Hidden Marriage in a Wealthy Family: Shao Li's Pampered Wife

Chapter 122 Don't Want Her To Follow In My Footsteps

Chapter 122 Don't Want Her To Follow In My Footsteps
Chapter 139

Chen Jiajie was in a daze and was persuaded by Su to stay at Zuo's house. At this moment, she was in Zuo Zhixiu's room, not in the mood to look at his room at all. Looking at Zuo Zhixiu who walked in, she said: "You Hurry up and find a way to let me leave, I don't want to stay in your house."

"You want to leave?"

Zuo Zhixiu said loudly, hearing this, Chen Jiajie frowned, and whispered, "Keep your voice down, I'm afraid your mother won't hear you, right?"

Hearing her words, Zuo Zhixiu lowered his voice: "Why do you say you want to leave?"

"Why do you say?" It's clear that you asked knowingly, and you don't want to talk about relationship after it's agreed, but now she stays in his house, what does that mean? .

Knowing what she was thinking, Zuo Zhixiu glanced at her who was resisting, sighed helplessly and said, "I know what you are thinking, but now we are done, and you have my child in your belly, Where else can you escape?"

Hearing what he said, Chen Jiajie was stunned, and said, "Who said I was running away, I just want to get rid of you."

"Then do you think we can still get rid of the relationship?" Zuo Zhixiu looked at her with a half-smile and asked.

Seeing that she stopped talking, Zuo Zhixiu went on to say, "We even have three children, do you think we can separate the relationship?"

"Then I don't want to live in your house, it makes me feel very uncomfortable."

"Uncomfortable? Then I'll move out to live with you, so it's convenient to take care of you. I'll go downstairs and talk to Mom right now." Saying that, Zuo Zhixiu was about to turn around and walk downstairs.

Chen Jiajie hurriedly stopped him: "Wait a minute, I mean I don't want to live in your house, and I didn't say I want you to move out with me, who wants you to live with me."

"You said that you are not comfortable living in my house, so I will move out to live with you. Do we have to live apart now? You have recognized our relationship. "

"What's the relationship? I really don't want to get involved with you." Chen Jiajie glanced at him and said calmly.

"Don't forget, you promised my mother that you would go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with me tomorrow to get the certificate." Zuo Zhixiu felt a little complacent, and saw her open her mouth, but she didn't say anything, and her face was restrained. She smiled and said, "This afternoon, my mother has ordered the people below to prepare for our wedding. If you suddenly change your mind, it will make them very sad. Besides, Xin Gan and Bao Bao also know about our wedding. You suddenly regret it, do you think they will believe you in the future?"

Chen Jiajie had never lied to the two children before. Hearing his words, she thought in her heart that if she really repented temporarily, not only would it be difficult to explain to the Zuo family, but also she would not know what to say to the two children. I'm afraid they won't listen to him again in the future.

Offending Zuo's family, the consequences may be very serious. Thinking about it, Chen Jiajie frowned, then looked up at Zuo Zhixiu, and said, "Then let's move out."

Hearing what she said, Zuo Zhixiu showed a smile on his face, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, let's move to the half-mountain villa or your house, but I think my villa is bigger than yours. There is also a room converted into a toy room for Baby Xin Gan and future children to entertain, and Li Yanfeng and his wife also live in the half-mountain villa? In this way, you can move around frequently. Besides, you are both pregnant now We can share our thoughts with each other.”

After a pause, Zuo Zhixiu didn't see any objection from her, and continued: "Let's move to the villa in the middle of the mountain, what do you think?"

Originally, I thought she meant yes by not saying anything, but I didn't expect that she suddenly looked up at him, shook her head, and said, "It's not good."

"Then I'll move to live in your villa." Zuo Zhixiu said with a smile, seeing that she was still frowning and staring at him with displeasure, she asked suspiciously, "Can't I just go to your villa?"

Chen Jiajie gritted her teeth, as if when she made up her mind, she stood up suddenly: "Then move to the Banshan Villa."

