Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 379 Decisive Battle at Taoyuan Palace

Chapter 379 Decisive Battle at Taoyuan Palace (3)

That guy guesses that his martial arts are average. He looks very clumsy when he uses light kung fu, and he can't fly high. It seems that he belongs to the upper-middle level among their soldiers. Why do I have to guess that he is at the upper-middle level? It's because he was named by Brother Erhuang, which shows that he is still a bit capable. Unfortunately, although Brother Erhuang brought out an elite army this time, they are still not from the Jianghu. Naturally, their martial arts are not high, but they are more than average. The combat experience of the powerful is dozens of times higher, and the strength and skills are much higher.

Because he was wearing heavy armor and his lightness kung fu was not very good, he jumped and flew off the ground, quite close to the dark red sea below, but our side is more than 200 meters away from the opposite bank I really admire him for daring to fly over, but when he flew up, I realized that although this man's martial arts is not very good, it is relatively easy to go to the other side with this level of qinggong. I saw him on the way I wanted to step on the water, but at this moment someone called out: "Dangerous, don't touch that sea water."

However, although the sound was not too late, there was a sudden change at this time, and the soldier's body hanging in the air suddenly seemed to be sucked away by a strong force, and the whole person began to turn into a dead wood in the air, but In an instant, the soldier's armor fell off into the water, and the man's muscles and blood were all drained, the whole person turned into a mummified corpse, and fell into the water with a plop, everyone present was shocked Yes, even though the hundreds of soldiers all wear helmets, I can clearly feel the fear and panic in their hearts. Just kidding, such a living person suddenly turned into a mummy. This is something no one wants to see. Of course I was shocked and inexplicable. I also saw that the second prince in the front was pale with fright at the moment. Although he tried his best to control his emotions, I know that he is quite scared and nervous now. People who are shocked still want to be the leader of the martial arts alliance. If they say it, they will laugh out their teeth. After reading this, I gave a disdainful glance in the direction of the second prince, but he did a good job this time. At least I know how powerful this mechanism is. I don't care about it, I have the body protection of immortality and invincibility, even if there is poisonous juice and gas, I am not afraid, but I want to wait for me to fly to the opposite side, the mountain there must not be so easy to open, otherwise Taoyuan Will the sect with so many masters in the palace wait so hard for three years to open the door and enter the mountain according to the normal procedure? If the mechanism can be solved by force, they don’t have to wait so long, so I know now, that mechanism It must be impossible to open it manually, but now that the key has rotted, how can I get in?After reading this, I looked around and looked at a few of my subordinates, and looked at them for a while, I don’t care about that much now, let’s take down the second prince first, so thinking of this, I was about to give them an order This order, but at this moment, my eyes suddenly met Mal next to me, and I found that his eyes showed a very subtle feeling through the helmet, and his hand pointed to his own imperceptibly. As soon as I looked into his eyes with my eyesight, all the information in his eyes came into my eyes. He meant to say, "Don't worry, sir, I have a way to get in."

Hehe, this Marr really did not make a mistake. I almost forgot that he is the number one thief. He can sneak into the castle in the sky of the Death Lord’s Hate Valley. I think he must have a way to sneak into the mountain on the other side. That’s it You can't underestimate him, he is not an idler, but to enter the mountain, you must first capture the people present, so after I saw Mal's eyes, the command in my heart was passed on to everyone , although Marr couldn't understand the meaning of the eyes, I told him before going ashore that everything should be done according to the actions of the demon emperor, so as soon as the demon emperor received my order, he immediately moved to the front and flew towards the second prince. Go, the other ten walking corpses will start attacking the other soldiers.

The difference between martial arts and martial arts is incomparably huge. My subordinates' martial arts are very superb, so in less than a minute, everyone on this small floating island fell to the ground except for the 1 of us. At this time, the second prince I was also beaten unconscious by the Demon Emperor. I signaled them, looked at the unconscious soldiers on the ground, and secretly sent a voice transmission to Xuan'er, telling him to sail over and take the more than a hundred soldiers. The captives were taken to the ship, to be dealt with upon my return.

Originally, my Zhanshen was very close to us. After receiving my order, Xuan Er immediately ordered the Zhanshen to come over. Now there are more than 800 soldiers and a hundred boatmen on the Zhanshen. These people are all under the control of Xuan'er, this is my order, and Xuan'er is now my woman, of course she has the right to order them temporarily in my position, so soon the God of War will be launched under the command of Xuan'er Come over, because the blood-red thick fog was broken by the key of the sun and the moon before, so they can see now, and soon they found our position, and then several captains ordered their team members to disembark The hundred or so soldiers and the second prince were all caught on board the boat.

There are a lot of prepared ropes in the warehouse on the ship, and there is also a large storage room on the first floor. There are more than a hundred people in it, which is more than enough to mourn. Although these soldiers are quite good at martial arts, it is for the sake of safety. Just in case, before they were transported onto the ship, I ordered each of my subordinates to have a Dingshen acupuncture point on their bodies. It would take less than a second for a person with internal strength like me to break through this acupuncture point, but These people are different. I have calculated their average strength and internal strength. This internal strength is naturally detected by my external internal strength detection. I think that with their current strength, the success rate of cracking this acupuncture point is only [-]%. One, that is to say, only one of a hundred people has the hope of breaking through, and the time to break through must be at least twelve hours, that is, one day. If they fail, it will also affect their meridians. I think this point they It's clear, with their level, I don't think they are stupid enough to risk damaging their own meridians to do this, so after clicking their acupoints, I feel relieved.

