Hidden Marriage in a Wealthy Family: Shao Li's Pampered Wife

Chapter 148 Learn to adapt to life without him

Chapter 148 Learn to adapt to life without him

Chapter 169

Pushing against the door, Wu Yang finally couldn't help crying. She didn't want to hear him say that, so she had to say something that had no relationship between the two of them first.

Outside, looking at the closed door, Chen Yize did not move for a long time. After a while, he took out the key from his pocket, put it under the carpet outside the door, and said to the person inside: "I put the key in the old place. gone."

Wu Yang didn't speak, but Chen Yize said after a while, "I'm sorry."

The voice was very soft, but it was enough for the people inside the door to hear. Wu Yang listened to his words and tried hard to hold back the sound of his own crying. He heard the sound of going downstairs in the corridor outside, and then let his body slide down slowly. sat on the ground.

Chen Yize left Wu Yang's place and went directly to the Banshan Villa. Li Yanfeng saw him coming in with a disappointed face and was puzzled, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Chen Yize didn't say a word, and walked directly past him into the living room. Jiang Yuqiao was watching TV in the living room, and she didn't watch when he came in, but also looked at him suspiciously.

"I'm going to America tomorrow, you should take care of the company's affairs yourself." Chen Yize said.

Hearing this, Li Yanfeng frowned: "Go to America?"

Chen Yize nodded lightly, and said, "Go with Han Ye, I've already bought the ticket."

Hearing what he said, Li Yanfeng didn't react, Jiang Yuqiao said in surprise: "You want to go to America with Han Ye? Then what about Wu Yang, why do you want to go to America with Han Ye?"

Chen Yize glanced at her and said, "The reason why Han Ye left was to save my sister. Now that she is not in good health, I have to take care of her, and I have to go to America to see my sister."

Hearing that Job Employment and Li Yanfeng were both stunned, Li Yanfeng reacted first and said, "So you broke up with Wu Yang?"

Chen Yize nodded lightly, seeing this, Li Yanfeng sighed helplessly, and said: "This is your choice, I can't interfere, and I have no right to interfere, this is something you have thought about, you don't like Han Ye, why do you want to wrong yourself?"

"My family owes her this. If she hadn't saved my sister back then, I would never have seen her again." Chen Yize looked at Li Yanfeng and said.

Jiang Yuqiao, who was sitting by the side, immediately became upset when she heard him say this, and said, "It's impossible for her to save your sister for no reason back then, right?"

"Back then, something happened to her family. She wanted to sell her kidney, but my brother-in-law's people found her, so she went to the United States."

Wen Yan Jiangyu Qiao smiled mockingly, and said: "That means she would have sold her kidney if she hadn't given it to your sister back then, and she might have died now if she didn't get good treatment. What does it matter to you, even if there is, it is because she gave her kidney to your sister, and it is your sister who owes her, why do you have to make up for it with your own love, have you ever thought about Wu Yang's feelings when you do this?"

Chen Yize was stunned, and smiled bitterly: "I'm sorry for her, she will definitely meet better ones in the future, we haven't been together for a long time, and it won't be so painful to be separated now."

"Aren't you in pain?" Jiang Yuqiao looked at him and asked, "If it's not in pain, then why are you acting like this? If you let it go quickly, don't look like this again. It seems that you are not worthy of Wu Yang. Her temperament of daring to love and hate must be forgotten faster than you."

Jiang Yuqiao was very angry that Chen Yize's choice was obviously not his responsibility, but he had to take the responsibility on himself and let Wu Yang be the most innocent person.

Then he glanced at Li Yanfeng, and said angrily: "You also said that Li Li's temperament is very similar to his, but I don't think so at all. If Li Li encounters such a situation, she won't be led by the nose like this. let's go."

After Jiang Yuqiao finished speaking angrily, she stood up, turned around, and went upstairs. Li Yanfeng sighed helplessly as she watched Jiang Yuqiao leave, and said: "She doesn't like Han Ye, and she also sympathizes with Wu Yang. Don't go there if you are angry. Go to heart, I hope you can think about it when you go to the United States to see your sister this time, and think about it for yourself."