If they move to her villa, the attitude of the Zuo family will definitely be against them moving to his villa area together. For the sake of unnecessary troubles in the future, let yourself be wronged temporarily and move to the half-mountain villa with him. .

Seeing her standing up, she walked two steps closer to me and said cautiously: "What are you doing standing up, just sit down."

Chen Jiajie glanced at him: "I'm thirsty, I want to go down and drink some water."

"You sit, and I'll help you get water." He helped her arm and made her sit down again, then turned around and walked out of the bedroom with a happy smile on his face.

She agreed to move to the Banshan villa with him, no matter where they live or where they move, as long as they are together, they can do anything.

She went downstairs to help Chen Jiajie get water, then hurried upstairs, handed the water to her and watched her drink it, after Chen Jiajie finished drinking the water, she saw him still standing beside her looking at her, and said, "What are you doing here? "

"Otherwise, what orders do you have?" Zuo Zhixiu was full of hospitality.

Chen Jiajie glanced at him: "Aren't you going to move out? Why don't you tell your parents?"

Zuo Zhixiu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and nodded: "Okay, I'll talk right away." After speaking, he turned and left the room.

No one was seen when he walked downstairs, Zuo Zhixiu went directly to Su Shi and Zuo Yulin's room, knocked on the door of their bedroom, and pushed the door open when he heard the sound coming from inside. .

"You're not in the room with Jiajie, what are you doing here?"

"Mom and Dad, I came here to tell you something." Zuo Zhixiu hesitated for a while, thinking about how to say it so that they would accept it.

Seeing his expression, Su's heart flashed with doubt, and asked, "What can you say? Jiajie asked you to come?"

Zuo Zhixiu nodded and thought of something, then shook his head and said, "It wasn't she who asked me to come. After we discussed it, I decided to come to you and want to talk to you."

What he said was talking, not discussing, Su Shi glanced at Zuo Yulin who was sitting next to him, and said, "Then what do you want to tell us?"

"Jiajie said that she was uncomfortable living in our house, so we discussed it and decided to move out."

"Moving out, where are you going?" Zuo Yulin frowned and said, Su Shi who was sitting next to him was also unhappy.

"I want to go to the Banshan Villa. I decided to move there after I got married, and it's very close to Li Yanfeng's home. Isn't his wife pregnant? This way, I can meet and communicate with Jiajie often. Find out what you think."

Looking at their faces, Zuo Zhixiu continued: "Jiajie is not because the child in her stomach is impossible to agree to marry me, but to stabilize her first, you can agree to me moving out, and wait for the two of us to marry each other." A relationship has been cultivated, and they will move back."

Zuo Yulin nodded after hearing him finish, and said: "That's right, you two can cultivate your relationship independently by moving out, and it can also make her feel more comfortable, so just move out."

As he spoke, he glanced at Mrs. Su who was sitting beside him, as if asking for her opinion. Hearing this, Mrs. Su glanced at him, nodded as well, and said, "Since this is what he meant, then move out." , but you have to come back often, and if you need anything, just call us directly, have you ever thought about letting Xin Gan and Bao Bao stay at home, so that Jia Jie can also raise her baby with peace of mind."

"I don't want it anymore. Xin Gan and Bao Bao have never left their mother, and Jia Jie is also reluctant to part with the children. Let the two children move out with us. We will come back often."

He still has to develop a relationship with the two children, how can he let them stay here.

Hearing what he said, Su Shi and Zuo Yulin looked at each other, and then looked at her: "Did you tell your grandfather about this?"

"Not yet, I don't want to tell you guys, I'll talk to him later when I'm having dinner."

Su Shi nodded: "It's fine, anyway, you are not the kind of old feudalism who told him that he would definitely agree."

Zuo Zhixiu said that they had agreed, and said with a smile: "Since you have agreed, then I will go back to the room to accompany Jiajie."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for their reaction, he turned around and left the room. Seeing the bedroom door being closed, Su said with a smile: "Say we agreed? He's clearly just here to inform us, how could we be allowed to Make a choice to agree or disagree."

