Chapter 422
Hearing the vicious voice of the other party, Wei Yue was a little puzzled, because although the other party's words seemed to be warning, but maybe because the voice was so sweet, people didn't feel the slightest threat at all.

Especially now that under the shining moonlight, he can clearly see the figure in front of him.

The person who came seemed to be a young girl about my own age, wearing a pink jumper with some strange patterns embroidered on it. Although it was messy, there were still some clues upon closer inspection.

The woman's face was handsome, with a touch of sweetness, and her big watery eyes made it impossible to bring out the slightest fear, as if the other party was just joking.

At this time, Jiu Xing also looked at the other party in doubt. According to the previous information, it should be correct. Why can't she see a trace of fear in the other party's eyes?On the contrary, that person is too calm, right?
Or is it that he is not aggressive enough?Obviously, I heard before that the eldest lady of the Luo family has a courageous temperament on the surface, but secretly she is as easy to be scared as a little girl!
"Our little lady is talking to you, I should answer!" At this moment, the servants on the side started to shout, especially seeing the other party ignoring them like that, it is really a bit uncomfortable.

The little silver on the side also spat out wantonly, as if cheering, but he didn't intend to move forward at all. He was always the most sensitive to danger. Anyway, his intuition told him to stay away from that woman at this time. That's good.

"Oh." Hearing their questioning like this, Wei Yue responded seriously, which was regarded as a response to the other party.

I just woke up, I was still a little confused, I didn't quite understand what was going on at this time.

Hearing the other party's obedient response, with such an indifferent expression, the corners of the servants' mouths twitched, and they almost stepped forward to peel off the other party's head to see what was inside.

"You should know that you have been captured by us, right? If you are sensible, give us that snow jade, and you will suffer less. With you as a five-star soul master, how can you be a match for so many of us?" At that time, everyone didn't care whether the other party said or not, and directly stated their purpose.

Hearing what they said about Xueyu again, Wei Yue became even more puzzled, "What exactly is Xueyu?"

Seeing how nervous they are, could it be that they are some kind of treasure?
Sister Lan was so wary of people before, and she even attracted the people from the Tianyu mercenary group. Could it be that their goal is that Xueyu?Now that the refiner competition is coming soon, could it be that some kind of powerful Horcrux?
Seeing her puzzled eyes, everyone was stunned for a moment, and they all looked at each other, as if they were suddenly speechless.

"Everyone has been arrested, why are you pretending? I don't have that much patience." Jiu Xing tried hard to show a vicious expression, trying to make the other party afraid.

But because her appearance is so pleasing and lovely, even if she behaves very angry, in the eyes of others, she is extremely cute.

The servants on one side looked at her seemingly angry appearance, and all showed starry eyes, with a look of admiration. This little lady's angry appearance is always so pitiful!
"I don't understand what Xueyu you are talking about." Wei Yue spread her hands, showing a very helpless expression.

Didn't they realize that they had arrested the wrong person at all?However, I did come in with those guards before, no wonder they thought they were Sister Lan.

Looking at her natural expression, it didn't look like she was joking at all, Jiu Xing was slightly startled, and looked at the other party suspiciously, "Don't you even know your own family heirloom? That is the Horcrux that you have been cultivating with your hard work until now !"

This person in front of him is too strange, is it because he used this dream soul technique that the other party's memory has been affected?
Hearing that she actually explained it, Wei Yue knew it. Sure enough, that thing is indeed a horcrux. It seems that the soul power of this group of people is not bad. Even they are as enthusiastic about that horcrux. It must be very powerful. .

"Okay, that's all I have to say, hurry up and hand over the things to me." Looking at the small figure in front of him, Jiu Xing felt that his patience was about to be exhausted.

At this moment, she wanted to end things here as soon as possible.

Seeing that the other party became more and more impatient, those soul masters seemed to start moving towards him, Wei Yue frowned slightly, the details of this group of people were still unclear for the time being, if he forced it, he would only get hurt.

Not only that, they don't know what kind of technique they used to bring themselves to this strange place, they must have some kind of secret technique.

While the two sides were in a stalemate, there was a sudden movement in the woods on one side.

Little Silver on the side reacted more sensitively, and immediately smelled a dangerous aura, spit out the letter wildly, and his eyes gradually became darker.

Seeing that Xiaoyin reacted like this, Jiu Xing naturally did not dare to relax his vigilance, and his eyes signaled the soul masters on the side to be on guard.

"It turned out to be Miss." At this time, a group of people slowly came out from the woods. Their heads were all tied with a strange belt, like a seal, and each of them carried a big knife on their backs.

"Miss, it's from the Tianyu mercenary group." At this moment, the soul master standing beside Jiu Xing recognized their unique mark immediately.

Hearing the explanation, Jiu Xing's eyes widened suddenly. Today is really a shame, unexpectedly meeting that group of mercenaries who like to use Horcruxes, this is really complicated.

Sensing the danger ahead, Little Silver's figure also slowly began to grow in size, until it was thicker than the big tree trunk on one side before stopping.

Looking at the small snake that suddenly became extremely huge, Wei Yue couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. This was the first time she saw such a big snake!
"This person is what we want. I hope the young lady will let him go to us." The people from the Feather Mercenary Group were very polite on the surface, but there was a trace of disdain in their eyes.

Jiu Xing naturally sensed the meaning in the eyes, isn't it just a bunch of reckless people?Still want to rob her?This courage is getting fatter and fatter, just because they really want to rob people from themselves?

"Miss, in order to avoid conflict, I think it's better for you to leave first." The group of people automatically ignored the big snake on one side, showing no sign of fear at all, and their expressions were very indifferent.

Seeing that the other party dared to speak like this, Jiu Xing gritted his teeth immediately, looking very angry.

Obviously he used a secret technique to bring people here, but he didn't expect someone to be behind him?
(End of this chapter)

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