Hearing this, Chen Yize took a deep look at Li Yanfeng, and then nodded lightly.

"It's getting late, I'm leaving, I just came here to tell you about the company's affairs, I don't care about it for the time being."

Before Chen Yize finished speaking, Li Yanfeng nodded: "Don't worry, I understand, and the journey is smooth."

Glancing at Li Yanfeng, Chen Yize left the Banshan Villa. After the others left, Li Yanfeng went upstairs and walked into the bedroom. He saw Jiang Yuqiao who was sitting on the balcony basking in the sun, and asked, "Are you angry?"

"I have nothing to be angry about. I just can't understand Chen Yize's temperament. What does Han Ye's willingness to exchange kidneys for to pay off debts have anything to do with him? Dao is pretending to be a saint."

Seeing her angry appearance, Li Yanfeng touched the top of her head and said, "That's his temper, let's wait for him to figure it out slowly."

Hearing this, Jiang Yuqiao didn't say anything, but he hated Chen Yize in his heart about this matter.

Because Han Ye was living in his apartment, Chen Yize didn't want to go back, so he had to go to the hotel to make do for the night, but as soon as he arrived at the hotel, his phone rang. It was a strange call. Chen Yize frowned, and then answered the phone.

"Hello." Chen Yize said.


A woman's voice came from the phone. Hearing this voice, Chen Yize was stunned. He didn't react for a long time, and said in a trembling voice, "Sister..."

"It's me. I'm back. I'm at the airport now. Do you want to pick us up?" Chen Yiren glanced at the man beside him.

Chu Ning kept looking at Chen Yiren, and when he heard her words, he hugged her into his arms, and then heard her say to the person on the phone: "I've heard what Han Ye said about you, and your brother-in-law and I are afraid that you will do something wrong." It's stupid, so come back and see."

Chen Yize was nervous, and only after hearing what she said clearly did he understand what she meant. She came back with that man.

"Okay, I'll pick you up."

"Okay, then we'll wait for you at the airport."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yiren hung up the phone first, and stared at the phone for a long time. Chen Yize couldn't believe it. His sister, who had been dead for several years, thought that she would never see her again in this life. Can hear her voice.

And the two of them on the phone seemed to have never experienced life and death, but just left for a short period of time.

At the airport, Chen Yiren looked at the man sitting next to him and said, "We didn't tell Aze about our trip to America back then, he might not want to see you."

Hearing this, Chuning smiled and said, "I know, when he heard the news of your death, he came to see me. I had someone beat him up. You won't feel bad, right?"

"What do you think?" Chen Yiren glanced at him, and then sighed with emotion, "I also walked through the gate of hell back then. If it weren't for Han Ye, we might really have said goodbye forever."

"Don't say such things. You are living a good life now. Even without Han Ye, I would definitely be able to find a suitable kidney source to look after you."

Listening to his words, Chen Yiren smiled: "I know."

Thinking of something, Chen Yiren said: "Even if Han Ye saved me back then, I don't want Aze to pay the debt for me."

"I know you."

Nestling in Chuning's arms, Chen Yiren sighed.

Chen Yize drove to the airport at the fastest speed, walked into the terminal building, and was stunned for a moment when he saw the person nestled in Chuning's arms. He couldn't believe his eyes, if the phone call just now It made him feel a little unbelievable, so now that he saw a real person, he felt even more like a dream.

"Sister..." Chen Yize called softly, the two people in the distance were talking, and the terminal building was not very quiet, so Chen Yiren didn't hear it at all.

Chen Yize didn't dare to move forward, because he was afraid that all this was an illusion, and he would disappear as soon as he got close to someone.

Looking at Chen Yize who was snuggling in Chu Ning's words, she smiled, her sister has not changed at all over the years, on the contrary she is more energetic than when she saw her last time, it seems that the man treats her well.

Just looking at the people in the distance like this, Chen Yize didn't move at all. In the end, Chuning saw him first, and gently lowered his head to say something to the person in his arms, and then saw Chen Yiren looking this way.

