Chapter 128 Love Treats Everyone Fairly
Chapter 145

Hearing that Yan Xiao was really crazy, Jiang Yuqiao asked Li Yanfeng, "Let's go to the hospital to see her, okay?"

Li Yanfeng's first reaction was to shake his head: "No, she has gone crazy now, and her behavior and language are out of control. If you go, it may be dangerous."

Jiang Yuqiao looked at him straightly: "I don't know why I always feel guilty about her going crazy. Let me see her once, maybe I can calm down."

"Everything is her own fault. It has nothing to do with you. Why should you feel guilty?"

Li Yanfeng looked at her and said, anyway, he just didn't want her to visit Yan Xiao in a mental hospital.

Speaking of his insistence, Jiang Yuqiao sighed, sat beside him and glanced at him and said: "He is completely crazy now, and he must have something to do with me. If it weren't for my existence, you wouldn't have done it for me." If I go to revenge on her, she won't go to a mental hospital, and she won't go completely crazy, right?"

"Don't say such things. You are married to me. We all exist. If she does something wrong, she should be responsible for what she did."

Jiang Yuqiao was stunned when he heard what he said, and then looked up at him: "Don't you think this method of revenge is a little too cruel? Nothing happened to me, and the child in Lou Qiqi's stomach was also saved. She What you did did not cause very serious consequences, why should you pay so much responsibility?"

Hearing her suddenly serious tone, Li Yanfeng was stunned, and sat beside her and looked at her fixedly: "Even if it didn't cause any terrible consequences, her purpose is to hurt you, I absolutely don't want to hurt you." Allowing this kind of thing to exist, I also know that it may be a little cruel to do so, but if I let her go this time, then she will definitely attack you more seriously next time, don't you want our child to die before it is born? ..."

"Okay, don't talk about it." Jiang Yuqiao didn't want to hear his guesses, because just thinking about it made her sweat from shock.

It has been a long time since the two of them had such a serious face-to-face conversation. Li Yanfeng watched her bow her head stubbornly, and finally he made a compromise, sighed helplessly and said: "If you want to go, I will accompany you." you go."

"Really?" Jiang Yuqiao looked up at him, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Li Yanfeng nodded helplessly: "It's true, pack up quickly, we will go there today, and we will come back for lunch."

But he agreed to come down and Jiang Yuqiao hurriedly changed her clothes. When she came out of the cloakroom, she had already changed her pajamas and walked to Li Yanfeng's side: "It's packed, let's go."

In the end, the two left the villa in the middle of the mountain and went to the mental hospital. Li Yanfeng had already called Dr. Wang in advance, so when the two arrived, someone was already outside to meet them.

"Mr. Li, Mrs. Li, please follow me. Dr. Wang is already waiting for you two." A young nurse said to the two with a smile.

Li Yanfeng nodded lightly when he heard her words, then led Jiang Yuqiao and followed the nurses into the hospital.

The nurse led them directly to the inpatient department. As soon as they entered the inpatient building, they saw Dr. Wang waiting for them at the door. Seeing the two walking over, Dr. Wang first took a look at Jiang Yuqiao who was walking beside Li Yanfeng. , smiled politely at her, and then looked at Li Yanfeng.

"I've got someone to take care of it, come with me."

After Dr. Wang finished speaking, he turned around and walked away. Li Yanfeng glanced at Jiang Yuqiao, thinking that he would follow Dr. Wang too.

The three of them took the elevator and came to the floor where Yan Xiao was. Because the old man of the Yan family knew that she was completely crazy, he still felt a little guilty, so he paid for her and moved her to the most luxurious ward, 24 hours a day, anytime. All are followed by specialized care and receive the best treatment possible.

Walking outside a ward, there were two nurses standing at the door. They saw Dr. Wang coming over and said hello respectfully, then stood aside without saying a word.

