Chapter 147
Chapter 168

Mrs. Jiang was yelled at by Li Zhenzhong, and it was still in front of her son, she felt a little embarrassed, looked at Li Zhenzhong and said angrily: "Why are you yelling at me, if you have the ability, you yell at the old lady and Li Yanfeng, If you were capable, would we be so flustered now, now that the Li family's inheritance rights are all in the hands of the old lady, if we don't curry favor with her, can we still live?"

Hearing Jiang's words, Li Zhenzhong frowned and was about to speak, Li Yanqing walked up to the two of them and said, "Mom and Dad, don't quarrel, grandpa is still in there for rescue, let's talk about the future, this is a hospital. "

Mrs. Jiang didn't listen to her husband's words, but she was very convinced by her son's words, and she became quiet when she heard his words. Seeing this, Li Zhenzhong gave her a sideways look, and then moved away from her. Seeing this, Mrs. Jiang snorted. Just when he was about to curse, Li Yanqing grabbed him.

Jiang glanced at Li Yanqing, pouted her lips, but said nothing.

After waiting for a long time, the old man was pushed out from the emergency room. Seeing this, the three people who were waiting rushed to the bed to ask about the old man's situation.

"Doctor, how is the patient?" Li Zhenzhong said anxiously.

Doctor Wen Yan glanced at him, and then said: "The patient has a stroke and may be paralyzed. He will be hospitalized for observation for a few days. The patient needs a quiet environment and good care, and the family will be ready."

After the doctor left, Jiang looked at the old man who was still angry and heaved a sigh of relief. As long as the old man didn't die, their wife would not be without support.

The nurse pushed the old man to the ward, and several people followed closely. When he reached the door of the bed, Li Zhenzhong stopped Jiang, and said: "The doctor said that Dad needs to rest. Your voice is too high-pitched. You should wait outside." .”

After speaking, Li Zhenzhong followed the nurse into the ward without waiting for Jiang's reaction. Jiang stood in the corridor outside the ward for a moment, then realized what Li Zhenzhong meant, and frowned.

"What did he mean by what he just said? Did he mean to dislike him?"

Li Yanqing glanced at the direction of the ward, then looked at Jiang Shi, a moment of helplessness flashed in her heart, but she patiently explained to Jiang Shi: "Dad didn't mean that just now, it's just that the doctor said that Grandpa needs to rest, and you and I can't go in." Use it, let's go in and take a look after Dad goes out."

In order to calm down Jiang Shi, Li Yanqing did not go in, but stood outside the ward and waited.

In the hospital bed, Li Zhenzhong looked at the old man lying peacefully asleep on the hospital bed, and felt very sad. Since he was a child, only the old man loved him, even if he was messing with flowers and being an asshole outside, the person in front of him now is his own. Father, is a father who really treats me well.

Sure enough, the old man had a stroke as the doctor said, and only his upper body could move, but after waking up, the old man seemed to be a different person. Both Li Zhenzhong and Li Yanqing noticed it. Jiang thought that the old man had lost the lawsuit, so he was in a bad mood.

On this day, Mrs. Jiang was not there, and Li Zhenzhong also went out. There were only the old man and Li Yanqing in the ward, looking at his grandson, who had been loved since childhood, and the old man was in a trance.

"I remember the first time I saw her when I was 15 years old. She followed her grandmother to our house as a guest. I accidentally broke into the inner room where the women were talking, and then I immediately fell in love with her."

Li Yanqing was stunned when she heard the old man's words, not knowing who she he was talking about.

"She didn't like me at the beginning, saying that I was a dandy who didn't do my job properly, and she didn't want my father to want to propose marriage to their family, but I don't know why, their family finally agreed to propose marriage, and then I married her , that year, she married into our Li family with ten miles of red makeup."

The old man was still muttering, like a person talking to himself, and Li Yanqing, who had been listening silently, finally understood who the old man said she was after hearing this.

