The lord is looking at me

Chapter 409 There Is a Conspiracy

Chapter 409 There Is a Conspiracy
Wei Yue was woken up by the dazzling sunlight. When she covered the sunlight with her hands, she vaguely saw a black spot in the sky slowly approaching.

Because she was lying down at this time, she could see the black spot more clearly.

What the hell is that?
"Yue'er, come back quickly!" Wei Yan, who had been searching for a long time, naturally noticed the small figure not far away.

This stinky girl actually hid in the grass, probably fell asleep?Don't get burned.

Hearing the sound, Wei Yue rubbed her eyes. The sun was hurting her just now, so she got up slowly and walked forward.

"Are you hungry?" Wei Yan asked cautiously looking at the figure in front of him who still seemed to have some sleepy eyes.

Wei Yue nodded obediently, and then looked back at the distant sky. The black spot just now seemed to have disappeared. Could it be because she was dazzled by being in the sun for too long?
"What's the matter?" Seeing her keep looking at the sky, Wei Yan also looked over curiously, there was nothing around here!
"It's okay." Wei Yue shook her head, laughed a few times, and then walked towards the front room.

Seeing her thoughtful appearance, Wei Yan looked at the distant sky again, and then followed in doubt.

Luo Zhilan, who had already prepared food in the living room, saw the two people walking in, and warmly greeted them, "Are you here? Lunch is ready, come and eat together."

Seeing her being so hospitable, Wei Yue naturally wouldn't be polite to her.

This elder sister seems to be easy to get along with, and she is so polite to people, which is really rare, after all, we have only known each other for a short time.

"Yue'er, be careful when eating." Wei Yan reminded him softly, not forgetting to watch the figure in front vigilantly.

There must be something wrong with this woman being so enthusiastic. Who would be so nice to someone she just met?Normal people would investigate secretly first!

"Brother!" Wei Yue yelled uncomfortably when he heard him say that, and reminded the other party not to say that again with his eyes.

This sister Lan looks very good!
"Alright, let's eat." Feeling the sharp eyes in front of him, Wei Yan was immediately defeated.

It seems that only this stinky girl will know if she really suffers.

"Come and sit down." Looking at the interaction between them, Luo Zhilan smiled, as if she hadn't seen it, and signaled to the servants at the side that they could start serving food.

There will be some chefs on every flying beast, just like an ordinary inn, although there are few people to take care of, but those who can come here are noble people, not to mention that there are many rewards on weekdays, just The remuneration given by the post station is also very considerable, so some common people are also very happy to follow up to do things.

It's just that the possibility of encountering danger on flying beasts is relatively high.

Under the busy work of those servants, the three of them ate with gusto at the table.

"Yue'er, this soup is delicious." Luo Zhilan warmly greeted the figure who was eating hard in front of her.

Wei Yue nodded, and just smiled faintly as she watched the other party serve her the broth.

Seeing the other party's trust in herself so much, Luo Zhilan was not used to it, and her expression became unnatural, "Hurry up and drink."

"Okay." Without doubting him, Wei Yue picked up the bowl of soup and drank it up.

This bowl of soup is really good.

Seeing her drinking so happily, Wei Yan at the side had already forgotten that he should be on guard. The chef's skills here are really good, and every dish makes people unable to stop eating.

"I want it too, I want it too." He said as he filled a big bowl for himself.

Seeing his impatience, Wei Yue on the side burst out laughing, why did the eldest brother lose his suspicious expression as soon as he got on the table?

After laughing a few times, I just feel that my eyelids are a little sleepy.

Could it be because I was full and started again?He obviously slept on the grass before!

"Bang!" Before she could react, Wei Yan at the side was already lying on the table before her, as if falling asleep.

"Brother, you fell asleep just like that!" Looking at the figure on the side, Wei Yue burst out laughing, and then patted her mouth, feeling so sleepy, and unconsciously fell asleep on the table.

As for Luo Zhilan, who was sitting at the front, her eyes gradually became complicated after seeing the two of them fall down.

"Miss." The guard at the side saw that the matter had been completed, so he stepped forward and asked about the next step.

"Tie them up first, and wait until An Linshan." Luo Zhilan changed her gentle appearance before, her eyes now looked a little sharp, and there was a masculine demeanor between her eyebrows and eyes.

"Yes." The guard listened to the order, and greeted several people to take the two people lying on the table away.

Looking at the vacant table at this time, Luo Zhilan's expression gradually became serious, and her right hand subconsciously touched the chain around her neck, thoughtfully.

The guards carried Wei Yue and Wei Yue directly to a firewood room at a corner of the house. Because the place is relatively small, few people usually come here. In addition, the two of them have been hit by cartilage powder before, and their soul power cannot be used. Yes, let alone being tied up at this time.

Because Luo Zhilan had already taken the antidote before, she was naturally fine.

When the firewood room gradually became quiet, only the rustling of insects seemed to be heard all around. Wei Yue, who had already fallen asleep, suddenly woke up and looked around suspiciously.

"There's still such a place." Seeing the messy scene around her, she couldn't help frowning slowly, "It's better to untie the rope first."

While talking, he slowly moved the fire soul power around his body, those ropes were baptized by the fire soul power, and were instantly burnt up.

"Bang!" Because the rope suddenly disappeared, Wei Yan on the side lost gravity, and directly hit the wooden pillar on the side, making a slight sound.

"Ah! Brother, I'm sorry." Looking at the figure whose forehead had been bumped into red, Wei Yue stepped forward apologetically, and gently helped him aside.

It seems that Sister Lan must have believed that she has passed out, right?
From the first bite of food on the table, she naturally noticed the strangeness in those dishes. Just kidding, she is a doctor, can cure people, and knows poison well.

Because she didn't understand the other party's purpose, she didn't say anything, and followed the other party's thoughts. After all, what they took was not poison, but it could make people unable to use their soul power.

There must be some reason for this, right?

That Sister Lan looks quite masculine, and her eyebrows are also very decent. She should not be the kind of person who can play tricks. There must be something hidden in this.

(End of this chapter)

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