more gloomy, and the rest of her eyes were full of hatred.

Li Yanqing looked for Lou Qiqi and called her for several days, but she refused to answer, and no one could be found. I don't know why this anxiety in his heart made him feel a little panicked, as if he was about to lose something. .

Time flies, and one month later, on another weekend morning, Chen Jiajie drove to Zuo's house. Because of her leaving without saying goodbye, every time she brings her child over, The whole family would greet her warmly, welcome her into their home, and never let her leave without the baby.

It was the same this time, after getting off the car, Su Shi and Zuo Yulin hugged a child alone, Zuo Zhixiu walked up to her side, took her hand and said: "Hurry up and go into the house."

Chen Jiajie broke free, trying to pull her hand out of his hand, but no matter how hard she tried, the other party seemed determined to grab him, and never let go.

Glaring at him, Chen Jiajie mouthed the word rolling, then stretched out her other hand to pinch a piece of soft skin on the back of his hand, and twisted it vigorously, Zuo Zhixiu quickly let go because of the pain, and raised her hand At first glance, the back of the hand was already red and swollen.

"You two come in quickly." At this time, Su Shi, who was walking in front holding the baby, looked back at them and said.

Hearing this, Chen Jiajie smiled at her, followed her footsteps, holding Zuo Zhixiu, who was blowing in her hand, grinning, seeing that everyone had left, she also hurried into the house.

For the past month, in order not to make her feel impatient, it was the old man who called her every time. Since it was the old man's invitation, it was absolutely impossible for Chen Jiajie to refuse, so they also met each other through their two children this month. I've met her no less than ten times, although now I feel that getting along with her has returned to the way she didn't like me when I met her at the beginning, but it makes him very happy, as long as she doesn't say anything to his cold face , better than anything else.

Because she didn't want to stay at their home for too long, Chen Jiajie deliberately brought her two children to come later, so that she could have lunch when she arrived.

The servants brought the lunch to the dining table, and they sat down. Zuo Zhixiu sat beside Chen Jiajie, and winked at Xin Gan who was sitting opposite her.

For the past month, he has been secretly in touch with his son, thinking about how to create topics of conversation between the two of them or opportunities to be together, and he also found that he is definitely a genius in finding his son. He came up with an idea, which turned out to be better than he thought.

"Jiajie, eating this fish and supplementing with protein is good for your body. You see you are so thin, you should make up your body."

Hearing what Su Shi said, Zuo Zhixiu nodded. She used to bring two children by herself, no matter how much she ate, she couldn't gain weight. Now that she has met him, she will definitely not let her It's hard work for such a person.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhixiu also followed Su Shi to pick up a piece of fish and put it in her bowl. Just as Chen Jiajie was about to say thank you to Su Shi, she saw the chopsticks he stretched out, frowned slightly, and was about to speak, But suddenly, he smelled a fishy smell, and his stomach felt sick, so he quickly covered his mouth with his hands, stood up and ran to the bathroom.

Seeing her running away suddenly, everyone sitting in the living room was stunned, Zuo Zhixiu was stunned, and quickly stood up to follow.

Chen Jiajie ran to the bathroom and vomited for a while, but she didn't vomit anything. She just felt a little nauseous in her stomach. She washed her hands and was about to leave, but she didn't want to meet Zuo Zhixiu who hurried over at the door, and the two almost bumped into each other. Together, Chen Jiajie swayed, and Zuo Zhixiu hurriedly supported her shoulders to make her stand still.

"What's the matter? I'm sick. Where's the discomfort?"

Chen Jiajie shook her head: "It's okay, maybe I ate something bad this morning."

As he spoke, he pushed his hands away from his shoulders, and then walked to the dining room again.

At this time, several people who were in the restaurant looked at each other in dismay, Zuo Yulin looked in the direction of the bathroom in doubt: "What's going on?"

Su Shi shook her head: "Isn't it sick?"

At this time, Xin Gan, who was sitting next to Su, looked in the direction of the bathroom, his eyes darkened for a moment, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth when he thought of something: "Mom had this reaction this morning, and I wanted her to go to the hospital to see a doctor." , but he said that nothing happened. On the way here, I was worried, so I checked it on the Internet. There are many explanations for this symptom. There is a reaction caused by stomach medicine, and there is also a pregnancy reaction of pregnancy."

Hearing his words, several people in the restaurant were all stunned, they couldn't react for a while, Su looked at Xin Gan in a daze.