Zuo Yulin like this, he said with a smile and said: "Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, so leave the children's affairs to the children, and we will take good care of our lives."

"There are still a lot of things to take care of in the company. How can I take care of my life? You don't have to worry about anything and just take care of your life." As he spoke, Su Shi gave him a resentful look.

She has been in the company since she married into Zuo's family, and her husband is not suitable for business at all, and she can't watch the company go bankrupt, so she has been doing this for more than 30 years, but fortunately her husband is very considerate to her.

A trace of guilt flashed across Zuo Yulin's face when she heard her say this, and he suddenly thought of something and said, "I can see that Jiajie is a smart person, and she also has a certain brain in business, maybe she will be you in the future As for her successor, when she gives birth to the child, let her enter the company to have a try."

"Won't your conscience hurt when you say this? He married into our house alone, and you asked him to go to the company to help you clean up the mess as soon as he entered the house. Why didn't you say let your son exercise? ?”

Also as a woman, and I have carried the burden for more than 30 years by myself, so I don't want my daughter-in-law to follow in her footsteps.

Seeing that she was suddenly angry, Zuo Yulin swallowed nervously, and said with a smile: "I'm just joking? Don't take it seriously. Since you said that, let Zhixiu go to the company tomorrow. He used to Didn’t he always run away? This time it’s definitely different, he’s the father of two children, and now he has a wife who’s pregnant, so I’m sure his mind will be restrained and he’ll be taken to the company. Let him experience it, and if he doesn't agree, don't let him move out."

Listening to what he said, Mrs. Su thought about it thoughtfully, and finally nodded with a smile: "This is indeed a good idea, I will bring him to the company tomorrow, if I don't go, I will disagree with what I just said. "

Seeing a smile finally appeared on her face, Zuo Yulin also smiled.I said in my heart: My son is sorry, let you make a sacrifice.

But thinking about it, Zuoxiu is already thirty, and it is definitely not good to be so muddled, so I feel that the idea I put forward is very good.

At this moment, Zuo Zhixiu, who was accompanying Chen Jiajie in his bedroom, had no idea what he was about to face, anyway, he was happy at this moment.

"Don't play with your mobile phone all the time. Be careful, it's not good for the fetus. The mobile phone has radiation." Zuo Zhixiu saw that Chen Jiajie had been playing with her mobile phone and didn't talk to him, so he walked up to her and said.

Chen Jiajie looked up at him: "I'm a person with a job, which is different from idlers like you. If you feel bored, you can go downstairs to accompany the children. I still need to read the documents."

Hearing his words, Zuo Zhixiu pursed his lips, saw that he was seriously reading the document, said something to him, and then lowered his head. Just now, he thought he was playing with his mobile phone, but he didn't expect that he was reading the document. She immediately quieted down, and decided not to disturb her work, so she left the room and went downstairs.

Seeing that he left the room obediently, Chen Jiajie looked up at the direction of the door, a look flashed in her eyes, then she lowered her head and continued to look at her mobile phone.

Stayed in his room all afternoon, when it was time for dinner, Zuo Zhixiu went upstairs to ask Chen Jiajie to eat, saw that she was still looking at her phone, frowned, walked up to him, grabbed her phone and said, "It all depends It's been an afternoon, aren't your eyes tired? You're still pregnant, so you have to be careful."

"Give me back my phone." While reading a design draft, the phone was suddenly snatched away, Chen Jiajie said frowning.

Zuo Zhixiu turned off her mobile phone and said, "It's time for dinner, let's go downstairs to eat, and I'll check it out tomorrow."

Originally, Chen Jiajie wanted to snatch the phone from him, but upon hearing his words, she stopped her movements, stood up and walked towards the door.

Now that it was time to eat, she had to get on the road quickly, otherwise it would be bad to keep people waiting.

This is the disadvantage of being married. You have to care about other people's emotions at any time. How nice it is to be alone. You can eat whenever you want, and you don't have to wait for others or wait for others.

Thinking of this, Chen Jiajie vaguely regretted agreeing to marry Zuo Zhixiu.

