Chapter 344
Sometimes making love is like a sport. Before you do it, you will feel that the process must be very exciting, but after you actually do it, you find that it is just a very single sport. Of course, this single sport is only limited to women with little experience. Like Lisa, it turns out that she is really a person, the bright red on the bed sheet clearly shows this, and although she moaned very loudly last night, but the moaning sound is painful and happy, I can see it She was so painful that tears were about to come out. Fortunately, there was the effect of the aphrodisiac to support her, otherwise she would definitely cry. Thinking of the experience of **, Xuan'er cried very loudly after being raped by me last time, because she was Have you never taken aphrodisiacs before? In fact, aphrodisiacs are not only a drug that can increase lust, but also have a pain-relieving effect, so although Lisa was in great pain when she broke her first night last night, but compared to other women's first For one thing, she is relatively relaxed, even so, she is much more crazy than other women, this is all caused by the effect of the medicine, in fact, I was not much more relaxed than her last night, because I am now There are tooth marks all over her arms and neck. She bit me hard when she was in extreme pain, which made me die from pain, but even so, the refreshing feeling was even stronger.

Sunshine first entered the room in the morning, and early in the morning, I found that the newly recruited woman Lisa was gone. She said it was a new recruit, but in fact, we had already agreed to this since the beginning of my relationship with her last night. Relationship, in the morning at four or five o'clock in the morning, the effect of her medicine will actually pass, but she is not surprised that we sleep together, because the effect of the aphrodisiac can't take away the main consciousness, so we do What happened, what happened, she is very clear, she handed over to me willingly and voluntarily, so she didn't say anything, but she said a lot of tender words, now I still remember .

At that time, it was because the room was too hot, but it wasn’t actually because the room was hot. Now it’s early spring, and the room was still a bit cold, but we had just finished strenuous exercise, and the aphrodisiac effect in Lisa’s body increased the heat, so Lisa’s I felt hot all over. At that time, the effect of her medicine had actually passed, but it was just passed, and there was still some residual heat in her body, so because of this, after the second stimulation with me in the middle of the night, Lisha got up and naked Jiaoqu went to remove the roots by the window, and the moonlight shone in. I looked at the sky at that time, and it was almost four o'clock in the morning. What time is the weather and what time is it? I can tell what time it is by looking at the sky, so I concluded that it was around four o'clock at that time, and Lisa and I had already had passion twice at that time, because we made love The candles have not been turned off all the time, and Lisha is so attractive. Under the effect of the aphrodisiac, her already beautiful face has become even more beautiful, and it has added a bit of charm, so I vented more Hurry up, I ejaculated twice in just over an hour, but it was really cool.

At that time, I remembered that Lisa returned to the bed after she finished cleaning the tree roots from the window, pressed her breasts lightly on me, and then said to me softly: "Your Highness Fifth Prince, now I am yours!" , although you have many women, I’m not calling, but what will I do when you return to China, I can’t bear you.” At the end, she was shy and buried her head deeply in my arms. I was extremely moved and inexplicable, it seems that her heart has already surrendered to me, and I have told her before that, I have many women in Hua Ming Dynasty, after my persuasive lobbying, She was finally relieved, she was no longer jealous, and she no longer rejected me for having women. This really made me very happy. I suddenly felt the responsibility of a man, so I hugged her tightly at that time, and then gently Kissing her beautiful forehead, and then said softly to her: "Don't worry, you are my woman now, if I go back to China, I will definitely take you with me." After finishing speaking, I turned back and pressed on her

Later, I still remember that she said her worries again, because she is the general of this country, if she leaves rashly, the country’s Lord Raft will definitely not let her go. At that time, I remember that I didn’t know Was it because I was overwhelmed by passion, I told her directly that I also wanted to date their King Fut.

In fact, for the simple Lisa, she would be a little angry and surprised when I said this, but unexpectedly, after I finished talking about my idea, she was not only not angry, but was only slightly stunned, and then said bluntly Said to me, in fact, she has seen it for a long time, and later said that she would help me find their king, which really made me very happy, it seems that all my women are always thinking of me. Woman, it seems that my life in this life is really wonderful.

Now Lisa is completely handled by me, and now the big rock in my heart has been let go, but now there is another big rock in my heart that has not fallen, and it has always made me worry about it. Of course, this big rock is not Paofu King Te, but about the boats of Taoyuan Palace. Up to now, there has been no news from the walking dead. No country?These and other questions have been filling my mind since I woke up just now, so my thoughts also fluttered after thinking about it. I pulled back from my wandering fantasies to reality. I was sleeping on the bed and stared at the door in a daze when I heard the sound. The door is closed now, but it is not closed tightly. I remember Li When Sha returned to her room, she kicked the door hard with her feet, but now the door was a little open. Thinking of this, I looked around the room again, and found that all the clothes I took off by Li Sha last night were gone. Lisa opened the door and went out, and at this moment, the door opened, and it was none other than Lisa, the foreign girl who I just captured my heart last night. She woke up extremely happy, and at the moment she came in with a glass of water, a piece of bread-like food and two eggs in her hand, it seemed that she brought me breakfast, hehe, this beauty is really nice, I Seeing this, one turned over and sat up, looked at Lisha who gently closed the door, and then smiled at her: "Baby, you got up so early, why don't you sleep more?"

