Chapter 167

Chapter 189

In order to make up for Li Boyang's birthday, the lunch at noon today was extraordinarily sumptuous, Huanhuan gave Li Boyang the gift he had prepared earlier.

"Yangyang, this is a gift from me. I prepared it a long time ago. I was thinking of giving it to you last night, but it was delayed when your grandma went to celebrate your birthday. Although it is not an expensive gift, I chose it myself. Yes, don't be disgusted."

Li Boyang's grandma is Jiang Shi. At first when the Li family relied on Li Yanfeng, her attitude was quite good. Since Li Yanqing gradually recovered, and she has such a powerful grandson, her temper has become more and more lethargic in the past few years. People don't want to pay attention to it.

Hearing Huanhuan say this, his grandmother Li Boyang didn't feel anything wrong, because as Jiang's grandson, he also felt that Jiang's actions were a little too much.

"Of course I like the gift you chose yourself."

Seeing Li Boyang put away the gift, he laughed happily, then looked at Chen Yiwu and Zuo Chong: "Where are the gifts for you two?"

"We gave it away yesterday, okay? People say that birthdays should be sooner rather than later. Yesterday we saw that you didn't seem to be giving a gift, so we gave it privately. I'm afraid you will lose face."

After Zuo Chong finished speaking, he glanced at Huanhuan, and Huanhuan frowned when he saw this, and said, "You gave it away yesterday? Why didn't you tell me earlier, you are too dishonest?"

"We didn't say it in front of you just because you said that. Boyang wouldn't care about it. What you said made it seem like we don't regard you as a brother."

Huanhuan knew that they didn't do it intentionally, and it was for her own good. She glanced at the two of them, and suddenly thought of something and looked at Zuo Chong, her expression suddenly became attentive: "May I ask you something?"

Zuo Chong took a defensive look at Huanhuan, frowned and said, "What is it?"

"Brother Xin said that I got a good grade in the exam this time, so he wants to reward me. Do you know what gift Brother Xin is going to give me?"

Hearing this, Zuo Chong frowned even deeper, and said, "My elder brother said he wanted to give you a gift?!"

If you are optimistic, he nodded Huanhuan in surprise: "Yes, Brother Xin said he would give me a gift to reward me, but he didn't say what he would give me. Do you know, let me know."

Zuo Chong shook his head, looked at Huanhuan in disbelief and sat in the direction of Li Boyang, and said in a low voice: "You said I guessed right yesterday? Now the answer is getting clearer. I grew up with nothing but birthdays I never received a gift from my eldest brother when I was there, even on my birthday, I still dealt with it, and he seemed unwilling to pick out a gift for me, but he took the initiative to give a gift to Huanhuan, which is so unusual."

Li Boyang glanced at Huanhuan, and smiled lightly: "Don't talk nonsense, this is at Uncle's house, if Uncle hears you, you will be miserable."

Hearing this, Zuo Chong quickly sat down, bravely glanced left and right in the living room, and he was relieved when he didn't see Li Yanfeng, thinking that he had just spoken in a very low voice, and Huanhuan hadn't heard yet.

Huanhuan didn't get an answer from Zuo Chong. Seeing the two of them get together for a while to whisper, and seeing Zuo Chong looking around, he asked suspiciously, "I'm asking you something."

Zuo Chong looked at Huanhuan and shook his head: "I don't know. Didn't you say that my elder brother will come to give you homework this afternoon? You will know it by then, but I will ask you, and my elder brother will tell you How do you feel about giving a gift?"

Huanhuan raised her eyebrows triumphantly: "Of course I'm happy, were you unhappy when you said the gift?"

Seeing that her reply didn't reveal whether she cared about the big brother's gift very much, Zuo Chong felt a little disappointed and pursed his mouth, so he looked forward to the arrival of the afternoon more than Huanhuan.

After the lunch was ready, several people moved to the dining room. Jiang Yuqiao took out the gift prepared for Li Boyang. Because the two children played well here for many years, Jiang Yuqiao was willing to ignore Jiang's disgusting two families. things.

Li Boyang thanked Jiang Yuqiao, and Jiang Yuqiao had dinner with several children to celebrate Li Boyang's birthday.

In the afternoon, when Xin Gan arrived, the few people hadn't left yet. Zuo Chong saw his elder brother smiling and greeting him. Although he was smiling, it could be seen that he was not happy to see Xin Gan, because he had been Afraid of his big brother.

