Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 371 Exciting News

Chapter 371 Exciting News

The Demon Emperor is very quick in his work. By the time I, Captain Lance, and his subordinates gathered at the entrance of the inner city, the Demon Emperor and other team members had already dressed neatly and followed him. The entire gate was crowded with people. , are all spectacular, and my two precious wives were also called over by me, but Xia Yi, I didn't ask someone to notify, because this operation was full of dangers, in case something went wrong, how could I go back and tell me? The old woman confessed to the emperor, but my two babies are different. They will follow me for the rest of their lives, and will tell them everything about me, so going with me this time can help me The second is to let Sha'er know more about my affairs. Anyway, I am planning to let her go back to China with me now.

Hey, originally I was talking about King Pufft, but I didn’t expect so many things to happen in succession, which made me very troubled. Anyway, it’s just this successful sea trip, and the people from Taoyuan Palace have completely resolved the matter. , then as long as I have spare time, I will definitely have a heart-to-heart talk with King Foote, hehe, anyway, I have to come back to pick up Ye Wuya and Xia Yi, so now I don’t worry about not having time to meet King Foote again , so now I have to do my best to deal with two things that will happen soon.

My nearly a thousand teams, including soldiers and boatmen, are all ready to go, because they have been wearing colorful fish-scale armor in this country for the past two days, so now is no exception, I don’t plan to let them take it off, anyway, this armor has excellent defense It is tall, does not interfere with daily life, and is light. One is to let them get used to it all the time, so that the armor will never leave the body. The other is that this way, not only this country, but after returning to the Huaming Dynasty, others As long as people see this armor, they will know that it is my special bodyguard, and they dare not provoke them. Three, this reason is even better, that is, this armor is cool enough to wear, impressive enough, and impressive enough. Enough majesty, walking in front of them, you can feel that you are very beautiful, hehe, this is mainly because the carp scales are so beautiful, especially in the sun, the colorful light must appear, from a distance, my team looks like A group of heavenly soldiers and generals are as powerful as they are.

Especially the neat rows standing behind me. Even Lance, the ninth-rank official in this country, said that the prestige of my team is unmatched by their country's army. The fact that my country is so powerful is enough to show how strong my team looks from the outside. Of course, my team is indeed strong, not only on the outside, but also on the inside. Before we set off to this country, it was still a third-rate team. The strength of the army, but after taking water-avoiding beads in the middle, the people are now completely different from what they used to be. Sa'er next to me couldn't help but echo Lance's words. It seems that he, a female general, was also shocked by my army, although it wasn't the first time I saw her.

But after thinking about it, she is now my woman, and my army is strong, so she is very happy in her heart, so the happy expression has been showing on her face, but Lance did not notice that there was something wrong with her smile, Hehe, the relationship between me and her hasn’t been made public yet. With our acting skills, it is naturally difficult for outsiders to have an ambiguous relationship between us. This depends entirely on my teaching, hehe.

Now all the teams are here, my team is behind us, and Lance's army is behind them and in front of them. There are a total of 200 people in front and back, and the distribution is very even. In this way, you are their army. Our team is surrounded in the middle, so it looks like it is easy to protect, but what danger is really coming, I think their protection is not one-tenth of my army's self-defense ability, but after thinking about it, I am afraid Still can't say it, so as not to hurt Lance's heart, he is a high official in this country who is under one person and above ten thousand people.

And I, Sha'er, Xuan'er, and the Yaohuang sat on the horses in front. Lance's horse was at the front, and he was followed by eight guards to protect him. Speaking of which, the guards were Frank. Special royal soldiers, so the combat power is naturally much stronger than the soldiers behind me, because we don't know if Firebird City is going to leave, so Lance leads the way, and after a "drive", the mighty team starts The fish are used to springing up and galloping towards the outer city.

Heiyu City is about [-] kilometers away from Firebird City, and it will take less than half an hour to arrive at a fast horse. Among the seven major cities in the country, Heiyu and Firebird are the closest, and they are also close neighbors, so The distance is not far, and we also saw a lot of novelty along the way, such as the windmill circle, the fishing boat port, anyway, they are some relatively novel things in this country.

