Chapter 129 You just trust me like that?

Chapter 146

Hearing Chen Jiajie's words, Zuo Zhixiu went out to Li Yanfeng's house and raised his eyebrows when he saw him suddenly visit Li Yanfeng. He had seen the post on his Weibo just now, so he guessed how much he was What are you doing here today?

"Brother, there is something I want to ask you to teach me." Zuo Zhixiu said.

Li Yanfeng took the fruit plate from Mama Li, placed it skillfully in front of Jiang Yuqiao, then looked at Zuo Zhixiu and said, "If you don't tell me, I already guessed what you came to see me for today?"

Zuo Zhixiu was stunned, thinking that he must have seen it from Weibo, so he was not very surprised, but looked at him aggrieved and said: "I thought this was the best solution, but I didn't expect it would be so."

It has been a while since Weibo was updated, so now there are some bad signs on the Internet, which makes him very worried, afraid that it will really be like what Chen Jiajie said.

Jiang Yuqiao looked at this and that, not knowing what they were talking about.Finally, he pinched a piece of grape and put it in his mouth, sat there obediently and ate the fruit, while listening to what they were talking about.

Zuo Zhixiu said with a mournful face, "I didn't expect things to be like this. I just wanted to tell everyone the truth, and the outside world would definitely accept it. I thought they were too naive. Now it's here. How can I save it? I really can’t think of a way, Jiajie asked me to come and consult you.”

Listening to his words, Li Yanfeng sighed and said: "Since everything has already happened, no matter how many ways to save it, it is impossible to make it look like it didn't happen."

"Even if it's not of great use, I still have to give it a try, otherwise I can't stand watching Jiajie being scolded by others like this." Zuo Zhixiu muttered.

"If I knew this would happen, I should have discussed it with Chen Jiajie when you announced the news."

Wen Yan Zuo Zhixiu said helplessly: "I didn't know that such a thing would happen. I thought she was pregnant and let her raise the baby quietly, but I didn't expect to cause him a lot of trouble."

Seeing that he seemed to be sincerely repenting, Li Yanfeng thought for a while and said: "The thing has already happened now, and I don't have a particularly good way to give you, but the best way is to ignore it, just like me and Qiao Qiao, before Hasn’t there been a lot of scolding on the Internet for a while? Now it’s quiet, and not many people pay attention to this matter, so no matter what is said on the Internet, you don’t care about it, and don’t bring it up in front of Chen Jiajie. , It will get better after a period of time, it is best not to explain this kind of thing, the more you talk about it, the more people will think you are guilty."

After hearing what he said, Zuo Zhixiu was stunned, and frowned: "Your solution is to ignore it? Is that okay?"

Li Yanfeng raised his eyebrows: "I'm just giving you an opinion. If you have a very sure way to solve this problem, then you can do it."

Zuo Zhixiu thought about it seriously for a while, but he really couldn't think of any solution, so he sighed helplessly: "Then we can only do what you said."

In the end, there was no specific solution to the problem. When Zuo Zhixiu came home, Chen Jiajie was watching TV. After thinking about it, Zuo Zhixiu went to her, took the remote control, and turned off the TV, saying, "I went to consult Li Yanfeng. , he said let's leave this matter alone for now, and don't explain anything, they won't talk about it after a while, so don't watch TV recently, maybe there will be bad reports about you, I'm afraid you will watch It will be bad for the fetus."

Chen Jiajie glanced at him indifferently, then picked up the magazine on the side and read it. Seeing her calm look, Zuo Zhixiu walked up to her side and sat down in doubt, asking, "Don't you think so at all?" Are you in a hurry? This is about your reputation."

Chen Jiajie didn't raise her head, she flipped through the magazine and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter if they scold me or praise me, what does that have to do with me? I've never been the kind of person who cares about other people's opinions and lives. "

Hearing her words, Zuo Zhixiu was stunned for a while, then suddenly felt relieved, smiled and said: "You are right, you can't care too much about other people's thoughts, wouldn't it be like living by looking at other people's faces?" Is it the same? That's so depressing, don't care about them, they can say whatever they want, anyway, life is the two of us, and they don't know anything, don't care."

