Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 393 Meeting

Chapter 393 Meeting (1)
When I heard him ask this question, I couldn't help but smiled wryly and said, "Maybe it's some god, but I don't even know."

"That's all, that's all, I won't ask any more." At this time, the emperor could only wave his hands helplessly when he heard this, and then continued: "Okay, don't mention this, go visit your mother and concubine first. Well, she is looking forward to your return, she has shed countless tears, although she likes to gamble, she still cares about you very much." Father stood up, took my hand and went out.

"Abiding by the order." My father and I smiled at each other, and then sent an order to drive to my mother's bedroom.I thought of the safe reunion of my family, and I felt warm in my heart. Speaking of family affection, it was deeply buried in my heart after my trip to Suzhou.

After receiving the notification from Liu Yuxi, my mother had been waiting at the door of the bedroom for a long time. When she saw me driving with my father, the eagerness on my face was wiped away, and I hurriedly bowed to my father, and then pulled me to the door. In his arms, his mouth probably began to sob while he was uttering missing words.

My nose became sore again, and I couldn't think of the comforting words I thought of. I just kept saying: "The child is not filial, and the mother is worried." It is a bit false, but it is also true. I don't even know how I feel about this mother.

The father was still cheerful, and said: "My concubine, it is a happy thing for the emperor to come home today, stop crying, come here, ask the imperial kitchen to bring the dishes, I will have a dinner here today, concubine love , I remember that a few years ago I gave you two altars of Yujianchun, originally intended to drink with you on the fifth Huanger's tenth birthday, but I asked someone to take them out, and today is just to cleanse the emperor's dust."

"Okay, please wait." The concubine mother smiled and went to get the wine, and then came back after a while: "The emperor only has one jar, and the other jar seems to have been drunk."

"Okay, one altar is one altar, dear concubine, we want to listen to the interesting stories of the emperor's son in the southern country tonight." The father did not take it seriously.

The next night, I was the one to tell the story of my time in the southern country. I looked at the table full of delicacies, but I couldn’t find my mouth to eat a few mouthfuls. I could only hold back the drooling that was secreted a lot, and kept talking. I didn't want to spoil his interest and whet his appetite.It seems that Xia Yi inherited this from his father, and he has been unwilling to stop when it sounds interesting.

When I talked about it all the way, it was quite exciting. When I mentioned that I was almost injured by gunpowder, my mother and concubine screamed in worry, and when I said that Zhucheng was going to attack secretly, even my father had a serious face and took a picture. The table seemed to be furious. When it came to helping the fat man unify the cities, the old man couldn't help but interjected: "My lord, listen to your words. That fat general is ungrateful and ambitious. Why don't you help the rebel army secretly?" , make them fight endlessly, and never have a peaceful day, wouldn't it be better?"

"Father Huang Shengming, all the counselors under my son and ministers discussed for several days before discussing that the peaceful unification of the southern kingdom is beneficial to our dynasty." I thought for a while and then answered.

"Oh?" The old man stroked his hair and hurriedly asked, "Listen to Yu'er."

"There are many reasons." This is not to show off, but mainly because I am too smart, so I think on many levels.

I thought for a while and then said, "First, the Southern Kingdom has always been our ally, but it is a vassal state that pays tribute every year. How can I ignore the internal turmoil in it? Losing the Southern Kingdom is a small matter, but losing all the vassals is a big concern."

"Secondly, the southern country is not far from our dynasty. If there is internal turmoil and the people are in dire straits, thieves will gather. The people of the southern country are accustomed to living on the sea and are fierce. They will harass our coastal states and counties for a long time. The ocean is vast. It is extremely long, it is difficult to clear it, and it has become a major disaster along the coast." Speaking of this point, it is to avoid war, and I think my father understands.

"Thirdly, although the southern country has a narrow territory and lack of resources, the island is densely covered with volcanoes and is rich in sulfur, one of the raw materials for gunpowder. , should avoid today's riots. It is better to make mines and logging for our dynasty forever than to destroy their race."