Soon, we arrived at Firebird City. In fact, this Firebird City is not much different from Black Feather City in appearance, except that there is a big flag in the middle of the gate of the outer city. Yes, but the pattern is different. The pattern of this city is a fiery red bird, which looks like a phoenix, but not like that. The black feather city is a circle drawn by many black feathers. In the middle of the circle is a huge black feather. It seems that the patterns of these flags are closely related to the names of the cities.

Originally, if we had time, we could go into the city to see it. Although the appearance of Firebird City is similar to that of Heiyu City from the outside of the city, it is completely different after entering the inside. Moreover, the outer city is extremely lively, with shops Standing upright, you can hear the yelling of merchants everywhere. Only after listening to Lance's explanation did I know that this Firebird City is a big shopping mall, and most of the merchants in it come from major cities. This is recognized as the largest shopping mall in Farland It is a city of trade, and it sells all kinds of things, including jewellery, fish, shrimp, sea crabs, weapons and armor. I heard that this city is the most open city among the seven major cities. The outer city of your Black Feather City is just civilians. In places where people live and play, civilians are not allowed to enter the inner city, but this Firebird City is completely different. Its outer city and inner city are completely open, and the commercial board can enter the inner city to buy and sell at any time, but I heard that Sha'er said that because it was too chaotic to do so, after some riots occurred a few years ago, the Lord of Foote reset the new rules, that is, all merchants entering the inner city must obtain permission at the door To be able to do it, and the allowed standard is that the items sold must be very expensive, because from the point of view of the people of this country, the more expensive the merchants, the more noble the character is, but it is really strange, since Ford After the king made this regulation, no accidents have happened to any merchants who are eligible to enter the inner city to buy and sell. It seems that the saying that people rely on clothes and merchants rely on piles of goods has indeed been qualitatively sublimated in this country.

That is to say, although there are shops and goods everywhere in this city, it is really worth it. The real expensive goods can only be bought in the inner city, and the condition for entering the inner city is that the buyer must have enough status or financial resources. That's right, I was qualified to go in, but it's a pity, the port where our big ship berths is in the harbor east of the outer city, so I don't have the chance to go inside, but I think there will be a chance to go, of course not now.

Now, we can only go directly to the mouth of the bay. Lance is also very respectful, really respectful, so respectful that I want to BS him. In fact, the port of Firebird City is not far from the gate of the outer city. We arrived in a short while on horseback, and it took about five or six minutes at this time, but as soon as we saw the harbor, Lance said to Sha'er: "General Lisa, now you will escort the team of His Highness the Fifth Prince to the sea. Be sure to protect the distinguished guests." Then I wanted to get out of the way, I was really relying on, is this person going back to play guns in a hurry, wanting to slip away so fast, but since he said so, I am embarrassed to hold him back Yes, so I nodded, and when it was over, he wanted to keep the two hundred soldiers and lead us with Lisha to protect us, but I refused straight away, just kidding, this time I was dealing with Taoyuan Palace, if my There are foreign troops in the team. I am not afraid of leaking the news at that time, but I am afraid that someone in their team will be killed or injured. It will be very troublesome at that time, so I will definitely not agree to this kind of thing, so after a few perfunctory words from Lance, He had no choice but to lead his subordinates to leave Firebird City, but Sha'er stayed behind.

Now my team is back on the boat. It is the same as when I came here. With a swipe of my fingers, everyone went back to their posts to busy themselves. But the only difference from when we came is that there is an extra foreign woman, Lisa. , and two of the boat’s driving equipment were missing, and after I got everyone in place, I hugged the two babies and went up to my cabin on the fourth floor. Of course, only Sha’er and I were in the room, and Xuan’er got into the cabin. So I went to the female ghost's room first. Speaking of which, she has been taken care of by the female nurses and soldiers of the second team for the past two days in Frante, but she still looks like that, staring blankly, except for eating and sleeping. , her eyes won’t even blink. Of course, this is not all the effect of pressing her acupuncture points. The acupuncture points only sealed her limbs, but her eyes, mouth, and nose may move, but she didn’t move. Hey, a What else can a lunatic do to her? It’s okay to be dumb, but now that her father’s friend Ye Wuya is about to join us, I think this female ghost’s background and illness will get better in the future. Of course everything has to go back to Middle Earth.

