Chapter 127 I Can Only Sacrifice Her
Chapter 144

The next day, Jiang Yuqiao prepared a gift and asked Li Yanfeng to take her to the hospital and asked him to wait at the door, then she walked into the hospital ward with the gift.

"Are you feeling better?" When Jiang Yuqiao entered, Li Yanqing happened to be out, and Lou Qiqi was lying on the bedside reading a book, and when she walked in, she realized it was a book on parenting.

"You're here, I'm much better." The moment Jiang Yuqiao came in, Lou Qiqi's eyes flashed, and then she smiled.

"I know you're pregnant, so I specially prepared something good for pregnant women." Putting her gift on the table, it was the supplement that Chen Jiajie introduced to her last time. She really felt good after eating it for a while, So bring her some over here.

Lou Qiqi glanced at the supplements on the table, nodded to her and said, "Thank you!"

Jiang Yuqiao quickly shook her head and smiled: "You don't need to say thank you to me, if it weren't for you, I would be the one lying here now, and I've always been in poor health, so I'm afraid the child will lose it if something like that happens. "

Hearing her words, Lou Qiqi didn't say anything. If she was given another chance, she might not do that, because she also has her own child now, so she won't take any more risks.

The two talked for a while and then Li Yanqing came back. Seeing Jiang Yuqiao in the ward, she was stunned for a while, and then smiled at her as a greeting.

Jiang Yuqiao looked at him and nodded lightly. She didn't know when it started, but the hatred for him in her heart seemed to have gradually diminished. The reason she hated him before was because he had done something wrong to her in a single thought. The thing is, he seems to be a different person now, he cares about Lou Qiqi very much, and loves him deeply, he is no longer like the Li Yanqing before, so maybe it is because of this reason that she changed him.

After talking for a while, Jiang Yuqiao left and walked out of the hospital. Li Yanfeng's car was waiting for her in the parking lot. She saw her coming and rolled down the window, and then watched her walk into the car and sit down.

"How is it?" He wasn't concerned about Lou Qiqi, he was just asking if she had been made things difficult after she went in. He wanted to follow her in before, but Jiang Yuqiao kept objecting, so he waited outside .

Jiang Yuqiao smiled at him and said, "It's okay, we just talked a few words inside, should we go home or go somewhere else?"

Hearing her words, Li Yanfeng turned his head to look at her, smiled and asked, "Then what are your plans?"

Jiang Yuqiao smiled: "It's been a long time since we went to the restaurant where we ate last time. Let's go to eat again today, shall we?"

Seeing her expectant eyes, Li Yanfeng pursed his lips and smiled, then nodded and said, "Okay, I'll call Mom."

After speaking, Li Yanfeng picked up his mobile phone and made a call: "Mom, Qiao Qiao and I won't go home for dinner at noon today, so we don't need to prepare our lunch."

Upon hearing what he said, Mrs. Liang paused, and then said: "When you eat outside, be careful, don't eat everything."

"Don't worry, I will pay attention." Li Yanfeng said lightly at first, and then hung up the phone.

After the solution was settled, the two drove together to the restaurant where they ate last time. When they came to this place again, Jiang Yuqiao was very excited. He got out of the car and walked inside first. Li Yanfeng felt helpless when he saw her like this. Shaking his head, he raised his feet and followed her.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, Jiang Yuqiao inspected the situation inside, trying to find a place to sit down. He swept his eyes, but saw a familiar person, smiled in surprise, and walked over.

"Sister Chen, Zuo Zhixiu, why are you here?"

Hearing her voice, the two of them looked at her with a little surprised expression, Zuo Zhixiu glanced behind her, saw Li Yanfeng walking over and smiled, and said, "Are you coming here to eat too? "

This place was requested by Chen Jiajie. He was reluctant at first, but after coming here once, he knew the benefits of this place, so he brought her here for dinner today. He didn't expect to meet Li Yanfeng and Jiang Yuqiao here. .

At this time, Li Yanfeng had already walked in front of them, and then opened a chair for Jiang Yuqiao to sit down, then sat beside her, looked at Zuo Zhixiu and said, "You didn't open this place, why can't I come to eat ?”