After Zuo Zhixiu finished speaking, he looked at Chen Jiajie with a smile as if he had suddenly figured something out, and still looked at the magazine calmly, and asked suspiciously: "Did you know that Li Yanfeng told me this solution early on?" way, so you're not surprised at all?"

Hearing what he said, Chen Jiajie raised her head to look at him, and smiled: "It's a very simple truth, you don't understand it yourself, and I don't know if Li Yanfeng has other ways, so I just let you try it out. For a moment, I didn't expect him to have the same idea as mine, so I feel relieved."

After listening to her words, Zuo Zhixiu curled her lips: "Bai asked me to run, it's almost time for Xin Gan and Bao Bao to leave school, I'll pick them up, you stay at home well."

After finishing speaking, Zuo Zhixiu glanced at the time again, and confirmed that it was indeed time to pick up the children from school, so he quickly picked up the car keys and left the house.

The sound of the door closing sounded, and Chen Jiajie glanced at Zuo Zhixiu who was driving away through the glass of the floor-to-ceiling window, and smiled with her lips pursed.

This day was the day when Lou Qiqi was discharged from the hospital. The doctor said that her body had fully recovered and the fetus was fine, so she could be discharged from the hospital. Jiang Yuqiao came to the hospital with Li Yanfeng after learning the news. This time, Li Yanfeng Instead of waiting downstairs, she accompanied Jiang Yuqiao upstairs.

Walking outside the ward, Jiang Yuqiao knocked on the door, and she pushed the door open when there was a voice asking her to come in. Before going in, she glanced at Li Yanfeng who was following her, hesitated for a while, and left without saying anything. went in.

Li Yanfeng followed Jiang Yuqiao into the ward. Lou Qiqi had already got up and packed up her things. It seemed that she was about to be discharged from the hospital. Seeing Jiang Yuqiao coming in, she smiled, but seeing him behind him Li Yanfeng's smile immediately froze on his face.

Seeing the change in her expression, Jiang Yuqiao said quickly, "You'd better go out and wait for a while."

Hearing Jiang Yuqiao's words, Li Yanfeng glanced at her, and then at Lou Qiqi, who had a stiff smile on his face. At this time, there was a sound of opening the door. They looked at the door and saw Li Yanqing walking in. .

When Li Yanfeng appeared in the ward, Li Yanqing was stunned, then quickly looked at Lou Qiqi, seeing her unhappy face, she frowned and looked at Li Yanfeng.

"The two of us should come out and talk."

He said this to Li Yanfeng. Hearing his words, Li Yanfeng glanced at Jiang Yuqiao, then turned and walked out of the ward. Li Yanqing glanced at Lou Qiqi worriedly, and followed Li Yanfeng out of the ward, leaving only her behind. And Jiang Yuqiao.

"Sorry, he wants to come in with me, I didn't think of you..."

Seeing Lou Qiqi like this, Jiang Yuqiao knew that she still cared about what Li Yanfeng did to her, that's why the expression on her face became so ugly when she saw Li Yanfeng.

Listening to Jiang Yuqiao's apology, Lou Qiqi showed a faint smile on her face, shook her head and said, "You don't have to say sorry to me, I'm trying to let go and forget the hatred in my heart for the sake of my child, but still needs time."

Jiang Yuqiao was very relieved after hearing her words. She also had hatred in her heart. Lou Qiqi was different from Yan Xiao. With motivation, she needs a child to protect, so she wants to forget the hatred in her heart and let go of everything in the past.

"How do you feel now?" Jiang Yuqiao changed the subject.

Lou Qiqi smiled, asked her to sit down, and said, "I feel good, but recently I seem to have some morning sickness. The doctor said it was a normal pregnancy reaction. Now my body has returned to normal, and there is no problem at all."