"Fourth, if I want to refine compound products in the future, I will need to destroy a large number of trees. Some of them are also highly poisonous, which is extremely dangerous. If I want to move them to the southern country and use southerners to produce them, I can avoid them. It's a disaster without reason." Speaking of this, I felt a little evil in my heart.

"Fifth, has your father ever forgotten that there are still several countries on the east coast of the ocean, their culture is weak, but they are extremely warlike, their iron smelting skills are better than ours, and their ships can also come to our dynasty by luck. Fangsa, my son heard that my father ordered a man-made ship, but I haven't got it for several years. The craftsmen really have more than enough energy. If the future comes to attack from the east, the Southern Kingdom will be my first layer of barriers, allowing the people of the Southern Kingdom to Let’s test it first, and waste its food and morale.” Anyway, the idea in my heart is to let Nanguo be used as cannon fodder.

"Sixth, the national power of the southern country is low. I can dump all the discarded things that I have in the future, and exchange them for useful things such as grain and wood. I can also promote Buddhism to it, domesticate its barbaric folk customs, and make it permanent. A minister of the Hua Ming Dynasty."

I thought about it, and finally concluded: "Father, you must know that a strong dog is better than a servant who is dying of illness."

My mother was in a daze, she didn't need to think to know that she didn't understand what I said, but my father was obviously overwhelmed by my reasoning, and looked at me with approval, obviously he didn't think of me With such an idea, let alone such unheard words as chemical compound and dumping.He still understood the meaning, then he raised his head and took a sip of wine, sighed: "Yu'er is far-sighted, and the emperor is ashamed of himself, but it seems that Yu'er has enmity with Nanguo, so cruel, but don't care How should I put it, it seems that the father did not spoil you wrongly, hehe!" After we finished speaking, we laughed tacitly.

The mother understood this sentence, she burst out laughing, and said: "Your Majesty is really good at joking, how could Yu'er have enmity with that small country in her previous life? My Majesty, my Majesty praised you, so why don't you thank your father?" .”

Originally, we were like sworn friends with my father, but I still had to put on a show in front of my mother, so I hurriedly said: "Thank you for your compliment, but if you don't use this plan to counter the ambition of the wolf in the southern country, you will definitely lose it in the future." Harm me, our people of Huaming, and cause great trouble to our confidantes!" Royal father naturally understood what I meant, so he took another sip of wine.

But seeing my mother getting more and more confused, my father and I looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"Qi Zou, Your Majesty, Your Concubine, there is a letter from outside the palace, saying that there is news about the uncle of the country." At this moment, an eunuch just came in from the door, knelt down, held a letter above his head, and presented it .

I took the letter first and couldn't wait to open it and read it.The letter was written by Master Taiji of the Huawu Academy. The ink was still wet, and it was obvious that it was sent to the palace in a hurry not long after it was written. The smile froze all of a sudden, and he asked in a trembling voice, "Yu'er, is there something wrong with your uncle?"

"Father, mother concubine, something happened to my uncle." I presented the letter to my father: "The letter said that the people sent to look for it found that all six of my uncle's entourage had been killed. The remote place on Mount Mang outside the capital was discovered by the locals, but my brother-in-law has no whereabouts." Now the royal father knows about it, so I don't need to use my power, I think the royal father will deal with it.

As soon as I finished speaking, my mother's face turned pale, tears welled up in her eyes, and she was speechless when she reached her mouth.

I calmed down, thought for a while, walked to her side, took a handkerchief, wiped her tears, and comforted her: "Mother, please don't be sad. The letter said that no body was found. I think my brother-in-law is not dead. If my brother-in-law There was also an accident, and it must be buried in one place, and most of my uncles are not in danger." I turned to my father, and continued: "Father, those attendants are all superb martial arts guards in Suzhou. To resist, it seems that it is either bandits with a huge number of people, or there are more powerful masters. If bandits, they must gather in Mang Mountain, and they only need to send people to encircle and suppress them. If it is the latter, they must be aiming at I don’t know what kind of enemies my uncle has offended, he even dared to hijack my uncle.” I think it’s easy to find out, but the matter fell into the ears of my father, so now I won’t be in the limelight.