"Brother is right. I have a problem with my words, but I definitely don't mean that." Zuo Zhixiu thought about it, and then put the wiped chopsticks in front of Chen Jiajie.

Although all the tableware in the restaurant had been treated in a disinfected cupboard, for the sake of caution, he would bring a sterile paper towel with him every time he went out, and then wiped the tableware for Chen Jiajie before letting her use it.

When he was so careful, Li Yanfeng did not expect that he also borrowed a disinfectant tissue from him to help Jiang Yuqiao wipe the chopsticks and put them in front of her.

Chen Jiajie and Zuo Zhixiu also just came in and ordered food. Seeing the two of them sitting down, Chen Jiajie waved to the waiter, asked him to come over, and ordered another order.

"Thank you, Sister Chen." Jiang Yuqiao said with a smile.

"You're welcome, he's treating you anyway." Chen Jiajie glanced at Zuo Zhixiu who was sitting next to him and said.

Zuo Zhixiu raised his eyebrows: "Don't worry about eating, I'll treat you to this meal." His wife told him that he had to treat him.

After a meal, the four of them were very happy, and then drove back to the Banshan villa together. When they reached the gate of Li Yanfeng's villa, Chen Jiajie, who was supposed to follow Zuo Zhixiu to leave, asked him to stop the car and go with Jiang Yuqiao and the others. Into the villa.

Seeing this, left Zhixiu saw that the car also entered Li Yanfeng's yard.

"Sister Chen, do you still remember Lou Qiqi?" Jiang Yuqiao said.

Chen Jiajie nodded: "I remember, why did you mention her all of a sudden?"

"She came back some time ago, and she came back with Li Yanqing. No one thought that the two of them would develop feelings for each other. Li Yanqing was so angry that she divorced Yan Xiao for Hongyan, and said that she would always be with Lou Qiqi."

Chen Jiajie frowned listening to Jiang Yuqiao's words: "Li Yanqing is too scumbag, Yan Xiao has been married to him for so many years, and he divorced because of a woman?"

"I really have to tell her something fair." Jiang Yuqiao looked at Chen Jiajie and said.

Chen Jiajie raised her eyebrows: "Could there be a story in it?"

Jiang Yuqiao nodded, and told her the ins and outs of the matter, and also told her about how Yan Xiao lured Lou Qiqi to drug her. After hearing what she said, Chen Jiajie raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"This woman Yan Xiao is really too evil. I used to think that she was a bit of a pretense, but I didn't expect her to be so dark inside."

Jiang Yuqiao nodded: "Yesterday Li Yanfeng and I went shopping, and we met Lou Qiqi on the street, and then we two talked a few words, suddenly a car drove towards us, very fast, obviously it was I came here for the two of us, when Lou Qiqi was knocked down by that car to protect me, and was sent to the hospital, only then was it checked that she was already a month pregnant, luckily she was saved."

"Wow." Chen Jiajie sighed, "There are surprises everywhere in life, this is it."

As he spoke, he glanced at Li Yanfeng who was sitting on the side and listening to them silently: "You will never let this matter go so easily, so tell me, what do you want to do?"

Li Yanfeng glanced at her and smiled faintly: "You also said that I will never let it go, so just wait and see the good show."

Chen Jiajie raised her eyebrows and glanced at Jiang Yuqiao. Seeing her curl her lips, she knew that she didn't know about it either.

But the two of them are pregnant women, and it is their task to raise their babies with peace of mind. Let their men handle these troublesome things.

After thinking about it, Chen Jiajie didn't continue to inquire. After playing at his house for an afternoon, it was natural to stay here for dinner. Jiang Yuqiao glanced at Zuo Zhixiu's expression, and sure enough, he saw the resentment on his face. look.

Three days later, Yan's family released a message to the outside world, saying that because of a relapse of mental illness, Yan Xiao accidentally bumped into two people on the street, and was diagnosed with schizophrenia, so he was sent to a psychiatric hospital.

After hearing the news, Li Yanfeng smiled wickedly, the Yan family would indeed lose a daughter in order to protect their own interests.