"I was young and energetic at the time, and felt ashamed to be rejected by her so many times when I proposed marriage before marriage, so I deliberately ignored her, but her temper was tougher than mine, and she didn't show any favors to me at all. Once I drank too much wine outside, then did something wrong, and got that woman pregnant. Not only did I not feel that I did something wrong, but I also used that woman to anger her, and wanted to see if she had any feelings in her heart Me, but she was indifferent. Then the woman became pregnant. What I didn't expect was that she was also pregnant with my child. After knowing that the woman was also pregnant, she fell ill, so the child was born weakly. weak."

The old man paused, and his eyes suddenly softened: "I remember that when Yang Yang was born, there was only a little bit, and he didn't dare to use force in his arms. It made people feel distressed like a kitten."

While talking, the old man suddenly burst into tears, seeing him like this, Li Yanqing was really stunned, seeing that the old man didn't move, and let his tears slide down his old face.

"But she hated me. From the moment I brought that woman home, she never said a word to me, and she didn't even let Yang Yang get close to me. In fact, I didn't know when the car broke down. Yes, I just asked Yang Yang to exercise, so that I could trust him with the company and let him drive my car out, I didn't expect..."

Li Yanqing couldn't react, she looked straight at the old man, and then heard him say: "She hated me so much that she went to Xuanyin Temple in a fit of anger, and never saw me again."

The old man paused, turned his head to look at Li Yanqing who had been silently listening to him, and said, "Yanqing, I want to see her."

Hearing this, Li Yanqing was stunned, then nodded, and said, "Don't worry, Grandpa, I will go."

The old man nodded lightly, and there was no life in his cloudy eyes.

Li Yanqing walked out of the old man's ward, and as soon as he went out, he saw Li Zhenzhong standing outside the door with a very bad look on his face.

"Dad, when did you come here?"

Hearing this, Li Zhenzhong looked at Li Yanqing, pulled out a smile, and then said: "I'm fine, I'll go in and see your grandpa, if you have something to do, go and do your work."

Li Yanqing glanced at Li Zhenzhong, then nodded and walked towards the elevator. When she turned her head, she happened to see Li Zhenzhong frowning.

Dad must have heard it just now. He thought he was grandpa's favorite child, but what he didn't expect was that the person grandpa cared most about was his uncle.

Feeling a little embarrassed in her heart, Li Yanqing stepped into the elevator.

In the Banshan villa, it has been three days since the old lady won the lawsuit, and the old lady has mentioned several times that she wants to go back to Xuanyin Temple. Today, the old lady brought it up again, and Jiang Yuqiao coquettishly stopped her.

"Grandma, my mother told you not to let you go, why are you still going? You just wait for a few more months until I give birth to the baby before you go, so that I don't have to go up the mountain to see you in these few months Now, you also know that I am pregnant and cannot go up the mountain."

Hearing this, the old lady looked at her stomach and smiled, and said, "Okay, then listen to you, I really can't adapt to the life here after living in the mountains for so long."

"It's already considered quiet here, and the air and environment here are not worse than those in Xuanyin Temple, right?"

Hearing Jiang Yuqiao's question, the old lady nodded and said, "This is also on the mountain, similar to Xuanyin Temple, but the environment in Xuanyin Temple is different from here, so it naturally has a quiet charm."

"I heard from grandma that I want to go to the mountain to have a look." Jiang Yuqiao said with a smile.

Li Li, who was listening on the side, heard her saying this and said with a smile: "If you go there and fall in love with it, my second brother won't have to make trouble with grandma."

Knowing that Li Li was teasing her again, Jiang Yuqiao glanced at her, and said, "You talk a lot, don't you have to leave tomorrow, why don't you pack your things?" Li Li's vacation is over .

Hearing this, Li Li was taken aback, and then a smile appeared on his face: "Yes, I'm leaving tomorrow, grandma, I won't talk with you anymore, I have to pack my things."

As Li Li left with a smile, Jiang Yuqiao said to her beaming back, "Don't be so obviously happy, be careful that your second brother won't let you go."

Hearing this, Li Li glanced back at Jiang Yuqiao, and said, "Why do I feel like you are warning me?"