Dr. Wang glanced at Li Yanfeng and said: "She just moved to this new ward yesterday, and her mood is not stable, so she has to be optimistic."

As he said that, Dr. Wang glanced at Jiang Yuqiao who was standing beside Li Yanfeng, meaning to let Li Yanfeng take good care of Jiang Yuqiao, and don't let Yan Xiao go crazy and hurt her.

After listening to Dr. Wang's words, Li Yanfeng held Jiang Yuqiao's hand tightly, and then followed Dr. Wang into the ward.

There were also two nurses in the ward. They were stunned when they saw a few people coming in, and then nodded respectfully as greetings.

Jiang Yuqiao walked into the ward and saw a person lying on the hospital bed. She might have heard them coming in and moved. He turned his head away and lay motionless on the bed.

"She just took the medicine, and now her brain is still in a state of chaos, and she can't recognize people clearly. If she wakes up after a while, she will go crazy everywhere."

Doctor Wang said, Wen Yanjiang Yuqiao glanced at Yan Xiao on the hospital bed, then raised her foot and took two steps towards the hospital bed, but was caught by Li Yanfeng.

"She doesn't know anything now, what are you doing in the past, wait until she wakes up to talk about something later, stand here now and don't move around."

Hearing his words, Jiang Yuqiao honestly returned to her side, stood up and looked at the words and smiles on the hospital bed, feeling an inexplicable emotion in her heart.

Dr. Wang, who was standing aside, saw the reaction between the two of them, the corners of his mouth curled up, and a hint of teasing flashed in his eyes, Li Yanfeng has changed a lot from before.

The three of them had been waiting in the ward for less than 10 minutes, when the person on the bed moved again. Seeing this, Dr. Wang took two steps forward, observed Yan Xiao's situation, and asked, "Yan Xiao, can you hear it now?" Am I talking?"

Yan Xiao glanced at him, then sat up from the hospital bed, looked up and saw Li Yanfeng and Jiang Yuqiao standing at the door, as if they were stimulated, they were fine just now, and now they suddenly took them like crazy. The pillows on the bed were thrown at them.

"Bad guy, both of you are bad guys, adulterer, you should both die." While throwing things on the bed and cursing, Doctor Wang looked at the calm Li Yanfeng and the frowning Jiang Yuqiao , raised her eyebrows and said, "This is how she is now. She is said to be completely crazy, but sometimes she can recognize one or two people, saying that she is not crazy, but she is not like a normal person anymore, the old man of the Yan family I took out a lot of money and said that I would do my best to heal her, and out of the professional ethics of a doctor, I also tried my best."

Li Yanfeng understood his feelings and didn't blame him, just nodded and said: "I'm already very grateful if you can help me."

After knowing that Yan's family sent Yan Xiao to the mental hospital to escape his revenge, he thought of this method, let Dr. Wang say a word or two to stimulate her in front of Yan Xiao from time to time, making her really crazy. As he wished, Yan Xiao really went crazy, but Dr. Wang is a doctor, helping him to do such a thing is already against his professional ethics, and now he doesn't want him to continue to give up on Yan Xiao for him Treatment.

Here, Yan Xiao was still throwing things cursingly, staring at Li Yanfeng and Jiang Yuqiao all the time, seeing that they didn't respond, she stopped throwing things, but sat up and was about to get out of bed. Put on the slippers, put on the slippers, and then run towards Jiang Yuqiao's direction.

Seeing her with loose hair, dressed in white, and leaping towards her like a madman, Jiang Yuqiao was startled, and quickly hid behind Li Yanfeng.

Seeing Yan Xiao's movements, the two nurses in the ward quickly stopped her, dragged her to the hospital bed, and kept holding her arm so that she could not move.

Li Yanfeng patted Jiang Yuqiao's arm to signal her not to be afraid. Jiang Yuqiao walked out from behind her to look at Yan Xiao who had been forcibly suppressed by the nurses on the hospital bed. Jiang Yuqiao just took two steps and stared at her. Seeing his angry eyes, he blinked, and took two steps closer to her. This time Li Yanfeng did not stop her, but followed her a few steps.Always by her side, ready to protect her at any time.