Tezhu Zhao was also standing in the president's office at this time. Seeing Li Yanfeng's evil smile, his back felt chills, and he asked, "What shall we do next? Things seem to be developing along the track of your budget."

The president said that Yan Jia would definitely release Yan Xiao in order to protect his family's interests, and the president guessed right, Yan Jia actually sent Yan Xiao to a mental hospital for his own interests.

Hearing Zhao Tezhu's words, Li Yanfeng glanced at him, and said with a smile: "The Yan family's doing this is nothing more than changing the way to protect Yan Xiao, a way to get the best of both worlds, but don't think that this will make Yan Xiao live a good life." go down."

Zhao Tezhu quickly lowered his head when he saw Li Yanfeng's eyes, the president's aura is too strong, one look can instantly kill a scumbag, he really dare not look at him.

"Just say what the president has to say."

Li Yanfeng glanced out the window and beckoned to Zhao Tezhu. Seeing this, Zhao Tezhu took two steps in front of the desk and lowered his head to listen to what he wanted to say.

"You go to a mental hospital..."

Hearing what Li Yanfeng whispered in his ear, Special Assistant Zhao was startled, a layer of cold sweat broke out all over his body, and he looked up at Li Yanfeng with a calm expression on his face, as if he wasn't the one who said these things.

Big boss, indeed a big boss.

After leaving the president's office, Zhao Tezhu made a special trip to the psychiatric hospital. According to Li Yanfeng's instructions, he explained a few words to the director of the psychiatric hospital, and then left.

Yan's family, Yan's mother asked worriedly at the dinner table: "Dad, when do you plan to let Xiaoxiao go home?"

"Don't mention this matter again. When Li Yanfeng completely forgets about this matter, there may be a turning point. Without my permission, no one is allowed to go to the psychiatric hospital to bring her back, you know?"

Listening to the old man's strong voice, Yan's mother frowned, and then looked at her husband sitting next to him and saw him shaking his head slightly. She also said in a moment of anxiety: "It's a mental hospital, how can Xiaoxiao stay there? ? Your old man has always cared about our family's reputation, don't you feel sorry for your granddaughter? She is also a person of flesh and blood, can't she compare to a so-called empty reputation?"

The words spoken by the mother's plot made the old man stop eating. He glared at her and threw the bowl and chopsticks on the table, saying: "Is this the tone that you, a junior, should talk to your elders? Don't say she is my grandson." My daughter is my daughter. If you embarrass our family like this, I would have kicked her out of the house a long time ago. If you two hadn’t kept pleading for her, I would have left her alone. Look at Li Yanfeng How did you treat her?"

"Does that mean that your family's reputation has always been more important than ours in your heart?" Listening to the old man's words, Yan's mother was extremely disappointed, thinking about her daughter, she felt even more pitiful.

When Yan's father heard that she dared to talk to the old man like this, he quickly tugged on her sleeve, but it didn't work. A mother who is determined to protect her child will not be afraid of any power.

"Dad, I have been married to the Yan family for so many years, I see that you always pay attention to the family's reputation, everything is based on the family's reputation, but have you ever thought that our family is not as good as you think in the eyes of others, What is a scholarly family, what is knowledgeable, they don't think so, who is not focusing on their own interests now? What is reputation?"

"Shut up!" The old man couldn't listen anymore. The whole family threw the bowls and chopsticks in front of them on the ground. If there is a dispute, quickly persuade.

"Dad, that's not what she meant. She has been concerned about Xiaoxiao's situation for a while, so she speaks freely. Don't mind."

The old man snorted disdainfully: "I think she wanted to say this and thought about it for a long time. It's not because of your daughter that our Yan family has fallen to this point, and you have the face to say this to me." If I don’t care about my family? If I didn’t care about my relatives, you would all be gone, sitting and eating one by one, incompetent and full of opinions, all nonsense, all rubbish.”

Yan's mother has never seen the old man lose such a big temper. What she said just now was just a quick talk. Seeing her lose such a big temper, she was frightened. No matter how ugly he scolded, she couldn't think of anything. words to refute.