"Ah Ze." Chen Yiren called out, and Chuning helped her up, seeing Chen Yize and Chen Yiren walking towards this side with a smile on his face.

Chen Yize walked in front of the two of them. Chen Yiren looked at Chen Yize's excited face, touched his face with both hands, and said, "Ah Ze has grown up, and my sister almost doesn't know each other."

"No way." Chen Yize looked at Chen Yiren, and couldn't take his eyes off her.

He was only 19 years old when she left at that time, and now he is almost 30 years old, and it has been so many years since she left.

"Sister..." Chen Yize yelled, then hugged her in his arms, put his head on her neck, and said, "I miss you so much."

"Me too." Chen Yiren hugged him back, and Chu Ning, who was standing aside, frowned, but thought of how much his wife missed his younger brother, so he gave up and looked away.

When the two of them hugged each other for more than he could bear, he said: "Okay, let's talk about it when we go back, your sister's health is not good."

Hearing this, Chen Yize quickly let go of Chen Yiren, and asked, "How is sister's body now?"

Chen Yiren smiled: "It's okay, it's all over, your brother-in-law loves to make a fuss, let's go back."

Chen Yize nodded, but he thought of something and said: "Han Ye is living with me, I don't want to go back, the other apartment has not been cleaned up, it can't live in at all..."

"It's okay, I really have something to say to you, so let's go to the place where you often live." Chen Yiren said before Chen Yize finished speaking.

Hearing this, Chen Yize nodded, then walked to the other side of her and supported her arm.

When Chuning returned to China this time, he brought a servant who took care of Han Yiren. The servant couldn't take their things, so Chen Yize took the initiative to help take one.

Chen Yize was driving, the servant was sitting in the passenger seat, Chen Yiren and Chuning were sitting in the back, on the road, Chen Yize couldn't take his eyes off his younger brother who hadn't seen him for many years while driving.

"I heard you already have a girlfriend?"

Chen Yize, who was driving, was stunned when he heard Chen Yiren's words, and then smiled bitterly: "We just broke up."

"Is it because of Han Ye?" Chen Yiren frowned.

Hearing this, Chen Yize nodded, and seeing this, Chen Yiren sighed angrily: "You shouldn't do this, these are my affairs and responsibilities, and I shouldn't let you repay them, let alone your love. .”

"Sister, I did it voluntarily." Chen Yize said, although he doesn't like Han Ye now, but he is grateful to her. If it weren't for her, he wouldn't be able to see his sister now.

"Then let me ask you, do you still like Han Ye?" Chen Yiren looked at Chen Yize and said, upon hearing this, Chen Yize shook his head.

I was with her when I was in college, but I was chased by her for too long. If I don’t accept it, I’m afraid I’ll be sorry for her, so I made do with her. At that time, I might not understand love. After knowing that she left, I would only be angry. , I didn't feel the heartache like when I broke up with Wu Yang now.

Seeing the sad look on his face, Chen Yiren raised her head and sighed. Chu Ning, who was sitting beside her, saw her holding her hand in his palm, a big hand completely wrapped her small hand, and gently Shaking.

Knowing that he was comforting herself, Chen Yiren felt warm and smiled at him.

Seeing the two loving each other in the rearview mirror, Chen Yize also showed a smile on his face. He said that Chu Ning was violent by nature, and he heard that he played with people to death, so he was very worried when he found out that his sister married him. Yes, but my sister kept saying that she was living a very happy life. At that time, she thought her sister was comforting him, but now he understands.

If Chu Ning doesn't like his sister, he won't overcome all difficulties and has to marry her. Now he won't spoil his sister to heaven. The way he looks at his sister is unmistakable, just like when Li Yanfeng looked at Jiang Yuqiao Same.

After returning to the apartment where he hadn't been back for several days, Chen Yize got off the car. As soon as they entered the house, Han Ye came back from the outside. He saw Chen Yize's car outside. Han Ye was very happy, but when he entered the house, he saw this car. Chen Yiren, who should have already flown to Hawaii, was stunned.

"Yi Ren, why did you go back to China?" Han Ye said in surprise.

Hearing this, Chen Yiren showed a faint smile, and said lazily, "This is my home, why can't I come back?"

