Chapter 410
Although Wei Yue didn't believe that such a decent person would do such a thing, it was a fact that they were stunned at this time.

Could it be that Sister Lan is also the kind of person who doesn't match her appearance?
With doubts in her heart, she took out a small porcelain bottle from the tail ring and slowly opened it.

Soon, some white smoke faintly emitted from the small porcelain bottle.

"Brother, wake up." Bring the small porcelain bottle close to the other party so that the other party can smell it.

As the white smoke was slowly inhaled by Wei Yan, soon, with a burst of coughing, he also woke up suddenly.

"Yue'er, what's the matter?" Aren't they still eating just now?

Seeing that he had woken up, Wei Yue took back her porcelain bottle, "Brother, are you awake?"

Although the cartilage powder is not a poison, it will make people unconscious, and then unable to use the soul power. Before, she used the soul power to restrain the effect of the medicine, and then slowly expelled it, but the elder brother is different, she must have eaten it just now Quite a lot.

Hearing the familiar voice of inquiry beside him, Wei Yan finally saw their situation clearly, "Where is this place?"

Look at the rags here, could they have been arrested?
Sensing his doubts, Wei Yue shrugged helplessly, "It seems to be the woodshed."

Looking at the pile of wood on one side, it should be right.

"Why are we here?" Wei Yan sat up with difficulty, feeling dizzy in his head and feeling extremely powerless all over. What's wrong with him?
"Oh, we were sent here after being hit by cartilage powder." Wei Yue said indifferently, as if the two of them were chatting about family matters.

"Cartilage Powder?" Hearing her explanation, Wei Yan was shocked, and felt dizzy when he moved, "It must be that woman, right?"

Wei Yue nodded without explaining, "Sister Lan must have some difficulties. If she really wanted to harm us, she would have used poison instead of the cartilage."

"Yue'er, you are thinking too naively. That woman sent someone to follow us secretly. From the beginning to the end, she never believed us." Hearing that she still said that, Wei Yan suddenly had a headache .

Sure enough, this girl stayed in the comfortable Huaming Town all year round, and her thinking became too simple.

"I know this." Wei Yue naturally knew about the things that were followed all the time, but he didn't care because they didn't do anything else.

Hearing that she actually knew about this, Wei Yan was a little surprised, "You know?"

Wei Yue nodded, "I knew it from the time we left in the carriage. Sister Lan probably sent someone because she was worried about our danger? Or maybe it was to prevent us from getting distracted by their magnets." Wei Yue Smiling, I think there is nothing wrong with this matter.

After all, it's normal to be more considerate of someone you just met, right?

Seeing that she knew everything, Wei Yan suddenly felt that he was thinking too much, and felt a bit small-minded, "But she has nothing to say about using that cartilage powder to deal with us, right?"

That woman really had a purpose.

"The people who went to Anlin Mountain this time are probably very powerful craftsmen. Sister Lan's things are so valuable, so she must be worried about being taken away. Brother, let me help you detoxify first." Wei Yue added. I don't want to think too deeply about a person's motives. Sometimes it is good for me to think more simply.

Seeing what she said, even though Wei Yan was very upset in his heart, he couldn't help his dizzy head at this time, so he could only nod vaguely. At this time, he couldn't exert any strength at all, so he had better detoxify first.

But did this stinky girl know that there was something wrong with those dishes?It doesn't look like she is poisoned by the look of her spirit.

"This is Lianxiang Pill. You can take more of it. This kind of small poison is just right for you." Because the dosage of the cartilage powder is not heavy, Wei Yue doesn't take it too seriously.

Wei Yan nodded, took the other party's elixir directly and took it directly.

As soon as the cool elixir was taken in, I felt that the impetuous internal organs instantly felt a lot better, and the refreshing feeling made people feel more energetic.

"It's going to hurt a bit, bro, bear with it." Wei Yue heaved a sigh of relief seeing that the other person's eyes weren't as loose as before, and with a light swipe of her right hand, a silver needle appeared in her hand instantly.

Looking at the silver needle that suddenly popped out of the opponent's hand, Wei Yan couldn't help swallowing, but he still nodded obediently, looking at his hand with some reluctance, the needle must be very painful, right?

"I'm going to start." Slowly picking up the other's finger, Wei Yue's eyes moved slightly, and her expression looked very serious.

"Okay." Wei Yan tilted his head, not daring to look directly at the other party. Yue'er, who became serious, really felt a chill down his back.

This stinky girl is also a doctor no matter what, he should trust her completely.

Before the other party paid attention, Wei Yue inserted the silver needle into the other party's finger with sharp eyesight and quick hands. Suddenly, a huge black blood drop flew from the finger.

"Hmm!" It felt like pain from his hands, Wei Yan gritted his teeth, trying not to let himself make a sound, the ten fingers connected to the heart, it's no wonder it doesn't hurt.

Seeing the black blood beads flying up, Wei Yue continued to work hard, and soon, he pricked each other's ten fingers one after another, and black blood beads floated around the whole woodshed.

The black blood bead floated higher and higher until it touched the roof before it shattered and disappeared.

"Yue... Yue'er, are you okay?" Seeing that his ten fingers were pierced out, Wei Yan suddenly felt like crying without tears. If he hadn't held on, he might have passed out early.

Seeing the black blood beads on the opponent's finger slowly disappear, and when the bright red blood was revealed, Wei Yue nodded in satisfaction, "Okay."

Now that those toxins have been discharged, there will naturally be no major problems.

Hearing her answer, Wei Yan breathed a sigh of relief, "Already detoxified?"

Why now he only feels that the finger is almost not his own, and he doesn't know what happened to the toxin.

"It's been dispatched seven or eight times, and now we just need to take a few more detoxification pills." Wei Yue took out gauze and medicinal powder from the tail ring while talking, "Come, let me help you apply the medicine."

In order to expel the black blood beads just now, she didn't show mercy at all. I guess the elder brother will die of pain, right?
"Yeah." Wei Yan waited for her to say this, nodded sharply, and passed his hand up.

Seeing his aggrieved appearance, Wei Yue suddenly smiled helplessly, "Don't worry, my medicine powder is effective, and it will recover soon."

As he spoke, he took the small porcelain bottle and sprinkled it on the wound.

Feeling the sudden coolness from his hands, as if the pain had been completely covered, Wei Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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