Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 314 Flying Over the Sea

Chapter 314 Flying Over the Sea (2)
What I said is quite meaningful, and I will not hurt Li Yi's face by saying this, because he has been engaged in the sailing business for decades, if I blame him for being incompetent and useless , can only embarrass him, and there is no place to save his face. Originally, he cannot be blamed for this matter, why should I do this, so I said this with the meaning of letting him step down naturally, so He will not lose his confidence because of this matter, and he will trust me, because not only did I not blame him at this critical moment, but I recommended myself to go out in person with a friendly smile, which made me think of me in his heart. Favorability is another qualitative improvement.

So when I said this, Li Yi's face was full of gratitude, and then he cupped his hands at me, and said respectfully: "Then I will thank you, sir."

"Well, it's almost half a mile away from the vortex." I saw Li Jian nodded, then turned to the Demon Emperor and said: "Now you are going to make all units pay attention to their own stability. , because the boat will generate a lot of throwing force when jumping, if you don’t use your internal strength to stand firm, you will be easily pulled into the water by the strength of the boat. I don’t want my soldiers to lose their lives on the last journey. "After I finished speaking, the Demon Emperor naturally understood the danger, so he simply responded, and quickly moved to the direction of the ship. I think he is going to notify the captains of the various teams, and let them take the The orders are passed on. Fortunately, the soldiers I brought this time have strong dangerous qualities, and they are all professional soldiers, so as soon as the order is given, I think they will follow my order neatly in five seconds if they want to obey it. Acting, in fact, the process of releasing one's own internal force does not take much time, but if you encounter stragglers with disordered training rules, the time for listening to orders may not be uniform, which makes it very embarrassing, but I The soldiers here are different, they have eaten war meals for many years, so they naturally know that obeying the orders of a good boss is equal to saving themselves, so they followed my orders along the way, and the speed was also fast. Quite agile and fast, and the efficiency of completing orders is extremely fast, which I really appreciate very much.

I just ordered the Demon Emperor to command everyone, and within a minute I could feel that everyone's internal strength had begun to improve, and it seemed that they were all beginning to explain how to stabilize their bodies. Their efficiency is really strange, so I ordered a In less than five seconds, the 1 people on the boat completed the instructions at the same time. In fact, their internal strength has not improved much, but now I have broken through the realm of harmony between man and nature, and my internal force detection power has also been strengthened. Twenty times, in the past, as long as their internal strength increased to more than half of my internal strength, I would not be able to find out the opponent's internal strength limit index, but now it is different, as long as they increase their internal strength to more than 800 times more than half of my internal strength I can check it all, and because of the triple increase in my internal force, I can now check the internal force index of my soldiers including the captain level. After avoiding the water drop, the ability has not been strengthened much, but it is much stronger than before. Take the strongest first captain as an example, the internal force he uses now is about [-]%, but this level of strength is enough. It is almost the power of his previous four and a half layers. Regardless of the number of layers, it is only one and a half less. I have said this before, the higher the number of layers of a person's internal force, the higher the internal force index data contained in each layer. Gao, let me make an analogy. If we calculate according to the ability of normal ordinary soldiers, if the three-level internal force of an ordinary soldier is calculated numerically, it is [-] internal force numbers, but his four-level internal force is at least eighty. And the fourth and a half floors are over one hundred, which means that the internal power index of the first team leader has more than doubled than before, but the higher the level, the more it will be, just like walking corpses, I usually Tell them to show others with martial arts below the fifth level, but the fifth level alone is very extraordinary, and now they have increased by many times than before, but the difference between the tenth level and the fifth level is even greater. The internal force of the fifth floor of the corpse is an index of one thousand, so their internal force of the limit tenth floor has broken through at least [-], and I also said that just because a person has a high internal force does not mean that he is strong. The internal force is equivalent to my previous magic game. The mana value inside is the same, the higher the mana value, the higher the level of magic can be cast at will, but the mana value of the internal force is actually similar, but the only difference is that the function of the internal force is much more than the mana value, and the internal force It still carries attack power, but mana value does not.