"Yan Xiao, you have become like this now, have you ever regretted it?"

Jiang Yuqiao didn't know how crazy she was now, and she didn't know if she could understand what she said, but there were some things she wanted to ask. A little relationship, so in order to alleviate the guilt in her heart, she insisted on coming today.

Yan Xiao kept staring at her angrily, and suddenly froze when she heard Jiang Yuqiao's words, and then laughed like crazy, Jiang Yuqiao didn't know what she was laughing at, and kept thinking for a long time, as if She couldn't help but stop laughing.

"Bitch, everyone is a bitch, it's not fair, God is not fair, why do you get everything, but I lose everything, it's all because of you, you bitch, otherwise I would How could it have come to this point?"

Listening to her incoherent words, Jiang Yuqiao knew in her heart that even though she was deranged, some things were still deeply rooted in her brain. For example, she hated herself. Even if she was crazy, she still had this subconscious mind. The hatred in her heart.

"You hate me, you said that you came this far because of me, I never thought of harming you, nor did I think of taking anything away from you, but you have always regarded me as your imaginary enemy, You like Li Yanfeng, you think I took him away, why don't you think about whether he ever liked you, he has never been owned by you, how can you talk about losing it?"

Yan Xiao on the bed looked at the ceiling with her eyes motionless. Jiang Yuqiao didn't know if she had listened to her own words, but she continued to say: "Later, I married Li Yanfeng, and you thought it was unfair, so you wanted to harm me. , you don’t want your reputation to be ruined after the incident is revealed, so you use Lou Qiqi to harm me. In the end, when the truth is revealed, Li Yanqing also knows who you are, and he also realizes his feelings. Lou Qiqi started to hate you, you have been blaming others, blaming others for taking away your things, but did you think about cherishing them when you had them?"

"Although Lou Qiqi has harmed me, she was also bewitched by you. She is just a spoiled daughter of the family. She has a domineering temper sometimes, but she won't do things that really want to harm people's reputation and life. Yes, the reason why she did that to me at our wedding that time was because of your bewitching. I actually believe that God is fair, and love is fair to everyone. Even if Lou Qiqi does something wrong, she I also got Li Yanqing's love, but what about you? Obviously you could get that love, but you destroyed it with your own hands. You said that God was unfair to you, so I want to ask where is God unfair to you?"

Jiang Yuqiao looked at her motionless, and sighed: "You were born in an aristocratic family, even though the family tradition is very strict, but you have a complete family, a father and mother who love you, and an older brother , and those children who have no parents from birth, they will not complain like you, they will only enrich themselves and make themselves stronger, but what about you?"

"Stop talking, what right do you have to tell me what to do?" Yan Xiao suddenly looked at Jiang Yuqiao, staring at Jiang Yuqiao and said angrily.

Jiang Yuqiao looked at her angry look and sighed: "I know I'm not qualified, but my heart is not as bad as yours. Seeing you like this, even if I didn't do anything, my heart is not as bad as yours. I will feel guilty, the reason why I told you these words is that I just want to lighten the burden in my heart, I have finished my words, it is up to you whether you listen or not, anyway, I feel much better."

Hearing Jiang Yuqiao's words, she laughed out loud, and the whole ward was filled with her sharp laughter.

"You said you were kind-hearted, you said you felt guilty? Stop pretending, you must really want to see me tortured, now that I have become like this, you should be the happiest, don't be hypocritical It's disgusting to hear those things being said in front of me."

Hearing her say such words, Jiang Yuqiao knew that she must not have listened to her own words. She glanced at Li Yanfeng who was standing beside her, and said, "I have finished what I have to say, let's go home."

