The lord is looking at me

Chapter 403 3 Years Period

Chapter 403 The three-year period
Because he was eager to explain to the other party, Long San naturally relaxed his vigilance, and was about to tell the other party, but suddenly, there was a burst of pain in his back, as if someone had slapped him hard.

"Little thing, I woke up really early." At this time, a leisurely voice came from one side, as if there was no tone, it seemed very gentle.

Looking at the slowly moving figure, Wei Yue suddenly realized that just now she was still wondering why the female guard was suddenly sent flying, but now it seems to be a masterpiece of a big shot!
"Master...Master." He slapped the palm abruptly, and Long San struggled to move forward, wiping the blood stains from the corner of his mouth.

"You seem to have talked too much today." Yin Xuan walked slowly, his tone was still flat, and there was no expression on his face.

Feeling the chill coming from the master's body, Long San couldn't help trembling slightly, a trace of fear sprouted in her heart, which made her somewhat forget the pain from her back just now.

"You're awake too, did I disturb you?" Looking at the figure approaching in front, Wei Yue smiled, and glanced at the figure with his head down from the corner of his eye.

The female guard just wanted to gossip with her, although she really didn't have any interest.

Looking at the figure in front of him who was greeting him, the gloom in Yin Xuan's eyes slowly dissipated, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "It's been a long time since I slept so well."

Indeed, for a long time, his sleep has always been very shallow, and he would wake up as long as there is a slight noise, but today it is the first time that he has slept so soundly, and he has not felt that kind of satisfaction for many years. .

Hearing what he said, Wei Yue smiled and saw that the face of the big man looked very good today, it seems that he really slept well last night, "Let's have breakfast, there is nothing about Long San here, let She should go rest too."

Hearing the pleading meaning in her tone, Long San on the side gritted his teeth, still lowered his head, not daring to look directly at the other party.

"Since you have already opened your mouth, there is naturally no reason to refuse." Yin Xuan gracefully walked to one side and sat down, picked up a cup from the other side, "Since the little thing has already interceded, I will not leave."

Although he didn't raise his head, the coercion on his body also moved forward in an instant.

Long San only felt that she was overwhelmed by something. She was indeed the one who talked too much this time. The master hates people talking behind their backs the most. Such a small punishment is already considered good. If it was before , at this time, he was already decapitated.

"Yes." Since someone has already pleaded for mercy, she must appreciate it!
Looking at the slowly leaving figure in front, Wei Yue then looked at the indifferent figure beside him, "Are you sick?"

As soon as she said this, she immediately began to regret it. It seemed that the way of asking was not right.

Yin Xuan who was drinking tea couldn't help but startled when he heard the sudden words beside him, "Do you have medicine?"

As he spoke, a meaningful smile could not help hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing the other party's joking expression, as if he didn't feel uncomfortable because of his question, Wei Yue gritted his teeth and looked at the other party seriously, "Could it be that you can't control the soul power in your body when you're sick? "

It wasn't that she was playing around, every time when she was with a big shot, the phantom beast she saw before would always flash in her mind, as if she could feel the same breath from the two of them.

Looking at her serious eyes, Yin Xuan couldn't help trembling slightly in his heart, did this stinky girl see something?
"Why do you think so?"

"Just now I heard that people close to you often..." Thinking of what Long San said just now, Wei Yue paused, not knowing whether to say it or not.

Looking at her hesitant eyes, Yin Xuan could naturally guess what she wanted to say, "Over the years, there have been some women who wanted to get close to me intentionally, but they would all be poisoned and die in the end."

"That's right, I have a strange disease, and I can't control it every time it flares up. The poisonous gas emitted will naturally affect the people around me."

"So, that's why I don't like people getting close."

Seeing him say such words for the first time, Wei Yue was taken aback.

"Poison gas?" If this is really the case, then the matter can be explained very well, but didn't Long San also say that there was a woman before?

"Is there anything else you need to know?" Looking at the small figure in front of him, Yin Xuan's gloomy expression suddenly brightened.

Wei Yue shook her head, thinking that Long San was slapped just now when she was about to speak out, it seems that that person is also taboo, so it's better not to ask more questions.

"Little thing, are you scared?" As if suddenly thinking of something, Yin Xuan suddenly looked at the figure in front of him with a solemn expression.

Watching him suddenly looking at her focused eyes made Wei Yue feel as if her heart had been knocked open by something, and she always felt that she could see a trace of loneliness and even anticipation from the other person's eyes.

"If one day I get sick again, remember to stay away from me." Seeing her puzzled eyes, Yin Xuan sighed slightly and looked into the distance.

At this time, some colorful clouds can already be seen over there, and the gorgeous sky looks a little beautiful.

Following his gaze, Wei Yue naturally noticed the slowly rising sun in front of him, and when he saw the disappointed look in his eyes, he also felt uncomfortable for a while.

"Don't worry, my life is hard, I can't die." After thinking about it, I still think this sentence is relatively safe.

"Hey!" Hearing what she said, Yin Xuan laughed, stretched out his hand and rubbed the other person's head, with a strange look in his eyes.

If it wasn't for the repulsion of the two people's aura when they saw this little thing for the first time, he would not have contracted the light of friendship. Even though his illness is a bit special, he has always believed that there must be someone in this world Definitely be able to accompany him.

It's just that I didn't expect to encounter it in such a situation.

"If possible, I will come back and cure you when my medical skills are good." Thinking of going to a college to study that day, Wei Yue felt that he would definitely be able to learn a lot there.

Seeing her boasting so much, Yin Xuan's smile deepened, "Okay, three years, I'll wait for you."

"Well, it's a deal." Wei Yue nodded affirmatively, as if she had made an important decision in her heart.

She has been helped by many big people all the time. If she can, she really hopes to cure him.

Looking at the slowly rising sun in the distance, the two had their own thoughts in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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