Hidden Marriage in a Wealthy Family: Shao Li's Pampered Wife

Chapter 159 Mom Doesn't Want Me Anymore

Chapter 159 Mom Doesn't Want Me Anymore
Chapter 181

Not long after Li Chenghuan's full moon banquet ended, Li Yanqing sent the good news that Lou Qiqi had given birth to a son. Of course Li Yanfeng expressed his congratulations, but he didn't have any other moods other than that. Jiang was proud of it. No, but since their family has to rely on Li Yanfeng's power now, they didn't exaggerate too much.

The Jiang family didn't like Lou Qiqi in the past, but although the Lou family is not as powerful as Li Yanfeng, it is still stronger than the current Li family, and Lou Qiqi gave birth to her a grandson, she is very fond of Lou Qiqi. Qi's prejudice gradually dissipated.

Another month passed, and Chen Jiajie also had an attack. The second child was a boy. Because Xin Gan and Baobao were already there, the Zuo family didn't pay much attention to the gender of the child. After having a son, the old man of the Zuo family is still very happy. When people celebrate happy events, they are in good spirits. He is now radiant, not to mention how energetic he is.

On this day, Mrs. Su held her little grandson in her arms. Looking at her cute grandson, her mind inevitably became active again. She glanced at Chen Jiajie and said, "Huanhuan from Yanfeng's family is two months older than our Chong'er. That girl Looking so clever and cute, you said that if she marries Chong Er in the future, Yan Feng will not agree."

Zuo Chong is the name of the second child of the Zuo family. In fact, Zuo Chong is very lucky to be born as a boy, because many years later, he heard from his mother that when he was still in his mother's womb, his father touched his mother. The belly said: After giving birth to a daughter, she will be called Zuo Ai, and after giving birth to a son, she will be called Zuo Chong.

Zuo Ai, what a bad name!If she is a daughter, she will cry to death when she grows up?

Chen Jiajie was taken aback when she heard Su Shi's words, and then shook her head: "The child is so young, it's too early now, how can there be such a thing as baby kissing in this age?" Besides, even Li Yanfeng would never allow his daughter to be so early Thinking about how Li Yanfeng might be furious, Chen Jiajie even shook her head and rejected Su Shi's words.

"Who said there is no baby marriage? Didn't the old lady of the Su family in the east of the city set up a baby marriage for her grandson early? They even brought their grandson-in-law into their home. Who in City A doesn't know that the Su family's child daughter-in-law, Gu Qiuchi, Isn't she also in love with Su Jinyang?"

Su said a little unwillingly, Chen Jiajie knew that her mother-in-law really liked Li Chenghuan, so she sighed helplessly: "Gu Qiuchi and Su Jinyang are destined, and we don't know what will happen later, what if these two children later No one can see right, so didn't we kill two children? Let's not talk about this for now, let's talk about how Li Yanfeng dotes on his daughter now. Do you think he will agree to this matter?"

The Su family didn't agree with what Chen Jiajie said before, but her last sentence reminded her, yes, Li Yanfeng was very careful with his daughter, if he knew that they had such thoughts, he might not be able to Don't worry about Chen Jiajie's face anymore.

Thinking of this, Su sighed, and regretfully glanced at Zuo Chong in his arms.

"Mom, don't be discouraged. In fact, I like that child Huanhuan. Anyway, we all live in a villa in the middle of the mountain. The children are about the same age. They will definitely play together in the future. This childhood sweetheart, maybe your wish can be fulfilled, just Now is not the time to bring it up."

The reason why Chen Jiajie said this was not only to comfort Mrs. Su, but also for her own benefit. Mrs. Su took over their family to Zuo's family after she gave birth, and meant to let them live forever, but She doesn't want to live with the elders in her family. It's not that she doesn't like them, but she's not used to them. She lost her parents when she was young, and she has no experience with the elders at all. Not used to it is one aspect Another aspect is her usual attitude towards Zuo Zhixiu. Although Su Shi didn't say anything, she will inevitably think about it after living together for a long time. I am used to it, but if my parents-in-law saw it, I would definitely feel that it was her daughter-in-law who was trying to manipulate their son.

Chen Jiajie also knows that Su Shi might not think about it now, after all, her way of getting along with Zuo Yulin is also because she is a bit stronger, but she can't stand it for a long time, what did she do wrong? Let her piece together all the little details , It's on the verge of breaking out, and if Su's really disgusts her, the only one who can't do it in the middle is Zuo Zhixiu.