Hearing the old man's words, Yan's father bowed his head in shame. His father has always cared about the family's reputation and wanted to pass on the reputation of a century-old scholarly family. He has always known his father's wish, so he has been studying hard since he was a child, but he always He is old and doesn't know anything about business, so he can do nothing but study. He is the trash that his father said.

"I'm sorry Dad, I'm not up to date."

Hearing his son's guilty voice at this time, the old man finally regained his sanity a little bit. Looking at the two people who bowed their heads in front of him and admitted their mistakes, he sighed, flung his sleeves and walked directly upstairs.

"Dad, aren't you going to eat?" Yan's father asked worriedly.

"What else to eat, I'm full." The old man said without turning his head.

In the psychiatric hospital, Yan Xiao was locked in a small ward with only one door and small windows, and they were all covered with anti-theft nets. It was impossible for her to get out.

Why was grandpa so cruel to her and sent her to a mental hospital?
Yan Xiao thought about it, she never understood why the so-called empty reputation was more important than a real person, why didn't their family have family affection?
"Let me out, I'm not sick, why should I be locked up here, you bunch of bad guys, let me out quickly."

Yan Xiao slammed on the door of the ward, and the iron door buzzed when he slapped her, which affected the resting patients in other wards. This is a psychiatric hospital, and the patients' emotions were not very stable. As soon as she interrupted, many of them fell ill and started yelling along with her, and the whole corridor became chaotic all of a sudden.

The doctors and nurses got busy and gave sedatives one by one. When they walked to the door of Yanxiao's ward, the doctor frowned and said, "Calm down for a while, screaming is useless." , maybe you can go out if you offend that person and don't get angry with you."

"You are all bad people, you are all bad people, as bad as Li Yanfeng, let me out quickly, why should I stay here, I don't want to stay in this crappy place with a bunch of lunatics."

The doctor shook his head helplessly when he heard her words: "You are so stupid, can't you see that this is your family's protection for you? Your mother asked someone to bring it to me, saying that I will take good care of you, He also said that he would get you out soon. If you keep making trouble like this, I'm afraid it will be difficult to handle this matter."

After listening to the doctor's words, Yan Xiao finally calmed down slowly, grabbed the iron door, looked at the doctor standing outside the door and said, "You said my mother asked you to come? Is it true? Is she trying to get me out? ? When will she get me out? I don't want to stay here any longer."

The doctor shook his head and said, "As long as you stay here quietly for a while, she will always find a way to get you out."

The person she offended was none other than the all-powerful Li Yanfeng. Who in the current business circle would dare to offend him. Among the big families, except for the Su family, which is still thriving and prosperous, no one would dare to confront Li Yanfeng.

After listening to the doctor's words, Yan Xiao not only did not calm down, but suddenly became irritable: "Are you comforting me, are you, you also treat me as a mental patient, right, I am not sick at all, why should I be locked up Here, you lunatics."

"Miss Yan, I advise you to be quiet for a while, otherwise we will take tough measures."

The doctor warned, but Yan Xiao didn't take the doctor's warning seriously at all, slammed on the big iron door, and said disdainfully: "What are you, why do you lock me here, I hate you ,I hate you!"

As she talked, tears were already streaming down her face. She was depressed in the past, and for the sake of the invisible and intangible reputation that her grandfather said, she has been pretending for so many years. Just because she offended Li Yanfeng, she treated her like this. What did she do wrong? What, why do you have to treat her like this? Fate is too unfair. Jiang Yuqiao and that shameless Lou Qiqi should die. They are the ones who should be locked up here. To be so happy, but to be treated like a lunatic?

The more Yan Xiao thought about it, the darker her heart became, her expression was full of mania, she slammed on the iron door vigorously, her eyes kept staring at the doctor standing outside the door, she insulted them, and she would not let anyone around her go.

The doctor watched her become agitated, glanced at the nurse beside her, and said, "Give her a shot of tranquilizer."

