Best Evil Emperor

Chapter 394 Meeting

Chapter 394 Meeting (2)
In the end, I let those children only learn basic knowledge of arts and sciences, and after they are twelve or thirteen years old, they can directly participate in the research of a certain small project or even a smaller branch, which can make them available talents as soon as possible.

Liu Yuxi and I greeted all the apprentices, and met Mal again. He was used to him in our country in the past two days, and then called the apprentices to continue the class, and then called some old craftsmen into the meeting.

When I entered the back room, I was the first to speak: "Guys, I just returned to the capital not long ago. I don't know what happened this month? Is there any news about my brother-in-law?" In fact, asking for news is just a formality. Let me know, I will not hinder the emperor's work. .

"Your Highness, it was only yesterday that someone came to report the matter of Uncle Guo. Yesterday, Taoist Priest Wuji immediately wrote a letter and sent it to the palace when he received the news. We only found out this morning, but we heard from Lord Liu Yuxi that the Ministry of Punishment has sent people to the East Du, he said he wanted to search the mountains, and the emperor issued a decree, if he can't find the uncle, he will withdraw the servant of the Ministry of punishment, please don't worry, Your Highness, we all think that the uncle is not killed."

Then I analyzed the reason for me, which is similar to what I said to comfort my mother yesterday, but they think that banditry is unlikely, most of it is the work of the enemy, but I can't think of anyone who is so bold as to dare to fight against Uncle Guo and the people in the palace. When the guards attacked, they seemed to be people from the Jianghu.

Let's put this matter aside for now, and wait for the news from the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Then I looked at the team captains Liu Yuxi called, and after looking at them, I asked, "What about the battle on the front line?"

"Your Highness, we have been in the capital for a few days, and we heard about the East Turkic crime." As usual, the captain of the first team was the first to speak: "The current Turkic Khan is called Jieli, the eldest son of Old Huyu Khan. Known for his bravery, he has been brooding since he was defeated by His Majesty ten years ago. At the beginning of this year, he won the title of Khan, and within three months he unified several tribes, big and small. It is said that this time gathered 10 people from all sides Invading Guanzhong, at the same time, the Tuyuhun Kingdom in the west also began to stockpile troops and prepare food on the border, and it seems that there is also a conspiracy, and it is said that there are also [-] troops."

"Oh, what's the situation now?" I nodded and asked again.

"When the emperor got the news, he sent the First Prince and the Second Prince to lead 8 troops to Longyou Road to resist the Turks. His Highness the Second Prince led [-] troops to Jiannan Road. Firstly, to confront Tuyuhun, and secondly, to suppress Jiannan A riot." Then he added: "The disappearance of these military departments is very reliable." After they became my personal guards, they also knew my power. I told the demon emperor that this was to let them Work for me more effectively.

"Where are those generals? Why are the princes leading troops to fight?" I don't understand, is it the old woman's decision?

The captain of the first team glanced at me and said: "It's the Queen Mother's order. The princes are called leaders, but they are actually supervisors. Every large-scale army battle must be led by a prince. First, he can supervise the generals and avoid them. Supporting the self-respect of the soldiers can stabilize the morale of the army and show that the royal family and the soldiers will advance and retreat together. This was decided by the previous dynasty, and this plan was used by the Queen Mother. I heard that several princes have died on the battlefield since the previous dynasty. "I've read this in the history books, but it's just the rules of the previous court. I didn't expect the old woman to be so rigid. The eldest prince is his favorite prince, and he was sent to the front line. But that's fine, if the eldest prince is fart, It's easy.

However, although I have traveled around the world for many days, I have never fought a war since I was born. I only heard about the only civil strife in the south. , you should pay more attention to this military matter in the future.”

"Definitely." Upon hearing this, the captains got up and saluted. It seemed that they were very grateful for my kindness.

Looking at their loyal faces, I was very happy, and then I asked: "In your opinion, what is the outcome of this battle?"

This time it was the captain of the fifth team who spoke: "I will wait for the preliminary discussion and think that our army has the upper hand."