After listening to Chen Jiajie's words, Su didn't think too much, just understood her literal meaning, and said: "You are right, this childhood sweetheart is the best match, and you will live close together in the future, so you can move around more."

Hearing what Su said, Chen Jiajie knew that her heart had been shaken. At the same time, Chen Jiajie also understood one thing, that is, in Su's eyes, Li Chenghuan, the granddaughter-in-law, was more important than the company of her son and grandchildren.

Day by day, Li Chenghuan, who is missed, is growing up day by day. As Li Yanfeng's daughter, she is full of glory. Sometimes Jiang Yuqiao feels that it is too much to spoil her like this. Are you spoiling your daughter?

Jiang Yuqiao also euphemistically talked about this issue with Li Yanfeng and Liang Shi, but neither of them took it seriously. Seeing how much Li Yanfeng's daughter loves her, Jiang Yuqiao felt that she would not dare to say anything, so in order to prevent The little girl loved by thousands of people has been raised crookedly, so she has no choice but to play the role of strict mother.

Under the pampering of his father and the not-so-strict education of his mother, little Li Chenghuan grew up to the age of three smoothly. He can already run all over the place, and he can even speak fluently.

On this day, three-year-old Li Chenghuan hurried home. The nanny who looked after her followed her nervously for fear that she would fall, and she was not at ease until she entered the house.

When Li Chenghuan was just learning to walk, he accidentally fell down and scratched his skin a little. The next day, Li Yanfeng asked people to cover every corner of the house with soft carpets, even sharp ones. Anything that could pose a threat to my precious daughter was collected and lost, so this home was definitely the safest place.

As soon as Li Chenghuan entered the house, he didn't change his shoes, and went directly to the living room. The nanny saw him and stopped him immediately: "Little ancestor, take off your shoes before going in, or you will ruin this carpet again."

Of course, Li Yanfeng chose the most comfortable and expensive carpet for his family, but if there are children in the family, even dishonest children like Li Chenghuan, the lifespan of this carpet is hard to say.

Li Chenghuan was held in the arms of the nanny and dragged his shoes obediently. Seeing Mama Li coming out of the kitchen, he asked, "Grandma Li, aren't father and mother at home?"

Li Ma came out with a plate of fruit and said, "Sir and Madam are upstairs, what's wrong with Huanhuan, he's sweating profusely from running?"

As he said that, he put down the fruit plate and wiped her sweat with a paper towel, but the little girl ran upstairs with short legs before she finished wiping.

"Huanhuan just came out of Mr. Zuo's house. Hearing what Baobao said about his wife's pregnancy, he ran back in a hurry for some reason. Don't look at him as a small person, he ran quite fast."

After the nanny finished speaking, Li Ma glanced upstairs and sighed helplessly: "I don't know if Huanhuan is happy or not?"

The little girl Huanhuan who went upstairs here walked to the door of her parents' room and pushed the door open. When she entered, she was stunned by the scene she saw, because she had never seen her father look so ugly.

Li Yanfeng sat on the sofa with a gloomy expression, and Jiang Yuqiao sat on the edge of the bed with her head lowered, as if she had done something wrong.

"Father..." Little Li Chenghuan was frightened by Li Yanfeng's serious appearance, and called out timidly, standing at the door, a little afraid to go in.

Seeing that his daughter seemed to be frightened, Li Yanfeng's expression immediately softened. The two of them got down, stretched out their arms and looked at Wubianer standing at the door, and said softly: "Huanhuan, come here, let Dad hug you, don't be afraid."

Seeing that his father had returned to his usual gentle look, the little girl Li Chenghuan finally relaxed, and ran into Li Yanfeng's arms with a smile: "Is there something unhappy about Dad? Isn't it happy to see Dad Huanhuan?"

"Seeing Huanhuan's father's mood immediately improved." Li Yanfeng let his daughter sit on his lap and said with a smile.

Jiang Yuqiao, who was being aggrieved here, became even more aggrieved when she heard the conversation between the father and daughter, and raised her head to look at the two who were smiling happily: "Huanhuan, mom is not happy, why don't you coax me?"

Seeing that the atmosphere is harmonious now, Li Chenghuan thought of what he heard at Baby Sister's house, glanced at Jiang Yuqiao, pouted his little mouth, and said, "Didn't Mom have a little brother in her belly? Let the little brother Brother, come and make you happy, you won't love Huanhuan anymore, and Huanhuan won't make you happy either."

