Chapter 158

Chapter 180

Little Li Chenghuan attracted the audience's attention as soon as he appeared on the stage. The eldest son of the Li family wanted to curry favor with Li Yanfeng, so today Li Zhenzhong and his wife also came. Seeing Jiang Yuqiao and Li Chenghuan surrounded by others, glanced at him. She curled her lips: "What's there to be proud of, isn't it just the birth of a daughter, those who don't know think it's a son."

"Say a few words less, and you won't be ashamed if you let others hear it." Li Zhenzhong said with a dissatisfied glance at Jiang.

Ever since the old man lost the lawsuit, Li Zhenzhong has been different from before. He has started going to the company, and he doesn't often go out to meet those dubious women. Jiang is happy to see this, so when Li Zhenzhong is impatient, she will There is no reason to be hardened.

After being stared at twice by Li Zhenzhong, Jiang became honest, she just couldn't control her mouth, and said something as soon as it came to her mouth.

However, the cheerful scene here has not changed at all because of Jiang's words, because everyone can see that Li Yanfeng doesn't care whether Jiang Yuqiao's child is a boy or a girl, he can hold the full moon banquet Then grandness can explain the problem.

Zuo Zhixiu's mother, Mrs. Su, loved children at this age. She saw that her grandchildren liked it very much, but she had never seen such a small child. At that time, she went to work after Zuo Zhixiu was born. , the task of taking care of the children is Zuo Yulin's, so when he saw the little Li Chenghuan looking at him with his finger in his mouth and his big cute eyes, his heart suddenly turned into tenderness.

"Such a beautiful little princess, I don't know whose family's kid will have this blessing in the future?"

As soon as Su's words were finished, several people standing beside them dressed as noble ladies also echoed: "That is to say, I don't know whose family's kid has this blessing."

Seeing the people beside her talking, Mrs. Su felt faintly jealous that she would be able to marry Huanhuan's boy in the future. Suddenly, her mind moved, she glanced at Chen Jiajie's belly, and said in her heart: If Jiajie gives birth to a boy If so, these two children can think about it.

Thinking about this, Su looked at Jiang Yuqiao and said, "This is the first child between you and Yanfeng, so be careful and love him dearly. In the future, when looking for a son-in-law, you must find someone who knows everything, so that you can marry your daughter with confidence. .”

Huanhuan had only been a month old, and Jiang Yuqiao felt ashamed seeing them start discussing her daughter's marriage, but she could only nod in agreement when the elders spoke.

Sitting next to Jiang Yuqiao, Mrs. Liang glanced at Mrs. Zuo, seeming to understand what she meant, and smiled. In fact, she also felt that what Mrs. Su said was right. Of course, a son-in-law who knows the basics is more at ease in marrying Huanhuan. , and the Zuo family's genes are so good, and they have been famous for their good looks for several generations, so this marriage is not impossible.

But she is Huanhuan's grandma after all, and the child's father values ​​Huanhuan so much, and now that he is planning to marry his daughter, the full moon banquet today may not be quiet.

Mrs. Zuo didn't explain clearly, and Mrs. Liang, who understood, didn't point it out either. After typing two hahas, the topic went away.

Even so, the Su family still hopes to facilitate this good marriage. For some reason, when thinking of her grandson not being able to marry Li Chenghuan in the future, she feels a pity in her heart.

Su's wish is now that Li Chenghuan's little girl can become her grandson-in-law. Of course, the suitable person is her little grandson who has not yet been born, because she always thinks about a child of the right age. Of course, she never thought of this Was it a grandson who was born, and I didn't think that there was actually a more suitable candidate, that is, my eldest grandson, but the matter of Li Chenghuan and Zuo Xin is a later story.

The full moon banquet was over, and the guests were sent away. Li Yanfeng happily hugged his daughter and coaxed her to be happy. He didn't look like he had worked hard all day. In the evening, the whole family got together, and the old lady was happy to see this happy family scene. She couldn't speak from ear to ear, but she was used to living in Xuanyin Temple. She had lived enough in City A for the past few months, and she wanted to go back a long time ago. She didn't bring up this topic until her great-granddaughter's full moon banquet.

"I'm ready to go to the mountain the day after tomorrow. Although it's clean here, I've lived on the mountain for more than 20 years. I'm used to it and feel comfortable there."

In fact, everyone could see that the old lady wanted to go back to the mountain, so no one stopped her. Jiang Yuqiao said with a smile: "Then I will often go to the mountain with Huanhuan to see grandma."

