Chapter 315
The Zhanshen flew in the air recklessly, because I had a good grasp of the distance, it easily passed the huge bright vortex with a diameter of 20 meters, but judging from this terrain, passing the bright vortex The vortex will definitely encounter the dark vortex, so the danger is not completely eliminated now, because I don't know how many and how far the dark vortex is, so I quickly flew up to the fifth floor, and then used all the power against the four mast sails. A certain amount of zhenqi, and then the zhenqi turned into wind to blow the canvas more vigorously, and I also obviously felt that the speed of the Zhanshen’s flight in the air has increased a lot. My use of zhenqi is much more proficient than others, so I can turn the true qi into a harmless strong wind to blow the canvas, but the soldiers may not have this ability, because the true qi already contains offensive elements, although they are excellent in martial arts, they are not very sensitive to this kind of true qi. I am not very proficient in the use of qi, and now the Zhanshen is flying in the air, which is related to the safety of the entire ship, so I can't be sloppy in dealing with this matter, and I don't want to let ordinary crew members do this. So I personally jumped on the fifth floor and used my true energy to increase the speed of the sailboat.

When I just jumped up to the fifth floor, the soldiers who were on guard were still a little surprised, but when they saw me use my internal force to press the wind on the canvas, they were smart and immediately understood, and then moved aside, so as not to disturb others. I, because of my extra strength, the distance and speed of the Zhanshen have greatly increased. After that, the Zhanshen landed in the sea with a bang and splashed countless waves. The worries in everyone's hearts were raised in their throats, because they were afraid that they hadn't escaped the vortex circle, but as soon as the boat fell into the water, it drove forward for nearly a hundred meters with the inertia, and the hull was still stable at this time. When the boat was driving on the deck, there was no damage at all, which really reassured me a lot. When I secretly sighed in my heart to win in danger, I heard the voices of thousands of people around: "Haha, long live my lord, We made it, we made it."

At this moment, I saw that the soldiers on the first deck all cheered and jumped up, and they all held bone swords and shouted to the sky to show the excitement and joy in their hearts. With a bright smile, I lightly patted the shoulder of the sentinel beside me, then jumped down and stood straight on the first deck. At this time, Li Yi also greeted him excitedly, his eyes full of admiration He hurriedly said to me: "My lord, you are so admirable to me. How is your flying device made? This really opened my eyes. I never thought of such a big ship." Ships can also fly into the sky one day, which is really a brilliant invention.”

When I heard it, I smiled lightly, patted Hu Shi on the shoulder, and said cheerfully: "Don't be so excited, follow me, you will see more rare things, well, now the God of War is completely out of the vortex Take it, how far are we from Farland now?" That's how I am, because countless people have admired me since I was born in this life. There are some Fan Le, but after a long time, I take it for granted, because I am indeed very powerful, of course, this is not arrogant or arrogant, and I have never exaggerated my ability, so people Complimenting me is also someone's sincere words, because I have been exaggerated since I was a child, so now I hear someone praise me, I just smile lightly, I don't feel very excited, but even so, there is still a strange warmth in my heart Warm feeling, this feeling is the trust contained in other people's admiration for me.

However, because of the weight of the praise and the distance to the destination, I am more focused on the latter point now, because my Ares has been driving for so long, and I have long wanted to go ashore. I saw that I was almost approaching Farland. I was naturally very excited, and at this time I found that two foreigners followed Xia Yi's pace and walked down from the cabin on the fourth floor. When the older Toms saw me, he hurried up to meet me and held me tight He held my hand and said to me in near-standard Chinese with the same excitement: "Ah, thank God, Mr. Xia, did our warship line up with the birds just now? It's really great. This is my first time. Once I saw a boat fly, you opened my eyes, my dear Mr. Xia, you are God's favorite."

This is how foreigners speak, but I have no objection to his beliefs. I just smiled noncommittally, and then said to him in English: "Mr. Thomas, look at this canyon, you Are you familiar?"

Because the position marked on the map of this canyon is the closest to Frante, I think he knows it.

At this time, when I heard what I said, Xia Yi was the first to speak: "Wow, what a beautiful valley, Yudi, where is this?" Xia Yi still has a strong childishness, but even so, But after these few months of contact with the two foreigners, I found that he has matured a lot. Of course, this is only limited to thinking, because his appearance does not remind me of an adult anyway. He is still chubby. appearance, but despite this, he has improved a lot now. Of course, this refers to the attitude of many people who act and behave. Seeing that he has been with me for a long time, he has also been influenced by me and has become much more precocious.

But no matter what, he must be still a child, and it was the first time he went out of the palace, and it was the first time he saw the great rivers and mountains of the Huaming Dynasty. Hinch is gone.

So I put my hand on his shoulder lightly, and then I looked at Toms and Jerry. At this moment, they were shocked by the scene of flying, so they hadn't had time to see the scenery ahead, but after I said this, they Immediately, they began to explore the scene in front of them. At this moment, the expressions of the two people couldn't help but become extremely excited, and their voices became a little bit agitated. The two of them shouted in unison: "Mr. Xia, this is The Balt Mountain Gorge off the coast of our country, after passing through this gorge, we will arrive at our country."

It seems that they really know this mountain gorge. Hehe, I am happy for them and myself when I see them so excited. Of course, it is necessary for them. They have been away from home for so long, and it is rare to go home. Naturally, they are quite happy Yes, and myself, I am about to arrive in that new country, and I am going to leave this sea life again, so I am naturally very excited.

