The lord is looking at me

Chapter 418 Which is the treasure

Chapter 418 Which is the treasure

Wei Yue didn't think that the competition between the refiners was worth anything, it was just a group of refiners who were bored to compete their soul power, didn't they expect that there would be rewards for such a competition?

Moreover, looking at their exaggerated appearance, it seems that this reward is still very powerful, is it better than Da Wu's performance?

Looking at the suspicious eyes of the other party, Luo Zhilan sighed deeply, her eyes signaled the people on the side to take away the Tianyu mercenary group first, so as not to hear her words.

The few soul masters on the side naturally understood the meaning expressed in her eyes, and directly brought that flying down to the corner of the big house, and directly guarded it.

"This way." Feeling that this matter is still difficult to explain directly, Luo Zhilan wants the other party to take a good rest first.

Looking at her actions, Wei Yue nodded. Her whole body felt a little sore just after loosening her muscles and bones. It's better to sit and rest for a while.

After the two of them sat in the tea pavilion, the young servants who lived here came forward to serve tea and snacks.

After all, they have been working in this station for a long time, and it is not that they have encountered some friction between flying beasts. Although what happened today was really surprising, they calmed down quickly.

"The competition for the refining masters is held every year, and it is usually secretly supported by the Nether Pavilion. As long as you win the ranking in the competition for the refining masters, the ranking of the Nether Pavilion will be updated. For the refining masters, that is nothing. Honorable things." Looking at the small figure in front of her, Luo Zhilan explained slowly.

However, this time her goal was not that ranking, but something else.

Hearing her explanation, Wei Yue suddenly realized, "Then what is the reward this time?"

Looking at their exaggerated appearance before, it must be very precious.

"This time it's something that has nothing to do with the refining tool. I heard it's a bead." The chief guard at the side said this, and still looked around cautiously, as if he was worried about being overheard.

"Oh, beads." Hearing this, Wei Yue immediately became less interested, and thought it was some precious herbal medicine or countless gold coins, which seemed not what she thought.

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to be interested, Luo Zhilan hesitated for a while, and then slowly moved forward, stretching out her hand to block the side, "I heard that the final prize this time is the Fire Soul Orb, and the rewards for other rankings are all It’s just some precious herbs.”

Seeing her mysterious appearance, Wei Yue was a little puzzled. Compared with the Fire Soul Orb, she was more interested in those precious herbs at this time.

Anyway, the fire soul orb is just an auxiliary skill to improve the power of the fire soul, and it has no special value, right?

"Miss." Hearing that she actually told people the truth directly, the head guard at the side was a little surprised.

"Yue'er and the others saved us, so there is nothing to hide." Luo Zhilan naturally knew the other party's concerns, but after the previous incident, she had already let go of her guard.

Hearing what she said, the head guard was slightly taken aback, his face looked a little dignified. Although they are indeed benefactors, there is no need to tell the truth, right?
"It's just the Fire Soul Bead." Naturally, Wei Yue saw their nervousness, so she shrugged her shoulders indifferently, "Speaking of the bead, I think the herbs are a bit more valuable."

Hearing that she would say that, everyone was a little surprised. It was the Fire Soul Orb, the only one in the world. It was something that soul masters dreamed of. It could not only assist in alchemy, but also a good thing for refining weapons.

"Those herbs are indeed very precious." Speaking of this, Luo Zhilan's eyes darkened. Although she also wanted the Fire Soul Orb, compared to her own purpose, she had to settle for the second best.

Hearing that the other party agreed, Wei Yue smiled immediately, "That's natural, the Fire Soul Orb is a treasure, and those herbs must be extremely rare, and it's probably even more difficult to find."

Luo Zhilan nodded, she naturally knew this very clearly, thinking of this, her eyes immediately dimmed even more.

Seeing that her expression seemed to gradually become a little bit out of place, Wei Yue frowned slightly, and looked at the head of the guard suspiciously, trying to get an answer from him.

But how could the other party explain it so clearly to him!

"I'm going to see my brother." Unable to bear the oppressive atmosphere, she decided to walk away for a while.

"Well, good." Luo Zhilan smiled, and unconsciously touched the chain around her neck with her right hand again, falling into deep thought.

Looking at her frowning face, she seemed to have a lot of troubles. Wei Yue is not the kind of person who likes to break the casserole and ask the bottom line, unless the other party takes the initiative to say it, she has never liked to ask people directly.

But at this time, she'd better go see how her elder brother is doing.

"Master." Seeing the figure approaching in front, the blue-eyed fox ran up happily.

I just saw that icicle formation was stronger and weaker for a while, which was really worrying.

"Is my brother still awake?" Looking at the comatose figure in the distance, Wei Yue frowned slightly, feeling that this time seemed to have passed for a long time.

The blue-eyed fox shook his head, as if he had nothing to do with himself, "I haven't woken up yet."

"It seems that it's better to take him into the house to rest first." Looking at the messy scene ahead due to the previous battle, Wei Yue felt that it is better to find a place to rest at this time.

It is estimated that in one or two hours, we will be able to arrive at Anlin Mountain.

The two of them quickly walked towards the big house under the leadership of the boy, because several houses outside the house had been damaged, so everyone could only live in the back room, but that was good, it was much quieter.

Because Wei Yue showed his soul power in the battle before, those little servants naturally understood, and they were extremely polite along the way, and they almost didn't help to come forward to serve him.

"Xiaohu, look at big brother." After relaxing, Wei Yue felt a little sleepy.

He had consumed a lot of soul power before, so he had to take a good rest before arriving at Anlin Mountain, otherwise he would not know what would happen there.

After all, this time just happened to catch up with their refiner competition. It is estimated that there are a lot of people gathered everywhere at this time. There will be friction easily in a place with many people. It seems that there is no way to live a peaceful life.

I really don't know what the dean told me to go there to get. The letter didn't say anything at all, and I didn't even know who to contact when I got there.

"Master, don't worry, go rest." The blue-eyed fox naturally saw the sleepiness in the opponent's eyes, and then looked at the opponent firmly. There is no danger at this time, and nothing will happen.

(End of this chapter)

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