Of course the old lady was happy, but she said: "You have your own affairs to be busy with, Xuanyin Temple is so far away from here, it is enough for you to have this kind of heart, you don't have to go so far to see me, an old woman."

Children have children's affairs, and she doesn't want to be a burden to them.

After finishing speaking, the old lady was afraid that they would persuade her again, so she quickly changed the subject and said, "I've been thinking about it for the past few months. I'll go to Li's house tomorrow."

The scene of laughing just now completely fell silent when the old lady finished speaking, Jiang Yuqiao glanced at Li Yanfeng, only to see him frowning, and said: "Grandma, there is something I have always wanted to know. "

As if she knew what he was going to ask, Mrs. Liang hurriedly said: "It's getting late, it's time to go to rest. Qiao Qiao should go to rest with Huanhuan in his arms, and Li Li should go back to the room."

Hearing that Jiang Yuqiao and Li Li looked at each other, knowing that there was something to let them know, Jiang Yuqiao got up from Li Yanfeng's arms and hugged Huanhuan, who was playing with his buttons, into her arms, and then went to bed. Upstairs, Li Li felt that it was not interesting to go back to the room alone, so she followed Jiang Yuqiao upstairs.

There were only three people left in the living room, and before Li Yanfeng could speak, the old lady said, "I know what you want to ask."

After the old lady finished speaking, she looked at Li Yanfeng, and Li Yanfeng didn't avoid her eyes at all, let her look at him, and said: "What happened back then, you went to Xuanyin Temple for more than [-] years, it can't be just because Losing your beloved son, there must be a reason why you hate the old man so much, right?"

After hearing Li Yanfeng's words, the old lady's eyes suddenly became confused, unfocused, she looked straight in one direction, and said: "I haven't spoken to him since he did something sorry to me, and neither has he. Thinking that I can't find it here, he never provoked me, let alone your father. On that day, he suddenly called back from the company and said that he asked your father to drive his car to the company to pick him up and let him know My business partner, your father was very happy, so he drove his car there, but there was a car accident shortly after leaving the house, the police found out that the brakes had been tampered with, the car did not belong to your father, But he asked your father to open it, and the answer is self-evident."

Mrs. Liang listened to the old lady's calm voice talking about the events of the year, as if she was talking about something unimportant to her. Although she didn't have much affection for Li Zhenyang, she couldn't help but sigh when she heard the events of the year. As Li Zhenyang, the old lady Her biological mother, being able to speak out in such a calm manner, seems to have really figured it out after living in the mountains for more than twenty years.

"When I heard the news, I was very angry. I thought about calling the police countless times, but I couldn't do it when I thought of the old man's confession before he left. I hate my indecision, and I hate the one who killed me. My son's person, but I can't do anything, I can only hide in the mountains to heal myself."

The old lady said, finally sighed, and said: "The child he gave birth outside is a few months older than your father, he likes their mother and child very much, and sends them anything good, not only that, Every time, someone specially told me that your father was sensible since he was a child, and he felt sorry for me, the mistress, being bullied by a pair of mother and son of unknown origin, so he ran to that woman's place in a fit of anger during the Mid-Autumn Festival and beat him up. Your father was only fifteen or sixteen years old. He didn't know that the woman was pregnant, and he accidentally caused her to have a miscarriage, causing her to collapse and die. He gave your father a big meal, and your father couldn't get out of bed for a month. Not only that, he actually asked my son to be buried with that woman."

Speaking of which, a glint of mischief flashed in the eyes of the old lady, and then she became calm, and sighed lightly: "After that woman died, he felt ashamed of Li Zhenzhong, so he treated him well in every possible way. At that time, how old was Li Zhenzhong?" I just stayed by my side to meet some people in the business field, and your father got sick because of being a wimp at this time. As a father, as a husband, he owes me and your father forever, and he is ashamed of that woman. He wants to take care of both sides, but in the end he can only end up a lonely family."

Li Yanfeng heard a trace of pity in her tone, before he had time to think about it, he heard the old lady say: "I'm tired, I'm going to rest."

Hearing that Li Yanfeng is not good to go on, I can only send the old lady respectfully, but Mrs. Liang insisted on sending the old lady home, when she went out of the door, Li Yanfeng was nowhere to be seen. Tell him the truth?"

The old lady sighed: "I have hated him all my life, and I don't want him to continue. If he knows that Zhenyang's death has something to do with Li Zhenzhong, he will inevitably do it. It's all caused by the previous generation. I don't want to Let the child continue this hatred. I don’t think about anything now. The deceased is gone. No matter how hard I look back, it will only leave sadness. People can only look forward. I have been obsessed for a lifetime, and I don’t like children. If I live well with Qiao Qiao, I will die in peace."