Jiang Yuqiao smiled and shook her head. Before she could speak, Li Li said to herself, "You can't think of anything to threaten me with your current IQ." After speaking, Li Li turned and left.

Seeing her leave, Jiang Yuqiao looked at the old lady aggrievedly, and said, "Grandma, look at how Li Li usually bullies me like this."

"You tell Yanfeng about this, I'm old, but it won't work anymore."

The old lady was talking with a smile when she saw Aunt Hui coming in from the outside, walked up to her and said, "Li Yanqing wants to see you outside."

Hearing this, Jiang Yuqiao and the old lady were both taken aback, Liang's face flashed with doubt, and he asked, "What is he here for?"

Aunt Hui shook her head, and then she heard the old lady say, "Let him in."

Aunt Wen Yanhui nodded, then walked outside, and when she came back after a while, Li Yanqing was already behind her.

Seeing the old lady Li Yanqing nodded respectfully and said hello: "Grandma is good."

Hearing this, the old lady narrowed her eyes. Although she didn't want him to call her grandma, she didn't want to embarrass him too much, so she just narrowed her eyes and said, "Sit down and talk."

Hearing this, Li Yanqing glanced at the old lady, did not sit down, but looked at her and said: "I took the liberty to come here today because I actually want to ask you for something."

"What's the matter?" the old lady looked at him and said.

Li Yanqing paused, and then said: "I just came back from the hospital. Grandpa told me about your past, and he said he wanted to see you."

Mrs. Liang looked at the old lady when she heard what Li Yanqing said. Before the old lady could speak, Mrs. Liang said: "Yanqing, your trip is for nothing. You can go back and tell the old man that the old lady has returned to Xuanyin Temple. Didn't see either."

The old lady lowered her eyes and said nothing, Jiang Yuqiao looked at Mrs. Liang, at the old lady, and finally at Li Yanqing. He kept looking at the old lady, as if he didn't hear Mrs. Liang's words.

Seeing this, Mrs. Liang had no choice but to look at the old lady, but saw that she was playing with a bead string in her hand, and she had no intention of talking to Li Yanqing at all.

The two persisted like this, and Li Yanqing also understood that Liang's words meant the old lady, and she didn't want to see the old man.

Seeing this, Li Yanqing had no choice but to nod, and then said: "In this case, I'll go back and call grandpa, grandma, let's rest."

After speaking, Li Yanqing looked at Mrs. Liang, and said respectfully, "Goodbye, Auntie."

They all bid farewell to Li Yanqing and then turned to leave. The old lady sighed as she watched him leave, and said, "This is all the mistakes of the previous generation, and it is difficult for the child to be caught in the middle."

Jiang Yuqiao admired the old lady, she knew that she was a sensible old lady, if she was put on someone else, she would hate even Xiaosan's child so much, how could she speak so kindly, especially to Li Li , as if treating a granddaughter.

Seeing that Jiang Yuqiao had been looking at her eyes, the old lady turned her head to look at her and asked, "What's wrong?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yuqiao returned to his senses, smiled and shook his head and said, "It's nothing, I just think grandma is too kind."

"You girl, you know how to coax me with nice words."

The family here is talking and laughing happily, but in the hospital, the atmosphere is completely different. Li Zhenzhong looked at Jiang standing in the room and frowned, and said: "This is not the place you should come. Let me go home."

Hearing this, Jiang looked at him and said honestly: "Why should I go home? Are you afraid that I will say something in front of Dad?"

Li Zhenzhong stopped feeding the old man, turned his head to look at Jiang Shi, his eyes were full of warnings: "I'm still afraid of you shrew, if I tell you to go home, you can go home, otherwise we will divorce tomorrow."

The reason why Jiang Shi is usually so violent is because no matter how much Li Zhenzhong was doing, she never asked her for a divorce, so she was confident, but when she heard him say that she wanted a divorce, she shut her mouth in fright.

Mrs. Jiang glanced at the old man and said, "Dad, I'm going back first. What do you want to eat tonight? I'll ask the servant to prepare it and bring it to you."