Li Yanfeng stood by her side all the time, after she had finished speaking, he was about to turn around while holding her hand, but Jiang Yuqiao suddenly grabbed him, and looked at Yan Xiao on the hospital bed again: "Let's put it down, start over, we don't They will laugh at you, and no one will care about your emotional failure, you are still young now, if you keep sticking to your heart and past like this, you will stay in this place for the rest of your life."

After speaking, Jiang Yuqiao followed Li Yanfeng out of the ward without turning her head. Seeing them leave, Dr. Wang glanced at Yan Xiao, shook his head, sighed and said, "I know you are not completely crazy, take good care of yourself. Well, so what if you fail, how do you know that other people who seem to be glamorous have not suffered setbacks?"

After speaking, the doctor also left the ward, Yan Xiao kept staring at the ceiling, unable to recover for a long time.

The education she has received since she was a child is that she is a child from a scholarly family, she should be educated and reasonable, she should be gentle and generous, so she has behaved very well since she was a child, and she will always be among the best in school.On the outside, she is always the child of other people's family that others envy the most. She was beautiful since she was a child, so she did everything smoothly. She kept telling herself in her heart that she couldn't fail, it would be shameful if she failed, because she was a child from a scholarly family, how could she allow failure.

But she failed. An evil thought had been growing in her suppressed heart since she was a child. In the end, she slowly lost herself and became the person she hated the most. When she discovered this, not only did she not stop herself , On the contrary, I think this feeling is very beautiful, it will make her close to her inner desire, and make her feel that she is a person with feelings, so she goes wrong step by step until he fails completely.

Does no one really care about her failure?Is there really no one who doesn't laugh at her?
Yan Xiao kept asking himself this question in his heart. He didn't know what came to his mind. He suddenly smiled and looked out of the window. It rained yesterday, and the leaves outside the window were washed very clean, and even the view outside the window seemed exceptional. clear.

Dr. Wang, who walked out of the ward, caught up with Li Yanfeng and Jiang Yuqiao who were about to enter the elevator, and said, "As her attending doctor, I know her condition very well. Her condition has been deteriorating since she was admitted to the hospital. It has stabilized a lot, and I believe she listened to what she said today, and as a doctor, I also hope that she will get better as soon as possible."

He said this to Li Yanfeng. Jiang Yuqiao looked at Li Yanfeng after hearing what he said, saw him nodded and said: "You are a doctor, I will not interfere with your diagnosis and treatment of patients, my goal has been achieved, I will not Don't worry about doing too much."

"Just now you have expressed this meaning. I just said this to tell you about her condition."

Li Yanfeng nodded lightly, but said nothing.

After leaving the psychiatric hospital, Jiang Yuqiao felt relieved, looked at Li Yanfeng who was driving with a smile, and said, "Finally, I feel a little smoother in my heart. I used to always feel that I owed her, but now I found out after talking to her. The reason why she got to this point is that she pushed herself too hard."

"Yeah." Li Yanfeng responded to her lightly, and then said, "I played with her when I was young. She was the kind of obedient girl in the eyes of others since she was a child. She was very cautious in everything she did. She made mistakes, so she didn't allow things in her life that she couldn't control, so that she slowly lost herself later on."

"So the family's education method is very important. Her family has been telling her what a scholarly family should do, and it probably pushed her too hard. A good person has actually embarked on this path, but now There’s still time to go back.”

Li Yanfeng nodded faintly: "When we have children in the future, we must not let them have too much mental pressure."

Jiang Yuqiao agreed with his statement: "You are right, when the child is born, I will educate it myself."

"You educate yourself?" Li Yanfeng said with a smile. If she educated herself, would she educate the child to be cute and cute?
Hearing his question, Jiang Yuqiao turned her head to look at him and asked, "What's wrong with my education, you don't believe me?"

Li Yanfeng quickly shook his head: "It's not that I don't believe you, I'm just praying that the child's intelligence will be as good as mine, and then I will let you teach it yourself. In this case, I guess it is both smart and kind."