He obviously said it with a smile, but Han Ye had a bad feeling. He always felt that Chen Yiren, who was speaking now, was a little more frightening than Chu Ning, who was sitting beside her with a straight face all the time.

"You came back this time..." Did she come here to prevent her from being with Chen Yize?
Thinking of this, Han Ye walked up to Chen Yiren and sat down, and said, "Are you planning not to leave when you come back this time?"

Chen Yiren shook his head: "Chuning transferred his career to the United States for me. I don't want to trouble him anymore. I just came back this time to deal with some things."

As he spoke, he glanced at Chen Yize who was sitting not far away, and continued: "Han Ye, let me ask you something, what did I tell you when you returned home?"

Hearing this, Han Ye was taken aback, and said with a smile: "You told me a lot at that time, so I can't remember all of them, ah, I forgot that I still have a lawsuit to discuss with a customer, I'll go now Well, I may not be able to come back at night. Look at how hard it is for you to come back. I can’t accompany you. I’m so sorry. When I have time, I will definitely accompany you. If you have anything to do, go do it. I still have Things go first."

After I finished speaking, Han Ye walked outside without waiting for a few people to say anything, stood up, and watched her leave in a hurry as if fleeing, Chen Yiren sighed helplessly.

"She's running away."

"She will always come back. You are tired from the long flight, go upstairs and rest for a while." Chuning said with concern.

Hearing this, Chen Yiren said habitually: "Then you accompany me."

After speaking, she realized that she was not at their house now, and she was still in front of her younger brother, but she felt that En was a little embarrassed, but Chuning didn't feel it at all, nodded lightly, and stopped her from standing up.

"Ah Ze, I'll go upstairs to rest for a while." Chen Yiren said to Chen Yize before going upstairs. Hearing this, Chen Yize nodded with a smile and watched the couple go upstairs together.

Chu Ning is so kind to his sister, he is relieved, this is how lovers get along, and he and Han Ye will never be able to do this, the person he loves is Wu Yang, now she probably hates herself .

At this time, Wu Yang was not in his rented house, but packed up his things and went home. When they got home, Wu's father and Wu's mother saw Wu Yang's crying eyes and looked at each other, but neither of them asked. Did she cry, and why did she come back suddenly?

Wu's father and Wu's mother didn't ask anything, but they were so happy to see their daughter coming home, they packed things and made good food for her.

The second day after Wu Yang returned home, a distant relative suddenly came to the house. Seeing Wu Yang at home, he was stunned and said with a smile, "Yangyang is at home."

After speaking, he looked at Wu's father and Wu's mother, and a look of doubt flashed in his eyes. Seeing this, Wu Yang glanced at his distant relative and at his parents. It seems that this is not the first time this distant relative has come to her house. .

The distant relatives sat down on the sofa, Wu's father and Wu's mother glanced at Wu Yang, then at the distant relatives, and shook his head gently. Wu Yang raised his eyebrows when he saw his mother's small movements. What words do not want her to hear.

Thinking of this, Wu Yang stood up and said, "I remembered, did you bring my cleaning supplies, I'll go to the supermarket to buy them first."

After speaking, she took her wallet and mobile phone and left the house. After seeing her gone, Madam Wu looked at her distant relative and said, "She came back yesterday afternoon. I think it's better not to tell her about the marriage you mentioned. I think She's been in a bad mood these days."

"In a bad mood? Could it be that you have a boyfriend?"

The distant relative said, and Wu's mother shook her head when she heard the words: "I didn't dare to say that she was in a bad mood, and I will mention it to her when I have time, don't worry."

"Don't delay any longer. His husband is such an excellent person. If you start late, it will definitely be someone else's. If it weren't for our family's good relationship with the other party, he would have been impatient."

Hearing this, Ms. Wu nodded. She knew that this distant relative was a kind person, and she didn't want to disappoint her kindness. Hearing this, she said, "Don't worry, you are doing it for the good of my family, and I won't let you get caught in the middle." of."