He's right, isn't pregnancy reaction like this?Could it be that Chen Jiajie is pregnant and will last forever?
Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Su's face, and the faces of the old man and Zuo Yulin who realized it were also full of smiles, but at this moment, Chen Jiajie, who was standing at the door of the restaurant, was indeed stunned, with a face full of shock and disbelief. .

Is she really pregnant?My aunt has been delayed for a month. Could it be that time they got pregnant when they were drunk?

Before the brain could react, the body reacted. I just felt nausea in my stomach. Chen Jiajie quickly covered her mouth and ran out again. Zuo Zhixiu, who was stunned, also heard what Xin Gan said just now, and her head seemed to be hit hard The same thing, can't think about anything, the word pregnancy has been circling in my mind.

"What are you doing in a daze, go and have a look." Seeing him staring blankly, Su urged with a smile.

Hearing that Zuo Zhixiu came back to his senses, he didn't think about anything, just followed Chen Jiajie's footsteps with his body's instinctive reaction.

"There are so many happy events." The old man smiled and said that Su's face was also full of smiles when he heard what he said. He thought of something at the time and said, "It's not too early to be happy. After all, it's just everyone's guess. The specifics depend on what the doctor says. In the afternoon, I will ask Zhixiu to take Jiajie to the hospital for a checkup, if she is really pregnant, then there will be no conflict between the two of them, and all this will be solved by itself."

Listening to her words, the old man nodded in agreement: "That's right."

Chen Jiajie, who was retching in the bathroom, was counting the days, and compared her body's reactions in the past few days with those when she was pregnant with Xin Gan and her baby, they were exactly the same, and she felt uneasy.

"How about it? I can't vomit anything. Is it uncomfortable? Do you want to drink water? Let's go to the hospital to have a look."

Zuo Zhixiu's concerned voice came from behind him. Thinking that all of this was because of him, Chen Jiajie turned around and stared at him angrily. A burst of anger suddenly surged in her heart, and she clenched her hand into a fist and slammed into his chest: "You asshole!"

If it weren't for him, she wouldn't be pregnant either. Now he has finally made up his mind to live a good life alone in the future. He didn't expect to be pregnant at this time. How can she completely cut off from him? There is already a relationship between them She had two children, and now she is pregnant again, not to mention that he and she are no longer involved, maybe it will be impossible for her to live outside alone with the two children in the future.

"Yes, I'm an asshole." Seeing her like this, Zuo Zhixiu knew that the fact that she was pregnant must be true. This was the first time he had the opportunity to see a life conceived in the belly of the woman he liked, thinking It was inevitable that I was a little excited in my heart, but there was a silly smile on my face.

"You get out!"

"Yes, I'll get out." You just smiled silly, although you said this, but your feet didn't move, you just looked at the woman in front of you with a silly smile.

"You..." Seeing him like this, Chen Jiajie's heart softened, she didn't know what to say, she pushed him away and walked out of the bathroom, she had been preparing for a while, how to explain.

She must not admit that she is pregnant, she must not, otherwise she will be involved with Zuo Zhixiu in the future.

Thinking this way, I have already returned to the restaurant, facing everyone's puzzled or surprised eyes, I looked at them pretending to know nothing and asked, "Why are you all looking at me? Is there something on my face?"

He said and touched his face.

Su said with a smile: "Xin Gan said that you had this reaction in the morning, but now you smell fish and feel sick again. Could it be that you are pregnant? To be on the safe side, let Zhixiu accompany you to the hospital in the afternoon, take care of yourself." Check it out, and feel relieved when you know the result.”

When Chen Jiajie heard what she said, she quickly smiled and shook her head: "Auntie is thinking too much, it is impossible to get pregnant, it's nothing, I just ate badly in the morning, so I don't need to go to the hospital."

"Why don't you go to the hospital? Your reaction is clearly similar to a pregnancy reaction. You can't be careless. Even if you're not pregnant, you still need to go to the hospital to have a bad stomach. You can't underestimate any minor ailments. Afternoon Just let Zhixiu take you to the hospital in person, and that's it, or else I'll go with you?"

Chen Jiajie quickly shook her head: "No, don't bother Auntie, let him go with me." As she said that, she glanced at Zuo Zhixiu who was sitting beside her, with a sharp look in her eyes.

Zuo Zhixiu smiled at her, then glanced at Su Shi gratefully, and thought: Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy.

After finishing her lunch in a depressed mood, she went to the bathroom again, seeing her uncomfortable appearance, Zuo Zhixiu had the fish put in front of her taken away, which made her feel better.