Jiang Yuqiao didn't react for a while, but she nodded happily when she heard that the child would let her be educated in the future, and suddenly understood, looked at him and said, "You think I'm not smart enough, are you?"

Seeing her, Li Yanfeng came to his senses and smiled: "I don't dare to suspect that your intelligence is not enough. You will lose a lot if you get angry and ignore me again. I mean your intelligence is very good, but mine It is better than your intelligence, so I hope the child's intelligence will follow mine."

Listening to his explanation, Jiang Yuqiao curled her lips and muttered, "An explanation is a cover-up. You clearly dislike my lack of intelligence."

Listening to her muttering in a low voice, Li Yanfeng smiled and glanced at her with tenderness in his eyes.

Back home, Liang asked them to find out that the two of them had gone to a psychiatric hospital, and asked nervously, "What did you do there, did anything happen?"

Jiang Yuqiao knew that she was getting nervous again, she shook her head with a smile and said, "Just to say a few words, nothing happened, isn't there Yanfeng all the time?"

Hearing what she said, Liang breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at Li Yanfeng and asked, "How is she doing now?"

Although I don't have a good impression of her now, after all, I have lived in the same family for so many years, so I still want to know her situation.

Li Yanfeng glanced at her and said: "The doctor said that her condition is very stable now, and she will try her best to treat her. I believe she will recover in a short time."

"That's a good relationship. I hope she can let go of the past." Liang muttered, and then returned to her room.

Jiang Yuqiao glanced at Li Yanfeng, and you whispered: "It seems that everyone except Yan Xiao knows where her illness is?"

Li Yanfeng just looked at her, and didn't answer her after hearing what she said. Jiang Yuqiao looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Why are you staring at me? Is there something on my face? Or am I wrong?" What words?"

Li Yanfeng rubbed her head and said with a smile: "You will call Yanfeng when you mention me to your elders, and you will call me by all my names when you mention me to your friends, but do you still remember the first time you went to What did you call me when you were in the Li family?"

Hearing his words, Jiang Yuqiao was stunned for a while, and asked suspiciously: "I forgot, what did I call you at that time?"

Li Yanfeng shook his head: "Then think about it slowly, if you can't remember it, let me educate the child in the future."

"How long has it been? How can I remember? You can't threaten me with educating children."

"I didn't threaten you. It's because you have a bad memory. You can't even remember such trivial things. You still want to teach the child yourself?" Li Yanfeng looked at her anxious look and thought it was funny, so he intentionally made her happy.

Hearing his distasteful tone, Jiang Yuqiao pursed her mouth and glared at him: "I just can't remember it. You can just tell me no, why are you threatening me with such things?"

Seeing that she seemed to be really angry, Li Yanfeng hurriedly said with a smile: "You are so angry, okay, I won't tease you, I was just joking with you, you are the mother of the child, how can you not let me You educate me, as for what you called me in the Li family for the first time, you should think about it carefully."

After Li Yanfeng finished speaking, he turned around and walked upstairs. Jiang Yuqiao stood in the living room and frowned, thinking about his question seriously.

What did she call him when he was in the Li family for the first time?It's been so long, how can she remember it.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Yuqiao didn't remember it. When it was almost time for lunch, Jiang Yuqiao knocked on the door of Mrs. Liang's room: "Mom, are you resting? Can I go in?"

There was no echo, but after a while, the door was opened. Liang stood in the room and smiled at Jiang Yuqiao who was standing at the door, then took her hand and led her into the room.

"Come in quickly and sit down. Next time you want to chat with mom, just come in directly. Why are you knocking?"

Having lived with her for such a long time, Jiang Yuqiao is now completely familiar with her intimacy, and gradually became familiar with her.

Following Liang Shi into the room, Liang Shi let her sit on the sofa, poured her a glass of water, and said, "Want to chat with Mom?"

