Chapter 168 Does He Like Huanhuan
Chapter 190

At night, Jiang Yuqiao tentatively asked Li Yanfeng: "What do you think of Xin Gan?"

Hearing this, Li Yanfeng nodded: "Xin Gan is a good boy, you watched him grow up, don't you know how he is? Why are you asking me this question?"

Jiang Yuqiao looked away guiltily at Li Yanfeng's card skills, and pretended not to care, and said, "I just think that Xin Gan is getting married, and I don't know that girl from that family is so lucky to marry Xin Gan.

Hearing this, Li Yanfeng smiled faintly, and said: "Xin Gan is only 23 years old now, men should get married two years later, wasn't I almost 30 years old when I got married?"

"It's because you're busy with your career that you don't have time to fall in love. Xin Gan is different. He's now in a high-level position in the Zuo family's company, and he's so business-minded. You don't have to worry about it because of your career. in love."

Li Yanfeng glanced suspiciously at Jiang Yuqiao who was reading a magazine, and said, "Why are you so concerned about Xin Gan's affairs today? Did something happen?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yuqiao quickly shook his head and said, "No, what happened? I saw Xin Gan today, and seeing that he is so old now, I couldn't help but think a little bit more. You said, our Huanhuan just happened to be worse than Xingan. Five years old, Xin Gan will be almost 23 years old when Huanhuan is 30, you say..."

Before Jiang Yuqiao finished speaking, Li Yanfeng knew what she was going to say. He frowned and fell silent. Seeing him like this, Jiang Yuqiao leaned against him and said, "What are you thinking? No. Are you considering the feasibility of this matter?"

Li Yanfeng looked at Jiang Yu Qiao Ken and said seriously: "I was wondering why you suddenly remembered this matter, did something happen today?"

"What happened, you think too much, I just think Xin Gan is too good, it would be a pity to fall into the hands of others."

After Jiang Yuqiao took a look at Li Yanfeng's face, she was relieved to see that he was no longer suspicious. She definitely couldn't tell him what she guessed in her heart, but fortunately, she had lived with him for so many years and understood his temper, otherwise The lies she tells will definitely be exposed.

From the Zuo family, Huanhuan, who had just finished dinner, looked at Bao Bao with a smile and said, "I heard that sister Bao has a competition recently?"

Baby smiled: "Yeah, go home and rest for two days, you guys have a month to go before the college entrance examination, so you have to work hard, but don't stress."

"Sister Bao, I know, brother Xin told me that." Huanhuan said and smiled at Xin Gan who was sitting beside him. Seeing this, Bao Bao glanced at Xin Gan, and there was a playful look in his eyes. look.

"Now my brother is really more and more confident. Ben Ali and I still have a lot of things to tell Huanhuan about the college entrance examination. Brother should have told Huanhuan a long time ago, right?"

Xin Gan glanced at Huanhuan lightly when she heard Baobao's pointing words, saw that she was still smiling heartlessly, stood up and walked upstairs.

After seeing Xin Gan and leaving, Baby looked at Xin Gan's back and smiled, then looked at Huanhuan, said with a smile, "Brother will help you with homework, what do you think?"

"Well, I think what brother Xin said is very good. My grades have improved a lot this time. Brother Xin should give me a reward."

After talking, Huanhuan smiled a little embarrassedly. Baby looked at her like this and smiled more meaningfully. Looking at her like this, Huanhuan always felt that her eyes were weird, so she blinked and laughed happily She asked, "Sister Bao, what are you laughing at?"

The baby shook his head, pursed his lips and smiled, and thought, it would be great if Huanhuan was with his brother, then Huanhuan would be the daughter-in-law of the Zuo family, grandma and mother should be very happy now .

The so-called bystanders are obsessed with the authorities, and the atmosphere between Huanhuan and Xin Gan can be seen by others to be a little bit different, but the two involved have not noticed it at all, especially Xin Gan, who is so smart. When I realized my feelings, I just thought that what I felt for Huanhuan was what my brother felt for my sister.

Every time he sees Huanhuan receiving a love letter, he will feel very uncomfortable. Seeing Huanhuan talking about other men laughing happily makes him feel a little awkward. He has always attributed this feeling to the reason why he has always treated her like a younger sister. .