Hearing what she said, Jiang Yuqiao was also relieved, and nodded with a smile: "Although I don't have much experience, I am two months earlier than you, so if you have any questions, you can call me. If you have any trouble, you can find me."

Lou Qiqi was stunned, watching the smile on Jiang Yuqiao's face deepen, and finally smiled helplessly: "I was really naive before, and I couldn't get along with you. He was just a fantasy in my heart when I was a child. Fortunately, I put it down in time, otherwise I would end up like Yan Xiao, right?"

Of course he deserves to be Li Yanfeng
Lou Qiqi smiled, and then continued: "I did that to you, although I didn't hurt you, but if Li Yanfeng hadn't arrived in time, I would have made a big mistake, maybe now There is no chance of turning back, I didn't expect that you don't hate me at all, and you share these things with me."

Speaking of which, Lou Qiqi pointed out that the nutritional supplements placed in the hospital bed were all brought by Jiang Yuqiao, or he asked others to bring them.

Listening to her words, Jiang Yuqiao also thought for a while: "Recalling the past now seems like it has been many years. Even if you remember clearly, it will not help your current life. I don't want to leave regrets in my heart, but I do, so it's better to try to let go. In fact, sometimes I admire your heart, and I have always been ashamed of what happened to you..."

Before she could finish speaking, Lou Qiqi interrupted Jiang Yuqiao: "It was my own fault. If I hadn't felt that way towards you at that time, I wouldn't have received that kind of revenge, so there is always a difference between good and evil. Karma, in fact, if I say I have hatred for Li Yanfeng now, it’s not true, it’s just that when I see him now, I remember that incident, and there are always bad things in my memory, so I dare not touch it.”

Hearing her say this, Jiang Yuqiao felt that she owed her even more, even Li Yanfeng's share was added to her own guilt, so the eyes that looked at Lou Qiqi were full of guilt.

Seeing her like this, Lou Qiqi smiled helplessly: "Stop talking about such sad topics, it's already a thing of the past, I am living a happy life now, and you are also living a very good life, isn't it? ?"

Jiang Yuqiao nodded with a smile: "Then I can only wish you the best of luck."

"You too."

The two glanced at each other, both were stunned, and then smiled at each other, as if they had suddenly realized something and understood something.

Jiang Yuqiao and Lou Qiqi, neither of them thought that they would give each other such loyal blessings, nor did they think that the two of them would chat and send blessings in such a friendly mood, and they didn't know when the relationship between the two began. The time has changed, and slowly it seems that the previous estrangement is less, more like a friend with some kind of tacit understanding, some things don't need to be said, but I already understand it in my heart.

At this time outside the ward, Li Yanfeng looked down at his mobile phone, sitting on the chair, and had no intention of chatting with Li Yanqing.

Li Yanqing glanced at him and said: "She is letting go of some things now, but it is not that simple to forget a painful memory, so it takes a little time."

Hearing him take the initiative to bring up the topic, Li Yanfeng glanced at him and said, "I didn't force her to forget. Although she was at fault at the time, I did go too far in this matter, but I also did it for Qiao Qiao's sake." , In fact, I should say an apology."

Li Yanqing was stunned when he heard his words, and then smiled: "I can hear your words, I guess Qiqi will let go of many things in her heart."

In the past, although Li Yanfeng always showed a gentle attitude towards others in front of everyone, he knew that he was definitely not the kind of easy-talking person, especially if the outside world still spread it like that, he felt that Li Yanfeng was definitely not easy to bully. Da, even if he really did something wrong, he has never heard him say a word of apology, so he was a little surprised to hear him say such a thing at this time.

The two stood outside the ward and chatted. They heard voices coming from the ward, and there were still voices of talking and laughing together from time to time. They looked at each other and saw gentle smiles on each other's faces.

"I went to you to help me that day, and said that I would use a secret as a bargaining chip. At that time, you said that you knew all the secrets. Is it true or are you dealing with me?"