"Brother Xin, you're here. Didn't you say you gave me a gift today? Did you bring it?" Huanhuan saw Xin Gan and said with a smile, and Jiang Yuqiao glanced at her.

"It's impolite, there's no way you would ask Xin Gan for a gift directly."

Huanhuan stuck out her tongue, glanced at Xin Gan, and obediently walked back.

"It's okay, I promised to give Huanhuan a gift, but I happened to bring it along this afternoon."

Speaking of which, Xin Gan took out the small gift box from his pocket and handed it to Huanhuan: "See if you like it?"

Huanhuan quickly took it, opened the gift box immediately, and saw the hairpin inside, his eyes lit up: "Such a beautiful hairpin, did Brother Xin give it to me?"

Hearing this, Zuo Chong frowned suspiciously: "Don't you like issuing cards?" Zuo Chong glanced at the brocade box in Huanhuan's hand, and saw that it was indeed a issuing card, and then looked at Huanhuan's expression. You obviously don't like this kind of thing, but now you really like it, what's the matter?

"Brother, why did you give Huanhuan this whole thing?" Zuo Chong looked at Xin Gan and asked.

Xin Gan glanced at Zuo Chong when he heard this: "Is there a problem?"

Hearing what he said, Zuo Chong immediately shut his mouth, glanced at Li Boyang, and saw that he was watching all this with a look of nothing to do with him, as if he suddenly understood something, and sat back in his original seat. position, Momo looked at the two of them.

"Brother Xin, you have been told nonsense by Zuo Chong. I like this gift very much, thank you."

Speaking of Huanhuan, she took the hairpin in her hand, Jiang Yuqiao exclaimed when she came out of this difficulty, walked to Warner's side, took the hairpin in her hand and looked carefully.

"Xin Gan, why did you give her such an expensive gift?"

This is a limited edition card issued by an internationally famous designer not long ago. There are only three in this world. Xin Gan will never give a fake one to Huanhuan, so this must be real. But it's worth more than 100 million card issuance.

When Xin Gan heard Jiang Yuqiao's words, he just smiled faintly, and said, "I'm not happy, I got this card by chance, and it happened to be a gift for Huanhuan."

"That doesn't need to be such an expensive gift."

After Jiang Yuqiao finished speaking, she put the issuing card back into the gift box, took the things from Huanhuan's hand and returned them to Xin Gan: "Take it back, she can't use such expensive things."

Although Li Yanfeng dotes on his daughter, he is also a self-made man, and he is also a thrifty wife. Therefore, Huanhuan's food and clothing expenses have always been used by ordinary families. It can be seen from above that she is a child of a rich family.

"It doesn't matter, auntie, even if Huanhuan doesn't wear it, keep it as a souvenir. Since it is already a gift, I have no intention of taking it back."

Xin Gan also knew about Jiang Yuqiao's concerns, but he personally chose the gift for Huanhuan, so of course he had no intention of taking it back.

Seeing that Xin Gan refused to accept it, Jiang Yuqiao looked at Huanhuan and said, "This is a gift from your elder brother Xin. I shouldn't have interfered with it, but this gift is really too heavy. There are only three in the world. Master cook abroad, do you really want to accept it?"

Hearing this, not only Huanhuan was stunned, but the other three friends present were also stunned. Zuo Chong glanced at Huanhuan, then at Xin Gan, and said, "If you follow Auntie's wishes, Brother, this gift must be very expensive."

The more I think about it, the more I feel it's unfair. Why is the gift given to him by the eldest brother so casual, and the gift given to Huanhuan is such a precious thing?
Huanhuan came back to his senses, glanced at the gift box in Jiang Yuqiao's hand, and then at Xin Gan. Just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, he heard Xin Gan say, "Take it, it's my heart anyway."

Since he had already said that, Huanhuan couldn't refuse, so he glanced at Jiang Yuqiao and saw that her clothes let her make a decision, she pursed her lips and said, "Since it's Brother Xin's wish, I'll accept it. Thank you brother Xin."

"You're welcome." Seeing that Huanhuan was taken back by the gift box, Xin Gan said with a smile.

It was agreed to do homework in the afternoon. Huanhuan said hello to the three friends and then went upstairs with Xin Gan. After Zuo Chong left Huanhuan's house, he returned home and saw the baby and ran over to her a hug.

"Sister, when did you come back, why didn't you call me?"