"They will be grateful for your painstaking efforts." Liang said with emotion. Thinking of the scene of her husband's death that year, and thinking of her youth that was so painfully delayed in Li's family, she regretted it, but now seeing the son and daughter she had raised for so many years She feels that her daughter is so happy that she has no regrets at all. This may be the greatness of being a mother. She is like this, and so is the old lady.

Li Yanfeng learned the truth that he thought was the truth from the old lady's mouth, and he sighed with emotion. He didn't fall asleep the whole night. The main reason was that Li Chenghuan often made trouble at night. He didn't want Jiang Yuqiao to get up at night, so he had to work hard by himself.

The old lady went to Li's house early the next morning, and Li Zhenzhong, who was guilty when he heard the news that the old lady was coming, hid out early. Li Yanqing just thought he didn't want to see the former mistress, and didn't think much about it, so he got up to greet her in person. old lady.

Now the old man is much better, the signs of stroke have improved a lot, and he can get out of bed and take two steps. When he heard that the old lady was coming, he got up early in the morning and saw the old lady who was helped by Li Yanqing. Standing up excitedly, the old lady just glanced at him, and then sat down straight away.

This home has not changed at all since when she left.

"Have you had breakfast?" the old man asked cautiously, paying attention to the old lady's eyes all the time.

The old lady didn't speak, but Aunt Hui who was standing beside her said: "Miss got up early and ate at the young master's."

Hearing this, the old man glanced at Aunt Hui, then at the old lady, and said with a smile, "I thought you didn't have a meal so early in the morning."

Early in the morning when he heard that she was here, he was so excited that he didn't eat, so he thought she hadn't eaten yet,
"Don't you want to see me? Now that you see me, you can say whatever you want." The old lady didn't look at the old man either.

The old man pursed his lips and glanced at Li Yanqing who was standing aside. Li Yanqing understood what he meant without saying a word, nodded and left the living room. After seeing him leave, the old man looked at the old lady.

"I know you won't forgive me, and I won't forgive myself. I don't want to compete with you for the right to inherit this lawsuit. I just want to use this method to meet you. What happened back then, I really I don't know why the car was tampered with, and I don't know who it is..."

"Don't know who it is?" The old lady finally looked at the old man, her eyes narrowed, "Actually, you already have the answer in your heart, you just don't want to believe that your favorite son will do such a thing, He should be hiding now, afraid of seeing me? My son was unintentional back then, and her mother also fell down on the way to sue you, but he wanted my son so cruelly. Fate, that's my fate, they have everything, and you have a happy family reunion during the holidays, have you ever thought about how our mother and son suffered? He just smashed two things in the past to vent, If that vixen doesn't cause trouble and asks people to come to me to show off, she won't die, so I pity my son to be buried with him!"

The old lady may sigh sadly when she talks about this matter with Liang Shi, and she may pretend to let go when she talks about it with Li Yanfeng, but at this moment, when she looks at the person who has wronged her, she can no longer calm down in her heart Maybe, she loved him before, but she was so hurt that she would never love again in her heart, but now she hated him as much as she had hoped for him.

Seeing the old lady's excitement, the old man was full of guilt, and said tremblingly: "Xiru, I was wrong, I just want you to be jealous, I want you to compete with her, and I want to prove that you care about me, I I am so self-righteous, I am sorry for you mother and son, I have not lived a day in these years without blaming myself, I watched Yanfeng grow more and more like our son, the more I felt guilty, I..."

"Are you guilty? If you are guilty, you will avenge my son. Didn't you say that you are just acting for me to watch and make me jealous? Then you go and kill that bastard to avenge my son!"

The old lady had never been so excited before. She thought that after so many years in Xuanyin Temple, she would be calm. She could indeed be calm in front of others, but she couldn't help it in front of this man.

Aunt Hui looked at the excited old lady and worriedly helped her calm down: "Miss..."

"Let's go!" The old lady stood up and was about to leave. "We will never meet again in the future, and I will never forgive you, forever! If one day you see your son below, don't recognize us, and don't bother us again."

After speaking, the old lady supported Aunt Hui's hand and walked towards the front. The old man looked at the old lady's back and finally shed two lines of tears, chanting the old lady's boudoir name in his mouth.

For so many years, he has been wrong. If he can never stop, he must cherish her well. She is so strong, so what can he do if he is humble, as long as he can keep her by his side, he can do anything.

 I suddenly wanted to write a special episode about the rebirth of the old man, because I felt that he was a bit pitiful~
(End of this chapter)

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