Hearing Li Yanqing's words, Li Yanfeng glanced at him, smiled and said: "The secret you mentioned is just the secret about the family inheritance right."

Li Yanqing was taken aback for a moment, and only after hearing him say this did he confirm that he really knew the secret, and asked suspiciously, "When did you know?"

"When I was young, I started guessing when I heard the old man scold me. Later, I got someone to investigate, and it really confirmed my guess." After speaking, Li Yanfeng smiled mockingly.

Li Yanfeng glanced at him and said: "I know that you still have the ability to explore many secrets, which means that I am of no use to you at all. You already know this secret, so why do you want to help me?" Woolen cloth?"

"Yan Xiao has done something to hurt Qiao Qiao, she is my bottom line, no one can touch her. Maybe you understand this, just like Lou Qiqi's position in your heart, maybe my affection is deeper."

Listening to him say this plainly, Li Yanqing always felt a sinister feeling, glanced at him, and raised his eyebrows seeing the plain expression on his face.

Li Yanfeng's bottom line is Jiang Yuqiao. At the beginning, he felt that he was playing tricks on the occasion. He didn't expect his feelings for Jiang Yuqiao to be so deep. However, Li Yanfeng's feelings may be understandable, because he met Lou Qiqi saw her own feelings clearly, and also understood the feeling of being moved by someone and worrying about her all the time.

Li Yanqing glanced at Li Yanfeng, thought of something, hesitated and asked: "There is one thing, I have been suspicious since I was a child, because that time when my parents quarreled, I would hear them talking about one thing, this thing It has troubled me for a long time, you said you know all the secrets of the Li family, so I want to ask you something."

Listening to his words, Li Yanfeng put his phone away, finally put his eyes on his face, raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you want to ask?"

In fact, he probably already guessed what Li Yanqing wanted to ask.

"Is Li Li a child of the Li family?"

Li Yanqing hesitated for a long time before asking this question, even if he said it, he was the most cautious, afraid that he might make a mistake, or that Li Yanfeng might hear it wrong.

Seeing that he really asked this question, Li Yanfeng nodded lightly, and then glanced out of the window: "You may already have the answer in your heart, she is your father's child born outside, when she first came to Li's house We are only four or five years old, and our memory is not very clear, and I only remember a few things, and I only found out about it when I overheard your parents quarreling."

Li Yanqing breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly smiled: "My mother has been very indifferent to Li Li since she was a child, so that I didn't care much about her younger sister. On the contrary, you are closer to her. At that time, I wondered if it was because she was not my own sister, but now I am relieved to hear what you said."

Hearing what he said, Li Yanfeng glanced at him, and smiled mockingly: "You can rest assured knowing that Li Li is your half-sister? If not, if she has no blood relationship with you, do you plan to marry her in the future? Don't you recognize her as a sister?"

Li Yanqing was stunned, looking at Li Yanfeng with a mocking smile on his face, I don't know why he was so serious all of a sudden, after thinking about it for a few days when he went to see Li Li in other places, he often heard Li Li mention her second brother, it seems Their cousins ​​are closer than his brother.

Thinking of this, Li Yanqing felt a little guilty, glanced at Li Yanfeng, smiled and said: "I have already reached the divorce with Yan Xiao, which means that the possibility of me returning to Li's house is very small, so I Now maybe I am more eager for family affection, and I am relieved after confirming that Li Li is my sister, but I just don't want to lose her as a sister."

Hearing what he said, the mocking smile on the corner of Li Yanfeng's mouth faded away. He glanced at the direction of the door of the ward. After a while, the door was opened. Jiang Yuqiao walked out and saw him smiling. Said, "Let's go home."

Li Yanfeng nodded, then took her hand and was about to leave, just two steps away, he stopped suddenly, looked back at Li Yanqing, and said: "Call me if you are in trouble."

After speaking, without waiting for Li Yanqing's expression, he directly took Jiang Yuqiao and left.

