The lord is looking at me

Chapter 419 It's finally here

Chapter 419 It's finally here
When Wei Yue woke up, it was almost dark outside. Although some things happened before, the flying fish was very stable when flying behind. If he hadn't known that he was on the flying beast, he would really think Right there on the flat ground.

"Yue'er is awake!" Seemingly hearing the commotion in the room, Wei Yan who was outside called softly.

Hearing that familiar voice, Wei Yue immediately jumped off the couch, "Brother, you're awake!"

After all, open the door directly.

Seeing the haggard figure in front of him at this time, Wei Yan also felt distressed for a while, blaming himself for being so useless that he let his sister go through so many things alone.

He already knew about the previous things from those little servants or soul masters. He knew that this stinky girl was disobedient, always trying to be brave, and didn't look at the situation. What if she was injured?
Seeing the blaming expression in the other party's eyes, Wei Yue immediately laughed a few times, and stepped forward to hold the other party's arm, "Brother, it's good if you wake up, let's go to Anlin Mountain quickly?"

It was already dark at this time, and it was estimated that it was about to arrive.

Wei Yan originally wanted to give a good lecture to the little man in front of him, but before he could say a word, the other party took his arm kindly, and immediately took back the words that came to his mouth, and slowly Forget it in the back of your mind.

Sure enough, he couldn't bear this stinky girl's sudden closeness to him.

When the two reached the open space outside, Luo Zhilan and the others were already waiting there.

"An Linshan is here, and I'm about to call you." Looking at the two intimate figures in front of her, Luo Zhilan's ears turned red after being surprised for a moment.

"Oh, that's good." Wei Yue smiled, not noticing any changes in the other party.

It's finally time to reach that destination.

"Okay, Yue'er, let's rest for a while." Looking at the little figure leaning against him, Wei Yan lovingly patted the other person's head, wanting her to sit aside.

Feeling the warm feeling on her head, Wei Yue nodded, naturally she didn't mean to reject it.

She and her elder brother's blood is thicker than water, and the two have always been very close, so naturally they will not feel strange about their actions.

But these are really embarrassing things for Luo Zhilan who has never had such close contact with a man, even if the other party is her own brother.

"Miss." Looking at the figure in front of her, the chief guard couldn't help but shouted, did something happen?

Every time this eldest lady gets shy, her ears turn red, but no one did anything to her just now, right?

"It's okay, go and see if you can, and meet up with the people at the station." Luo Zhilan coughed lightly to calm herself down, and walked forward slowly.

At this time, this is the only way to cover up my unnaturalness.

"Sister Lan, here." Looking at the approaching figure in front, Wei Yue waved kindly.

Seeing her earnest appearance, Luo Zhilan immediately felt even more embarrassed. After all, she had done so many bad things to the other party before, but that little man ignored the past, and she was still a little embarrassed in her heart.

Compared to Wei Yue's enthusiasm, Wei Yan, who was sitting on the side at this time, was really stern, joking, that woman had poisoned herself before, and there was no way to ask him to forgive her.

If this person made a mistake, he made a mistake, and it’s not just like that.

"When we arrive at Anlin Mountain later, I have already arranged the inn over there. We can go there together after we get off the inn." Thinking of the ability of this little girl, Luo Zhilan is indeed somewhat selfish, thinking that maybe this way she can be better protected Take care of your own stuff.

After all, that thing is really important.

"You have always asked us to be with you because you want us to be bodyguards?" Wei Yan at the side saw the other party's purpose at a glance.

Hearing that he was talking about things like this, Luo Zhilan's face immediately turned red. As long as she was nervous and embarrassed, she would turn red like a flame, let alone swear. Time to spend.

"Sister Lan, your face." Thinking of her heroic appearance before, Wei Yue was a little puzzled. Seeing that her face was so red, could it be that she had a fever?
"I'm fine." Luo Zhilan touched her face embarrassingly, not daring to look at the two people in front of her.

That's right, she did have that kind of thought. Ever since she saw how powerful this little girl was, she thought that if this little girl stayed by her side all the time, then she would naturally be able to sit back and relax.

"Hmph!" Although Wei Yan was a little surprised by the other party's reaction, he could know the other party's purpose with his toes, so they naturally would not agree.

"Since Sister Lan has made arrangements, then let's go there together." After all, there is a competition over there at this time, and it is not easy to live in an inn, right?Wei Yue thought about it, and immediately agreed.

"Yue'er." Hearing that the little girl's film actually agreed so much, Wei Yan began to suspect that he had heard it wrong, and this child was too careless, right?

"Okay bro, since Sister Lan has made all the arrangements, it's okay to take care of me." After all, we don't know the place there, so Wei Yue thinks it's good to have someone to help.

"If I want to live with you, I won't go anyway. There is no way for me to live with my enemy." Thinking of all the things before, Wei Yan didn't have the kindness to forgive him directly.

Hearing that he actually said that, Luo Zhilan was slightly taken aback. Naturally, she knew that she had indeed done a lot of wrong things before, so that making the other party hate her so much was indeed asking for it, so naturally she would not Blame each other.

Seeing her face getting redder, Wei Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and stopped talking.

He was worried that if he continued to rant like that, that woman's face would be burnt.

"It's decided like that." Wei Yue naturally knew that her brother was speaking in anger, but now that he got off the station, he would still follow, so she didn't bother to explain.

Seeing that the little girl really didn't care about him, Wei Yan immediately crossed his hands and turned his head to the side angrily.

On the other hand, Luo Zhilan sat over there with some embarrassment, seeing that the two siblings in front of her seemed to be fighting, and didn't know how to help them resolve it.

"Miss, we've arrived at the station." Not long after, someone from the chief guard came to report.

"It's finally time to go." Hearing this result, Wei Yue was suddenly overjoyed. It was always hanging in the air at such a high level, and even thinking about it, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the flying fish had a smooth journey today, except for a small episode in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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