The captain of the fifth team is very young, only in his early thirties, and he looks very young among a group of captains in their 40s and [-]s. It is said that he was a failed student in the capital who was looking for opportunities in the capital. Later, he joined the army for various reasons. Can be considered a man.

He paused and continued: "The Turkic 5 cavalry invaded. It is said that I was caught off guard against the Great Wall defense line, so I let them attack. Now the First Prince and the Second Prince each have [-] horses, and together with the Longyou garrison there are about [-] troops. Wan, confronting the enemy, I predict that our army will adopt the strategy of fortifying the wall and clearing the field. The Turkic cavalry is certainly unparalleled in the world, but it can't take advantage of more than twice the force of the previous one. Wait until their food and grass are in short supply and the army's morale is in a state of confusion. If you hit it, you will definitely win. I have used this method to defeat the enemy twice before, but this time I don't know what new strategy Jieli Khan will have."

"Strong walls and clear fields? Isn't it miserable for the people outside the city?" I frowned when I heard that.

"Your Highness, if the Turks are allowed to obtain fodder and food, more families will be ruined, and soldiers will be abandoned to save the car. It is really unacceptable." The captain of the fifth team also has some conscience, but war is cruel.

"Well, what if our artillery meets the Turkic cavalry?" I thought about it and asked again.

The captain of the fifth team has obviously considered this question, and replied without thinking: "The artillery is very effective in defending the city. If there are more numbers on flat ground, it can also defeat a team of cavalry. However, according to the experiment, there are still limitations. The disadvantages are: first, the artillery is heavy, if it is too big, it will be difficult to carry, and if it is too small, it will not be powerful enough; second, the artillery shells will not kill enough. Although the flesh and blood are hard to resist, one shot only hurts a few people, which is still a drop in the bucket compared to a [-] army The third is that the production of powerful gunpowder is extremely difficult and costly. If these three problems can be solved, let alone the mere Turkic horse bandits, the whole world will become my Huaming territory." It seems that he is talented in this area Very high, I did not misread the wrong person and recruited them to the personal guards.

I remembered that my father wanted me back because of the difficulty of making gunpowder, so I turned to a few craftsmen and asked, "Everyone has had a hard time in recent days, but now I am in a hurry. I wonder how the artillery research is progressing now? "

A few craftsmen didn't understand military affairs, and they didn't care at all. After listening for a while, most of them were a little drowsy, and they woke up a little when I asked this question.

Daoist Wuji is always in good spirits, so he answered me first: "Your Highness, the Institute of Chemical Engineering has started to develop jacks and artillery vehicles. We have also studied the artillery shells. It turned out that they were fused together with scrap iron, and they were indeed not powerful enough. Several craftsmen discussed it and decided to change it to twist thin iron sheets and iron wires together to make cannonballs, but they haven’t tried it, so I don’t know how effective it will be.”

"Very good, I think the power will be much stronger." I was overjoyed when I heard that, and then continued: "Now we have built [-] gates, enough to cover [-] defenders. By the way, you can build dozens more generators. Copper wire coils need to be wound several times more, and more iron bars are made, the more the better.” They have now fully grasped these high-tech.

"Obey!" Although I don't know what I want to do, but the real Wuji agreed very readily, because every time my request was so unbelievable, but it always worked unexpectedly, which is why they are willing to follow me wholeheartedly. Because I am a far-sighted person, mixing with me will lead to a big career.

"How is gunpowder production going now?" After asking Taoist Master Wuji, I asked another person.

"Returning to Your Highness, that nitrate is indeed difficult to refine, and only a few hundred catties have been produced in half a month. I have failed my expectations!" I can't remember the name of this person, so I call him Mr. A.

I smiled when I heard it: "You don't have to blame yourself? It's not easy if you have hundreds of catties." I remembered that in this era, there are no large-scale reaction vessels that can be produced continuously, and it is indeed difficult to make a large amount of chemical reagents. , if it wasn't for the accumulation of raw materials, it would be great to be able to make a catty.

