Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 372 God power?

Chapter 372 God power?

As soon as I heard the good news, I was immediately inexplicably excited, even more excited than the excitement of the passionate bed fight with Shaer in the afternoon. In fact, this excitement was not all because Mal was caught, or there were many reasons. In fact, The most important thing is that I will be able to confront Taoyuan Palace tomorrow. When I think about it, I feel inexplicably excited. Maybe it is because the opponent is too strong. I don’t know why every time I think of Taoyuan Palace, I feel so excited There will be chains in the heart lake, which is a very strange feeling, both exciting and alert.

So after reading this, I stood at the stern of the boat blowing the incoming sea breeze. For some reason, there was always a stronger breeze blowing on the sea at night than during the day. Smelling the fishy smell of the sea breeze, I couldn’t help feeling sick all over my body. Zhen, at this time my two babies also came to my side obediently, one of them was holding my arm, with their hair fluttering back, facing the breeze, this scene was extremely romantic and warm, I gently hugged the two babies , Looking at the front, I suddenly felt that I was the happiest person in the world. My purpose is far from enough. I swore the night before when I slept with Yulan, that after I leave the palace, I will have all the beauties in the world. I still have a long way to go, hehe, but every time I think about it, I will be extremely happy and excited.

With the speed of walking corpses, I know that it is very fast to bring someone here. At this time, I was also thinking about this matter. Since Marr is the number one thief in this country, how can he fight against the many murlocs in Ye Wuya's castle? Running away in front of me, and being able to change bags in front of my favorite assistant, the Demon King, and the two walking corpses shows that he has some ability, but, even so, this time he was caught by my walking corpses so easily. , In fact, it is not luck at all, or a coincidence, but because my walking corpse has high martial arts skills and the ability to detect life ripples, so it is easy to catch him, but I know he will find a way to escape , but my walking corpse is not such a negligent person. It failed once and the second time. This time they will definitely not let Mal run away.

Sure enough, as soon as I thought of this, I heard the voices of the soldiers guarding the port in the distance. I knew it was the walking corpses and they had returned. I told Shaer about this, so I was not afraid to do it in front of her. Interrogation, but I want to interrogate alone, I don't want outsiders to disturb, so after hearing the voice, I signaled to the two babies, and they understood what I meant, and then went back to the room. When Xuan'er was about to leave, I suddenly Thinking of something, she stopped her and said, "Tomorrow I will have a head-on confrontation with the people from Taoyuan Palace. I don't want you to get hurt. Now that Sha'er doesn't have fish-scale armor, Xuan'er, go and help her choose a suitable one." Put it on so that you won't be hurt in tomorrow's fierce battle."

This time Sha'er only showed a slightly puzzled expression, but under Xuan'er's leadership, she still didn't ask any more questions, and followed Xuan'er to the warehouse. I haven't had time to tell Lisa about this, so She didn't know that my soldiers were actually wearing armor made from the scales of the giant carp they encountered when they went out to sea. It seems that Xuan'er can only tell her about this matter. Now I still have big things to do. What to do.

After seeing the two treasures leave, I couldn't help walking towards the door of the boat. This time, the two walking corpses didn't put Mal in the big bag, but took him back with one hand. , in order to prevent him from escaping, the walking corpse was smart this time, and directly tapped his Ya and Dingshen acupoints. No matter how powerful he is, he will not be able to escape this time.

I looked at Mal's staring blue eyes, and said with a light smile, "Don't be nervous, I just asked you to come back and ask a few words. I'm not interested in killing you." I was afraid that he wouldn't understand, so I deliberately used I asked in fluent English, but it was a bit strange. There was no anger in the eyes of Marr when he was caught, but he looked very calm. Yes, he has the courage to stay calm when things happen. He is worthy of being a famous rogue in Farland .

Thinking of this, I snapped my fingers at the two walking corpses beside him, and then the two followed my will and dragged Mal to the stairs, and I walked behind them. Although the people on the boat saw this, But they didn’t ask too much. In fact, they knew about it a long time ago. They knew that this person stole the driving equipment of our Zhanshen, and I meant to interrogate them personally, so no soldier came to recommend me for interrogation. At this time, the demon The emperor also noticed this, came over and saw Mal, with a hint of anger on his face, because this Mal ran on his hand once, which made him extremely unhappy, but the demon emperor is a straightforward person, who dares to love and hate Of course, he is not a small-minded person who loves to hold grudges, so he just didn't do anything after the slight anger on his face. He knew that I would interrogate myself, so he didn't care about it.

I asked the two walking corpses to drag Mal directly to the second floor of the common soldier’s cabin, and then to the innermost room. It was very dark inside. It’s night now, and without lights, it looked abnormally dim. But I don't like to interrogate prisoners in the dark, so I first asked the walking corpse to light the candle lamp inside, and then watched the walking corpse throw Mal to the ground, then let them go out, this time is different from the last time, This is my real time alone with Mal, the last time it was fake.