After lunch, under Su's urging, Zuo Zhixiu took Chen Jiajie to the hospital, halfway there, Chen Jiajie said: "Drive slowly, we won't go to the hospital, we'll spend some time on the road, and then go back Just say nothing."

"You're cheating." Zuo Zhixiu knew what she was thinking, and quickly stopped her behavior. The speed of the car continued to increase, and even accelerated.

"It's my freedom to go to the hospital or not. If I don't want to go now, you can still force me to go?" Seeing her speeding up, Chen Jiajie frowned and said, "I told you to drive slower."

Thinking that she might have his child in her belly now, Zuo Zhixiu slowed down the car a little, but it definitely didn't mean agreeing to her not going to the hospital, and said: "If you don't want me to accompany you to the hospital, I'll call Call Mom and ask her to come and accompany you."

"You..." Chen Jiajie shook her hands angrily when she heard his words, "You are threatening me and restricting my right to choose freely."

"You have been refusing to go to the hospital, and you are also limiting my right to know that my child exists."

Hearing what he said, Chen Jiajie was taken aback, and let out a heavy breath, not knowing what to say, the probability that she was pregnant was definitely more than 80.00%, is she really going to be entangled by this guy?
Sitting in the car depressed all the way to the hospital, Chen Jiajie looked at the hospital in front of her. At first she didn't want to get out of the car, but Zuo Zhixiu said, "Get down quickly? Are you still at home waiting for news?"

Seeing that he mentioned his mother again, Chen Jiajie gritted her teeth and gave him a look, but had no choice but to get out of the car.

Accompanied and monitored by Zuo Zhixiu, Chen Jiajie came to the obstetrics and gynecology department, and went into the examination room very helplessly. When she came out, she stared at him with an unhappy expression on her face. After a while, the result came out. The doctor walked them both into the office.

The doctor was a middle-aged woman. When she saw the two of them coming in, she was handsome and beautiful, and the smile on her face deepened. She squinted her eyes and said with a kind smile, "Congratulations, this lady is four weeks pregnant."

"Thank you, doctor." Zuo Zhixiu said with a smile. Although she was already prepared for her reaction at noon today, she was inevitably excited when she heard the doctor's confirmation.

"You don't need to thank me, you should thank your wife." The doctor said with a smile.

"Thank you, wife." After listening to the doctor's words, Zuo Zhixiu tilted his head and said with a smirk to Chen Jiajie who was sitting next to him.

"Who is your wife!" Chen Jiajie yelled at him, turned around and left the doctor's office, and now she was really entangled by him.

My heart is in a mess, I don't know what to think, and I don't know what I'm thinking now, I just know that I have to leave this place quickly.

Seeing her walking briskly in front, Zuo Zhixiu chased after her nervously, muttering to herself all the time: "Walk slowly, isn't there a baby in your stomach? Don't get angry, Slow down."

Chen Jiajie ignored his words and kept walking in front.Seeing that she didn't listen to his own words, Zuo Zhixiu felt that her recklessness would definitely be bad for the child in her stomach, so she followed her, thought nervously, and finally put one arm around her, and put the other arm through Her legs bent, and she hugged him directly.

Chen Jiajie was taken aback by his sudden movement, and instinctively stretched out her arms to wrap her arms around her neck, frowning and roaring, "You scared me to death!"

"Shh, this is a hospital. Be happy that we can go home and be happy." He said with a smile on his face, and left the hospital at a faster pace.

He got in the car, fastened her seat belt himself, then sat in the driver's cab, took out his cell phone and sent Su Shi a text message.

Su, who was waiting at home at this time, received his message, with a smile on his face, and said to the old man and Zuo Yulin who were also sitting in the living room: "Jiajie has a baby, and the doctor said it has been four weeks."

"Okay, okay." The old man smiled and said two things in succession, which shows how good he is.

Hearing the old man's words, Zuo Yulin also smiled and said, "That's true. Several generations of our Zuo family have been single-handed, but I didn't expect that the generation of the most unreliable son would spread out. This stinky brat usually acts like a fool, but he didn't expect to make such a big contribution to our family, but it seems that he only has such a little use."

Hearing his words, Su glanced at him and said reproachfully, "Don't say such things in front of your children, it will make them think about their father in the future."

As he spoke, he glanced at Bao Bao and Xin Gan who were playing with toys, and felt relieved when they saw that they didn't notice what they were talking about.

Thinking of something Su Shi you said: "Baby Xin Gan, come over to grandma, grandma has something to tell you."

