Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 380 Decisive Battle at Taoyuan Palace

Chapter 380 Decisive Battle at Taoyuan Palace (4)

But no matter what, this Mal made a great contribution the first time he came out with me to do a mission, and he wanted to reward him, but before that, Mal replied: "Mr. Hui, it's actually easy to see, But I can't explain the feeling clearly, but I recognized that the purple-robed man had something important on him the first time I went to this floating island, so I made a move." Sure enough, his answer was exactly as I imagined, It depends on observation and experience, and I don't do it casually, but I didn't ask too much. First of all, time is running out, and second, it's useless to ask. I'm not very interested in stealing, anyway. In the future, I will be relieved to have the talent of Mal by my side, so the technique I learned will be useless, so after I listened to it, I patted him on the shoulder, and then praised him: "Well, well done!" Yes, you have made a great contribution this time, don't worry, I will reward you and punish you, and I will definitely reward you when I go back, as long as I can do it."

When Maer heard what I said, he immediately showed a very happy expression on his face, and then said to me sincerely: "Sir, I don't need to be paid, I just want a new life, I want to go back to my hometown with my husband and follow him for the rest of my life. "

When I heard it, I was inexplicably moved. It seems that this new subordinate is now beginning to like me. It seems that my personality charm is indeed infinite, but I appreciate his idea, so I nodded to him. I secretly swear that I will definitely use this Marr again in the future, because this guy is worthy of me, he is indeed a very good talent.

At this time, when we were talking, the Demon Emperor had already put the key of the sun and the moon in the hole on the ground. At this time, the same as before, the whole mechanism was fully activated, and the familiar Humen entrance was opened from the mountain again. At this time, I waved to the people behind me, and then walked in first. I knew that the real battle was just starting now, and I didn't know how many dangers were waiting for me inside.

There are seven people in the opponent's group, and our group is obviously more than them. Ten walking corpses plus the demon emperor, Marl plus me, a total of thirteen people, our thirteen VS seven people, it seems obvious that we have a good chance of winning, but what, There must be a lot of traps inside. I think it must not be so easy to find Lingbotu. Maybe it is more complicated than the underground secret passage. Otherwise, how could Taoyuan Palace have been searching here for several years without finding it? I'm sure they must have been here three years ago, and those water-proof beads are the evidence. Although the water-proof beads can't tell how old they are, I can still tell from the color and luster of the water-proof beads they used to make the diving court. The beads were not obtained in the last one or two years. I think they must have brought them back here at this time three years ago. If my guess is correct, then they have been here three years ago, and they have not found Lingbotu. It is enough to prove that the structure of this mountain secret passage is much more complicated than imagined.

Just imagine the third picture of Lingbo in the underground secret passage. The people in Taoyuan Palace searched for several years before finding it, and they have also stationed a base near there. It takes nearly a month to drive on the sea, and the door is opened twice in three years, so the Lingbo map hidden here must not be so easy to obtain easily, but fortunately, I met me this time, and I will definitely get it this time. No miscalculation, I didn’t find the real picture like last time, this time I will use [-]% IQ to find the last place of the treasure inside, so now we have to fight time with those seven robed men.

After entering the tiger's mouth gate from the mountain, the mountain began to return to its original shape. In fact, although the mechanism looked very violent from the outside, it seemed that the mountain was shaking very violently, but it was not. I haven’t exercised before. Only then did I know why the mountain was shaking. In fact, it’s like this. This mountain is like an egg. What shakes is actually the eggshell and egg white, and we are in the yolk. , so we have no influence at all, because there are two layers of protection.

Entering the inside is as I imagined, and it is pitch black inside. In fact, I initially expected that I might enter the dark cave, so I prepared a lot of candle lights in advance. In fact, for those of us who use internal strength to improve eye clarity You can see the inside clearly, and you don’t need a candle lamp at all. Now that I think about it, I don’t think I should use a candle lamp, because this time is different from the last time I entered the underground secret passage. Last time, there were too many people to confuse. This time, there were only a few of us inside. If the enemy's robed man found out after lighting the candle, things would be bad, so I didn't ask the demon emperor to take out the candle. In fact, among the 13 of us, Mal It’s nothing more than a person who doesn’t have internal strength. I tried to find a way to make his eyes clear, so I whispered my thoughts in Mal’s ear. I said that we can see the surroundings clearly, in case the other party finds our whereabouts. So We don't light candles, and when Mal heard me say this, he understood very well, which made me extremely gratified. It seems that this Mal also knows how to do things in the occasion, but now he can't see the front so I was about to tell him that I want to use internal force to get used to his meridians so that he can clear his eyes immediately, but for a person who does not know internal force, there may be adverse reactions when inputting internal force into his body for the first time, and it is okay. It won’t work, and if it’s not done well, it’s likely to affect Mal’s body, but Mal is a person who has experienced internal force. He must have seen what internal force is after diving into the valley of death many times, so I let him have a psychological Just prepare, I won't force him, if he doesn't want to, I won't force the internal force into his body, at most let him go out first and wait for us outside.

