The lord is looking at me

Chapter 421 Dream Chapter

Chapter 421
The little girl was very polite and led the crowd upstairs.

This inn looks very big, it seems to have four or five floors, and the structure of each floor is different, which is extremely distinctive.

Soon, when the waiter led everyone to the third floor, he stopped.

"The rooms arranged by the few are all in the front row, please go ahead." The waiter said respectfully, not daring to relax in the slightest.

The head guard nodded, took out a silver coin from his waist, and threw it directly into the opponent's hand, "Go and prepare some food and hot water, so that our distinguished guest can have a good rest."

"Yes, yes, yes." When the little girl received the silver coin, she smiled even more, and immediately went to work.

"I booked five rooms before, and our soul masters can spare two rooms for you. After all, every inn in Anlin Mountain is full at this time, and there is no spare room at all. I have been wronged for a few days. Master Teacher." Thinking of what happened here, the head guard seemed a little sorry.

"I'm the one who troubled you." Thinking of their generosity, Wei Yue was immediately grateful.

When she found what the dean wanted to explain, she immediately rushed to the first college that day, and naturally she wouldn't stay here for long.

"Thank you." Although Wei Yan didn't like that woman very much, but for the head guard in front of him, he seemed to be quite a nice person.

The head guard smiled, and pointed to the two rooms on one side, "You must be tired after sitting in the flying beast for a day, you should rest early, and Xiaoer will bring you food and hot water later."

Wei Yue nodded. Naturally, she was very satisfied with the other party's arrangement. She would take a bath later, eat well and sleep well. Thinking about it was beautiful, and it happened to wash off the exhaustion of the day.

Seeing them enter the room, the head guard began to arrange for the remaining soul masters to enter the room.

Because it was already night when we arrived at Anlin Mountain, even though there were many craftsmen gathered here at this time, the street was still very quiet at night.

After all, the refiner's competition is still two days away, and it is estimated that many refiners have not arrived yet.

Wei Yue ate and drank enough, and soon fell asleep, but slowly, she began to notice something was wrong.

It seemed a little noisy outside, and there seemed to be people around her, but because she was too sleepy, she didn't even bother to open her eyes, and let the noise continue outside.

But what made her unbearable the most was that someone seemed to be moving her, and she only felt itchy on her neck, as if something cold had passed by.

Even if she was sleepy at this moment, she couldn't stand someone teasing her like this.

"Ah! Wake up." Looking at the figure with eyes open on the ground in front of him, Jiu Xing yelled.

Because of her yelling, the surroundings suddenly became more noisy.

When Wei Yue opened her eyes, she was attracted by the huge tree above her head. Slowly, a small snake head appeared in front of her eyes, spitting out a long letter and looking at her.

It turned out that it was this little thing that was crawling around her neck just now!

Soon, she also noticed where she was staying at this time. It seemed to be a forest, surrounded by dense trees, especially the one above her head, which seemed to extend to the sky.

It was night at this time, and the faint moonlight slowly shone in through the cracks in the trees, leaving mottled star spots on the ground, everything looked very beautiful.

Especially looking at the little snake in front of me now, it seems that it has become less scary. On the contrary, it looks a little cute. The moonlight shone on this little thing, and it seemed to emit a faint silver light.

Seeing that the person in front of him didn't seem to be afraid of him, Xiao Yin suddenly felt a sense of defeat, and continued to stare at him angrily, spitting out letters.

"It's so cute." Looking at the little thing in front of him who seemed to be starting to get anxious, Wei Yue subconsciously stretched out her hand, intending to touch him, but was cleverly avoided by him.

Shocked, Xiao Yin moved to the side and stared at the figure in front of her with her eyes wide open. Isn't it scary enough?Obviously, when other people saw it before, it was too late to hide.

Seeing that Xiaoyin on the side was actually somewhat frustrated, Jiu Xing burst out laughing, "Hahahaha! Xiaoyin was molested."

Thinking of that little figure trembling with anger, I suddenly felt relieved.

When the people on the side heard that she dared to say it so directly, they couldn't help but gasped, and looked at the figure on the side with some regret.

Hearing that he was still being laughed at, Xiao Yin immediately moved deftly, directly in front of the other party, and bit the other party's foot fiercely.

"Ah! Xiaoyin, you bite me." Feeling the pain in his foot, Jiu Xing yelled suddenly, his face turned livid in an instant, and he felt that his ankle was about to swell.

The people on the side saw her deflated, and immediately started to laugh secretly, but they had no choice but to step forward to help detoxify.

This little silver was probably just joking with the other party, and didn't bite very deeply, but such a shallow scar was enough to kill a person. Fortunately, it didn't use its fangs, it was just an ordinary bite.

Although the wound will be very swollen, at least it is not toxic.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Xiaoyin is too bad." Jiu Xing began to complain loudly about her dissatisfaction. This little thing was trying to embarrass herself, right? After being bitten like this, she couldn't get out of bed for a few days. .

"Hisss!" Little Silver didn't care so much, and continued to spit out letters to show his pride.

Looking at the swaying figure in front of her, Jiu Xing's eyeballs were about to pop out. She wished she could go up and bite him back immediately, but she knew the poison of that little thing, so she probably wouldn't be the one who bit him to death, but the other person. be yourself.

Hearing the noise in front, Wei Yue slowly got up and looked at them suspiciously. Are these people here to perform?

It's strange, I obviously slept in the inn, why did I suddenly appear here?And, who are these people?
Sensing the waking figure in front of him, Jiu Xing didn't bother to care about the injury on his leg, and slowly stepped forward with the support of the people beside him, "You are Luo Zhilan, right? Give it to me, save me from beating up until your parents don't even know each other."

Hearing that the other party called him that, Wei Yue looked at the other party suspiciously, "Luo Zhilan?"

Dare to feel that the other party regards herself as sister Lan.

"Yes, don't deny it. We watched your guards lead you into the inn. Be obedient, give me the snow jade quickly, don't let me do it, it will be ugly." Jiu Xing said He said, showing that vicious expression.

Through the moonlight, Wei Yue could clearly see the little figure in front of him at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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