However, although internal force has many abilities and is also very lethal, Guan Jian, who determines whether a person is strong or weak, is not determined by how small the internal force is, but by martial arts. If a person's internal force index is only Fifty, and he has super strong martial arts as a backing, he can even defeat a person with tens of thousands of internal strength and poor martial arts. This is what I said before, although the female ghost is ten times stronger than me. It is also several times stronger than me, but her martial arts must be stronger than mine, so she is still not my opponent, why am I so confident, because my super invincible immortal art alone can be said to be able to resist many rumors. My martial arts are legendary, not to mention my maiden thaumaturgy and my sea-like cultivation, so although my internal strength is not too high in the whole world, I think few people can easily master my martial arts. Those who deal with me, even the master Jiang Wuya and the man in purple clothes I met last time, I think with my current martial arts cultivation base, they will use extreme strength to deal with me, and it is not so easy to defeat me easily Of course, this is not bragging, I do have this ability, hehe, but when it comes to martial arts people in Taoyuan Palace, it’s hard to say, they will always be synonymous with mystery and masters in my heart, I think I There are still many people in Taoyuan Palace who can deal with me with my martial arts, but this is just a guess, but I think there are not many people who have broken my invincible immortal function. It needs to be more than a hundred times more than me, otherwise the attack will be ineffective against me. Of course, there must be such people in the Jianghu now, and there may be quite a few, but those people are all in the ranks of masters. I want to easily Encountering them is even more difficult than defeating me, because whether it is martial arts novels or costume movies in my previous life, there is a common problem, that is, the masters are always old men, and they are always the dragons. Not only that, but there are many Old masters have gone to live in seclusion, just like Yu Shiyu's master Wang Chaoyang, isn't this just wandering around, so I think this common problem is also common in this dynasty.

But when I think of the old man, I think of the Daoist Wang I met in the ghost town last time, the old man Wang, to be honest, I have always been curious about his strength, and he is quite mysterious, although Hua Qian told me The purpose of going to Lingbotu for the first time, but I don't know anything about him. I think this old man will have a chance to meet again in the future.

Before I knew it, I started to dream again while fiddling with the jumping equipment. At this time, it was Li Yi's voice that woke me up: "My lord, there are still 200 meters away to the vortex area. Are you ready?"

Because of my high IQ, and because of the ability of the master of the underworld to lose, now I not only have a long-term memory, but also can multi-task, so although I have a lot of thoughts just now, the work in my hands is still not sloppy. It’s beautiful. In fact, this jumping device was originally set up quite simply, because it has the springboard principle from the previous life as the foundation, and there are no good materials in this dynasty, so I made it simple, but the function is still there. It's pretty good. I used the principle of one or two thousand catties plus the principle of a springboard to make this equipment that is bigger and can lift a huge ship of a billion catties, but because it takes a very precise distance to cross the vortex area this time. Okay, so I have to calculate the number of this distance while doing it, and I have to think about so many things in my mind. It can be said that I have more than one mind, hehe.

However, after being reminded by Li Yi, I officially came back to my senses. The control of the equipment is now under control, and the accuracy is [-]%. The Zhanshen could not respond by leaping, so I used another method, of course, that method is not bad, so after reading this, I hurriedly used my heart and sound transmission to tell the Demon Emperor at a very fast speed: "You will give the fifth floor first. Tell all the officers and men here to ask everyone to increase their internal strength a few more layers. I will observe the speed of the water flow first. If the speed of the water flow is not fast enough, I will ask them to open the four mast sails. Now the speed of the ship is quite fast and the wind is also strong. Just use the sails to increase the speed. At that time, you will see the speed of the water and play by ear."

Of course, after I gave the order, the Demon Emperor hurriedly passed the order. At this time, I saw Li Yi's face became more and more nervous, because now I can see the huge vortex in the distance. It is about 20 meters away, and it is rotating towards the center at a super fast speed. The sea water is like being pumped by a pump, and quickly gathers towards the center of the vortex. Now the ship is getting closer and closer to the vortex circle of the vortex, ten meters , five meters
At this critical moment, the boat suddenly sped up due to the rapid current, and at the same time, I saw the four mast sails on the fifth floor rise at the same time, and then I felt a sudden tilt of my body, and I looked forward , found that the bow of the ship had been tilted up, and then with the dual force of wind and water, the entire Ares miraculously soared into the sky, and went straight to the narrow channel in front of the mountain at an ultra-fast speed. , an extraordinary arc, flying straight over the sea, I think I will never forget this feeling in my life, because now our whole boat is already flying at a height of three meters above the ground, facing the howling wind , I think this kind of excitement and excitement is deeply felt by everyone on board.

Because of the leap of the big ship, everyone used their internal strength to stabilize their figures. At this moment, I looked at the sea surface that was slowly leaving the ground, and I stretched out my palms in the air, then stretched out my middle finger, and smiled evilly in my heart: Hehe, the vast sea , I'll show you what a spaceship is
(End of this chapter)

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