Sitting in the car, Jiang Yuqiao looked at Li Yanfeng who was driving suspiciously, and asked, "Why are you treating Li Yanqing so well now? Didn't you say that he bullied you when he was a child? Why don't you take advantage of his downfall now and bully him?" return?"

"Do you think your husband is such a narrow-minded person?" His vengeance was only on her affairs.

Jiang Yuqiao looked at him driving seriously and smiled, and said nothing, having lived with him for so long, she understood him in his heart and knew what kind of person he was, and why he was wrong Li Yanqing did such a decisive thing, but he and she are the same person.

In fact, he is also kind-hearted and longs for family affection.Even though Li Yanqing did a lot of bad things to him when he was young, but now, in front of Li Yanqing who has become better, he still hopes that the two of them can use family affection to maintain the relationship, because they have never received family affection since childhood, so he It is only in his heart that he has an obsession with family affection. Even if he has hurt his relatives, he will always be unable to be decisive, just like treating Liang Shi, just like Li Yanqing.

Li Yanfeng hadn't heard her speak for a long time, turned his head to glance at her, happened to see her lost in thought, smiled and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Jiang Yuqiao was pulled back to reality by his voice, smiled at him, and shook her head: "No, I was just in a daze. What did you and Li Yanqing talk about outside?"

"Let's chat casually, why? Afraid that I will be spoiled by him?" Li Yanfeng asked with a smile.

Jiang Yuqiao glanced at him and said: "He is not considered a bad person now. I used to think that looking at him was not pleasing to the eye, but it was just the way he looked at women that made people disgusted. But now there are buildings around him." Qiqi will also welcome her own child, and I feel that his whole temperament has changed, and he seems very gentle."

"It's quite a big change in your opinion of him." Li Yanfeng said while driving the car and looking ahead.

Jiang Yuqiao smiled: "Of course you know your mistakes and you can correct them. There is nothing good about it. It's like Zuo Zhixiu. Wasn't he a jerk before? But speaking of him, the reason why he was so bad before was just to find Chen Chen. Sister, it's just that the method is a bit unacceptable, but his feelings for Sister Chen are unquestionable. Now he knows that Sister Chen is the same person five years ago, so he has completely changed and become a dedicated man. It's gone, I have a bad record from before, my family is rich, and I'm handsome, no wonder some people say bad things about Sister Chen on the Internet, it's naked jealousy."

"Then some time ago, some people said bad things about you on the Internet, can I understand that they are jealous that you can marry such a rich and beautiful man like me?"

Hearing what he said, Jiang Yuqiao looked at him with a smile: "You still have a thick skin. Although you are rich and beautiful, it is a fact, but you don't look at what the outside world says about your nature. Yes, how many women do you think would like a man who is ruthless?"

"What about you?" Li Yanfeng asked with a smile.

Jiang Yuqiao was stunned, turned her head to look at him, saw a sly smile in his eyes, curled her lips and said, "I'm not someone who already knows you? What the outside world said to you is only based on On the basis that they are not familiar with you, if they were familiar with you, they would not say that about you."

Li Yanfeng smiled: "Even if they are familiar with each other, I won't treat me like you treat my feelings?"

"Why?" Jiang Yuqiao didn't think about anything, and asked directly in doubt.

Li Yanfeng glanced at her and said with a smile: "Because I treat you differently from them, don't you feel it?"

Jiang Yuqiao pursed her lips, why didn't she feel it, but she still felt sweet when she heard him say that.

"Stop the car at the pet hospital in front. Xueqiu's dog food is almost finished. Let's take it back if we happen to pass by. Otherwise, Mama Li will still be thinking about buying dog food."

Li Yanfeng glanced at the pet hospital in front of him, turned his head to look at Jiang Yuqiao, and smiled helplessly.The topic was changed quite quickly.