Hearing her calling them, Xin Gan and Bao Bao looked up at them, then walked towards them holding hands.

Walking to them, the baby climbed onto the sofa with Su's help, looked at her with a sweet smile and asked, "Why did grandma call us here to tell us?"

"Xin Gan and Bao Bao will have a little brother or sister in the future, are you happy?" Su looked at the two of them and asked.

"I like little sisters." Baobao said with a smile, looking at Su Shi and asked what she thought of, "Auntie has a baby, and said that she will give birth to a little sister for Baobao."

Knowing who the aunt she was talking about, Su smiled and shook her head and said, "Grandma didn't say that aunt is going to give birth to a little sister for the baby, but your mother is going to give birth to a little sister for you. Are you happy?" ?”

Baby looked at Su Shi in surprise, and said with a smile: "Is it true? That's great."

Xin Gan had guessed that Chen Jiajie was definitely pregnant when she heard Su's question just now, and said with a smile: "Xin Gan is very happy, mom is pregnant, so our family can be together forever. "

Hearing his words, a few people smiled tacitly. Although this little devil is young, he still knows a lot of things.

Several people waited at home for a while, and the two people who went to the hospital came back. Zuo Zhixiu was smiling all over his face, but Chen Jiajie, who was walking beside him, didn't show any joy on his face, as if he was being forced like.

"Jiajie, why do you look like this? Are you feeling unwell?" Su knew in her heart what she was thinking at this time, but asked her deliberately if she was feeling unwell.

Hearing this, Chen Jiajie quickly looked at her, smiled and shook her head: "I'm not feeling sick, I'm just thinking about something, what's wrong, auntie?"

"Are you still called Auntie? There will be three children soon, should we change the name?" When Su Shi held her by the hand, she smiled gently.

Chen Jiajie smiled awkwardly, and glanced at Zuo Zhixiu who was standing beside her. She wanted him to help her with a few words, but what she didn't expect to see was that he was looking at her with a smirk on her face. No plan to say anything.

"Isn't that good?" Although she was pregnant with Zuo Zhixiu's child, she was not married to him at all, so she changed her name so hastily, not to mention embarrassing or not, but also felt a little unreasonable.

As if knowing what she was thinking, Su smiled and said, holding her hand: "Since it's already like this, let's deal with it quickly, and go to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow to get the certificate. If you want to hold a wedding, plan it quickly. If you want to hold the wedding after the child is born, then wait until later. It’s just that after the child is born, there will be more time to prepare for the wedding, and the preparation will be more complete. What do you want? Do you want to have the wedding now, or wait until after the baby is born?"

Chen Jiajie looked at her smiling face and thought: Can I choose nothing?Why did she have to marry Zuo Zhixiu even though she was pregnant?

"I have no objection." Chen Jiajie looked at Su's face full of expectations, and it was really hard to say no.

Hearing what she said, Mrs. Su nodded with a smile, as if her scheme had succeeded, a gleam flashed in her eyes, and said, "In that case, you can go to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow to get your certificate and prepare for the wedding immediately, but the wedding You don’t have to worry about things, and we, you can take care of your baby at home.”

Su Shi is usually shrewd and capable, and when he speaks, it makes people feel irrefutable, waiting for Chen Jiajie to say anything?Su smiled and turned around to the old man and Zuo Yulin who were sitting in the living room and said, "It seems that Dad and Yulin are going to bother to help the two of them with their wedding."

Hearing her words, the old man and Zuo Yulin nodded with a smile, their faces full of joy.

Seeing Xin Gan and Bao Bao staring at them talking, Su wanted to walk up to them, hugged the two of them in his arms and said, "In the future, Xin Gan and Bao Bao will have a little brother or little brother." Sister, let you two be the flower girls for the wedding of father and mother, okay?"

"Okay." Bao Bao said with a smile, "When Uncle Feng and Auntie got married, my brother and I were flower girls."

Seeing the cute appearance of the two of them, Su couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear.

After learning about Chen Jiajie's pregnancy, their wechat group exploded instantly.

Chen Yize: It's already the second half of the year, and April Fool's Day has already passed.

Jiang Yuqiao: frightened face

Even Li Yanfeng, who seldom speaks in the group, said: This can't be true....Bar?

Why can the two of them conceive without coincidence every time they get drunk?Could it be that Zuo Zhixiu's fighting power is too strong?This kid came at the right time, the Zuo family will definitely be very happy.

A long time later, when Jiang Yuqiao said this to Li Yanfeng, he got a deep look from him, and then he also proved his fighting power to her fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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