Time flies by, Huanhuan played wildly with three friends for several days on the day of the end of the college entrance examination, during these few days, Xin Gan did not help Huanhuan with homework, and always felt empty in his heart, these days have been going to Huanhuan Huan ran away from home, everyone saw all this, and they all tacitly kept silent.

During the three months of summer vacation, Huanhuan had a lot of fun, but there were also troublesome things during the period, that is, choosing a school and a major. When the results of the college entrance examination came out, Huanhuan was stunned, because Her grades were much higher than expected, and she was only a few points behind Chen Yiwu, who had the worst grades among the three. Not only Huanhuan, but Jiang Yuqiao was also shocked.

Huanhuan wouldn't be so entangled if she had to take the opportunity to go to the side A, but the problem was that her test scores were so good that she had so many choices, and she didn't know how to choose.

Li Boyang and Chen Yiwu chose the business major of University A. Zuo Chong had a god-like elder brother in his family, so he didn't want to go on the same road with his elder brother at all. He was afraid of being compared badly, so he chose his favorite As for the music major, everyone chose their major either because of family reasons or because of their own hobbies. Only Huanhuan was at a loss for the future.

"What should I do in the future?" Huanhuan cried to Xin Gan the day after she found out about her grades.Xin Gan smiled and patted her head.

"Choose what you like, and there will be happiness in the future if you control the family's property."

"But I don't know what I like. I like to collect things, but I don't have this major." At this moment, Huanhuan felt that he had not come here ideally in the past 18 years.

"Choose a major that you like better. Anyway, you can switch majors after the semester starts." Xin Gan looked at her troubled look and didn't know why, but also felt itchy in her heart, as if she could feel her troubles personally.

After listening to Xin Gan's words, Huanhuan compared left and right and chose the same major as Zuo Chong. When talking to Li Yanfeng and Jiang Yuqiao, the two of them did not object, but Li Yanfeng said: "Have you thought about it? You After choosing this major, you may face the entire entertainment industry, are you ready?"

Huanhuan nodded without thinking about it: "I've thought about it, there are sisters-in-law and uncles in the left and right circles, and I chose other circles without even a single person to take care of me."

"At that time, there are some things that they can't help with." Li Yanfeng said lightly.

"Well, I'm not interested in business management anyway. Instead of integrating into an environment by myself, it's better to let Erchong go to college together and take care of each other."

Hearing Huanhuan's words, Jiangyu Qiao WH sighed comprehensibly. Although his daughter saw that Qi Ali had a cheerful personality, he was still a bit withdrawn in his heart. It didn't matter if he was accompanied by his friends since he laughed. This was reflected when she made a major choice, and she was still afraid of facing some things alone.

Thinking about Jiang Yuqiao in this way, she feels that Huanhuan needs to think carefully about her future marriage. If Huanhuan gets married to a faraway place, what should she do if she is not by their side? It is better to stay by their side. Xin Gan is a good choice.

After secretly making a decision in his heart, Jiang Yuqiao felt a little better. He glanced at Li Yanfeng. He was lowering his head, not knowing what he was thinking. Seeing Huanhuan go upstairs, Jiang Yuqiao moved to Li Yanfeng's side and asked: "what are you thinking about?"

"I'm wondering if I want to expand the industry into the entertainment business."


She knew how much Li Yanfeng doted on her daughter, and he did this only to pave the way for her daughter to develop well in the entertainment industry in the future.

Two months later, Huanhuan and her friends happily went to the school to report. Li Yanfeng was afraid that her daughter would not get along with her classmates at school and would not be able to live with her friends in the dormitory, so she specially applied for day study for her. , the three little friends also followed her to apply for day school, she must not be allowed to go home alone.

On the first day of the university, Xin Gan sent Huanhuan and Erchong to report. On this day, there were many people at the school registration office. Because Li Yanfeng invested a lot of money in the school this year, he has been promoted to the school director Li Yanfeng's daughter-in-law will of course be given special care.

Li Yanfeng had already said hello, Xin Gan brought Huanhuan and Zuo Chong, and when they saw your school, someone would lead them to report everywhere, and they could apply for reports directly without queuing up, Huanhuan was a little embarrassed about this .

"Mr. Zuo, we arrogantly know you are here, so we specially invite you to the office for a cup of tea." The arrogant secretary appeared in front of several people. At first, Xin Gan wanted to refuse, but after taking a look at Huanhuan, he ordered boldly. head.