In Zuo Zhixiu’s true portrayal of his relationship with Chen Jiajie, it didn’t have such a big response when it was published, but it was completely fermented the next day, and various opinions appeared on the Internet. Those who have always supported them are wishing the two of them well, and saying that their love is a good story, but there are still some people who specially fabricate entertainment trends for fear of chaos in the world, deliberately take his article out of context and over-interpret it, and say something very Ugly words come.

Zuo Zhixiu read all kinds of comments on the Internet and was very angry, but he couldn't express it, because he was afraid that Chen Jiajie would go online to read these bad words after seeing him angry. She was in the stage of raising a baby and could not be stimulated. These words must not be seen by her.

Sulking all morning alone in the study, Zuo Zhixiu finally called Su Shi. As soon as the phone was connected, he said aggrievedly: "Mom, the position you gave is too small. I can't even work with the company's legal team." No matter what, for the health of your daughter-in-law and future grandson, you have to help me out."

He is just a small manager, and he can't mobilize the company's legal team at all, so he can only ask the company's big boss for help.

Su Shi hadn't seen those things on the Internet yet, and frowned when he heard his words, and said, "What's wrong with Jiajie? What does it have to do with the company's legal team? Did something happen?"

"It's a serious matter." As Zuo Zhixiu said, Su Shi thought Chen Jiajie was taken aback by something, and hurriedly said, "What happened, am I in the hospital now? What did the doctor say?"

Zuo Zhixiu was stunned when Su Shi asked this question, knowing that she had misunderstood, and immediately said: "I'm not talking about Chen Jiajie and her child having an accident, but an accident on the Internet, and now there are many people who scold her on the Internet , deliberately fabricated some reports that did not exist, and deliberately slandered her and the child. I don't want her to worry, so I can only use legal procedures. I think it will be better if the power of the legal team is used in your name to suppress the public opinion of those people outside.”

Listening to what he said, Su Shi asked with a half-knowledgeable doubt: "Why do people scolding her suddenly appear on the Internet? What happened?"

Zuo Zhixiu sighed, and then told her what happened. After hearing what he said, Su patted his forehead angrily and cursed: "Do you have any brains!?"

Zuo Zhixiu knew that what he did was thoughtless, so he didn't refute when she heard her scolding him like this, and accepted her scolding honestly.

"You don't think about things, you are in the entertainment circle anyway, and everyone knows it, why don't you even know this, do you think that all people are kind-hearted, and you mean what you say? ?”

"Yes, I did something wrong in this matter, am I trying to solve it? You can ask the company's legal team to issue a lawyer's letter in your name to warn those who slander Chen Jiajie. Very useful."

"Fortunately, you can still think of me. I'll go online to see what's going on now. I'll take care of things. Just go to work in the company and learn from it. Don't do things so thoughtlessly."

Su muttered to him, Zuo Zhixiu was afraid that she would talk about herself endlessly, so she quickly found an excuse and hung up the phone.

Su hung up the phone, and quickly went online to check the current direction of public opinion on the Internet. Although some people were scolding Chen Jiajie on the Internet, there were quite a lot of people who sent blessings, and most of them were fans of Chen Jiajie.

After taking a general look at the content on the Internet, Su made a call to the legal team: "Come to my office." After speaking, he hung up the phone.

The leader of the legal team was stunned when he received the call. He looked at the caller ID and it was from the general manager's office. Then he realized that their work in the legal team had never received direct instructions from President Su before. This time, President Su called him and asked him to go to her office. Could it be that something happened?Or is he doing something wrong?
Thinking of this, the leader of the legal team went to the general manager's office in a nervous mood.

He knocked on the door of the general manager's office and heard his voice from inside. The leader of the legal affairs team opened the door and walked in. He glanced at Mrs. Su who was looking at the computer, and quickly lowered his head nervously. All over the body showed a look of apprehension.

Su looked away from the computer, glanced at him and said, "I have one thing that needs your legal team to do its best, and it must be seamless to avoid future troubles."

