Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 345 An Accident

Chapter 345 An Accident (1)
In fact, a long time ago, I had a tacit understanding with the main backbones of the Demon Emperor and the Walking Corpse, that is, they communicated with each other with all their heart. They have always done a very good job of this, especially the Walking Corpse, Walking corpses don't like to talk. Of course, not loving doesn't mean they have no IQ and can't talk. It's just because they are zombies. They haven't talked for a long time. Most of the walkers' throats are rusty. It's very uncomfortable, and the voice is also Weng Liweng, it doesn't sound uncomfortable at all, this can be heard from Diablo, that is, when the top-level walking corpse of the assassination department speaks with his mouth, so I have been in collusion with them all the time It's hard work, it's fast and sounds comfortable, and it can talk remotely, which is more convenient than my previous communication tool mobile phone. As for the Demon Emperor, when he's not with me, it's like I asked him to investigate something. When outsiders were around, he used all his heart to communicate with me, but now that the Demon Emperor came to see me in person, and he knocked on the door and said it was urgent, so what is it? Someone came running, and after reading this, my doubts became heavier, so my pace also accelerated at this time, but Lisa is still very sensible, although she is only my woman, but because she is a general, she has seen it before. There are many occasions, even though she can't understand Chinese, she can still hear the voice of the demon emperor, and the voice of the demon emperor is a bit hurried, and she came to knock on the door of this room again, so she knew it must be the demon emperor There is something urgent to come to me, otherwise she would not be in such a hurry, so when she saw me running to open the door in such a hurry, she must know that there must be something important, so she didn't ask me what's wrong. It’s almost the same, which makes me feel relieved, because I hate the most when I am doing big things, and women are beside me. It’s very annoying. Actually, to be honest, none of my women is that kind of love This makes me feel very happy and lucky. It seems that my vision is indeed unique. The women I find are not only beautiful, but also very sensible. This makes me very happy.

Thinking of this, I already walked towards the door, and then reached out and lightly held the handle of the door, and pulled it hard, and the door was opened by me, because this country has not yet invented a door with a lock, in fact, the doors are not locked , but there is a wooden bar that can slide left and right to lock the door. Now the wooden bar has been opened. In fact, the demon emperor can open the door by pushing hard, but he dare not push the door. First, it is impolite, and second, This is Lisa's room, and he doesn't know what I'm doing in there, what if he pushes away and sees a scene he shouldn't see, so he keeps knocking on the door, I was inside I can let her push the door, but I took a look at Lisha and found that her clothes are a little loose, similar to suspenders. If the demon emperor comes in like this and sees her wearing this, Lisha will definitely be very shy It was difficult, so I personally opened the door to welcome the Demon Emperor.

As soon as the door was opened, the demon emperor rushed inward like a rat, almost fell into my arms. I was depressed for a while, so I grabbed his hand, and he actually saw me as soon as he entered the door , That's why he rushed in, otherwise, if Lisa opened the door, would he dare to rush? Now his expression looks quite hasty, but even though he is in a hurry, he still sees the person clearly before he rushes. I quickly took his hand and asked him: "What's the matter? Seeing how anxious you are, let's go out and talk about it first." Now the Yaohuang and I basically talk like friends when chatting, and there is not much difference in identity. This is true. The demon king is a subordinate with high ability in handling affairs, and he also needs my bosom friend, so I never have the airs of a prince to him, and he also admires me very much, so when we talk, we all sound like friends.

Because Lisa is wearing very revealing clothes in the room now, so to avoid Lisa being shy, I pushed the Yaohuang out of the door while talking. Now after I pushed the door open, I realized that the person on the other side was originally sleeping. The door of that room was open, so I pushed the Demon Emperor in, then turned my head and shouted to Lisa's room in English: "Sha'er, I'm going to talk to my subordinates now, you wait for me first." Take a moment." I just impromptuly chose this nickname for Lisa, because she is now my woman. In fact, my women all have a word in their nicknames, and they are all so-and-so Of course, except Tianxiang and Xiaoyue, women with special names, because I think calling them that way makes me feel a lot more intimate. The relationship between them and me now is very intimate. , so I also gave Lisa a nickname, Sa'er, but I chose it on the spur of the moment. I haven't asked her yet, but I know she won't care. Maybe she will be a little curious, because this name For their country, it is a bit different.

Sure enough, as soon as I said the words, I heard an echo from Lisa not long after: "Your Highness, why do you call me Sha'er, what a strange name." The tone was also very puzzled. .

Of course, I knew she would definitely ask that question. The customs between our two countries are different, so after listening to it, I replied jokingly: "Hehe, what's the matter, baby, I'm not used to calling you that. It’s the custom in our country to call you like this. You’re my woman now. I call all my women that way. Don’t you want me to call you that? Listen, Sha’er, how much? What a nice name.

"Hey, actually it sounds good, but what I said is really glib. In fact, women need to coax them more to be happy. Of course, they can't talk sweet words all day long, so they will appreciate it if they listen too much. If you are tired, you will feel that it is not so fresh at that time, so you have to coax them, but you must also keep this freshness, so that they will maintain the same from the first time they hear you say sweet words to the [-]th time. Feeling happy, this is the kingly way, so if you say something to make women happy, they will like to hear it, but you can’t say it too often, like when Lisa and I made love last night, in fact, we kept talking when we made love. There are people who talk, but I don't make her happy with every sentence, but I say one or two sentences appropriately, so when we are all tired around four o'clock in the morning, her heart is already attached to me. This is the effect I want, it is, it is ah, flirting with women is to flirt with, not to flirt with, if it is to flirt, then men don't have to bother so much to please girls, it is more straightforward to throw money and go to a brothel , So, the difference between falling in love and making love is this. One is the heart of talking, and you will feel the feeling of relying on each other and warming each other, while the second is just physical happiness. After the incident, the two return to each other. When it comes to loneliness, so now I am looking for girls, not all for the body. Of course, when I first saw Lisa, I really wanted to get her body, but her personality is very attractive to me, and I fell in love with her. Her feeling, and she is deeply in love with me now, so now the relationship between me and her is not the simple feeling of just going to bed as I thought at first, but the relationship of real lovers, We communicate not with our bodies, but with our hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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