"Hey, why don't you be embarrassed, I just want to keep the fat and water from flowing into other people's fields. When my family was in trouble when I was young, your mother-in-law and father-in-law helped our family. We can't repay this kindness, but I have to think about it anyway. You are not."

"I know your kindness. I'll tell her tonight and see what she thinks. If she doesn't want to meet, I won't force her..."

Before Madam Wu finished speaking, the distant relative said: "What you said is that this is something related to the child's lifelong happiness. Of course, it depends on what she means."

Hearing what she said, Mother Wu smiled and nodded.

Wu Yang didn't go to the supermarket, but went shopping for a takeaway, and saw a kebab on the side of the road, felt hungry, so he bought a few skewers, holding more than a dozen skewers of mutton, Wu Yang felt very satisfied, and looked back happily , but didn't notice that there was someone behind her, and she just bumped into someone's body when she turned around. She thought in her heart that so much mutton cost her so much money, so she couldn't fall on the ground, so she grabbed it tightly.

If she turns around and sees someone behind her, she can throw away the mutton skewers in her hand so that she won't slap all the mutton skewers on his chest, and the man who was photographed is still wearing a white shirt.

For a moment, Wu Yang was stunned, and the man who was hit was also stunned. Looking at Wu Yang and his chest, he was also stunned when he saw her. Even so, he was still holding on to the lamb skewers in his hand. She smiled and said, "Miss, are you okay?"

Only then did Wu Yang reflect, looking at the man who had been smeared all over by him, and then at his chest, his face was full of apology.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to."

"I know." The man said with a smile.

"Then..." Wu Yang looked at the man's shirt, but she couldn't let him take it off and she would wash it for him. Besides, she didn't know him, so even if she could take it off and help him wash it, she wouldn't believe her.

After thinking about it, Wu Yang said, "I'll pay for your shirt." As he spoke, Wu Yang glanced at the shirt on his body, because he had been working in Feng before and knew some famous brands, although his shirt did not have the shirt under Feng's banner. So expensive, but also a big brand.

Thinking of Wu Yang's heart, he felt that he had picked up sesame seeds and lost watermelon. To pay someone thousands of dollars for a few skewers of mutton kebabs was really not worth the candle.

As she said that, she was about to take out her wallet, but now she was holding the mutton skewers in both hands, and there was no way to take them. She glanced at the man apologetically and said, "Could you please help me?"

As he spoke, he shook the mutton skewers in his hand, and the man looked at the mutton skewers and smiled: "It's okay, it's just a shirt. If you feel sorry, give me some of your mutton skewers. I don't have any." To change."

Hearing this, Wu Yang looked at the man who spoke and couldn't believe his ears. It's fine if he wasn't angry, but he didn't even want compensation, just a few skewers of mutton to offset the thousands of dollars worth of shirts.

Isn't she sick?
Thinking of this, Wu Yang looked at him a little weirdly. Seeing this, the man smiled and said, "If Miss doesn't want to, just pretend I didn't say anything. I have something to do and I'll leave first."

After speaking, the man smiled and turned around to leave. Seeing this, Wu Yang quickly stopped him and said, "I didn't mean that just now. Your shirt is so expensive. Are you sure you only need a few mutton skewers?"

Hearing that the man nodded, Wu Yang still couldn't believe it when he saw this, and thought: there are people with such good conduct these days?
Thinking of Wu Yang dividing the mutton skewers into two parts, and handing one part to the man, he said, "This is for you."

Seeing half of the mutton skewers in Wu Yang's hand, he felt that the woman in front of him was even more interesting. If other people had been taken advantage of so much, he would have happily given him all the mutton skewers in his hand. He said he wanted some, and she Also really gave a little.

Chu Xingchen looked at the mutton skewers in front of him and smiled, took a few, and said, "I ate it alone, and I wanted to satisfy my hunger."

Seeing this, Wu Yang felt that there was something wrong with him, and he didn't realize it until seeing him get in the car and leave. What a strange thing happened today.

Walking and eating with mutton skewers, Wu Yang wandered around Waman for a while before returning home. When he got home, the distant relative had already left.

"Mom, what does that cousin do here?" Wu Yang asked curiously.