At this time, Li Yi saw that we were all happy, and he also showed a very proud expression, and shouted in a super loud voice: "Everyone is ready, we will speed up when we leave the canyon, and we will arrive in one kilometer. Destination."

Because his voice was so loud, at this moment, everyone on the ship heard their voices, and then they roared joyfully: "Long live, long live."

I was inexplicably excited when I heard it, and it was only one kilometer away. I walked to Xuan'er, and she was also very happy at the moment. The desire to conquer everything spontaneously arises again. After these few experiences, I naturally know that the origin of this feeling is due to the state of mind as wide as a sea. It seems that seeing this beautiful canyon, That power came up again, I secretly controlled my mind and let that desire come out naturally, but this time the power of desire was stronger than all the previous ones, before I could control my mind, the strong desire came again But when I thought that this time I would absorb a lot of sea water again, the desire suddenly weakened again for unknown reasons, and it suddenly germinated before. The strong desire that came out was completely disappeared by this drop. I panted heavily, and then I opened my eyes. I found that everyone around me was staring at me blankly, and Xuan'er looked at me even more worriedly. Looking at me, he asked softly, "My lord, what's wrong with you?"

I was busy, she waved her hand, and after saying it was okay, I found out that we had already crossed the mountain gorge to the vast and boundless sea, and it might be because this sea area is very close to Farland, so I still I could see many small fishing boats floating on the sea. At this time, the two foreigners also shifted their eyes from looking at me to the various fishing boats on the sea. Now they were very excited, and hurried to the side of the boat, facing each other. The fishing boats roared loudly in English.

Now I stood up slowly with the support, and looked back at the strait I passed just now and the peaceful and quiet sea in front of me under the shining sun. Damn, I must have entered the canyon just now. Because of the magnificent scenery, my heart was inexplicably activated, and then after the boat passed through the canyon, the feeling suddenly disappeared inexplicably. After reading this, I summed up an experience in my heart , it seems that when the main idea activates this state of mind, it is related to the environment. When I accidentally activated this state a few times before, it was only in front of a very spectacular and vast scenery, so once I activated it, I left. That object, the desires that sprouted from me will also disappear. This is also the idea of ​​a mind as wide as a sea. The heart is as wide as a sea. The lake of heart is wider than the sea, and the state of mind is wider than the universe. This kind of thought will only arise in a magnificent or magnificent scene, but it will naturally disappear when you leave that kind of scene, which is really normal.

But this only happens when the desire is not driven by the main idea, and it will not happen under the main idea. As the name suggests, the main idea is when I use my consciousness to open this ability Just like dealing with the tsunami last time, as long as I have the idea of ​​mastering everything in my heart, this ability will be activated naturally, but the activation of the main idea can only be called using this ability, and cannot improve this ability, but the non-main idea is different. Just like I did a few times before, I saw some magnificent scenery without preparation, and then the power deep in my heart that was not controlled by my thoughts began to occupy my thoughts with desires. I can't even control the opening of my thoughts, but this opening method has an advantage, that is, it can improve my state of mind. For example, every time I open my non-main thoughts, my heart is as wide as the ocean. It will be greatly enhanced, so in fact, I really hope that this kind of non-main idea activation will happen every day, so that I can enter the second stage faster. It seems that the non-main idea activation in the canyon just now is Failed, blame the boat for driving too fast, the distance of the canyon is too short, I passed through the canyon before my state of mind was opened, hey, it’s a pity, but anyway, there will be opportunities in the future, this time let’s count it first Alright.

After reading this, I also regained my peace of mind, and with my arms around Xuan'er, I went to the side of the boat and stood beside Xia Yi and the old couple. Because we are no longer lonely in this sea area, there are large and small boats everywhere on the sea, which makes us suddenly feel a feeling that we are no longer alone, but I found that those fishing boats are intentionally keeping a distance from our big boats, But this is also normal. Suddenly a strange big ship sailed into the waters of their country. Of course they were surprised, and they probably also saw that our dress is different from that of people in their country, and we have yellow hair and blue eyes, and we are black hair. With black eyes, you can't tell who we are, whether we are enemies or friends, so we keep a distance from us, but although they have taken measures to protect themselves, I can tell that they have no malicious intentions.

At this moment, I suddenly saw a camphor fishing boat in front of me slowly approaching us, and a middle-aged foreigner with a white beard on the boat was waving at Toms and Jerry on my boat, because the distance was too far I didn't hear what he was shouting, but I felt a bit of doubt in my heart. After reading this, I couldn't help but look at the two foreigners next to me, and asked in English: "Do you know the person on the fishing boat? He seems to know him." you?"

In fact, the two of them had noticed that person a long time ago, but they didn't greet each other. They seemed to be a little disgusted with that person's expression, as if they didn't want to see him, and they didn't know what kind of hatred they had before, but although So, but they still look like they don't want to provoke that person, but it can't be seen that they are afraid of that person, they just think they hate him a little.

It might be that they disliked that person very much. When they called that person to call them, they kept silent. They were waving to their hometown people just now, but now they all held the boat to meet them with displeased faces. It seemed like they wanted to leave, but when they heard my question, although they were very reluctant to mention that person again, I was their great benefactor, and of course they would answer when I asked them all the time. He saluted me very politely, and then Thomas took the lead and said: "Mr. Xia, I'm sorry for our gaffe, but this person is very annoying to us. He is a scoundrel and a lunatic. People in the whole country know him. He My name is Marl, he is an out-and-out lunatic, the whole country hates him, so we want to go back to the cabin, after crossing this sea, we will arrive at the port on the west coast of our country, and then we will come down again ?"

(End of this chapter)

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