Hearing her resolute tone, the leader of the legal team was stunned, then quickly nodded and said, "President Su, if you have anything to ask, our legal team will definitely try our best to solve it for you."

The leader of the legal affairs team breathed a sigh of relief, he might as well call him over and give him a scolding, but the tone of President Su should be her personal problem.

Hearing what he said, Su paused and said: "Now the Internet is very popular, I think most people in the company already know about my son and daughter-in-law, so I won't hide it from you anymore, my son is here The article published on the Internet is all true, and my daughter-in-law is definitely not like what is said on the Internet. Chen Jiajie has a large share in the Feng Group, and she married into our family. It is more than enough to marry my son with her talent, so all the things said on the Internet are slandering her."

When the leader of the legal affairs team heard him belittle his son in order to elevate his daughter-in-law, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. It seemed that Mr. Su was very satisfied with her daughter-in-law, and he wanted to call him to the office today just to Let's settle this matter.

Just thinking about this, Su continued: "The purpose of calling you here today is to let your legal team do its best to collect those people who slander my daughter-in-law on the Internet, and then give them a serious warning in accordance with legal procedures. If someone continues to slander her online after the warning, I will make him pay dearly."

Hearing her awe-inspiring words, the leader of the legal affairs team raised his head and glanced at her secretly. Seeing the cold gaze in her eyes, he quickly lowered his head again.

Mr. Su's aura was too strong, he didn't dare to look directly at him, but he could tell that Mr. Su was very angry today.

"President Su, don't worry, we will do our best to do this matter, and we won't let you down."

Su glanced at the leader of the legal team, then nodded lightly: "Go ahead, I want to see the official warning letter issued by your legal team online before I get off work today."

The leader of the legal affairs team was stunned when he heard Su Shi's words, and wanted to buy time for all the staff of the legal affairs team, but he looked up at Su Shi, was shocked by her aura, nodded quickly and said: "No No problem, absolutely no problem."

Walking out of the general manager's office, the leader of the legal affairs team sighed deeply, took a look at the closed office door, and then walked to his own office.

At the same time, in the legal team of Feng Building, Chen Yize and the leader of the legal team were sitting face to face, with serious expressions on their faces.

"This matter not only involves Chen Jiajie's reputation, but also some people seem to be deliberately slandering our company, so we can't just sit idly by. The legal team will issue two warning letters, one to protect Chen Jiajie's reputation, and the other to protect Chen Jiajie's reputation. It is to maintain the reputation of our company, so the work of your legal team may be relatively heavy today, hard work."

"What did Mr. Chen say? Maintaining the company's reputation and resolving some related legal procedures are the responsibilities of our legal team. Don't worry about this matter, we will definitely do our best to do it well."

Chen Yize nodded when he heard the words of the house team leader, then smiled and got up to leave, but after taking two steps, he suddenly turned his head and said, "I hope team leader Zhao can handle this matter well before leaving get off work today, Chen Jiajie's Reputation, as well as the reputation of the company, is up to your legal team to maintain."

Speaking with a kind smile, he turned and left the legal team. The leader of the legal team looked at his leaving back and sighed deeply. This job is a bit heavy.

After leaving the legal team, Chen Yize wanted to call Chen Jiajie, but thought that she was having a miscarriage, so he finally called Li Yanfeng who was absent from the company.

"All of you are not in the company, so you believe that I can handle everything well?"

Li Yanfeng smiled when he heard his resentful voice on the phone: "We have always been sure of your ability, so you can solve everything by looking at it."

Before Chen Yize could say anything more, the phone was hung up. Chen Yize rolled his eyes angrily as he looked at the hung up phone. One was pregnant at home, and the other was pregnant with his wife at home. Letting him be the master of the house alone is enough to trust him, no, he shouldn't be so hard on himself, he has to rest when it's time to rest.

Thinking of something, Chen Yize smiled, then turned around and walked to his office, his eyes were constantly patrolling, as if he was looking for someone.

(End of this chapter)

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