Wu's mother glanced at Wu's father, and then said with a smile: "I have something to say, I'll tell you after dinner tonight, I'm going to cook now."

After finishing speaking, Mama Wu walked into the kitchen. Wu Yang glanced at Mama Wu and muttered, "Why are you still so mysterious?"

As he spoke, he sat next to Father Wu, handed the mutton skewers in front of him and said, "Mutton skewers, just baked."

Seeing this, Wu's father took a bunch of lamb and started to eat, but before he finished eating the mutton skewers, Wu's mother called him to help in the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Mother Wu whispered, "Yangyang didn't ask you anything just now, did she?"

Hearing that Father Wu shook his head: "No."

Mother Wu nodded: "I won't tell her for now, I haven't figured out how to start it yet, if she really comes home because of emotional frustration, she will definitely be annoyed if we force her to go on a blind date. It won’t be good if you leave at that time.”

"You're right, I'll listen to you." Father Wu said with a mutton skewer in his mouth.

Wu's mother glanced at him, and smiled helplessly: "Don't gnaw, quickly pick the vegetables for me."

Wu Yang in the living room was eating skewers and watching TV, thinking, it would be perfect if a bottle of beer is served now, but now she is at home, not in her rented house, if her father sees her drinking beer while drinking Eating skewers, I don't know if she is going to think of her as a young woman with bad habits.

Because he ate a lot of skewers, Wu Yang didn't feel very hungry when it was time for dinner, but he was still compulsively called to the dinner table by his mother.

"Don't you want to know what your cousin is here for today? I'll tell you now." Mother Wu said.

Hearing this, Wu Yang looked at her curiously, and said, "What is Cousin here for today?"

Mother Wu glanced at her and saw that she was much better than when she came yesterday, so she said: "Your cousin came here because of your marriage. There is a family who is very close to her family. Now my son Entrepreneurship, very good, I heard that he founded a game company in city a, he is also very handsome, just for the sake of his career, now he is almost 30 years old and has no girlfriend, his family is anxious, so he arranged a blind date for him. "

"I heard you say that he is so good, why would he still look for a family like ours, instead of going to a big city?" Wu Yang said.

Seeing her, Mama Wu didn't seem to reject her, and continued: "His parents are also from our county, and they are very simple. They never thought of asking their son to find a girl from a big city, saying that children in big cities are all squeamish."

"Hehe." Wu Yang smiled, "Then what do you mean?"

Seeing the drama, Mama Wu smiled and said, "Your cousin is a kind person, and the matchmaker she said must be good. You will be 25 this year, so hurry up and find someone."

Hearing this, Wu Yang was stunned for a moment, seeing that his parents were full of anticipation, he could only nod his head: "Then I'll see you, if I don't like it, don't force it."

In fact, she didn't want to go on a blind date, but she couldn't bear to refuse to make things difficult for them when she saw her parents looking forward to it. In the past two days when she came home, her parents must have guessed something, and they didn't say anything because they were afraid that she would be sad. How could she make it difficult for her parents to consider her emotions so much.

"You can like it when you meet for the first time. As long as you feel that your character is good and your appearance is passable, then you should get along with her and don't rush to refuse, you know?"

Wu Yang nodded: "Don't worry, what if I fall in love with others and look down on me?" After all, he is a young and promising young man, and he may not be satisfied with her and the unemployed.

This is also the reason why Wu Yang agreed to go on a blind date. She can't forget Chen Yize, and she doesn't want her parents to worry. Fortunately, the other party is so good, I just hope that he will look down on her then.

After listening to Wu Yang's words, Wu's mother took a look at her, and said, "What are you talking about? My daughter looks so good-looking. If he doesn't like you, then he really has a problem with his aesthetics."

Hearing her mother's unconditional praise, Wu Yang smiled and said, "That's right."

After eating at night, Wu Yang helped clean up the dishes and went back to the room, lying on the bed, took out her mobile phone and opened WeChat. She hadn't read WeChat since the day before yesterday. She was afraid that Chen Yize would send her a message and she would reply without hesitation. to his side, but it turns out that he has completely given up the relationship between them.

