The lord is looking at me

Chapter 408 Flying Fish

Chapter 408 Flying Fish
Hearing Luo Zhilan asked about those soldiers, Wei Yue laughed a few times, "It's nothing, let's go."

After all, he slowly began to withdraw his water soul power.

The soldiers gradually relaxed because of the imprisoned water soul power, and suddenly felt that their breathing became much easier.

"Oh, good." Although Luo Zhilan was a little puzzled, it was indeed getting late at this time, if she didn't set off again, she didn't know if she would be able to reach Anlin Mountain before dark.

"Yue'er, this way..." Wei Yan at the side directly pulled the person in front and moved her to his right, and glanced at the woman on the left from the corner of his eye.

This woman knew she had a purpose at a glance, so naturally she couldn't take it lightly, and Yue'er seemed to have a good impression of her, and this was not the time to reveal it, after all, she didn't have any evidence.

Seeing Wei Yan defending herself like a thief, Luo Zhilan looked a little helpless, slowly took out the token from her sleeve, looked at the group of soldiers in front, "Let's set off."

The group of soldiers who had just been freed saw the token, and then ran forward, looking very respectful. When they saw the powerful master on the side, a trace of fear appeared in their eyes.

Just now the master soul master imprisoned a group of them without any effort, one can imagine how powerful she is, they must have gone out today without looking at the almanac, and unexpectedly got into trouble with such a powerful person.

Naturally, Luo Zhilan didn't let go of the deep fear in the eyes of those soldiers, she looked at the little figure in front with a little surprise in her heart.

Something must have happened to them just now, right?

A bell rang on the other side of the rope as the token was validated.

Accompanied by the ringing of the bell, soon, it seemed that a flying beast could be seen slowly approaching in the distance.

"Let's go." Seeing the flying beast getting closer, Luo Zhilan walked forward a little and stood beside the rope.

Wei Yue nodded and followed the other party towards the front.

Seeing the situation, Wei Yan on the side was still walking in the front, he just didn't want this stinky girl to get too close to that woman.

Seeing her brother's actions, Wei Yue felt a little helpless, and could only follow along with a smile.

This time, the flying beast is a flying fish. The fan-shaped wings look cute, with a touch of transparency, but the figure is quite large, especially the long fish tail looks a bit eye-catching.

A house had already been built on Feiyu's body, and the surrounding area was like an open space, with a lot of green grass planted there.

If ordinary flying beasts are used by post stations, their body shapes will be modified, and soul power will be used to create some isolation on the back of flying beasts, so that people can live safely on them .

"Let's go slowly." Looking at the figure in front of the group of soldiers who had already stepped onto the back of the flying fish, the group of soldiers began to bow slightly very politely.

Thinking that everyone was controlled by someone inexplicably just now, the feeling of heart palpitations still has an aftertaste, and I really don't want to feel it again.

Hearing the neat voice from behind, Wei Yue's mouth slowly showed a triumphant smile, then she shrugged and walked forward as if nothing happened.

On the other hand, Luo Zhilan was puzzled by the suddenly courteous attitude of the group of soldiers. It wasn't that she had never been a flying beast in the post station before, and she had never seen the group of soldiers so polite.

When the accompanying team also got on the back of the flying fish, the large army was ready to set off.

After receiving the signal, the flying fish began to flap its wings and began to fly towards the designated route.

When flying beasts are used by humans, they will go through a period of training to make them familiar with the route at a certain stage, so that some soldier battalions along the road can also confirm the safety of the flying beast.

"There are many rooms here. If you want to rest, you can just pick one." Seeing that the flying fish had already taken off, Luo Zhilan sat in the tea booth on the side, looked at the figure in front of her and began to explain.

Wei Yue nodded and looked around the huge open space. She didn't expect the flying fish to have such a wide back. It was the first time she saw a fish flying in the sky.

"With the speed of Flying Fish, we will definitely be able to reach Anlin Mountain before dark, don't worry." Seeing that the other party didn't answer, Luo Zhilan naturally thought that the other party was worried about the schedule.

"That's good." Wei Yue smiled, as if she was a little curious about the surrounding environment, "I'll walk around."

"Okay, be careful, this flying fish will speed up sometimes, so don't get blown away." A smile flashed in Luo Zhilan's eyes, she gracefully held the teacup and began to savor it carefully.

Hearing the other party's joking tone, Wei Yue also laughed, "Don't worry."

After speaking, the person has already walked towards the open space ahead.

I slept too soundly in the tent last night, and I am really in good spirits this morning.

Looking at the shadowy figure in front of him, Wei Yan at the side suddenly looked very helpless.

"Would you like to sit down?" Looking at the restrained figure at the side, Luo Zhilan generously began to invite.

"Hmph!" Wei Yan snorted coldly, his face full of reluctance, but his body was more honest, and he had already sat on the stool on the other side.

Just kidding, even if this woman has some purpose, would he still be afraid?With him watching right now, Yue'er should be fine.

Seeing him looking at her like a thief, Luo Zhilan smiled helplessly, and didn't care what the other party thought.

Wei Yue walked all the way towards the open space. The further he walked, the more he felt that the back of the flying fish was really long.

When they came up before, they seemed to come from the middle, but this time, the direction of the tail of the fish seemed to be far away from them. This flying fish is really strange!
As a flying beast, the flying fish is the most stable, so the soul masters also like to catch it as a flying beast as a station, because the flying fish has a gentle temperament and is easy to tame.

In the post station, those who can have a pass token have to hand over a lot of gold coins to the country every year. After all, this is also a way for both parties to win each other.

"It's so big." Looking at the grass in front of him, Wei Yue lay down on it and rolled several times on it. If he didn't know that he was on the flying fish, he would really think he was walking on flat ground.

This flying fish is too stable.

Slowly, lying on the grass, accompanied by the warm sunshine, she actually started to feel sleepy.

There was the whistling wind in my ears, and everything around me seemed extremely silent, as if I had a feeling of freedom to fly.

When Wei Yue woke up, several hours seemed to have passed, and the sun became a little stronger.

"It seems to be a little hot." Looking at the dazzling sunlight, Wei Yue gently raised her head to cover her eyes, vaguely, she seemed to see interesting black spots in the bright sunlight.

(End of this chapter)

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