The old man lay on the bed and shook his head: "I don't want to eat anything."

While speaking, Li Yanqing glanced at the direction of the door and said, "Has Yanqing not come back yet?"

Hearing this, Li Zhenzhong's eyes darkened, and he said, "I went out this morning and haven't come back yet."

The old lady hummed lightly, glanced at the food handed to her mouth and said: "I don't want to eat, I want to sleep for a while, Yanqing came and woke me up."

"Then go to sleep."

Li Yanqing put down the bowl, saw the old man closed his eyes and stood up to cover him with the quilt, then dragged Mrs. Jiang out of the ward.

"Why are you dragging me? Is there anything you can't talk about properly?" Jiang said because of what Li Zhenzhong said about divorce before, and now she even said it in a suppressed tone when she was angry, and she didn't scream like she used to. .

"What did you say nonsense in front of dad just now, are you afraid that dad won't know?" Li Zhenzhong frowned and looked at Jiang Shi and said.

Hearing this, Mrs. Jiang gave him a guilty look, and said, "Dad is with us anyway, why can't you let him know about your secret transfer of property?"

"Shut up, and be careful what you say in the future. If my plan falls through, not only will we not have any money in the future, but you will be waiting for a divorce by then."

Hearing Li Zhenzhong's warning, Jiang's eyes were red, and just as he was about to refute, he saw Li Yanqing coming out of the elevator, and quickly shut his mouth.

Seeing that Mrs. Liang had stopped talking, Li Zhenzhong thought his warning had worked, but just as he was about to speak, he heard Li Yanqing's voice behind him.

"Mom, what are you doing here?"

Hearing this, Li Zhenzhong hurriedly turned his head, saw Li Yanqing had already walked in front of him, smiled, and said, "Your grandfather is resting, just wake him up when you come back."

Li Yanqing glanced at the direction of the door and shook his head: "Let Grandpa rest for a while." Otherwise, I might not be able to sleep at night after hearing the news from him, so let's take this opportunity to have a good rest.

Seeing his expression, Li Zhenzhong asked suspiciously: "What's wrong with you?"

Li Yanqing shook his head: "It's okay, I'm tired too, I'll go back and have a rest first, and come back later in the evening."

After speaking, Li Yanqing turned and left. Li Zhenzhong saw him enter the elevator and looked at Jiang Shi: "Keep your mouth shut in the future, if I hear you mentioning this matter again, I won't punish you."

Although Li Zhenzhong would quarrel with Jiang Shi before, he had never blushed with Jiang Shi so stubbornly. Seeing him like this, Jiang Shi was scared on the one hand and really worried that he would clean up her, so he closed his eyes obediently. mouthed.

Here, Li Yanqing returned to her apartment after leaving the hospital. Lou Qiqi saw him coming back with a tired face and a sad face, and said, "How is grandpa? Okay, did something happen to Grandpa?"

These words didn't sound very pleasant, and there was a hint of cursing the old man.

Li Yanqing knew that she would never keep what she said in her heart, so she said it directly. Hearing this, Li Yanqing shook her head and smiled: "I'm just too tired, and grandpa is useless."

Knowing her temperament, Li Yanqing will not force her to change, because after hearing what the old man said, he feels that it is not easy for two people to love each other, and it is not easy for two people to be together forever, so he wants to be more tolerant to her.

Hearing this, Lou Qiqi looked at him distressedly, and said, "I'm so sad to see you so tired, let's go upstairs quickly, I just need to take a nap, by the way, you haven't had lunch yet, have you?"

It's true that he didn't eat, but Li Yanqing shook his head: "I just want to go upstairs to rest now, come with me to rest for a while."

Lou Qiqi looked at his haggard appearance and nodded, then helped him go upstairs.

In fact, the old man in the hospital hadn't fallen asleep, but was waiting for news from Li Yanqing. He didn't see him until night, looked at him expectantly and said, "Would she like to see me?"

Li Yanqing saw that the old man looked at him with such eyes, and he couldn't bear it, but he couldn't lie, that would only give him an empty hope, and in the end, he would only be more disappointed.

