Best Evil Emperor

274 Chapter 1 The matter is done

274 Chapter 1 The matter is done ([-])
This time, seeing that those people were sweating profusely and waiting for my next words, I signaled to the demon emperor next to me, he immediately understood, and then told Dong Wen in detail all the crimes of the palace that he had heard. Listen, because it's getting late, I have to get this thing done quickly, so the big details are clear.

When Dong Wen heard this, he got up in a hurry, and said angrily to Wang Suo beside him: "Brother Wang, did you do these things?"

"I don't agree with this, this old man." When he started to say this, he was a little hesitant. At that time, he must have wondered whether he would admit it or not, but he also thought that if he did not admit it before, he would definitely be convicted of a felony if he confessed now. So there are only stubborn denials.

I can see that Dong Wen doesn't know whether he has done these things or not. It seems that the friendship between him and Wang Suo is not too long, so when Wang Suo said this, he became a little pensive. I don't have time to find ways to find evidence to subdue him, and I don't want to implicate other civilians who have been oppressed by the palace, so there is no need to find a few civilians to be witnesses.

But he didn’t admit it, and it’s not that I can’t help it. I coughed twice, looked at Wang Suo and his friends who were still kneeling on the ground, and said to Dong Wen next to me: “Dong Shangshu, look How is the gate of the Wang Family Courtyard built?"

Dong Wen is a smart man, of course he understands what I mean, he also winked at me comprehendingly, expressing his understanding, and then said bluntly as if he was telling Wang Suo on purpose: "The building is very It is magnificent, and its golden and luxurious appearance can be said to be comparable to the Great Hall of Supreme Harmony in the imperial city."

Dong Wen is my subordinate now, so of course he will point his fingers at my enemy Wang Suo. In fact, their so-called sworn friendship is nothing more than mutual use, and there is no emotion at all. He is very tactful, and he has countless friends outside the palace. Even if he turned against Wang Suo because of this incident, he is not afraid of anything. Wang Suo has nothing to do with him, but even so, even Outside the palace, Dong Wen only has Wang Suo, a wealthy businessman, who can use him, and he will do his best to help me, because my master is more important than anyone else in his heart. To put it bluntly, even if I ask him to send someone now Help me assassinate the old woman, and he will do it. Of course, it is impossible to kill the old woman, although she is usually neither hot nor cold to me, and she will not live for a few years. It should be her old age. In fact, although she has more power in the palace than her father, most of the affairs of the court are decided by her father. She just cares about those trivial matters.

Although Wang Suo has never entered the Great Hall of Supreme Harmony, nor the imperial city, he really understood what Dong Wen and I meant, and the uneasiness on his face became more intense. It's time for him, I said lightly: "That's right, and not only the gate of the courtyard, but also the four pillars in front of the hall are made of emerald stone, which is even more luxurious than the pillars of the Hall of Supreme Harmony."

But as soon as I said this, Wang Suo hurriedly replied: "Master Huiyu, this pillar is made of fake emerald jade."

When I saw him like that, I couldn't help laughing, and said happily, "Master Wang, don't be nervous, I know it's a pillar made of fake emerald jade, but what?" Jun Qi: "Your courtyard gates and pillars are all made of fakes, but the overall appearance on the surface is deliberately compared with the buildings of the imperial city. I don't need to say that, Master Wang, according to Hua Ming Dynasty In the law, a man can be rich, but he can’t be as rich as an enemy. You intend to build these buildings out of rebellion, what else do you have to say?" When I said the last sentence, the volume of my voice has increased a lot. Wang Suo, even Huang Liang and Yan Ba ​​who were kneeling next to him were startled, not to mention the fat pig and the county magistrate, they were too frightened for a long time.

At this time, Dong Wen standing next to me seemed to want to laugh but was not funny. I could understand his expression. He seemed to be saying: Your Highness Fifth Prince, you are really good at tricking people. Felony, once this crime is given to him, he will not be afraid that he will not admit the crimes His Highness pointed out earlier. The old man really admires His Highness's resourcefulness.

I understood what he meant, and of course I also knew that he was facing me. I patted him lightly on the shoulder. This pat was very clear, and he also knew what I meant, so he just smiled and said nothing. .

What I meant by patting him on the shoulder is actually very simple, that is to say, you have a good vision and uniqueness, I appreciate it very much, and you will work hard for Liu Yuxi after returning to the palace, and I will definitely not treat you badly.