The nurse nodded, then walked towards the door, grabbed Yan Xiao's hand without opening the door, the tiny pinhole pierced into the skin, after a while Yan Xiao felt that his brain was slowly sinking, and he was out of control after a while.

Seeing Yan Xiao who was slowly slumping on the ground, the doctor raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, you offended Li Yanfeng, did the Yan family think that if you were sent to such a place, you would be able to leave here safely?

What Yan Xiao said is right, he is a lunatic, and in the eyes of others, he is a lunatic, but a lunatic also has friends, he was saved by Li Yanfeng many years ago, so now is the opportunity to repay him.

"It is an honor for you to be diagnosed by the most prestigious expert in psychiatry."

Seeing Yan Xiao who was already unconscious, the young doctor curled the corners of his mouth evilly, then left humming a little tune.

Li Yanfeng, Li Yanfeng, how can you be like this?Even let him, an expert in the medical field, do such shady things. If others find out, will he still hang out in this circle?But there is no way, who made him owe him a life?It's just saying something in front of Yan Xiao every day to stimulate her, which should not lose the moral code of a doctor.

Sighing helplessly, the doctor had already walked away with his pockets in his pocket.

A week later, news came from the hospital that Yan Xiao was really crazy. He stayed in the corner every day, muttering to himself, and kept beating on the door when he was crazy. I also don’t eat, so people gradually lose weight.

When he saw the news, Li Yanfeng made a phone call: "The expert is indeed an expert, and he has tortured a person crazy in just a few days."

"Young Master Li, please don't praise me. You say such words to your heart. I am a doctor, but I secretly help you with such a sinister thing. Hey, I feel sorry for my conscience."

"Do you have a conscience?"


In fact, Yan Xiao turned into a lunatic. This is not all the reason why he said those words in front of her every day to irritate her, but because there is a demon living in her heart. She doesn't have the courage to face the demon, let alone overcome it. Let the heart demon become stronger and stronger, and slowly be occupied by the heart demon, and finally lead her to go completely crazy.

"How is she doing now?" Li Yanfeng asked.

"The state is very bad. I don't know what wrong she did to you, but for a normal person, becoming like this has already received the greatest punishment. Shouldn't you be merciful?"

"Be merciful?" Li Yanfeng questioned, then thought for a while and said, "I have given all my affection to my wife, and I can't show mercy to others."

"Uh..." The young doctor paused and said, "I'm afraid the person who offended you by talking and laughing is not you, but your little wife."

Li Yanfeng hooked the corner of his mouth on the phone and said: "If there is nothing else to do, just hang up, but I have to report these things to the Yan family as soon as possible. I want to see what they want to do next?"

He almost lost his wife and child, and Yan Xiao wanted to do that kind of thing to Qiao Qiao in the past. She would never let this kind of person go. Comments on him from the outside world will be revenged. Even if others stare at him, he will She will take revenge back, not to mention doing life-threatening things to Qiao Qiao, not taking her life is already her greatest tolerance.

After hanging up the phone, Li Yanfeng glanced at the sky outside the window. It was gloomy, as if it was going to rain. Thinking of Jiang Yuqiao's fear of thunder, Li Yanfeng stood up and walked to the office door without thinking.

Special assistant Zhao happened to have work to tell him, and when he saw him leaving in a hurry, he was taken aback, and just opened his mouth: "President..."

"The weather is bad today, so don't tell me about work."

The corners of Zhao Tezhu's mouth froze, Li Yanfeng looked far away, the weather is bad, does it have anything to do with work?

Li Yanfeng drove home in the car, thinking of Jiang Yuqiao's usual fear of thunder, he felt even more anxious. This day has not been so gloomy for a long time, and it will definitely thunder today.

Thinking of this, Li Yanfeng's speed was faster, but before he got home, it started to rain heavily, and the sky was accompanied by the dull sound of thunder.

Jiang Yuqiao was standing upstairs drawing design drafts. When the sound of thunder was heard, she trembled in fright. The pen in her hand fell to the ground. Before she could react, there was another thunder. Glancing out of the window, huge raindrops hit the glass, and the glass was blurred after a while.

Jiang Yuqiao swallowed nervously, and hurried out of the bedroom to go downstairs.