After the soldiers transported all the enemies onto the boat, Xuan'er and Sha'er were left under the boat, two lovely people who were reluctant to part with each other. Seeing their appearance, I couldn't help but feel a little distressed in my heart. She made a small face, and then printed a sweet kiss on each of their pretty faces, and they hugged me extremely reluctantly, and Sha'er even choked up crying and said: "Husband, you must come back safely. "

Xuan'er knows my strength, so she is extremely confident in my force. She is not as worried as Sha'er, but she is still very reluctant to leave me, so when she hugged me, she said softly: "Young master, We are waiting for you, you must come back quickly."

I was delighted to hear the words of the two treasures, so I couldn't help feeling warm in my heart. I hugged the two of them lightly, and couldn't help but promised softly: "Don't worry, your husband will be safe and come back early. You are on the boat." Also be careful, if there is a storm, listen to Captain Li Yi as soon as possible, leave the place earlier, don’t worry about me, I will find you.” Why did I say this, because the two babies are very Those who care about me, with their personalities, I think if there is a natural disaster, they will wait for me at the same place. I am afraid that there will be another tsunami like last time, because the sea area of ​​the island of death is a They are secretive and very dangerous. To prevent this, that's why I said this. The purpose is to make them safe. As for myself, I don't have to worry about it. I think finding them with my ability is like being in a It's as easy as finding eggs in a pot.

Although the two of them are very worried about me in their hearts, they are my treasures, so naturally they listen to me very much, and Xuan'er knows my strength very well, so she firmly believes what I say, This point is the consensus of everyone on board. Now they all regard me as a god. In their hearts, I am a god who can solve everything, and there is nothing difficult to get me.

So after Xuan'er heard about it, she nodded slightly, then lightly patted Sha'er's fragrant shoulders, and said softly: "Sister Sha'er, let's go back to the boat first, I think the young master will be back soon."

"En, good." Sha'er gently wiped away the tears under her eye bags, and then she and Xuan'er walked slowly towards the entrance of the ship. Looking at their backs, I couldn't help but smile knowingly, and then waited for the God of War to leave slowly. After the small floating island, I turned around and looked at Mal, and asked him anxiously: "Okay, how do we get in now, if it's late, I'm afraid they will get what they want, I I want to get them one step faster."

At this time, the Demon Emperor couldn't help but said: "Master, it's okay for them to get it first, why don't we snatch it back from them? Does the master care that their martial arts are superior to ours? I think it's up to the master alone." You can be the opponents of the seven of them, so don't be so worried."

I shook my head slightly when I heard it, then looked at the Shimen on the other side, and murmured, "Of course not, I don't worry that their martial arts will be stronger than ours. The reason why I got Lingbotu first is to give them a Get off your horse and let them know that Taoyuan Palace is not omnipotent." In fact, what I meant by saying this is to let the people in Taoyuan Palace know that I, Xia Yu, are better than them, and they are so stupid that they dare to argue with me. thing.

But now those are all empty words, the most important thing now is how to enter the Hukou mountain gate and enter the mountain. Everyone saw the scene of the soldier suddenly farting in the air just now. It is a very dangerous road, so take the front It's impossible to get in, so I put my hope on Mal, because I saw confidence and firmness in his eyes earlier, it seems that he already has a way to get in.

At this time, as soon as the conversation between the Demon Emperor and I was over, Mal immediately laughed, and then took it out of his arms. Just when we were puzzled, suddenly his hand stretched out, and at this time his hand was There are two more things, I couldn't help but be overjoyed when I heard these two things, not only me, but also the demon emperor looked shocked, hehe, this Mal is really not simple, it seems that I really didn't underestimate him.

There is no doubt that the item in Mal's hand is exactly the same as the key of the sun and the moon that the man in black robe took out earlier, hehe, I couldn't help but smile when I saw it, I patted him on the shoulder, and said happily: "It's really yours!" Ah, this must be the set of Sun and Moon Keys that the man in purple said was missing just now, when did you get it, and how do you know that these two things are very important?" Now I have no doubts about Mal's stealing skills at all, Actually, he stole these two important things just after we boarded the boat. It can be said that he had the foresight. Although I know a lot of professional skills, I don't know anything about theft. I think the technology of stealing things One of them has a very good ability of observation, just like Marr, for a group of people who don’t know each other, he knows what to steal and who to start with. This alone cannot be mastered in a day or two. For example, it seems that there are hundreds of people standing together at the same time, but only one of the hundred people has important things on them. A clever thief can tell who this person is and where his things are at a glance. , This is professional-level knowledge. I think that even if Mal tells me, I may not be able to grasp it immediately. This must be related to observation, not only observation but also insight and experience. A technique that can be mastered instantly with just a glance or two.

(End of this chapter)

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