Chapter 316 (1)
As soon as I heard it, I looked at the small fishing boat that was getting closer and closer. I found that the man named Mal was still waving his arms with excitement, and shouted loudly while waving, this time because of his fishing boat We got closer, so I heard what he said, and I only heard him say excitedly in English with a big smile on his face: "Hey, isn't this Jerry and Toms? You have been missing for ten months. We all thought you Already buried in the sea, I didn't expect you to come back, haha, this ship is so beautiful and big, have you made a fortune, don't go, let's get together well, don't worry, two friends , entrust your wealth to me, I will keep them safe, believe me, hey, don’t go away.” As he said, I saw the two foreigners walking towards the inside of the boat while shaking their heads. It seems that they really hate this man named Mal, but what Mal said made me feel that he is not a good person. He actually let Thomas and the others have treasures for him to keep. A money-grubbing, selfish character, not only that, I also saw him pick up the wine bag on his waist while shouting, uncork and gulp down the wine, and even punched a wine barrier after drinking. He is an out-and-out alcoholic, because foreigners already have a ruddy complexion, and this white-bearded foreigner's face looks even more rosy after drinking alcohol. Under the sun, he looks like a monkey. have personality.

After we got out of the canyon, we drove for a long time before we met Marl, because according to what Jerry said just now, we have entered the border area of ​​Farland, and we will reach the seaport soon, and Li Yi I also said that now we are less than 300 meters away from Frante at most. In fact, I would know it even if he didn’t tell me, because now I have seen the big island in front of me, and there is still a lot of green smoke on it. Floating up, it seems that it is the country of Farland, but it seems that the country is really big, and it can also be said that the island is quite big. Anyway, you can’t see the edge in all directions. In fact, to be honest, the Central Plains is also considered a It is an island country, but our country’s internal territory is quite large, and it is impossible to see one ten-thousandth of our country’s territory by the sea, and this Farland country, I think it is similar, just use this port to look at them. The country naturally can't see how big they are, but even so, I can be sure that their country is naturally not as big as our country. It can be seen from the expression, and the population of their country is not large. Although the old couple and foreigners have not mentioned the figures of the drama, but listening to them talk about the crowded scene in our capital, we know that their streets must not be like our capital. It is lively, so the population may not be very large.

Because of this, now we are approaching the territory of Farland, so Li Yi has also slowed down the speed of the boat, so I am driving very slowly now. If I still go at the speed just now, I am afraid it will disturb We sent people back to the surrounding fishing boats, not to start a war. Of course, we have to enter their country peacefully, and because of this, Namar’s fishing boats are getting closer and closer to us. I found that His face is also really thick. Seeing that Jerry and Thomas are deliberately avoiding him, the people on our boat did not hang him, and he walked away without knowing the fun, but even more recklessly. The small fishing boat came over and was driving on the same line as our big ship Zhanshen, but that was fine. At this time, I heard a soldier shouting over there: "Hey, what are you doing, what are you doing?" Open your hands, don’t touch the hull, and be careful not to get hurt.” The soldier was actually reminding him kindly that I knew what Mal was doing when I heard him say that, even though I didn’t see the big one, because my boat was operated by the whole ship. Made of metal Miru, the whole body has a light golden color. If you don’t pay attention, you may think it is made of pure gold. Therefore, with his greedy temperament, driven by curiosity, he will naturally touch what my boat is. Material.

Sure enough, as soon as I thought of this, I heard the voice of the drunkard and rascal Mal from somewhere on the ship, but he spoke English, and the soldiers couldn't understand it. Of course, Xia Yi and I understood it. Now the two foreigners have gone back to the cabin, and because Xia Yi wanted to stay here to see the scenery outside Farland, because he was curious, it was the first time to go to a foreign country, and of course everything was new, so he didn't accompany the two foreigners. Back to the cabin, I stood next to me and looked at the countless fishing boats around me, and the huge unknown land in front of me. Although we can’t see the buildings of their country from our current angle, but This kind of strong curiosity is still there, and I will definitely wonder what the houses in their country are like and so on. After hearing Namar's words, he couldn't help showing a very unhappy expression on his face. It is conceivable that Namar's words really deserve a beating. He just heard that he didn't know where he was hiding under our big ship, and his voice was a bit misty. But I still heard it clearly, and he yelled: "It's really nerve-wracking, I really didn't expect Thomas, you are a big liar, I thought such a beautiful and shiny ship was all made of gold, I didn't expect it to be a fake , tsk tsk, two vicious people actually deceived me, I want to tell Ms. Lisa, send troops to arrest you and beat you up, let you apologize to the gods on our sacred Lai En Square." After finishing speaking, I said He heard the loud sound of heavy objects hitting the hull, and then Namar's voice came up again: "It's really harder than a rock, hehe, outsiders, I'm going to make a big hole under your boat." Then There was another loud noise from under the boat.

You actually wanted to destroy my Zhanshen, my ship was not damaged at all on the way, how could you be able to destroy it, my Miru material is the hardest metal in the world, don’t say what you used to knock it , I think even using the cannons from my previous life to bombard my ship will not cause any damage to my ship, but even so, his behavior really makes me uncomfortable, not only me, Xia Yi also showed disgust on his face At this time, Xuan'er was holding my arm tightly, looking at me with pouted lips, the meaning in his eyes was saying: Young master, what is that man talking about? Why is there a sound coming from under the boat? Do you want to go and see? .

The Yaohuang and Li Yi, who also don't understand English, also looked at me with embarrassment. Although they couldn't understand what the other was saying, they could hear the knocking sound coming from a hard object hitting the bottom of the boat. When that person did this, they naturally could hear that that person was not very friendly to us. The two foreigners said that just now, so they also guessed it. Although my ship structure can be said to be the strongest in the world, they are not. I was worried that that person would really destroy the boat, but they all knew that I could understand this foreign language, so they were a little curious about what the person was talking about and why they knocked on the boat.

At this time, the soldier who yelled just now and several other people walked to the side of the boat at the stern. It seemed that they wanted to go into the water to stop Mal's behavior, but I stopped them first, and then gave the demon emperor a wink , and said to him: "This person seems to be trying to make trouble for no reason. Send someone to bring him up first. I want to see how rascal this person is." I am very good at manipulating people. When he was lamenting that that person was unlucky this time, he walked towards the stern. People, so I told me to go back to the cabin first, I didn't keep him, I nodded to him, and then walked towards the stern with my arms around Xuan'er, Xia Yi is actually a little shy, maybe he has lived in the deep palace for a long time The reason for this is that it might be a little uncomfortable to meet strangers. I remember that when we were just out of the palace, he was a little shy when talking to the backbone of my boatmen and soldiers. It seems that a person wants to be more open-minded. It is necessary to get in touch with the society and talents, but no matter what, Xia Yi has matured a lot, and he is also a genius in English. He will definitely help me a lot in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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