As soon as she walked outside the stairs, there was another thunder, which scared her so much that she almost lost her footing. Fortunately, she held the handle in time. Mama Li knew that Jiang Yuqiao was afraid of thunder, so when she heard the first thunder, she was already Walking out of the room and walking to the living room, he happened to see Jiang Yuqiao coming down the stairs. Seeing her staggering, he was startled, and felt like going up the stairs to help him.

"Ma'am, are you alright?" Mama Li asked worriedly. Now Madam is three months pregnant, if something unexpected happens, she can't even imagine how her husband will react.

With someone beside her, Jiang Yuqiao, she wasn't so scared. She turned her head to Li Ma and said, "I'm fine, but I'm a little afraid of thunder. Let's sit in the living room."

Mama Li nodded, and then helped her slowly down the stairs.

When she was going downstairs, Mrs. Liang just came out of the bedroom. Seeing Jiang Yuqiao being supported, she thought she had fallen, so she hurried over and asked, "What's the matter? What happened?"

"Madam was afraid of thunder, and almost fell when she went down the stairs."

Hearing Mama Li's words, Mrs. Liang hurriedly supported Jiang Yuqiao to sit down, her face was full of anxiety: "Is there anything wrong just now, did you fall down, why are you afraid of thunder?"

Sitting on the sofa, Jiang Yuqiao felt that talking to people would divert her attention, which would be better, so she immediately said: "When I was abandoned by someone when I was a child, thunder struck on a rainy day, so I have been afraid of thunder since I was a child."

Hearing her words, Liang's whole body froze, his hands trembled, and his eyes turned red: "It's so pitiful."

Mom is sorry for you, if she had been stronger at that time, their mother and daughter would not have been separated, and she would not have suffered such a crime, being abandoned on the street in a rainy day.

"It's okay. I'm much better now. I was accompanied by Li Li before, and now I'm accompanied by Yanfeng, and I also have Mom and Li Mom. I'm not so scared anymore." Jiang Yuqiao didn't know if it was her eyes. Wrong, I actually saw guilt on her face.

Hearing what she said, Liang choked up a bit, and said, "It will be fine, and it will gradually get better in the future."

Jiang Yuqiao nodded twice. Just as she was about to speak, there was a thunderclap from the sky, which made her tremble. Mrs. Liang quickly hugged her in her arms, stroked her back, and said softly: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, mom Here it is."

Nesting in her arms and feeling the unique fragrance of her body, Jiang Yuqiao suddenly felt inexplicable peace of mind and a little inexplicable greed.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, not thunder, but it made several people in the living room tremble, and they all looked towards the door where the sound came from.

Li Yanfeng came in the damp, and stood at the door like this. He was stunned when he saw the situation in the living room. Seeing that Jiang Yuqiao was not as scared as before, he was a little relieved. He took a look at his whole body, A little embarrassed.

"I'm going upstairs to take a shower and change."

After speaking, she changed into her slippers and went upstairs first. When Liang saw him disappearing at the stairs, she suddenly smiled: "He was worried about you, so he hurried back from outside, right?"

When Jiang Yuqiao heard her words, she glanced upstairs, feeling warm in her heart. At this time, a gust of wind blew over, and a chill came from the door. Li Yanfeng hadn't closed the door just now. Seeing this, Mama Li hurried to the door and closed it.

Li Yanfeng went upstairs and came down after a short while. He had already changed into fresh clothes, and hurriedly wrote downstairs, still in a hurry, walked to the living room, sat beside Jiang Yuqiao, ignoring Liang's words Existence, hugging Jiang Yuqiao.

"Jojo, I'm back, don't be afraid."

Jiang Yuqiao pushed him, looked up from his arms, and said, "I have nothing to do, and you came back from the company specially for this matter?"

Li Yanfeng let go of her, nodded, looked her up and down, saw that she was fine, then looked at Liang Shi, and asked, "Mom, is Qiao Qiao okay?"

Liang Shi didn't dare to tell about the fact that she almost fell down when she went down the stairs, so she shook her head and said, "We are all at home, it's fine, you don't have to worry."

