Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 273 The highest rank

Chapter 273 The highest rank (3)
But now Dong Wen is my subordinate, of course he will definitely listen to me, now no matter who the courtiers have the strongest relationship with whom, who has the deepest friendship with those outside the palace, but they are the most obedient and the most obedient object It's just me alone, those courtiers are all loyal to me, and I am the supreme status and the biggest existence in their hearts, so don't say that Wang Suo is Dong Wen's sworn brother, even if he is his own Brother, he will help me and will not help him. There is only one reason, because I am their master.

Hearing my question, Wang Suo opened his mouth now, but he just replied with Taiji: "Hehe, I see if you have misunderstood, Dong Wen is indeed my sworn brother, and he is a first-rank official in the court. That's right, but my Wang Suo's root here is not entirely based on connections, but on the prestige and reputation of my Wang family in the local area. I dare not agree with what the young master said just now. When did I deduct the wages of my servants? When did you beat someone to death? This is a reckless framing. Do you have any evidence? Also, the young master asked me about these matters so blatantly. The old man should ask to see who the young master is, and he has the right to trespass Our palace, ask the old man about these frame-ups that don’t exist.” I really admire him, this Wang Suo, he’s really an old fox, he’s not as stupid as that fat pig, he only shows off and doesn’t leave any room for it. It is great that Wang Suo left room for it. When he said this, he hit three targets with one arrow. He also claimed the innocence of his family, and showed off that he has a first-rank official who is a sworn brother. He also took the opportunity to ask about my family background. Come.

It seems that Wang Suo is indeed an old slicker who has played bureaucratic style for decades, and can speak and handle things. However, although the probability of this kind of person appearing outside the palace is not high, there are flowers everywhere in the court. To be sloppy, I listened to Bi Wangsuo's words, and my smile deepened. Just as I was about to speak, the fat pig took advantage of the opportunity to interject and said: "My lord is right, I think you are only a few years old, and it is impossible for you to be an official." Now, if you have no official position and no right to do this, breaking into a famous house is a crime, not to mention you are accused of being a bureaucratic lord, it seems that you want to eat in prison."

As soon as Fat Pig finished speaking viciously, at that time, the cunning No. [-] villain Yan Ba ​​Yufu, who was as shrewd as Wang Suo, also took advantage of Fat Pig's words and started to play tricks on me. The pig waved his hand, and said in a hey voice: "Master Tingshi, don't be in a hurry." After speaking, he turned his eyes to Wang Suo's face again, and asked: "By the way, Master Wang, when will my virtuous brother, Mr. Dong, arrive?" Come on, let me see that since this young master is so indignant, how about letting Mr. Dong interrogate him?" This man's words are really comparable to Wang Suo's, and I don't know if other people understand what he said, but I can understand what he meant. He was actually saying: I think this young master has a great family background, and he may have some background. After finding out the background of the young master, the next step can be implemented.

Wang Suo is not a fool either, he naturally understood the meaning of Yan Ba's words, after listening, he gently stroked his white beard, then looked at the sky, and said: "It stands to reason that at this time, Brother Chen It should be here, why haven't you come yet?"

Oh, it turns out that Dong Wen is coming, and now things will be easier to handle, not only easier, but also faster. When I ask Dong Wen to handle the case, I can get out and leave, because my The big team is probably coming soon, I don't have much time to spend with them, and I still have to have a good time with that little girl, I have already thought about the time and place for this fun, let's not mention it now, wait After this case is over, I will mention it to Yan Ba. I think he will definitely not refuse, hehe, because as soon as Dong Wen comes, after I negotiate with Dong Wen, I think Yan Ba Eyes will glow because my backstage is as hard as he imagined it to be.

At this moment, the sound of opening the door suddenly came from behind us, and then we only heard the voice of a maid at the door, she shouted in our direction at the top of her voice, "Master, it's Mrs. Dong who is here!" gone."

After saying this, Wang Suo walked down cheerfully, and greeted him in the direction of the courtyard gate. It's been a long time."

"I did some things in the court, and I was delayed for a while. I came late. Brother Wang has been waiting for a long time, haha." Then I heard Dong Wen's familiar voice from behind me.

At this time, I also saw that everyone who was still standing on the stage walked down the steps with a smile, and walked up slowly while looking at the direction of the courtyard gate.

But I didn't look back, but the smile on the corner of my mouth has increased a lot. Smile, I think you only have a few minutes to laugh.

Now behind me came the sound of intense conversation, flattery, flattery, polite speech, anyway, all kinds of bureaucratic styles were in place.

With the sound of conversation, those people had already passed by me, but when Guang Dong Wen passed by Xuan'er, he couldn't help asking Wang Suo: "Brother Wang, who are these?"

"Oh, I'm about to mention this matter to my virtuous brother. These people are here to convict the old man. Hehe, it's really funny, but they have been reluctant to say what kind of official and job they are, which makes the old man feel guilty. It’s a mix of crying and laughing, brother, you came just in time, you can help this old man settle this matter.” After finishing speaking, they stopped in front of us, and Wang Suo pointed at me at the end of his speech, saying to Dong Dong. Wen said with a smile: "My dear brother, can you help me find out which family and family this young master is? Do you know him?"