The mother woke up a little bit after hearing the sound, knelt down beside the emperor, hugged his leg, and said with a sob: "Your Majesty, you have to be the master for my concubine."

"Bang." With a bang, Father slapped the letter on the table and said angrily, "Damn it, the servant of the Ministry of Punishment told me this morning that the people in the world are simple and simple. Except for the riots in central Sichuan, there are only one or two major incidents this year. The case, you don’t have to worry about defending against foreign enemies. Unexpectedly, at night, you will know that my uncle was robbed, and he is still near Dongdu. He is by my side. Someone, go and call the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment and the servant to wait in the imperial study. Concubine Ai, don't worry, I will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly and send my uncle back." I saw this and saw the angry look of my father, it seems that the person who touched my uncle this time can't escape, even if I escape I won't let it go, but this matter will have to wait for the father to settle it.

The eunuch who delivered the letter responded with a "leader" and ran out in a hurry. It seems that someone is going to be unlucky tonight.

The originally enjoyable dinner was disrupted just like that. The three of us were all frowning, each thinking about our own concerns.For a while, no one spoke in the room, only the intermittent sobbing of the mother was heard.

At first, the emperor couldn't sit still, stood up and walked around the room a few times, and said: "Yu'er, you are here to take care of your mother and concubine, I will go to the imperial study now." Then he went straight out.

I know Father is worried that the potential danger close to the capital will change during the war, and he is in a hurry to clear it up.

I comforted my mother for a long time, saying that my little uncle is blessed by God, so don’t worry too much. My father also agreed. I think there shouldn’t be a big problem. Seeing that her expression still didn’t change, I changed the subject. , Talking about the situation at home when I was in Suzhou, the improvement of my grandfather's condition and some knowledge, I finally persuaded her. It was very late, and I didn't have time to consult with Yaohuang and the others, so I went to bed first.

The next day I got up early, and I asked my mother and concubine to greet me. I didn't even have time to practice the female thaumaturgy, so I went to find someone to find out the news. I wanted to know what the father was going to do. Knowing that the royal court is not yet over today, I went to the workshop first. Since I heard about my uncle’s accident yesterday, there are a lot more guards today. In addition to the original guards, there is also a small team of imperial guards, but I know These people were transferred by the father. It seems that when the father gets angry, the efficiency of the officials below will be greatly accelerated, and the safety of the royal family has begun to be strengthened.To be honest, sometimes my orders are more effective than those of my father.

The craftsman's workshop is still tightly surrounded. Liu Yuxi arrived earlier than me and is already sitting there. He doesn't know much about crafts, but he is teaching some middle-aged craftsmen to read and write. It is passed down through precepts and deeds, many of which are not recorded in writing. Once the successor has an accident, the craftsmanship will be lost, but once it is recorded, it will inevitably spread, and the unique craftsmanship will no longer be so advantageous. I should consider how to make a The patent law came out to protect their interests.

Now the number of apprentices in the workshop has reached four to five hundred. Since I am training professionals, many of them already have a science level equivalent to that of junior high school in my previous life. I originally planned to let them work morally, intellectually, physically, and aesthetically. Well-rounded, it turned out to be a beautiful work of art that made me change my mind.

The old craftsman who made this treasure, which is called a national treasure, proudly told me that this is the result of his whole life experience, and it would be absolutely impossible to make it without a six-year-old effort. , a person's life is too short, and there are too many things to learn, how many people can be in a technology for 60 years?In this era, not many people can live beyond seventy, so time is even more precious.

(End of this chapter)

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