"You go to report first, and then go to the principal's office to find me." After speaking, Xin Gan followed the principal's secretary to the principal's office.

Looking at the back of Xin Gan leaving, Huanhuan smacked her lips and said, "I really don't like the way Anxi's nympho looks at brother Xin."

Zuo Chong took a look at the place where the eldest brother passed by, all the girls looked at him with admiration, and shook their heads helplessly.

There is no way, who will let the eldest brother see that he is a rich and mature man.

Xin Gan's reputation in the business circle is not small. The principal deliberately invited Xin Gan here because he wanted to win over the Zuo family, but what he didn't know was that the Zuo family planned to raise Zuo Chong poorly, and they would People like Li Yanfeng spent so much money in A University for Huanhuan.

"Mr. Zuo is here today to send your younger brother to report?" Zhang Zhang said with a smile, thinking that the Zuo family cared so much about their son that they let such an outstanding and busy elder son personally send the younger son to report. The investment seems to be a certainty thing.

The principal thought well, but Xin Gan shook his head and said, "No, I was ordered by Uncle Feng to send Li Chenghuan to report."

It meant that his younger brother was picked up as a piggyback. Hearing this, the headmaster was taken aback, looking at Xin Gan, he didn't know what to say. Fortunately, he realized who Uncle Feng he was talking about.

"Mr. Li has already greeted the school, and personally asked Mr. Zuo to visit Ali. He really dotes on his daughter."

Hearing the principal's words, Xin Gan nodded lightly: "These Huanhuan are worth it. I hope the principal can take care of Huanhuan for the sake of Uncle Feng. This girl usually makes trouble, and I hope the principal can be more tolerant."

This said that the person who the principal once faced was not Zuo Chong's brother, but Li Chenghuan's brother, but when he thought of the black spots left in Huanhuan's file, he didn't feel his heart stop. From now on, it will be lively .

When Huanhuan and Zuo Chong came to the principal's office, they happened to see the principal complimenting Xin Gan and wanted to move Xin Gan to leave. Seeing that the accountant was already quite old and wanted to make such a fawning face, Huanhuan felt that this principal was in his heart. It's really not easy, in order to get sponsorship, he even has to nod and bow to a junior.

So in the future, she will be honest and avoid causing trouble for the principal.

The principal didn't know that Huanhuan had this idea, if he knew, he would definitely cry with joy.

After leaving school and sending Huanhuan home, Xin Gan became more and more worried about making an appointment. This little girl used to feel lonely when she was accompanied by three friends. Now Li Boyang and Chen Yiwu have chosen other majors, and the closest one is now There is only Ah Chong alone. Does this provide a very convenient opportunity for those around her who want to get close to her?

Thinking of this, Xin Gan sighed heavily, and Zuo Chong, who was sitting in the back, looked at Xin Gan suspiciously when he heard it: "Brother, why are you sighing, did you talk about something unpleasant in the principal's office this morning?"

Wen Yan Xin Gan glanced at Zuo Chong in the rearview mirror. At this time, the car had already arrived at the garden of his house, but neither of them got out of the car.

"In the future, someone close to Huanhuan will approach you and take care of her. She will be followed by everyone as friends. She is pure-hearted and doesn't have so many thoughts. She doesn't know if she is being used by others."

Zuo Chong blinked at his eldest brother's uneasy look, and said, "Brother, don't worry about what you mean, Huanhuan, I'm afraid that someone with a bad mind will appear in your magical pen in the future, let me protect her all the time." .”

Although Xin Gan didn't answer directly, the admiration he looked at Zuo Chong said everything.

Seeing this, Zuo Chong sighed sadly: "Brother, I'm your own younger brother, right? Why do you value sex and despise younger brother? It really hurts my heart."

After finishing speaking, Zuo Chong looked at Xin Gan pretending to be very sad, and then got out of the car. Xin Gan didn't realize Zuo Chong's words just now, but when he did, he had already entered the house.

He said he valued sex over younger brothers?Does that mean he likes Huanhuan?How is this possible, he has always regarded Huanhuan as his younger sister, how could he like her. . . . . .

But what happened to this sudden rapid heartbeat?

Xin Gan clutched his chest, and looked at the direction Zuo Chong left with a puzzled face. Even if he was a smart person, he couldn't figure out this question for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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