Jiang Yuqiao nodded and said with a smile: "Mom, do you still remember what I called Yanfeng when I went to Li's house for the first time?"

Hearing her sudden question, Liang was stunned, then thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Did Yan Feng mention this matter?"

"How do you know?" Jiang Yuqiao asked in surprise.

Liang Shi smiled: "At that time, you and Yanfeng went back to Li's house together. When you first entered the house, you met Yan Xiao. Don't you remember what happened after that?"

Hearing what she said, Jiang Yuqiao suddenly thought of it, and suddenly realized that when Yan Xiao talked, he was very close to Li Yanfeng, and he deliberately created an illusion for her, so she didn't have any scruples in a hurry. He just called "Ah Feng" very affectionately.

"It's not that I'm afraid it's just such a small thing, how do you all remember it?" Jiang Yuqiao said in amazement, but when she thought of something, she looked at Liang Shi with doubts, "I remember that there were only three of us there, how did you know that?" ?”

Liang Shi smiled: "The housekeeper happened to pass by at the time, and after hearing what you said, he started talking to me when he was chatting with me afterwards."

Hearing the words, Jiang Yuqiao pursed her lips, did the butler really listen to all directions and see all directions?
"In the beginning, you went back to Li's house with Yanfeng. At that time, I could see that there was no real relationship between the two of you. At that time, I was a little worried that it would delay your little one. The girl's youth, but now I am relieved to see it."

Jiang Yuqiao was stunned, and asked, "Did you know from the beginning that the two of us were acting?"

Liang Shi nodded: "At that time, although Yanfeng acted to take good care of you and treated you in every possible way, a person's eyes could not lie. At that time, there was no love in his eyes at all, and there was even love in his eyes. A little bit of strangeness and alienation."

"Then what happened afterwards?" Jiang Yuqiao asked suspiciously, wanting to know what she and Li Yanfeng looked like in the eyes of others?

Liang smiled: "Later I didn't know you couldn't drink, and I made you drink a glass of red wine. Your stomach problem recurred. At that time, Yanfeng rushed you to the hospital. The servant said that he had never seen him in such a hurry. , so from that time on I knew that Yanfeng began to treat you differently."

"So you mean that Li Yanfeng already liked me at that time?" Jiang Yuqiao thought with a smug smile on his face.

Seeing the smile on her face, Liang Shi didn't deny it, and nodded with a smile: "Although I can't be sure that he liked you at that time, it can at least prove that he has already started to care about you."

Listening to her words, Jiang Yuqiao's face was full of bright smiles, and she thought to herself: Li Yanfeng, Li Yanfeng, you have already started to have feelings for me not long after you got married, it seems that my personal charm is still quite big .

Someone said that in a relationship between a man and a woman, whoever falls in love first is the one who loses first. Although the two of them fell in love with each other, it didn't lead to a situation where whoever loses and who wins, but you can know that he fell in love with her first, This undoubtedly did not make her feel that she had an advantage in the relationship between the two.

In fact, even if she didn't know about this matter, Li Yanfeng usually treats her so well and takes care of her meticulously, wishing she had to suffer a little bit of grievance, this is enough to show that she has completely dominated the relationship between the two of them, and that In the past, the all-powerful and unscrupulous Li Ershao had completely erased his usual edges and corners, and became a man who obeyed his wife's order now.

In another villa in Banshan Villa, Chen Jiajie was flipping through a magazine with a fruit plate beside her, feeling very comfortable.

At this time, Zuo Zhixiu, who was upstairs in the study, was writing furiously, writing a press release that was about to be released.

This is the best countermeasure he has come up with after thinking for a long time. It can not only minimize the harm to the two children, but also allow them to live a peaceful life in the future without being questioned and disturbed by others.

After another half an hour, Zuo Zhixiu finally moved his head away from the computer, rubbed his already sore neck, checked the press release, then smiled, opened Weibo, and compiled a long-form report sent out.