Of course he also understands what I mean, so he just smiled lightly, without words, of course there is no need for words in this kind of thing, he is now one of the courtiers who have been used by me for a long time, of course he also understands My style of dealing with things is that there are rewards and punishments, and I am far-sighted and resourceful. If you follow me, of course you will have good results, so this is the real reason why more than [-]% of the courtiers are obedient to me. The reason is because I am the one who most hopes to be their big backer of protection shield in the future.

As soon as I said this, Wang Suo's body shook violently, his voice was not as calm as before, but he started to tremble a little, and said in a low voice, "Master Yuyu, the old man is guilty, but"

Just kidding, serious crimes such as plotting rebellion can be punished by execution, and light ones can be released to the frontier for more than five years, and you have to search the house to clean up the bottom line. His palace has made a lot of money in the past few years. If it is true It's no wonder he vomited blood when his house was ransacked, this palace belonged to him.

But when it comes to this, I am a little surprised, his palace is so big, why is he the only master in the palace, where are his wives and children?Thinking of this, I couldn't help but give my eyes to the demon emperor beside me. Now we usually communicate with each other silently. I passed the puzzled question to him, and he immediately answered me with his eyes. Before I came here, I sent him to investigate the details of this palace, so he naturally knows these things.

After receiving my eye contact, he quickly returned a message with the same eyes: Wang Suo has three sons, one daughter, a well-known wife and four concubines, because before Wang Suo came back, I took the whole family to visit the home of a high-ranking official in the capital, because he came back this time to celebrate a day with these officials, so those family members have not returned to Wangdezhen, and he is the only one who has come back. But tomorrow he will go to the house of that high official in the capital to live for a few days. I also checked that high official. He is a righteous man of the second rank today, Wang Qicheng. Because they are both kings, they also got married.

As soon as I heard the message from the Demon Emperor, I couldn't help feeling hopeful in my heart. It seems that this Wang Suo has a lot of people, but he is out of luck. That second-rank righteous man, Wang Qicheng, is also my favorite. One of the courtiers here is also under my management, but this Wang Suo is related to the first, second and third rank ministers in the capital. It seems that he has worked hard on interpersonal relationships over the years.

After knowing these things, I didn't wait for Wang Suo to continue, because I knew that my large team had already arrived at Wangde Town, because I could already feel the fluctuations of those men and horses.

It seemed that there was no time, so I kept the long story short to him, and I said bluntly: "Master Wang, you don't have to worry about it. I think the crime of conspiracy to rebel is based on the friendship between you and Mr. Dong, so I can give you a face." , I won’t give you a crown, but you’d better explain to me all the misdeeds of detaining workers and beating servants, or else don’t blame me for being ungrateful.”

This is the climax of the provocative method. As soon as he heard what I said, he probably hadn't started to think about it, so he blurted out: "Thank you, Mr. Yu, for the light sentence. As long as I don't add the crime of rebellion to the old man, other things will be fine. I will recruit all the whereabouts, I will recruit all."

After hearing what he said, I looked at his teachable Confucian expression, and said indifferently: "I will hand over this record to Mr. Dong, but for the sake of you being the overlord of one party, I don't have to. I will let you eat in prison, but the wages of the workers you have withheld must be paid more than 1000 times the original basis to me, and the people you have beaten, or those who are still seriously ill must be found The best doctor treats them. As for you who beat someone to death, I heard that it has been a few years. I will not sentence you for repeat murder, but you have to give me a satisfactory amount of money. As for other matters, I don’t need to tell you more. Now Wang Dezhen is the top leader of your palace. I hope that from now on, you can pay more than [-] million taels of silver for the daily food and housing of the poor people. Improve the standard of living of the townspeople in this town. In other words, I leave the heavy responsibility of opening this town to you. I don’t want someone to report that you are still deducting wages when I come here again. Huh? Don’t blame me for being rude if the unreasonable things happen again.”

In fact, what I said is entirely for the people and for the town. Anyway, the palace has plenty of money, and he donates some money to do some charity work for him and for the benefit of the townspeople. Isn't the business of their Wang family better at that time? I think he also understands this, so after I finished speaking, he hastily kowtowed to me three times and shouted, thank you.

At this time, I saw that things were almost done, and then I looked at the three low-ranking officials beside Wang Suo, and said directly to Dong Wen: "These three people are bullying the people everywhere in the name of officials, and they are completely slandering our officials. I will investigate the official positions of these three people immediately, and I will leave this matter to you."

"Yes, Master Yu, my subordinates will definitely do it properly." Hearing the sound, Dong Wen clasped his fists and replied as if obeying orders.

(End of this chapter)

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