The lord is looking at me

Chapter 402 Don't Want to Know

Chapter 402 Don't Want to Know

Because she slept a lot, Wei Yue felt that her energy was extremely good at this time, and her mood seemed to become brighter. Looking at the perfect sleeping face beside her, it really made people want to pinch it.

Looking at a big man at such a close distance, it seems that his skin can almost squeeze out water. He is really more perfect than a woman. How can there be such a person in this world.

Could it be that when he followed him before, no matter where he went, he was the focus of everyone's attention!

"Hiss!" At this moment, some voices sounded outside the tent.

Wei Yue reluctantly turned her eyes away from the people around her, and looked outside. At this time, a person seemed to be standing there waving at her.

She knows that person, isn't it Long San?The girl who is always sullen.

Looking at the two figures on the couch inside, Long San's face turned livid, especially when she saw that stinky girl could look at her master so majestically, she also felt a little bit upset in her heart, so she said hello, I plan to horn her out.

Although Wei Yue was reluctant, she didn't know what was going on outside, so she got up slowly and walked outside.

But as soon as he walked out of the tent, there was a sudden gust of wind, as if something was suddenly approaching him.

Because he was unprepared, Wei Yue was taken aside in an instant, and didn't stop until his back touched the big tree on one side.

"Warning, don't get too close to master." Looking at the figure in front of him, Long San's expression was very serious.

Feeling her clothes being strangled, Wei Yue frowned slightly. Is she planning to do something this early in the morning?

Sensing her doubts, Long San's expression became even more strange, "If you want to save your life, you'd better listen to me."

Seeing that she didn't look like she was joking, Wei Yue gently reached out and put her hand on the opponent's fist, "Aren't you also very close?"

Although this person is the bodyguard of a big man, he is always inseparable. Could it be that this bodyguard has other thoughts in his heart?

Hearing that she dared to answer like this, Long San was slightly taken aback, but quickly calmed down, "Do you think our master hasn't fallen in love with a woman for so many years?"

Seeing that she seemed to be about to gossip, Wei Yue immediately became interested, and with a very clever footwork, he retreated completely while attacking the opponent with both hands, "Does this have something to do with me?"

Looking at the guard in front of him, he seemed to be very serious.

Seeing her cleverly avoiding him like that, Long San was surprised, but also shocked in his heart. Although he had heard about the ability of this stinky girl, he had never tried it. Today, such a small move is enough to see out of her abilities.

"I'm so hungry, I'm going to eat." Seeing the other party's silent look, Wei Yue rubbed his stomach, obviously fell asleep while eating last night, why did he start to be hungry again after waking up.

I feel like if this goes on, I'm really going to become a rice bucket.

Maybe it was because I was too busy some time ago, and I didn't have time to rest and eat at all, so now that I relax, my food intake is almost several times that of before!

Seeing her being so indifferent, Long San was really puzzled, "The women who have been in contact with the master before are all dead, don't you want to know?"

"Oh." It sounded quite scary, Wei Yue thought about it, and continued to walk forward, intending to see what to eat.

It seems to be on the top of the mountain, but several temporary houses have been built on the surrounding open space, like a place for cooking, and the fragrance can be smelled from a distance.

Seeing her indifferent, Long San began to have some doubts, "Are you really not afraid of death?"

In the past few years, there have been many women who came to the door on their own initiative, but all of them died inexplicably. She still hasn't figured out the strangeness. , things seemed to be different from what she expected.

"Death? Of course I'm afraid!" Wei Yue replied as a matter of course, looking at the food on the table.

It looks like someone has already prepared breakfast!

Looking at the calm figure in front of him, the corners of Long San's mouth twitched, "I advise you, in this world, no one can get along with our master for more than a month. Anyone who stays with the master will die."

"So he's so scary!" Wei Yue unceremoniously picked up the pastry in front of her and stuffed it into her mouth, answering vaguely.

Does this big man have any special hobbies?

Seeing that she seemed to be joking, Long San's mouth twitched, "All these years, except for that woman, no one has stayed with the master for a month. As soon as the time comes, they will die inexplicably. If you don't want to die, you'd better leave the master farther away."

Seeing her keep yelling to leave by herself, Wei Yue suddenly became unhappy, bit the pastry in her hand hard, stared at the figure in front, "January? I have known him for several months from the beginning!"

And who is that woman?
When she said this, Long San was slightly taken aback, yes, they seemed to have known each other for a long time before they knew it, but why didn't the spell come true?

"Oh! Don't worry about it, thank you for your concern." Looking at the pensive man in front of him, Wei Yue's eyes flashed an intriguing light. It seems that this matter seems to be quite strange.

Thinking of the phantom beast I saw in the cold pool when I was just reborn, I always vaguely feel that the phantom beast does not seem to be from this continent, let alone from the God Realm. The only possibility is that it is from the Demon Realm or the Nether Realm .

If that phantom beast is really related to a big shot, what happened to him?Could it be that the women who approached him all died because of his illness?

Looking at the indifferent figure in front of him, the corners of Long San's mouth twitched even more, it seemed that it was useless for her to say anything at this time, "You don't want to know who the woman the master liked before?"

This person is jealous, if this stinky girl is really interested in her master, she must want to know, right?
"I don't want to know." Wei Yue directly refused, "What does this past matter have to do with me?"

Looking at her absolutely firm expression, it seemed that she was not interested, which made Long San a little puzzled, "That's the only woman the master has ever liked!"

Seeing her mysterious appearance, Wei Yue became even less interested. Who does this big man like, does it have anything to do with her?Even if there is a relationship, since this is already a thing of the past, what can be changed if we know it?
"That's the one..." Looking at the other party's pensive look, Long San approached the other party pretending to be mysterious, and was about to speak clearly, but didn't want to be hit by something in the back suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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