Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 381 Decisive Battle at Taoyuan Palace

Chapter 381 Decisive Battle at Taoyuan Palace (5)

It turned out that there was a small burrow there, because although the road is flat, there are also differences in height and height, and this burrow is very hidden, so I couldn't see a burrow here when I wasn't close to it just now. The burrow is actually a hole in the ground caused by the loss of pine. When I got to the edge of the hole, I looked down and found that the scene below was also in a cave like the one above. I thought the seven robed men must have jumped down. No wonder they disappeared from above, it turned out to be the reason.

At this point, of course, I don’t need to think too much, I just waved to the 12 people behind me, and then jumped into the hole first. The hole is about half a meter wide, and the soil surface from the top to the bottom is also It is about three meters high, so with our qinggong, there will be no sound at all when it falls, and it is very safe. At this time, I was the first to jump down, followed by Yaohuang and Maer. Although Malta doesn't know martial arts, it is quite easy for him to jump off this height. Behind them, there are ten walking corpses right behind him. Our group of 13 people calmly I jumped off the ground of the next floor, and then after I landed, I looked around and found that the structure inside was exactly the same as that of the previous floor, the only difference was that the direction of the entrance was different, and now we are at the end of the next floor The only way we can go now is another straight line in the opposite direction. As on the previous floor, we quickly flew to the end of this floor, and I didn’t touch the ground just like before. Like the stone wall, it is just a natural flight, but, as before, no traces of traps or hidden weapons have been found. It seems that this cave may be a naturally formed cave, and the inside has not been artificially modified to become a very hidden one. The murder cave, but since there are no traps inside, why is there such a powerful trap at the door?
This point is definitely unexpected. The only way to unlock the secret here is to fly to the end quickly. Speaking of which, the distance from this side to the end is about 500 meters, but we added After a few minutes of flying at high speed, we soon reached the end. Surprisingly, the end of the second floor is completely different from the first floor. Why, there is a small hole in the first floor that can be dropped. People come in, but there is nothing on this floor. To put it bluntly, this floor is a dead end, but I know there must be a secret door inside, otherwise the people in Taoyuan Palace cannot disappear out of thin air. When explaining, Mal took the lead, and then drummed on the wall, and then heard the crisp sound of his fingers tapping on the wall. Needless to say, this wall is obviously a hollow wall.

However, while Mal was knocking on the wall, the other hand was looking for something at the bottom of the wall. After a while, he didn't know what he pressed, and the empty wall suddenly split open, and then, the next to it The Demon Emperor pushed lightly, and the door creaked open. I saw that the door had opened, so I walked in first. I walked in the front, and the others followed me. This door is not very big, we are used to fish.

After entering the door, my first reaction was to look around. Only then did I realize that the place is not big, and the environment inside can be seen clearly at a glance. In the space of about a hundred square meters, I found it at a glance. They were standing in front of a bridge-shaped object in front of us at the moment, and they had obviously spotted us. At this moment, the man in black robe hurriedly shouted to the others: "Leave them alone, go get the Lingbo map quickly." He thought I wanted to grab it, but in fact he was right.

I looked in front of them. In fact, there was only a bridge and a high platform in this space. The bridge was very short, about ten meters away, and below the bridge was the familiar blood-red sea water.

At this time, I saw those six purple-robed men moving weirdly fast on the bridge. Although the distance was a little far away, I could still see clearly that there were many sun and moon patterns engraved on the bridge. , each pattern is as big as a footprint, I looked at those patterns, they are all messy and intertwined, obviously this is a step formation, I think if you take a wrong step, your life will definitely be in danger, but look at those The actions of the purple-robed man obviously had already seen through the movement of this formation.

Hmph, how easy is it to take away what I want in front of me? I read this, and as soon as my eyes passed, at the same time, the demon emperor and ten walking corpses charged straight up. They didn't even go up. Attacking the opponent, but when there is a certain distance from the opponent, all of them radiate the strongest limit of internal force at the same time. At this moment, I can feel that the seven robed men are a little flustered, especially the six purple robes. At this moment, the steps under my feet have become a little messy. When I saw this, I smiled coldly, and when I was about to make up for them, I suddenly heard a dull cry from a purple-robed man on the bridge. Immediately afterwards, that The bridge deck suddenly began to vibrate, and in an instant, I saw clearly that the seven robed men standing on the bridge deck were all turned into dry bones at that instant, and then they seemed to be forced by a certain suction force in the water. As if pulled, the seven mummies fell into the blood-red water with a bang. This scene was as weird as it could be.

But I really feel a pity, the martial arts of these seven people are definitely not much worse than my subordinates, maybe even stronger than them, but they just died in this inexplicable sea water, it is really a pity to say it , but now is not the time to regret it, because I feel that the bridge has begun to shake more and more intensely, and the soil on the ceiling has also begun to fall downwards. I think this place is about to collapse, but I can't rush over it rashly. Gan said that there must be something strange in the blood-red sea water, otherwise the seven top masters could not be swallowed in an instant.

Just when I was eager for success, Mal next to me quickly walked towards the direction of the bridge, and then quickly walked on the pattern on the bridge before the bridge was about to collapse. A thief is a thief. You can see through this kind of foot formation His way of walking, he quickly crossed the bridge, and then he took the brocade box on the high platform opposite the bridge and ran back quickly on the same road. At this time, I found that the patterns on the bridge began to shift directions , It turns out that these patterns can be changed by themselves, but Marr is worthy of being the number one thief. No matter how the patterns change, he still walks quickly on them without incident, and soon walked out of the bridge. At this time, the entire cave also had a landslide Feeling cracked, I gave the demon emperor a wink, and then the demon emperor quickly put Mal on his back, our internal strength was raised sharply, our feet were strengthened, and we flew back and forth quickly.

Along the way, crushed rocks and mud were blowing towards us, and the sky kept falling rocks and mud. Fortunately, our internal strength had increased to a level several times higher than when we came, so it took less than a minute to go back.

When we reached the entrance on the first floor, the tiger’s mouth door opened automatically again. We quickly ran out, and then reached the shore. At this time, the submerged bridge floated up again. We frantically flew to the opposite side of the bridge, waiting for us to be safe again. When I returned to the small floating island, I looked back and found that the mountain had completely collapsed, and it became a pile of rotten rocks in an instant.

This time there was no danger. It was the first time that I became a little nervous about such an adventure. At this time, I tried my best to tell Xuan'er that they were coming to pick us up, and at the same time took the brocade box in Mal's hand, opened it At first glance, there was a picture of Lingbo that had been placed for many years. I flipped through it and found that it was the seventh picture of Lingbo. Hehe, Taoyuan Palace spent so many years and lost countless elites to change What I got was nothing, and I was inexplicably excited at this moment.

Originally it was supposed to be a decisive battle with the National People's Congress of Taoyuan Palace this time, but I don't know whether it was God's intention to help me or my luck, since we won without a fight, it seems that this is really God's will.

(End of this chapter)

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