When they came to the restaurant, everyone was already there, except for her and Zuo Zhixiu. Chen Jiajie found an empty seat and sat down, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry for keeping everyone waiting."

Su smiled and shook her head: "It's okay, we just sat down, don't talk, hurry up and eat, the pregnant woman's meal that I ordered the kitchen to cook today is very suitable for you, especially for those who have a strong pregnancy reaction like you Pregnant women, hurry up and taste if it suits your appetite."

Hearing what she said, Chen Jiajie looked down at the food in front of her, and realized that she was different from everyone else.

"Thank you, auntie." Chen Jiajie glanced at her and said with a smile.

"Auntie?" Su said with a smile, but continued after thinking of something, "But it doesn't matter, if you don't touch her today, you can call her Auntie. Anyway, we will be a family tomorrow, so we can change our name at that time."

Chen Jiajie smiled at her, but the smile didn't reach her eyes at all, she just smiled copingly.

At the end of the dinner, Zuo Zhixiu looked at the old man sitting at the top and said, "Grandpa, there is something I want to tell you."

"What's the matter?" the old man said without thinking too much, while eating his food.

Hearing him speak, Chen Jiajie guessed what he was going to say, looked up at him, and was about to lower her head, but saw Su Shi and Zuo Yulin on the opposite side looking at him calmly, and guessed that Zuo Yulin had already guessed what he was going to say. At least you've already spoken to them.

Now that Zuo Zhixiu told the old man about these things at the dinner table, it means that they have obtained the consent of Su Shi and Zuo Yulin to move out, so the possibility of them moving out is even greater.

"Didn't you say before that I would move to the Banshan Villa when I got married? It's almost the same now, I want to take the children and move to the Banshan Villa together with Jiajie."

Hearing Zuo Zhixiu's words, the old man frowned: "What are you doing moving out, isn't it because you don't have a house to live in?"

"The environment at the Banshan Villa is good, and it is very helpful for raising a baby. Besides, isn't Li Yanfeng's wife also pregnant? In this way, Jiajie can have frequent contacts with her and stay with familiar people, and her mood will be even better. We like this Do it for the children too.”

Zuo Zhixiu said in a persuasive manner, and when he heard that it was for the benefit of the child, and that Li Yanfeng also lived in a villa in the middle of the mountain, the old man nodded: "In this case, then move to live, move there, you live far away Li Yanfeng walked around with him a little bit closer, and learned a little bit from him, he is younger than him, but he doesn't know anything about business."

"Understood, Grandpa." Zuo Zhixiu said cheerfully, as long as they could move out and make Chen Jiajie happy, it wouldn't be a problem for Li Yanfeng to move around more.

"Since I mentioned this matter, I also have something to say." At this moment, Su Shi suddenly said, Zuo Yulin who was sitting beside her saw her opening her mouth and glanced at Zuo Zhixiu, and fidgeted. body.

Hearing her words, everyone looked at her, as if waiting for her to open her mouth, Su Shi finally looked at Zuo Zhixiu, and said: "You used to live in a muddle, and we always treated you as a child, but Now that you are 30 and have children, you can’t be the same after you get married, so it’s time to go to the company to experience it.”

Zuo Zhixiu was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect him to mention this matter suddenly, he had a headache when he thought of taking care of the company, just now he was about to open his mouth to refuse, when Su continued to say: "You are already thirty, it's time for the children Be an example, and you don't want your wife to work for you in the future, as a woman, I don't want him to follow in my footsteps."

Zuo Zhixiu knew that she had a problem with working hard for the company. As long as she was tired, she would get a headache.

Thinking like this, Zuo Zhixiu glanced at Chen Jiajie, then at Su Shi, and said, "In that case, I'll go to work in the company."

"It's okay to go to work in the company, but I have to tell you in advance that you don't know anything, and you can't do anything. After entering the company, it is absolutely impossible to delegate power to you, so you can only be a small manager or something else. Don't think about gaining power as soon as you enter the company." Su Shi said seriously.