Wu Yang found Chen Yize's contact information in the contact list, and then deleted all the contact information about him, even the WeChat of several colleagues in the company, but when Jiang Yuqiao was deleted, Wu Yang Yang paused, but did not press the delete button.

After deleting things, Wu Yang sent a WeChat message, then turned off the lights and closed his eyes.

This is the second day after breaking up with Chen Yize, she has to learn to adapt.

In City A, Jiang Yuqiao stared blankly at Wu Yang's newly updated status in Moments, and sighed helplessly. Li Yanfeng saw her sighing as soon as he came out of the bathroom, and said, "What's wrong?"

"Wu Yang just updated her circle of friends, saying that she was going to start over. It seems that she looked away and put it down."

Hearing Jiang Yuqiao's words, Li Yanfeng had already climbed onto the bed, hugged her in his arms, and said, "That doesn't mean I really let go."

Jiang Yuqiao looked at him in confusion, and seeing that he didn't want to explain, she sighed, put the phone away and lay down to sleep.

The next morning, Wu Yang woke up early because he went to bed early last night, but what he didn't expect was that Wu's father and Wu's mother woke up earlier than her.

"Mom and Dad, what are you doing up so early?" Wu Yang said after coming out of the toilet.

Mother Wu smiled: "Didn't you go on a blind date today? Get up and get ready. Just now your cousin called and said that she told the man that she will let you meet this morning. It happens that the man has been at home these days."

Wu Yang smiled helplessly: "Even if we want to go on a blind date, it's too early."

Wu Yang glanced at the time, it was only 05:30.

"It's getting late, I should leave after breakfast and tidy up, otherwise it won't look good if I'm late."

Wu Yang couldn't say no to Madam Wu, so he just nodded: "Okay, I'll clean it up."

"Go, put on a beautiful makeup."

Mother Wu looked at the back of Wu Yang walking towards the bedroom and said with a smile.

Wu Yang went back to the room and did not put on makeup to tidy himself up, but lay back on the bed again, it was really too early to sleep, so he slept for a while.

In the end, Wu Yang was dragged up from the bed by Wu's mother. After breakfast, she dragged her to go on a blind date. When they arrived at the agreed blind date, Wu's father, Wu, mother, and cousin went to the restaurant next to the cafe to wait. Wu Yang was alone waiting for the arrival of his blind date.

But the time passed by and no one came. Wu Yang looked at his watch and found that he was already half an hour late. Wu Yang sighed heavily and decided to wait another 10 minutes before he came and she went straight away. people.

Just now thinking about this, Wu Yang raised his head and saw the man in shirt that he bumped into yesterday walked into the restaurant, he seemed to be in a hurry, he took a look around the restaurant, when he saw Wu Yang, he was taken aback, and Wu Yang was also taken aback.

No way……

Thinking of some possibility, the man had already walked towards her, smiled, and said, "Isn't Miss Wu?"

Wu Yang nodded, it seems that this shirt man is his blind date, but he is wearing a suit today, and there is already fine sweat on his forehead, he is still sweating in such a cool weather, he has always been anxious rushed over.

Thinking of this, Wu Yang doesn't blame him for being late.

"I went back to deal with something that happened suddenly at the company last night. I just rushed back this morning. I was half an hour late. I'm really sorry." Chu Xingchen said.

In fact, he had seen Wu Yang's photo a few days ago, and he agreed to a blind date just by looking at the photo. He recognized her when he met her on the street yesterday, and felt that this blind date made him very satisfied. , so even if the company's affairs hadn't been dealt with, he rushed back.

Hearing his explanation, Wu Yang felt a little guilty towards him because of yesterday's incident, and immediately stopped blaming him after hearing his explanation, and said with a smile: "Needless to say I'm sorry, of course the company is important, in fact, I Didn't have long to wait."

Chu Xingchen looked at Wu Yang and smiled, pointed to his suit, and said, "You don't mind if I take off my coat."

Wu Yang glanced at the scar on his forehead and shook his head: "I don't mind."

Chu Xingchen smiled, took off his suit and put it aside.

 Han Ye is a monster, let my sister take it

(End of this chapter)

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