"I went to Banshan Villa today, and they said that the old lady has returned to Xuanyin Temple." If it can make him feel better, this lie should make him less uncomfortable.

After listening to Li Yanqing's words, the old man's eyes were empty, he looked at the ceiling above, and said, "Go to my room under the pillow, there is a small notebook there, help me pick it up."

Hearing this, Li Yanqing nodded, and then said: "I'll bring it to you tomorrow morning. I just saw a servant standing outside the door with a food box. Don't you want to eat?"

The old man sighed: "Let them in."

Seeing this, Li Yanqing smiled lightly, and then went out to call the servant at home. The old man didn’t know what happened or what happened. Seeing the servant coming in with a lunch box, he wanted to sit up and eat by himself. Seeing this, Li Yanqing hurriedly Go over and help him raise the bed to the proper height.

This time, the old man didn't ask others to feed him, but started to eat by himself. Li Yanqing stood aside silently, knowing to watch him finish the meal.

"Am I going to get well?"

Li Yanqing suddenly looked at Li Yanqing and asked, hearing this Li Yanqing nodded: "The doctor said that many stroke patients can get better, and you can too."

Hearing this, the old man smiled faintly: "If I can get better, I can go to her to confess in person, I have avoided it for so many years, if I took the initiative to admit my mistake back then, maybe she wouldn't hate me so much now. "

Hearing the old man's words, Li Yanqing waved the servant to leave the room, looking at the repentant old man felt a little bitter in his heart.

There is no medicine for regret in this world, and people also like it and don't know how to cherish it. It's not until they find out what they missed that they beat their chests and sigh with emotion what they should do at that time, but at that time, all that's left is regret.

In Chen Yize's apartment, Han Ye kept herself bored for several days, trying hard to digest the fact that Chen Yize no longer loved her, but the more she thought about it, the more she felt that God was unfair to her. It was all decided in desperation, but why didn't the world understand her?

Thinking of this, Han Ye made a phone call, and a lazy voice came over the phone.

"Why did you remember to call me recently, but you made a good call. I'm going to Hawaii by plane tomorrow."

Hearing the lazy voice from the phone, Han Ye felt that God was unfair to her. Why can all of us live so well, and even a patient has a husband who loves her so much and spoils her?
"I want to confess everything to Chen Yize, will you blame me?" Han Ye said suddenly, her tone of voice was a little hostile because of the mental activity just now.

The woman on the other side of the phone paused, and then said: "Chen Yize doesn't accept you, you should tell him why you left back then?"

"Yeah, but he still doesn't like me. He already has a woman by his side. That woman is nowhere as good as me. I won't let go. I love him so much. He still doesn't know that you were the one I saved back then. , I am going to tell him, so he will definitely feel guilty about me."

"Han Ye." The woman on the phone called her name, then sighed, "Well, you can do whatever you want, you saved my life, and I owe you that."

Hearing what the person on the phone said, Han Ye smiled, and then said: "Since you have already agreed, I will go and explain it to him."

After finishing speaking, Han Ye hung up the phone, glanced at the phone, dressed happily and went out.

In Feng Building, Chen Yize was looking at a very important document when he suddenly heard a loud noise outside. When he looked up, he saw Wu Yang was stopping Han Ye from letting her in, because there were colleagues from the company outside, so Chen Yize was not afraid of Wu Yang's disadvantage, so he continued to look down at the documents.

"Did you see that, Mr. Chen just glanced at it just now, and didn't let you in, and didn't blame me for blocking you, so you should leave, so many people are watching, don't you feel ashamed?"

"Who cares about you vixen, get out of the way and let me in, I have something important to tell Aze." Han Ye looked at Wu Yang and shouted.

Hearing this, Wu Yang glanced at Chen Yize who was working in the office, then looked at Wu Yang, and said, "Mr. Chen is working and doesn't want to come in. Even if you say there is something life-threatening, Mr. Chen will not see you."

"Go away, I have something to tell him about his sister, and I want to let him know that if you miss his thing, he will definitely be angry with you."