I took a look at this Mal and found that he looked a lot more haggard than when I first saw him. It seems that I have been chased by my men for the past two days. Unlocked the two acupoints, and then lifted him to a small bed next to him. This room is where soldiers sleep, so there are more beds, and I can sleep on a bed by just pulling it. At this time, I sat on the bed. On the bed opposite him, I looked at him with a smile, and took another bottle of royal wine that I had prepared from my bosom. When I raised my hand, the bottle flew into his hand, because this Mal was blown so amazingly, I fell Think about whether he has the ability to disappear in front of me, that's why he unlocked his dumb acupoint and fixed body acupoint at the same time, but it's strange to say that Mal smiled when he saw me take out the wine , this smile is a bit weird, when I threw the wine bottle over, he didn't say much, he caught the bottle and opened it and drank it, this guy is an alcoholic, so I specially prepared good wine to entertain him, it was good for him The main reason is that his record really made me have a strong interest. I have always been generous with material things for talents, and let him sit comfortably on the bed and drink heavily, which is the best for prisoners. treatment.

I didn't move all the time, I just held my hands lightly, leaning forward, squinting my eyes and quietly watching him drink a little half of the whole bottle of spirits. He lowered the hand holding the wine bottle to his thigh, and then the evil smile that seemed to be a smirk just now appeared on his somewhat pissed face, because this time I was observing from a close distance, so I noticed the smirk on his eyebrows. A small scratch on the body, for an insider, this kind of scar can be seen at a glance, it is a new wound that has just appeared, not an old wound, and the blood-red marks on it are still tight, and this In addition to this, I can still tell that this is the wound caused by the tail on the drive set of the Ares, because the tooth marks of that shape can only be caused by my solar drive, it seems that this guy may be touching My drive accidentally crashed.

After he drank, he confronted me. I didn't show murderous eyes, but just looked at him quietly. I was thinking in my heart that this guy might run away. I just wanted to let him know that his ability is in the palm of my hand. My heart can never escape, but he also looked calm and looked at me with a smile. In this way, we two looked at each other quietly for 5 minutes, but the strange thing is that during these 5 minutes He didn't make any thoughts in his mind, which I can see from his unchanged eyes. Doesn't it mean that he doesn't want to think about his situation at all now?
Hey, this guy really looks like a weirdo.

However, when I just read this, Mal moved his mouth first, and the deep voice came out of his mouth quickly, but the words were very inexplicable, and he said hoarsely: "You will always Cannot have the power of a god."

"Oh?" Although I didn't understand, I still deliberately showed an expression of interest. I mainly wanted to hear what this guy would say, so I said this word with some doubts.

As soon as he heard what I said, he couldn't help but chuckled a few more times. From the sound, he knew that his voice was very deep, as if it was the voice of someone who was buried under the earth, Weng Sheng Angry.

At this time, he raised his hand and took another sip of wine, wiped his mouth, and his originally dull eyes suddenly lit up. It seemed that although Mal was a little out of spirits, his eyes were bright now. , I can't feel any grievances from him at all, it's like changing a person, it seems that the change of eyes can really change a person's image sometimes.

At this time, he moved his head slightly in front of me, fixed his eyes on me, and then said word by word: "I can let you have the power of a god, but you must help me get rid of the demon."

His words are really profound, even if I am such a smart person, it is difficult for me to understand the meaning of his words. I am still very honest. Said that he did not understand what he meant.

He can understand this movement naturally. Seeing me like this, he couldn't help laughing again. Although Mal usually likes to drink and lives a rogue life, his teeth are very white and are really well maintained. At this time he He spoke again, but his voice was even deeper: "No, you must understand that this is a very important matter."

I don't know why when I heard him say that, I couldn't help being a little angry, but I still didn't show it completely, I just asked bluntly: "Of course, if you are willing to tell me in plain language, I would like to understand this matter. "Don't talk about me. A prisoner said something inexplicable in front of me. As an interrogator, I don't think any interrogator will be very straightforward at this time. This is not a relationship between good temper and bad temper. It is completely unbearable. I was thinking, if this guy said something that he didn't understand, I would give him a punch and let him know that fists are king.

But this guy was funny this time, as if he knew that I wanted to beat him up, so this time he didn't say something so inexplicable, but his words shocked me a little, I just heard him take another sip of wine and hit him After drinking, he said: "Of course sir, you must help me, and I can also help you repair your ship's driving equipment so that it has the power of a god, but you have to repay me, otherwise, you will definitely regret it."

Although he said so, although I was a little shocked, but I was also confused when he said that Hemi repaired my drive. My drive is obviously good. Could it be that he broke it?When I thought of this, I became angry again, and when I was about to ask sharply, he continued after a pause: "Sir, don't be surprised, I will take you to see your drive now, you will definitely Surprised." After speaking, he stood up, then took a step, and said, "I put the driver under the boat, so I can see it now."

After hearing what he said, I probably won't believe it, but I see what tricks he's going to play, and I don't believe that he can escape under the eyes of me and my ship, so I jerk my shoulders, Deliberately expressing agreement, and then we left the room one after the other, and soon reached the bottom of the boat. Others looked at this side with some vigilance when they saw Mal walking in front of me, and I didn't stop them. Watch, that's the best way, the more people pay attention to this side, the less chance he wants to escape.

But as soon as I had this idea, he walked directly to the door of the boat and got off the boat first. I didn't follow, but just watched him walk to a huge rock on the shore below the boat, and then on the side, his hands Stretched inside and moved, and after a while, he hugged two huge metals from inside with all his strength. I knew at a glance that they were my solar drive and ordinary drive equipment with speed adjustment of the big ship, but although It is a familiar thing, and the solar energy is also designed by me, so I can tell at a glance that it is the driver of my Ares, but it is mine, but the appearance seems to be a little different. Thinking of this, I can’t help but take A look of doubt.

I thought to myself: Could it be that Mal modified my drive?Then what is the power of the gods he said?I'm really puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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