I thought about it for a while, and decided to use the black powder I decided last night, and said to him: "This is too slow, I think we should continue to use the old method of making black powder, but the sulfur, saltpeter and charcoal need to be purified and finely twisted. Carefully mix the proportions, and the power should be greatly increased. In addition, nitrocellulose, also known as gun cotton, can be made. The method is simple. It can be obtained by dehydrating and nitrifying cotton in sulfuric acid and nitric acid. Although it cannot be used for artillery, it can be made into gunpowder. Bag, you can take it with you to attack the camp.” I feel that now I am about to become a pioneer of hot weapons.

"Why can't it be used for artillery? Why is that?" Hearing something new, Mr. A's interest came up again (There are many characters in this book, which lasted half a year. I really can't remember the name of this person, so I use This A Jun instead).

I looked at the two captains on the other side who started to look around, and hurriedly brought back the topic I had left off: "I'll talk to you about this after the meeting, now continue the topic just now, captain of the fifth team, you continue."

"Hearing what your Highness said just now, it must be able to solve a few problems. Your Highness is indeed a great talent." The captain of the fifth team was overjoyed, and then a little regretful: "It's a pity that the distant water can't quench the near thirst, and this time it may not be necessary. It’s a pity that the people in several states in the north, alas.” It seems that he is a sentimental person. To be honest, I can kill people, but I have a natural compassion for the people, because in my previous life, I was an ordinary student civilian who couldn’t be more ordinary. .

After listening, I nodded and said, "Well, we'll talk about this later, let's continue talking about the status of this battle."

"Yes, Your Highness, we are more likely to win the Turkic side, but it is difficult to defeat the enemy in the short term. The Tuyuhun side has mixed results. Its claim of 20 is exaggerated, but it is also possible to get [-] to [-]. The border guards are about [-], and His Highness the Second Prince has [-], which is still slightly less than the enemy. However, the generals under the Second Prince are all brave and powerful generals, and there are two other military divisions who can make good decisions. The rebellion can prove it." The second prince was a stationed envoy before, so he is still a little level in terms of using troops, but the loss of so many soldiers in Heifengya may be caused by his rushing too fast.

"I also know about the second prince's mansion. It has recruited countless capable men and sages, and it is like a small court. But now he is dying. Everyone has seen it in Farland. His morale has plummeted, but I still hope that he will Don't lose this time." Although we have a bad relationship with him, but now he is going to the front for Hua Mingchao, so I wish him well, and I smiled slightly after thinking about it.

But when I mentioned the second prince, I thought about it again, and then said, "Although I have more talented people under my staff now, I would like to learn from the second prince and build a mansion outside the palace to recruit talents. Fellow villagers can also recommend them, as long as they have talent and can pass the exam, they will be summoned to the government, focusing on literature and martial arts, well, the chief examiner will hand it over to the captain of the third team and Liu Yuxi." One Wen and one Wu are just a pair.

"Of order." The two hurriedly replied after hearing the words.

Seeing that things were almost finished, I said, "Okay, that's all for today, the meeting is over. By the way, Liu Yuxi will stay here for a while, and I have a few words to tell you. Masters of the Craftsmanship Club, go to the courtyard first. Wait for me, and I'll talk about the gunpowder in detail later." I don't like to hold long meetings, and every time I arrange things, the meeting ends.

"His Royal Highness, please slow down." At this time, the captain of the first team stopped me, and then said bluntly: "Your Highness, you know the current situation. The eldest prince is protected by the Queen Mother. If His Highness wants to fight for the throne, the art of artillery is fundamental. Now The emperor ordered to send [-] guns to the front line, it will not take many days, other princes can imitate, then it will be against us, Your Highness must make up his mind, don't let the artillery leak out." I have thought about this a long time ago.

So I chuckled and said, "Do you know why I want to sit on that throne?" I mentioned this to them before, I want to be the master, and before he could answer, I continued, "I want all the nations in this world to use my splendor." The Ming Dynasty is respected and wants my Huaming people to have no worries about food and clothing, and to be admired and respected everywhere. Now that the Turks are attacking, how can I see the iron cavalry raging and harming my people, and hide the artillery for my own selfishness? Deal with me, light They are not qualified to use artillery, don't worry, send the latest artillery to fight back the enemy first, and I will take care of myself in the future."

"Yes, obey!" Hearing what I said, they admired me even more.

(End of this chapter)

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