Hearing what she said, Zuo Zhixiu nodded: "I see, I will go to work in the company the day after tomorrow after I finish moving, is that okay?"

Su thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll give you another day of grace, and you have to go to work in the company the day after tomorrow."

"Understood, don't keep emphasizing it, it's like I'm going back on my word." Zuo Zhixiu said.

Su glanced at him, and muttered: "It's not like you haven't done this kind of thing before?"

After dinner, everyone talked for a while in the living room, and then they were going to go upstairs to sleep. Xin Gan and Baobao were arranged by Su's servants to sleep in the baby room prepared in advance. Chen Jiajie took a look, and there was Only she and Zuo Zhixiu were left, turning their heads to look at him.

"Where do I rest tonight?"

Zuo Zhixiu raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "What do you think?" He smiled and continued, "We are going to register with the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow. How many children do we have? Of course we have to be in the same room It’s time to go to bed, it’s getting late, we should go upstairs to rest, we have to move tomorrow morning.”

Looking at the smile on his face, Chen Jiajie knew that he was complacent, and gritted her teeth fiercely. In desperation, she had no choice but to stand up and walk upstairs. He caught a reason that could keep haunting her, and she couldn't even refute it.

Returning to Zuo Zhixiu's room again, Chen Jiajie looked at Nuo Da's bed and breathed a sigh of relief. Although both of them had two children with him, except for the two times when they were drunk, they were really happy. This is the first time they are awake, so they are inevitably a little nervous.

"Are you not sleeping well?" Chen Jiajie glanced at him and asked.

Zuo Zhixiu didn't know why he suddenly asked this question, he nodded after thinking for a while and said, "Sometimes you are honest, sometimes you are dishonest."

Chen Jiajie narrowed her eyes: "Then just to be on the safe side, sleep on the floor, don't be careful not to kick the child in my belly." After speaking, she walked directly to the bed, lifted the quilt and lay down in it.

Zuo Zhixiu was stunned for a moment, a smile suddenly flashed across his face, he also climbed onto the bed, and said with a smile, "Actually, I sleep quite honestly."

Seeing him climb up, Chen Jiajie frowned, but she was nervous: "Didn't you say that you didn't sleep honestly?"

"I just said sometimes. Actually, I sleep very honestly. Don't worry, I will never touch your stomach." Zuo Zhixiu said with a smile.

Looking at his face close at hand, Chen Jiajie tried hard to suppress the frequency of her heartbeat, but it didn't seem to work at all. She felt that the whole room was filled with the sound of her heartbeat. Afraid of being heard by him, she made an angry movement and turned over. Turn your back on him.

"I'm sleeping, don't disturb me by making any noise."

Zuo Zhixiu listened to her words and nodded with a smile, even though he was turning his back to him now and couldn't see her expression.

Looking at her back, Xio had a faint smile on his lips until he fell asleep.

When she woke up the next morning, Chen Jiajie sent a text message to Li Yanfeng before washing up, explaining the situation, but just as she put down her phone, the phone rang. Seeing the caller ID, Chen Jiajie pursed her lips and answered the call nervously.

I don't know why I always feel like I've done something wrong.


"Are you going to move with Zuo Zhixiu to a villa in the middle of the mountain?" Li Yanfeng's voice rang on the phone, probably because he just woke up, his voice was a little hoarse.

Chen Jiajie hadn't told him that she would go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with Zuo Zhixiu to get the certificate today, so she hesitated for a moment and said nervously: "Well, and I have promised him that I will go with him to get the certificate today, and the wedding is also being prepared."

"It's too hasty." Li Yanfeng only gave him these four words, and then there was no sound on the phone. Chen Jiajie thought he hung up the phone, and looked at the phone, it showed that he was in the middle of a call, and his Adam's apple slipped nervously. Cautiously asked, "Otherwise I'll reject the Zuo family again?"

After she finished talking, the person on the phone seemed to have paused, and said, "I just woke up Qiao Qiao and went to check it out. What did you just say?"

Chen Jiajie sighed, it made her worry in vain, she thought he was very angry just now.