But Mal is loyal to me now, so he naturally doesn't want to go out so soon, so he shook his head hurriedly when he heard me say this, because now my eyes are extraordinarily clear, so his expression is as bright as daytime , It was very clear, at this moment Mal shook his head and smiled at me, then took out two weird copper ring-like things from his arms, and then buckled them on the eyes, which looked like two lenses without frames Generally speaking, but there is really glass inside the two copper rings. While putting the copper rings on, he said to me: "Sir, this is the night vision ring I invented. After I wear this, it will be dark again." It will be as bright as day." After that, he deliberately took off the copper ring to let me try it, but now I was curious, but I still didn't try it, because I just looked into his eyes from the outside and understood that this They are simple night-vision goggles. It seems that Mal is not only good at stealing, but also very clever at inventing technology. No wonder he sneaked into the Valley of Death many times to steal property without being caught. This must be related to his stealing The play is closely related, hehe, it seems that this time I really picked up a treasure, this Mal is really not easy, but what's even better is that he is now my subordinate, I can't avoid too much this time, He is my subordinate, the stronger his ability, the more helpful he will be to me. Maybe in the future, I will get a lot of good suggestions from him in explaining and creating. It seems that after returning to Middle-earth, let him Going to see my bike, let him improve it, I think the effect will be even better.

Now all 13 of us can walk freely in this dark cave. I thought it was an exquisite secret passage with square bricks and stones around it, but after entering, I realized that it was actually an ordinary cave The cave, and I looked ahead and found that there is no branch road at the end of the cave. Because I am using the internal force to see, my eyes can see quite a long distance at this time. I dare say that I can see , The route within 5000 meters has a panoramic view, but this 5000 meters is actually a straight line, there is no detour, this straight line leads to the depths of this cave, I don’t know if there is a fork at the end of this cave Or some kind of danger, but I can't control so much now, I have to catch up with the seven robed people quickly, so as not to be discovered by them, and then I lose the meaning of trying to be brave.

So after reading this, I mobilized my internal energy, and then gave the Demon Emperor a wink, he immediately picked up Mal, and under my lightness flying, twelve of my subordinates quietly followed me and moved towards the depths ahead quickly. fly away.

Because we have been flying with light work along the way, and I am the leader, so my observations are very subtle, and my toes and body have not touched the surrounding sand walls, so I have not encountered any hidden weapons along the way, but according to my Observation In fact, no matter whether we are flying or walking, I don’t think we will hit any hidden weapons, because I have been observing the surroundings along the way, but I didn’t find any secret passages, but I just don’t know if there are any hidden ones. , but in any case, the 13 of us arrived at the place I saw just now quite safely. Now we are about [-] meters away from the entrance. This is a deep hole, so the further you go in, the more you feel. The more hypoxic we are, the more we can hold our breath with internal force, so that more air can be left for Mal to breathe, because he doesn’t know martial arts and the ability of internal force, so we don’t have to worry about our safety. At this time, I use I looked forward, but this look made me a little happy, because I saw a sand shelter at a distance of about a thousand meters in front of me. Needless to say, that must be the end of the cave, but the strange thing is The cave has always been in a straight line, without even a small detour, let alone a fork, and the height of the cave is uniformly about three meters, and the width is about two meters. There is no other road in sight. entrance, but I didn’t see the figures of the seven robed men. It’s impossible to say that they were hiding in the sand or above. I could see the end of the cave at a glance, and I didn’t find the seven of them at all. At this time, I couldn't help but have a lot of thoughts in my mind.

Could it be that they were hit by a hidden weapon and died?Or did it fall below?However, I didn’t find these two things along the way. It seems that all the answers lie in the distance of the last thousand meters. I don’t believe that they will evaporate out of thin air. This is simply impossible. There are other agencies.

Thinking of this level, I looked at the demon emperor behind me, and told him my thoughts, and he gave me a look in return. His idea was the same as mine, that is to go to the end first and see, if it is true If you can't find the seven people, you have to find a way to see if there is any secret way here.

When I think of the secret passage, I think of all the secret passage mechanisms I have encountered. Those secret passages have a unified feature and are quite hidden. If you want to find the switch of the secret passage in this cave full of sand and gravel It's not easy, but I think I will find out with my IQ. Anyway, what we have to do now is to look at the end first, and then figure out a solution when the time comes.

Thinking of this, I waved my hand forward, and then the internal force on my feet became stronger, and then the 12 of us rushed towards the end like a rocket.

Anyway, this time I must have a good time with the seven robed men in Taoyuan Palace. After I get the Lingbo map, I will fight with them to let them know that no matter how strong Taoyuan Palace is, they will not be able to provoke me. Because I am very likely to be the future king of Middle-earth, the master who will unify the entire Middle-earth world.So if they want to fight with me, I won't be afraid of them at all, but it's not easy to make them afraid of me, so this time I'm going to show off. Thinking of this, the end of the sand shelter that was a thousand meters away from us It's getting closer and closer, but this time I was surprised, because at the end I found something that made me very happy, and that thing was the root cause of the seven robed men disappearing into this cave

(End of this chapter)

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