After arriving in the room, I gently hugged Lisa in my arms, caressed her breasts, and kissed her lips softly, then I lay my pillow on the bed and told her something about me, For things like Taoyuan Palace, I wanted her to get to know me quickly, and of course I explained the basics of martial arts to her in detail. In fact, when I went to meet the Yaohuang, Xuan'er told her again, but after I explained it again , She understood it more deeply, and after listening to it, she was still amazed at the profoundness of our country's martial arts, and she looked very yearning for our middle-earth. Seeing this, I couldn't help but smile badly, and pinched her hard: "Hey, you are my woman now, I will definitely take you with me when I go back this time, and then I will let you have a good look at the world of our Hua Ming Dynasty."

Sha'er, who was longing for this at first, couldn't help laughing excitedly when she heard it, then hugged me tightly with a smile on her face, and said softly: "That's really great, Husband, it's a deal. "

"Well, it's a deal."

After finishing speaking, I quietly closed the curtain of the cabin, and then turned over and pressed the gauze on my body. Immediately, there were bursts of ambiguous and seductive moaning and gasping sounds in the dark room

Time passed quickly, and before I knew it, I heard the familiar sound of the big boat chef blowing the trumpet for dinner. I gently hugged the naked Shaer, then got dressed, went downstairs with her, and ate with everyone Starting the boat meal, this meal is the first time Sha’er ate on a boat, so to celebrate the boat chef specially prepared for her a lot of delicious dishes that we can only eat in China, such as sweet and sour pork ribs, mandarin fish with five flowers, Spicy chicken, and other delicious home-cooked dishes, Sha'er, who was born in Farland, has never tasted these. I thought she would not be used to this kind of taste, but I didn't expect her to keep eating it. Zan Dao, it’s so delicious, the head chef, Xiao Vulcan, couldn’t close his mouth with joy, I know that everyone who comes with me now knows that Lisa is my woman except for Xia Yi Of course, this matter is all tacit, so the praise of His Highness Madam naturally made the little Vulcan a lot happier. He didn't want to get my heavy reward or attention, but now he is my subordinate. His Highness he admires the most, so he can get the praise of my woman, and he also feels that I am praising him, so he is naturally happy.

Of course, happy things are always very short-lived. After the meal, everyone returned to their respective posts, because they all knew that there would be a life-and-death battle tomorrow, so everyone worked very seriously, and tonight is also a very important night. The boat must be returned to the sea, so after reading this, I am preparing to talk to the Demon Emperor, because it is almost ten o'clock in the evening, and the two walking corpses I sent to find Mal have not returned news, so I plan to ask the Demon Emperor to contact Black Feather City and ask them to send a driver. Why didn’t I mention this when I left Black Feather City? The king knew that it was Mal who stole our drive, so she would definitely mobilize people to find Mal. In this way, one would harm that Mal, because this person is a bit mysterious, and I would like to talk to him in person, so I don’t want to leave so soon. It made him unable to turn over. Secondly, it is for himself, because the people from Taoyuan Palace will come tomorrow. If there is a big sensation in the whole country because of the theft of my boat driver, then it will also affect the battle tomorrow. Influence, if the people in Taoyuan Palace find out and think that the people of Frante have discovered their purpose, they will definitely avoid it. Tell the Demon Emperor to go to Black Feather City, so that there is an excuse to say that our drive is broken or for other reasons, and I asked Frante to borrow a ship's drive, so that King Foot will not have any doubts, although This country is mainly a fishing country, but because of the backward technology, the drive is really rubbish, and the speed is naturally not as fast as half the speed of my previous boat. However, it is better to have a drive. No, it’s okay, otherwise we wouldn’t even be able to get out of the sea.

After reading this, I was about to use my heart to call the Demon Emperor over, but at this moment, my heart suddenly trembled, and a long-lost heart came from a distant place. It was one of the walking corpses I sent to find Mal The message came: "Master, the target has been caught, do you want to bring it back?"

This time, when I heard the news, I don’t know how excited I was. It seems that my walking dead subordinates are not vegetarians. Hehe, the number one thief in this country was arrested for the second time. It seems that Mal is something I didn’t imagine Whether it is so powerful in the middle or my walking corpse is too powerful, no matter what, this is always a happy news, so I hurriedly replied in my heart: "Of course, I will return to the God of War immediately, and I will interrogate myself."

"Yes, Master."

(End of this chapter)

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