"You said I was too hasty, I said otherwise I would have rejected the people from the Zuo family today."

"No." Li Yanfeng said, "You have already agreed to them, and if you refuse again, it will make their family feel that you have no idea. Now that the matter has been settled, let it be, and move here, you and JoJo can also move a lot."

Chen Jiajie nodded: "It is for this reason that their family agreed with us to move there together."

"Have you thought about what to say to the media?"

At that time, when she was pregnant with Xin Gan and her baby, she temporarily left the company for a period of time and devoted herself to the miscarriage. I believe she also attached great importance to this pregnancy. The work in the company will definitely be temporarily put on hold for a while. Now she It's different from before. She was only a little famous in the past, but now she is the vane of the clothing industry, and her every move is watched. If she suddenly leaves the company, it will definitely cause an uproar, and the Zuo family is preparing for it. For her and Zuo Zhixiu's wedding, the people who will attend their wedding will definitely be from famous families, and the news of her and Zuo Zhixiu's marriage will definitely spread like wildfire.

After hearing what he said, Chen Jiajie also thought of this question, and frowned: "I haven't thought about it yet."

"You and Zuo Zhixiu have been rumored to have an affair before. If the news of your two marriages is announced, people from the outside will not spread any words to attack you. They will only think that your lovers will finally get married. But the two It’s not easy for children to explain.”

If at that time they hear that Xin Gan and Bao Bao are the children of Chen Jiajie and Zuo Zhixiu, I am afraid that not many people will believe it. They will only think that the two of them deliberately made up a beautiful story. A child may be attacked by some remarks.

Chen Jiajie fell into distress because of his words. When she looked up, she suddenly saw Zuo Zhixiu walking into the bathroom in the mirror.

As soon as Zuo Zhixiu came in, she saw her frowning, as if she was worried about something, and she was also wondering who the person on the phone was, so she walked up to her and asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Yanfeng heard Zuo Zhixiu's voice on the phone, and said, "You should discuss this matter with him, and if you need anything, you can contact me at any time."

After Li Yanfeng finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Chen Jiajie glanced at the hung up phone, then looked up at Zuo Zhixiu who was standing beside him, and said, "Have you ever thought about how to explain the relationship between the two of us to the media?" matter?"

She is the target of entertainment news about the clothing industry, and Zuo Zhixiu is the target of gossip news. If the two of them get married, it is impossible not to let the outside world know.

Hearing what she said, Zuo Zhixiu seemed to understand something, frowned, and looked at her with a gloomy expression on his face, feeling unbearable.

"I'll settle this matter. Today we'll go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate. We can ask the servants to help us with the moving. Don't worry, I'm the father of Xin Gan and Baobao. There is no doubt about this matter. I will If it’s resolved, you don’t have to worry about it, you can just take care of your baby at home.”

Hearing what he said, Chen Jiajie's heart softened, and there was a surge of warmth. When she encountered troubles and difficulties in the past, she would carry them by herself. If she couldn't bear it, she would ask Li Yanfeng and Chen Yize to help. I have never been carried down by someone as soon as I encountered a problem.

There was a hint of emotion on his face, Chen Jiajie moved his mouth and said nothing, picked up the toothbrush and squeezed the toothpaste to brush his teeth.

After breakfast, Zuo Zhixiu took all the documents and took Chen Jiajie to the Civil Affairs Bureau, smiling all the way.

Came to the Civil Affairs Bureau, registered a number, and waited for registration at the queue. Seeing several couples sitting in front of him, Zuo Zhixiu glanced at Chen Jiajie beside him, and smiled, but she just had a flat face, as if It was as if he was the only one who came to register today.

Zuo Zhixiu said: "Anyway, today is also a big day for the two of us, just smile."

Chen Jiajie turned her head to look at him and said, "Isn't it just to register and get a certificate? It's just a piece of paper. There's nothing to be happy about."

"Why aren't you happy? It's not just a piece of paper, but a symbol of our marriage. If you don't have that piece of paper, you're a single mother, so it's better to have a marriage certificate."