The mobile phone next to her rang, which was a notification ringtone only for special attention. Chen Jiajie glanced at the mobile phone, then picked it up and turned on the notification.

She didn't do the special attention, it was Zuo Zhixiu who forced her to pay attention, so as soon as Zuo Zhixiu updated her Weibo, she would remind her.

Chen Jiajie opened Weibo and saw the content he posted. The first thing that caught her eyes was a paternity test report, and the protagonists were nothing more than Zuo Zhixiu, Xin Gan and the baby. The bottom one showed the parent-child relationship, which was 99% .

And under this paternity test report is a group photo of three people. The two children are smiling brightly, and Zuo Zhixiu is also smiling for a year. The appearance of the three people looks very enviable.

Chen Jiajie frowned after reading the long Weibo post he posted, glanced upstairs, put down the magazine, went upstairs without knocking on the door, and went straight into the study.

"Did you write that report just now?" Chen Jiajie asked.

Zuo Zhixiu nodded with a smile: "Of course, is it well written? Do you think my writing skills are great and my ideas are brilliant?"

"Great you big-headed ghost!" Chen Jiajie waited for him, then walked to sit opposite him and said, "You actually did a paternity test secretly behind my back, don't you believe me?"

Zuo Zhixiu was stunned when he heard her words, and then quickly shook his head: "I didn't, I just went to the hospital for a paternity test to improve the evidence of this report, and I definitely don't believe you the meaning of."

"Even if I believe you don't mean it, what will the outside world say?" Chen Jiajie looked at him straight and asked.

Zuo Zhixiu was stunned, he didn't think of this question, he was a little dazed when he heard Chen Jiajie's words, thought for a while and said, "They won't speak in a bad way, will they?"

"No." Chen Jiajie twitched the corners of her lips with a non-smiling smile, and then said, "The big deal is that I was greedy for wealth and honor. I was not famous five years ago, so I climbed up to you so deliberately. If I didn't have the current In terms of reputation, I just joined the rich family directly, and I have the current reputation, that is just icing on the cake."

"It won't be so evil..." Although Zuo Zhixiu said this, he was also a little scared in his heart, because there are everyone on the Internet who can say anything, but they never say it to themselves Be responsible.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhixiu looked at Chen Jiajie worriedly: "Don't watch TV recently, don't look at your phone anymore, I will take care of it."

"How can you deal with it? I've read the report you wrote. Although what you said is true, you have told the truth about our marriage since we met by chance, but do you think others will believe it?" Chen Jiajie looked at he said.

"Then what should I do?" Zuo Zhixiu had no idea now, so he asked Chen Jiajie.

Chen Jiajie glanced at him, raised her eyebrows, stroked her flat abdomen, and said, "I'm a pregnant woman now, and I want to raise my baby with peace of mind. Didn't you say that I'll leave it to you? Find a way for yourself."

"You're just looking to die." Zuo Zhixiu said resentfully when she saw that she was about to stand up and leave.

When Chen Jiajie heard what he said, she turned her head and glanced at him lightly: "You did it yourself, and you even pointed the finger of the report at me, and asked me to find a way for you? It's a good idea."

"Then I really don't know what to do, my dear wife, you are my backbone, give me an idea." Zuo Zhixiu looked at her and said.

Chen Jiajie glanced at him with pursed lips, and then said: "Go home and ask your mother for advice. If you are afraid of being scolded, you can also consult Li Yanfeng, or find Chen Yize. He usually has more ghostly ideas. Many, maybe it can help you, but don't bother me anymore, I want to raise my baby with peace of mind."

He deliberately said the word "An Xin" very strongly, then turned his head and left the study.

Seeing the back of her leaving, Zuo Zhixiu pursed his lips, his wife is really strong, and her temper has not changed at all when she is pregnant.

(End of this chapter)

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