Lisa heard the sound, turned around and gave me a slight smile, and then said with a half coquettish look: "Well, I seldom sleep late at night, come on, Your Highness, I will ask my servant to make breakfast for you Eat it while it's hot." After finishing speaking, he sat beside me tenderly with the food in his hand, then gently scooped up a small piece of beef slices with a spoon and brought it to my mouth with a smile, and I ate it unambiguously. After eating the food from Lisa, I couldn't help but smiled and said: "Well, the food fed by my wife is more delicious than myself, baby Lisa is really good." I didn't praise her for nothing, she is indeed very sensible, very It made me feel at ease in my heart, so these words are all sincere words, but when Lisha heard it, her pretty face blushed again, her mouth moved, and she said in a low voice like a mosquito: "I hate this" It made me laugh again, this baby is really cute, I found that she talked with me for a long time, and the tone of her speech was close to that of our Hua Mingchao girls.

It seems that people who have stayed with me for a long time are more or less affected by some of my habits. Although Lisa has only been in contact with me for less than two days, she is already very fond of me now. You could tell by her tone and demeanor.

After I heard it, my heart was warm, and I whispered softly: "Why, my baby Lisa is shy again, come on, come here and let my husband kiss you." Glancing at me, he said angrily, "Hmph, no, you should eat your breakfast first, it will be cold in a while."

"Okay, honor, my wife." Now I am so happy that I am dying, I must have not forced to kiss her, but just took another bite of the food she fed, because my wife feeds it more deliciously, and after a while, the plate The Chinese food was swept away by me, and when I watched Lisa put the plate aside, I couldn't help joking again: "Now, my lady Lisa, can I ask my husband to kiss you? Hehe .”

"No, you haven't washed your face yet." She seems to be a very clean girl. Although she is usually a general and often wears armor, she looks rough, but she is still a woman who is nearly 20 years old in the final analysis, so a woman The fact that she is naturally clean is still revealed in her body. Whether she is a general or not, being clean is a unique advantage of girls. When I heard this, I promised, but I still got up and got out of bed. She embraced her behind her, and kissed her ear softly with her lips while she was not prepared. Although she is still shy and blushing, she is no longer satisfied with my touching and touching her body. I won't resist anymore, because she has given all her virginity to me now, and she has become my woman, will she still ask for kisses and touches?

My kissing skills are quite advanced now, I only blew lightly on the base of her ear, and then sucked on the tip of my tongue, she couldn't bear it anymore, her pink lips were slightly parted, panting heavily, although now She doesn't have the effect of aphrodisiac anymore, but she still has a woman's natural sensitivity, and the base of her ear is one of a woman's sensitive zones, so just sucking it lightly, she is already a little sexually excited, at this time My hand also began to slowly move upwards from the waist around her, and gently pressed on her pair of big breasts. To be honest, her breasts are so huge that I can't finish grasping them with both hands. It’s just that, although it’s big, it’s full of elasticity, very firm, and doesn’t feel sagging at all, and the skin color of her body is also different from other foreigners. It looks dark and thick, but her skin is just the opposite, it’s white and thick. Tender and delicate, the only person I have seen with such good skin in this country is King Foote, but I don’t know if King Foote’s skin is as firm as Lisa’s, but the skin color is the same. No wonder Jerry told me on the way that Lisa and King Forte are one of the famous beauties in Farland, but even so, it seems that there are other beauties who are comparable to them from his tone, but I'm sure if there are, they must not be nobles, or women from noble families, because I didn't see such beauties among the nobles at the party last night, and most noble women are a bit older, it seems that they are elders Level, I think if there are really beautiful women like Lisa and Ford, they must be commoners or daughters of noble families.

It seems that if there is nothing else to do today, I will spend more time in this Black Feather City, to see if I can find beautiful girls, but just after I had this idea, there were several knocks on the door , Lisa in her arms was frightened by this, and she hurriedly removed my hand from her chest, then turned her head and glanced at me, the meaning in her eyes seemed to ask: "Is my husband Xuan'er?" Is my sister looking for you?"

In fact, I'm also confused now, but I think it's not Xuan'er, because Xuan'er knew that I went into Lisa's room last night, she would definitely not bother me so early, could it be Xia Yi?It's not possible, Xia Yi can't know that I am in this room, so who is it? After reading this, I couldn't help asking loudly in the direction of the door: "Who is it?" When I said this, I thought Well, if it is really a local from Xia Yi or Farland, I will use the excuse to listen to Lisha explain some customs and knowledge of their country in Lisha’s room. Anyway, no matter what reasons I make up, they will not easily think of it. I made out with Lisa in this room.

But as soon as I finished speaking, a reply came from outside the door, the voice was quite hasty: "Master, it's me, Demon Emperor, I have something urgent to see you."

Is it the Demon Emperor?Why is he here? Could it be that there is news from the walking corpse?Thinking of this, I couldn't help but let go of the hand that was holding Lisa lightly, and after giving her a tender look, I quickly walked towards the door. I thought something serious must have happened to the Demon Emperor looking for me so urgently
(End of this chapter)

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