"If you don't have that photo, are you going to ignore our mother and child?" Chen Jiajie said.

Hearing this, Zuo Zhixiu hurriedly smiled and said, "I didn't mean that, what I said was just a literal meaning, so don't go too deep into it, whether we have this piece of paper or not, I will treat you and the children well. "

"If this is the case, then why do we have to wait here to register and get the certificate, or just go back and it's over." Although Chen Jiajie said so, she sat there and didn't move at all.

Knowing that she was joking, Zuo Zhixiu smiled and said, "We've already promised our parents, and we can't justify not getting this certificate, right?"

Chen Jiajie ignored him and looked at the registration office in front. After a while, it was their turn. The staff gave each of them a registration form and asked them to fill it out. Chen Jiajie looked at the registration form that needed to be filled out. Zuo Zhixiu seemed to be hesitating, and kept watching what Chen Jiajie was doing, like a scumbag who copied the answers at the same table in school.

After filling out the registration form, the two went to the photo taking place. At first, they saw that several couples in front of them had changed their clothes and took different photos, but Chen Jiajie was not that interested, and Zuo Zhi never thought that she was pregnant now. It's not suitable for being too tired, so I didn't have to toss so much. The two just took a group photo and left.

Holding the photo of the two of them, Zuo Zhixiu smiled, then turned his head to look at Chen Jiajie who was walking beside him, and said, "You still look good when you smile."

Because just now, under the constant emphasis of the photographer, Chen Jiajie showed a smile. In the photo, the two people leaned their heads together, their shoulders were next to each other, and they were all smiling. They looked extremely happy.

After hearing what he said, Chen Jiajie glanced at him and said, "Then you mean I don't look good when I'm not smiling?"

Hearing this, Zuo Zhixiu quickly clarified: "You look good even when you're not smiling. I mean you look better when you're smiling, but no matter what you are, I like it."

Seeing that he could speak sweet words at any time, Chen Jiajie glanced at him and told him to shut up obediently.

The two came to the registration office again, and the staff looked at them and asked, "May I ask Ms. Chen Jiajie and Mr. Zuo Zhixiu to register their marriage voluntarily and become a legal couple in our country?"

Zuo Zhixiu nodded to the staff with a smile. The staff looked at Chen Jiajie, but Chen Jiajie also nodded in desperation. Seeing this, the staff smiled, then took the photos they had prepared and pasted them on two On the top of the small red book, a steel seal was finally made under the steel seal.

The staff handed the two marriage certificates to the two, and said with a smile: "I wish the two of you a happy marriage, and may you both grow old together and live happily ever after."

Of course, Zuo Zhixiu would like to hear other people's blessings for them. Hearing the staff's words, he said with a smile, "Thank you, big sister. With your good words, we will grow old together."

The staff member was a middle-aged elder sister. Hearing what he said, her face was full of smiles, and she watched the two of them leave.

The two are really talented and beautiful, but why do they look so familiar?
Leaving the Civil Affairs Bureau, Zuo Zhixiu had been looking down at the marriage certificate, turned his head to look at Chen Jiajie who was walking beside him, and suddenly asked, "Where's your marriage certificate?"

Chen Jiajie had put it away a long time ago. Hearing what he said, she didn't answer him. She glanced at him and walked towards the car.

Zuo Zhixiu quickly caught up with her, put the marriage certificate away, and got into the car with a smile all over his face: "Shall we go to the villa in the middle of the mountain or go back to the mansion?"

Chen Jiajie thought for a while and said, "Let's go directly to the Banshan villa. Let the servants at home take Xin Gan and the baby there. I'm a little tired."

Hearing that she was a little tired, the smile on Zuo Zhixiu's face faded, he called home, and then drove directly to the villa in the middle of the mountain.

When passing by Li Yanfeng's villa, Chen Jiajie stopped suddenly: "Stop the car, go and pack your things first."

Recognizing where it stopped, Zuo Zhixiu moved his mouth, but finally said nothing, watching her get out of the car and walk towards Li Yanfeng's villa.

(End of this chapter)

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