"I'm afraid it's useless to call you. Do you want to skip class and go to the airport to pick me up after school?" Bao Bao said with a smile as he looked at his younger brother who was already a head taller than him.

"No, today is Saturday, we don't have classes, I went to Huanhuan's house." Zuo Chong said and saw the baby's eyes light up.

"Then you just came back from Huanhuan's house? Have you met your brother yet?"

Zuo Chong nodded: "Yes, he went to give Huanhuan homework lessons." Thinking of the gift, he said in amazement, "Sister, you don't know, elder brother sent a card to Huanhuan, aunt said it was The global limited edition must be very valuable, and my elder brother gave it away so happily, without blinking an eye, but he has never given me such a valuable gift."

Baby smiled, and she let her recognize that the hairpin was a global limited edition, and she was also surprised when she knew it was for Huanhuan.

Seeing how wronged my younger brother was, Baby smiled and said, "You're a boy, Big Brother just doesn't want you to be entangled in the material world."

"Okay, sister, you have also been comforted. Do you think you are jealous after hearing this?"

The baby shrugged indifferently: "My brother gave me a necklace on my birthday. You have seen it before. It is said that it cost 3000 million."

Zuo Chong almost spit out a mouthful of blood, and said bitterly: "I must have given it at a discount from the supermarket, why are you all doing this to me?"

After speaking, Zuo Chong went upstairs as if wrinkled and wronged. Thinking of the gift of several hundred dollars that his elder brother gave him on his birthday last year, he really wanted to go to the hospital for a paternity test to see if he was People from the left family.

In fact, this is also the good intentions of the family. At that time, when Xin Gan and Bao Bao were born, there was no father around. Zuo Chong was born by Zuo Zhixiu from Chen Jiajie's pregnancy to his birth, so he had a special feeling for him. Feelings, Xin Gan and Bao Bao also loved his younger brother since he was a child because he laughed a lot more than himself, especially Su Shi and Zuo Yulin, who are grandmas, Zuo Chong was really loved as a priceless treasure when he was born , but as he grew up, he found that she also had a tendency to grow crooked.Chen Jiajie immediately disconnected a family meeting, severely criticized the situation, and urgently consulted a doctor about everyone's education methods, so she has the current attitude towards Zuo Chong.

Looking at the back of him going upstairs, the baby smiled and said: "It's been a few years since you, and the college entrance examination just ends on your birthday, and then the family will send you a big birthday party, and my sister will definitely give you a precious gift of."

"No need, why don't you give me some thoughtful gifts? Give me three years to simulate the five-year college entrance examination for a few years, right?"

Zuo Chong turned his head and disappeared at the stairs. Thinking of the gift his sister gave him last year, he felt chills. In fact, although the gift every year is not expensive, it can be seen that the big festival is done with care.

Because she received Xin Gan's gift, Huanhuan was very happy. Although she doesn't usually wear hairpins, she likes this gift very much, probably because the gift giver is different.

I am happy to accept that she is very motivated to study this afternoon, with a smile on her face all the time, even when she is knocked on the forehead by Xin Gan, she always smiles, Xin Gan thinks it is because it is Saturday, and she is gathering with her friends again The mood will be better after a while, and the movement when thinking about knocking on her forehead is also a lot lighter.

After studying for a while, let Huanhuan rest for a while. When it was almost the end, Xin Gan asked Huanhuan to do a few questions to consolidate her grammar knowledge. Xin Gan wanted to meet Aji for dinner, but Jiang Yuqiao didn't stop her.

"Is Sister Bao back? I'm going to see Sister Bao. Mom, I'm going to have dinner at Aunt Chen's house today."

After saying that, Huanhuan was about to go out with Xin Gan, and had to look at Huanhuan helplessly, seeing Xin Gan smiling dotingly at Huanhuan, she was shocked suddenly, thinking of some kind of possibility, she froze in place until The two disappeared from sight and she still didn't react.

"No way, I think too much, I must have thought too much." Jiang Yuqiao denied her guess, just as she was about to turn around and go home, she saw Li Yanfeng walking towards her, but she didn't notice his car coming in.

"What are you doing standing here?" Li Yanfeng said and walked to her side, took Jiang Yuqiao's hand and walked into the house.

Jiang Yuqiao opened her mouth, but she chose to close her mouth if she wanted to say something. If Xin Gan really likes Huanhuan, it is impossible, and it is not impossible. It is definitely a good son-in-law, a good thing, but if Li Yanfeng finds out, it may not be a good thing...

(End of this chapter)

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