At this moment, I could clearly see the fat pig and the county magistrate hid behind Dong Wen and laughed happily.And Huang Liang and Yan Ba ​​are also high-ranking officials now, it depends on what you do now.

But to their disappointment, when Dong Wen saw that it was me, his smiling expression shrank, and he quickly knelt on the ground, and kowtowed deeply to me: "The villain is side by side with Shangshu Dong. See Master Yu for the text."

At this moment, everyone present was stunned, with a look of bewilderment and bewilderment, because they never expected that Dong Wen would suddenly kneel in front of me.

But just when they were stupefied, Dong Wen's voice increased a lot, and he shouted to the people who were still standing behind him as if reproaching: "Quickly kneel down to see Master Yu."

Because Dong Wen may have the highest prestige among them, he is a high-ranking official, these people must of course obey his orders, when he said this, although those few people didn't understand, they looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes I looked again, but in the end they all knelt down in front of me, but I knew that the doubts in their hearts were deep and tight at this moment.

At this time, the fat pig couldn't bear it first, and everyone knelt down in front of me, but he still dared to ask Dong Wen in a low voice. It stands to reason that he would be dragged to be beaten for two hundred boards soon, but beating him is Sooner or later, I'll let him know how powerful I am as an official. I just heard him ask: "Master Dong, what kind of official position is this young master, so that you always kneel down and pay respects?" I'm smart, and I don't speak tactfully, but I can still see that I'm not a simple person, so he's considered sensible this time, and didn't call me "this kid." Kick away.

When Dong Wen heard his question, he raised his head to see what I meant, and seeing that I had no objection to his reply, he lowered his head again and said to the fat pig: "This is Mr. Babu Xunsiyu."

When Fat Pig heard this, he rolled his eyes, and then muttered: "Master Baba Xun Siyu" After he finished speaking, he thought of the series of rude words to me before, which made him paralyzed from fright When he got down, he shrank to the ground, his mouth was wide open, and he couldn't speak a word for a long time.

It's not just him, I can see that except for the county magistrate who was also paralyzed from fright, the faces of the other three old fried dough sticks have become extremely ugly. Although their reactions are not as useless as the fat pig and the county magistrate, I know they There is no bottom in my heart now, and they are all thinking about how to clean up the mess, especially that Wang Suo, whose rosy old face is now bloodless from fright, as pale as a piece of paper, and there is a scar on his forehead. A sweat bigger than one star oozes out.

But that Huang Se kept his head down and didn't dare to say anything. Of course he knew that I was not a patrol officer of the Eight Departments, but a disciple of the current Hua Ming Dynasty, His Royal Highness the Fifth Prince, but I used electric eyes to visit his heart just now. , he is terribly afraid of me now, not to mention calling me a small report, even if he looks at me directly, he will tremble with fear, so I think he will not dare to expose my true identity afterwards.And Huang Liang was relieved at this moment, I am the inspector of the Eighth Ministry, of course I dared to bully his son, I don't think he dared to think of revenge on me.

And Yan Ba's daughter, that pretty little girl, is now sweating on her forehead, as if she was still scared of me, because she knew that when she showed me disdainful eyes earlier, I looked at her. The look is so murderous, she is afraid that I will blame her, so she is also afraid, hehe, it is a good thing to be afraid, but I hope that when I strip her naked and ride on her, I will tell her to give up When Lao Tzu groans, don't be so scared that you can't make a sound, because Lao Tzu will beat someone when the time comes.

In fact, the title of Master Yu is a fake title that I, Liu Yuxi, ordered the courtiers who received the tokens to appear in front of outsiders. Of course, I also set this official rank above the eight departments. The highest-ranking official position is the Eight Departments Inspectorate. Officials in this official position seldom have contact with low-ranking officials, so many officials in the court have only heard of his name, but do not know who he is. It can be counterfeited, so I set the fake official position outside the palace at this level, because the official position of the Babu Xunsi has surpassed the genuine first-rank.But Dong Wen reacted very quickly and didn't reveal anything. In fact, I called Liu Yuxi and told them to train them specially on this point. Otherwise, if someone accidentally revealed that I was a prince, wouldn't all the things I did be in vain? , That's why I asked them to practice. When they saw me, or saw someone showing the token with the character "Wang", they would address them as Mr. Babu Xunsiyu. In this regard, Dong Wen did a very good job.

Of course, it is not acceptable for such a big official position to be faked indiscriminately, because the real Babu inspector is also my subordinate, so I told him when I left the palace that if I encounter special circumstances outside the palace, I will use his official position As a role, of course he agreed wholeheartedly, and gave me a token of the eight inspectors. He has two tokens in total. Now I have one, he has one, and the one I put in Xia Yi's place is not Bring it with you, or I would have already revealed it.

However, the real Babu Inspector is in the imperial city as an official higher than Zhengyipin, and I am outside the palace, haha, sometimes I have passed the addiction of this high-ranking official position, in fact, I really stand out, I saw this group of low-ranking bastards change from their arrogance at the beginning to their pitiful appearance now, and I felt that status was the most important thing, so I secretly vowed in my heart that in the future, I will definitely put everyone in the world together. With everything in my hands, I will have nothing short of rights, status, and beauties.

When the time comes, I will become the real top-grade evil emperor, haha, just thinking about it now makes me feel satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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