Wu Yang heard from Chen Yize that he had a sister who had passed away, but he never mentioned it again, but it could be seen that he missed his sister.

Seeing Han Ye's swearing look, Wu Yang hesitated for a while, and said, "You wait here, I'll ask Mr. Chen for instructions."

After Wu Yang finished speaking, he walked towards Chen Yize's office. As soon as Chen Yize heard that the person who barged in without knocking was Wu Yang, he said without raising his head, "What? You drove him away?"

Chen Yize raised his head while talking, and saw Han Ye who was still standing outside the office frowning: "Why hasn't she left yet?"

Seeing his attitude, Wu Yang smiled and said, "She said she wanted to tell you something about your sister."

Hearing this, Chen Yize was taken aback, then glanced at Han Ye who was looking at him, saw her serious face, looked at Wu Yang and said, "Let her in."

Hearing what he said, Wu Yang froze, said nothing, turned around and walked out of Chen Yize's office, seeing Wu Yang coming out of Chen Yize's office unhappy, Han Ye smiled triumphantly, walked to the side, and the gods came together He reached her ear and said, "Treasure the last moment when you were Aze's girlfriend."

After finishing speaking, Han Ye walked into Chen Yize's office before Wu Yang reflected the meaning of her words.

In the office, as soon as Han Ye came in, he walked up to Chen Yize and held his hand. Chen Yize frowned in disgust, then pulled out his hand, stood up from the office chair and walked to the side, taking a look at the standing Wu Yang was watching the situation outside the office all the time.

Seeing his actions, Han Ye hated her, but she didn't feel anxious because she knew she had a trump card in her hand.

"Do you know who the person I saved by cutting out a kidney was?" Han Ye suddenly asked standing behind Chen Yize.

Hearing this, Chen Yize glanced at him and said, "I don't want to know who the person you saved is, do you know why you can come in here?"

Looking at his disgusted eyes, Han Ye tried to act normal, and said, "I know, you only let me in after hearing the news about your sister."

"It's good to know, if you don't want to be thrown out ugly, just tell me." Chen Yize turned his head away from her.

Han Ye smiled and said, "The question I just asked was related to your sister. If I say this, do you want to guess who the person I saved is?"

Hearing her words, Chen Yize was taken aback, and had a guess in his heart, but he himself denied it. His sister had died a few years ago, it was impossible.

Han Ye looked at his troubled look and smiled, and said: "At the time, I thought your sister was dead, but no, your brother-in-law fell in love with your sister. At that time, your sister was indeed seriously ill in bed and was about to pass away. She didn't want your family to keep seeking your brother-in-law's help to support the family's property in her name, so she came up with a way of feigning death, and then her husband took her to the United States for medical treatment, and then in order not to Let you find out that you have transferred all your industries to the United States."

Listening to Han Ye's words, Chen Yize was already stunned, seeing her eyes widen in disbelief: "What you said is true?"

Is my sister really alive?Then why didn't she let him know?

Han Ye seemed to see his question, and said: "You were still in school back then, and you loved her so much, she was afraid that you would find out and couldn't help but go back to the United States to see her, and then let your family find out."

Seeing that Chen Yize was completely stunned, Han Ye seemed very satisfied with his reaction, and continued: "Your brother-in-law found me not long after they arrived in the United States. I was sick, and I planned to sell a kidney to raise money for her to see a doctor, so he found me, and he said that I was just a match for his wife. He paid off all the debts of my family, and then paid back I went to the best hospital to treat my sister, but there was only one condition, that is, let me go back to the United States with him to give her wife a kidney transplant.”

After listening to Han Ye's words, Chen Yize felt that his brain couldn't respond anymore. Seeing this, Han Ye continued, "I'm missing a kidney now, and it's hard to say whether I will marry or not in the future, and it's very difficult to conceive myself with only one kidney." Son, I did all this because I saved your sister, as his younger brother, don't you like your sister the most, don't you think you should pay her debts?"

Chen Yize looked at Han Ye, saw her and continued, "You will take care of me for the rest of my life, okay? If you promise me, I will tell you where my sister is."