Jiang Yuqiao was aggrieved at first, but when she heard Li Chenghuan's words, she froze for a moment, felt pain in her heart, and tears welled up in her eyes. She looked at the intimate father and daughter, as if she was an outsider, and couldn't bear it any longer. Standing up, he said, "Okay, you father and daughter are of the same mind, I am redundant, don't I just want to have another child? I think about being a daughter all day long, and stick to my father all day long. I just want to have another child." If I want another child of yours, both of you, father and daughter, will give me face, okay, let’s live together, both of you, father and daughter, and I’ll leave right now.”

After Jiang Yuqiao slammed the door and went out, Li Yanfeng didn't expect that his wife, who looked like she had done something wrong just now, suddenly changed her face, and was stunned for a moment. It was Li Chenghuan who reacted first.

"Dad, Mom seemed to be crying just now. Is she really sad? Is it because of what Huanhuan said? I was just angry just now. Baby sister said that Mom has a little brother in her belly. I'm afraid that the little brother will snatch me away." Mom and Dad, so..."

Huanhuan was also terrified when she saw Jiang Yuqiao slam the door and go out. She even cried while talking, thinking that it was her own fault that made her mother angry.

Seeing this, Li Yanfeng hurriedly coaxed his daughter not to cry, and walked downstairs while coaxing, because he knew in his heart that Jiang Yuqiao's sudden outburst was not just because of the two words Huanhuan said, but also partly because It was the dispute between them before. She had only given birth to Huanhuan three years ago. He didn't want to have a second child so soon, but he didn't expect that she would tamper with it and get pregnant before he was ready. He didn't reject it. The arrival of this child is just not worrying about her body.

When he got downstairs, Li Chenghuan had already stopped crying. Li Yanfeng didn't see anyone in the living room, but saw Li Ma and asked, "Did Qiao Qiao come down just now?"

"Madam just went out..." She went out crying.

Hearing this, Li Yanfeng frowned, put down Huanhuan in his arms, and said, "Huanhuan went to play with grandma, and father went out to find mother."

Li Chenghuan held onto Li Yanfeng's hand and sobbed, "Mom, don't you want to be happy anymore?"

At this moment, Mrs. Liang just came out of the room and frowned suspiciously when she saw this scene: "What's the matter? Why are you crying?"

Speaking of which, Mrs. Liang walked up to Huanhuan, hugged her into her arms and looked at Li Yanfeng, as if asking him what happened.

Li Yanfeng wouldn't dare to say that he partnered with his daughter to make his wife angry. Although the person standing in front of him was his mother in name, he was actually his mother-in-law. If he found out, he would definitely favor his daughter. Thinking about Li Yanfeng, he didn't say anything, and left after saying something to help take care of Huanhuan.

Liang asked the nanny and Li Ma to find out what happened. She glanced at the direction of the door, sighed, and said nothing. Qiao Qiao's temper that Yan Feng had been accustomed to in recent years has become more and more severe.

Liang attributed the reason to Jiang Yuqiao, and had no intention of complaining about Li Yanfeng at all.

Here Li Yanfeng went directly to Zuo Zhixiu's house after going out, because the two families often visit each other when there is nothing to do, and Huanhuan is about the same age as the second boy of the Zuo family, and the two families are separated from each other. They are also close, and Jiang Yuqiao also went to Zuo Zhixiu's house.

But when Li Yanfeng came to his own home, he didn't see Jiang Yuqiao. The eight-year-old baby had grown a lot taller. When he saw Li Yanfeng, he said guiltily: "I thought sister Huanhuan already knew, so I told her about the future. I’m about to have a younger brother or younger sister, ask her if she’s happy, uncle, did I say anything wrong?”

Looking at the guilty baby, Li Yanfeng touched her head and said, "Baby didn't say anything wrong."

Since Jiang Yuqiao was not here, Zuo Zhixiu and Chen Jiajie were still working at the company and not at home, so he didn't stay any longer, and then left.

Did Jojo go down the mountain?Li Yanfeng thought this way, and then denied the guess, this place is far away from the road down the mountain, Qiao Qiao finally got pregnant, she will not let herself take risks, then she has only one place to go.

Thinking so, Li Yanfeng walked to Jing Yi's house.

Years ago, Dodo came back, mainly because she met her half-sister. Jing Yi saw the right time and wanted to keep Dodo. Dodo was also reluctant to come to Jing Yi. Under the pursuit of the two people together.

Now Jiang Yuqiao is not the orphan she used to be. She now has a biological mother, a half-sister, and an elder brother who is as close as family.

Li Yanfeng sighed helplessly when he thought of the situation he would have to face next.

(End of this chapter)

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