Hearing what she said, Li Yanfeng was relieved, looked at Jiang Yuqiao, and said, "In the future, if the weather is bad, you can stay in the living room and let Mom and Li Mom talk with you, so you won't be afraid, you understand? ?”

Jiang Yuqiao nodded, "I'm talking to Mom and Li in the living room. In fact, you don't have to travel all the way back from the company."

Li Yanfeng curled his lips, and came all the way back to accompany her, afraid that she would be afraid of thunder, or was he doing too much?
Seeing him showing a trace of resentment, Jiang Yuqiao smiled at him: "But I am very happy that you can come back to accompany me specially."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a thunder from the sky, Jiang Yuqiao shivered, and quickly got into Li Yanfeng's arms. At the same time, Li Yanfeng also hugged Jiang Yuqiao tightly.

Seeing the instinctive reaction of the two of them, Liang Shi sat aside and smiled, and she felt relieved that Qiao Qiao would have Li Yanfeng to accompany her in the future.

The rain has been falling, and the thunder has been constant, but the whole family is by her side to accompany her, and Jiang Yuqiao gradually became less afraid in the end, and the glass in the house has a sound insulation effect, and the thunder is reduced , Turned on the TV again in the living room, the sound was turned up very loudly, so the thunder outside was not so obvious.

Yan family, the old man received a call from the psychiatric hospital. After he learned that Yan Xiao was really crazy, a gloomy look flashed across his face, as if he was sad or angry about something?
Seeing that his expression was not very good, Yan's father asked worriedly: "Dad, who is calling, why do you have such an expression, is something wrong?"

The old man glanced at his son and daughter-in-law, shook his head and said, "It's okay."

Listening to what he said, Yan's father didn't continue to ask, and Yan's mother who was sitting next to him had a bad feeling since the morning, her eyelids kept twitching, and she was a little suspicious of the old man's words, but thinking of the old man being angry that day She couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive, moved her mouth, and finally didn't ask anything.

Seeing that the two of them didn't say anything, the old man secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he was a little sad that his granddaughter was crazy, but he must not let his son and daughter-in-law know about this matter, otherwise he would be treated with the way they spoil their children. To such an extent, I am afraid that they will immediately rush to the psychiatric hospital to take Yan Xiao home. Yan Xiao is actually a bomb. If we take her home at that time, there is no guarantee that Li Yanfeng will not turn his attention to their home again. ?
In fact, he was skeptical about Yan Xiao's sudden madness. A good person was pretending to be sick. How could he become a lunatic after arriving at the hospital?Someone must be doing something secretly, and besides Li Yanfeng, who else is this person?
As a century-old scholarly family, he was annoyed by being suppressed by a newcomer in the business circle, and thought of rebelling at first, but the Yan family used to pay too much attention to the reputation of a scholarly family, so in business It is absolutely impossible to be Li Yanfeng's opponent, so that now he is holding him hostage everywhere, and there is no chance to resist.

And the reason why their Yan family came to this point is actually his granddaughter Yan Xiao. If she let go of Li Yanfeng from the beginning, lived with Li Yanqing wholeheartedly, and didn't provoke Jiang Yuqiao later, then their Yan family He would not have suffered such setbacks at all. It is said that he does not care about his family for the sake of his family's reputation. If he did not care about his family, he would have driven Yan Xiao out of the house long ago. After being tortured like this, how could he not feel uncomfortable, but the Yan family has the last bit of foundation left, and it will be left to his grandson. He really has no room to fight against Li Yanfeng, so he can only sacrifice Yan Xiao.

 Yan Xiao didn't know how to let go, and lost herself under the desire again and again, and finally looked back, and couldn't find the starting point at all. The family relationship is cold, even if there is no reliance, why not rely on yourself.Lou Qiqi missed it, and people who have been bad should also be favored by love, so she got Li Yanqing's love, but her words and smiles are different, she doesn't know how to let go, fame has taken root in her consciousness since she was a child, and she has been burdened too much. For a long time, I also cared too much.

(End of this chapter)

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