Chen Yize didn't speak, and kept looking at Han Ye. Seeing this, Han Ye smiled, then stepped forward to hug him, leaned his head on his shoulder, and said, "If you don't tell me, I will take it as your acquiescence."

Standing outside the office door, Wu Yang felt his hands and feet were cold while looking at the situation inside. At this moment, Han Ye raised his head slightly to look at her in Chen Yize's arms, and smiled proudly at her.

Wu Yang looked at Chen Yize, and at this time he also looked over, Wu Yang raised a smile on his face, and kept saying in his heart: "Push her away, push her away."

But no matter how loudly she shouted in her heart, Chen Yize just looked at her straight, the emotion in her eyes was something she had never seen before.

"Ah Ze, I'm a little tired after standing for a long time." Han Ye said softly in Chen Yize's arms, but Chen Yize was indifferent when he heard her words, and only looked at Wu Yang who was smiling at him outside the door.

"Can you give me a hug? Let's go find Yi Ren when I have enough rest."

Yiren, Chen Yiren, Chen Yize's sister.

Hearing that Chen Yize finally reacted, he took a fixed look at Wu Yang, as if he was struggling to give up something, and finally cast aside his eyes cruelly, and slowly put his hands on Han Ye's waist.

Wu Yang outside the door saw this scene as if someone had hit her head with a hammer. She obviously couldn't die, but it made her life worse than death.

The smile on his face suddenly disappeared, Wu Yang dodged and looked away, not wanting Han Ye, who was complacent, to see the downcast expression at this time, so he turned around and walked away.

Chen Yize's eyes just now must be making a choice. He finally chose Han Ye. She doesn't know what Han Ye said to him, and she doesn't want to know, because these are not important anymore, and she has said that she will be well. Together, but he actually abandoned her in the end, and this time he really abandoned her.

Thinking of Wu Yang, she smiled, she is such a strong person, she would never allow herself to be abandoned and dangle in front of others, so all she can do is escape.

The important things here are just my mobile phone and a few copies of my own information. The rest of Wu Yang didn't have anything there. He left with his bag, and Chen Yize, who was standing in the office, could see her movements clearly. Clear, but not obstructed.

Wu Yang walked out of the Feng Building, looked up at the direction of the [-]th floor, and finally smiled bitterly, this was the last time she stood here.

Thinking of Wu Yang, he turned around and left without looking back.

When I got home, I saw so many of Chen Yize's things in my house, and all the past flashed before my eyes. The two of them were making a fuss on the sofa, on the bed in the room, and even made a mess in the kitchen. There were so many things between them. Happy time, this home is filled with his breath anytime and anywhere.

Seeing his stuff, Wu Yang felt uncomfortable, and the tears were uncontrollable. This was not the first time she lost love, but it was the saddest one. Maybe this time she was not as ignorant as she was when she first fell in love, and she also paid too much. emotion.

Wu Yang cried for a while and forced himself to cheer himself up. Enduring his emotions, he packed up Chen Yize's things, then threw the bag into the corner, and without taking a shower, he got into the bed directly and covered it Covering his face with the quilt, he secretly felt sad.

The next morning there was a knock on the door of the room, Wu Yang opened the door, and saw Chen Yize standing outside the door, he was stunned, he obviously had the key.

"Are you here to get your things? I've already packed them for you, so I'll get them for you now." Wu Yang said and turned around, hiding his appearance of wanting to cry.

"Those things are worthless, just throw them away." Chen Yize said, looking at her back and said, "Can I go in?"

Rather than listening to his polite tone now, Wu Yang prefers him to barge in like a rogue. The more he does this, the more uneasy she feels.

"If you have anything to say, just say it here." Wu Yang said.

"I'm going to America with Han Ye this afternoon, we..."

Wu Yang turned around before he finished speaking, and said: "I know, there was nothing between us at first, I wish you a smooth journey, because it will be awkward to be alone between us now, so I won't invite you in .”

After speaking, Wu Yang closed the door.

(End of this chapter)

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