The lord is looking at me

Chapter 423 Want to sue?

Chapter 423 Want to sue?
Standing aside, Wei Yue naturally heard what the soul master said just now.

Tianyu Mercenary Group?She is naturally familiar with this name, isn't it the place where the two people who attacked them on the flying fish stayed?

At this time, their people appeared here, and it seemed that they were here to rob him. Did they also think that they were Sister Lan?Don't these people never look at the specific appearance before arresting them?

This is really too hasty, but this is also good, let me block the danger here for Sister Lan first.

Seeing someone trying to rob someone, Jiu Xing was naturally extremely angry, and looked at him condescendingly, "Do you dare to rob my people?"

Don't these people know where she is from?

"It's all for their own purposes, there's nothing to grab or not." Standing at the forefront is Fei Ri, the second leader of the Tianyu Mercenary Group.

Hearing that they dared to speak like this, Jiu Xing felt that his rights were being challenged, and he immediately said, "That Xueyu is mine, if you dare to snatch it from me, you are courting death."

Hearing the other party finally uttered these words, Fei Ri was naturally more sure that the person standing at the side was that Miss Luo family.

Because the Luo family was very well protected before, and this eldest lady never went out, and occasionally saw her wearing a veil, so no one had ever seen her face, and everyone could only confirm each other through other channels identity.

Feeling the fiery gaze on one side, Wei Yue couldn't help shivering. If she had to choose, she would actually be more willing to follow that cutie.

That Sky Feather Mercenary Corps doesn't look like a kind person!

"Miss, since you are so determined, then don't blame us for robbing people." After Feiri's voice fell, the group of soul masters standing behind him pulled out their Horcruxes one after another, and put the few people in front of them together. There are crowds of people in the middle.

Looking at the big knife in their hands, Jiu Xing was not afraid at all, but just looked at them with contemptuous eyes, "Just such a small Horcrux still wants to fight us?"

That should be a Horcrux that is not ranked in the top [-] of the Nether Pavilion, right?It's just an ordinary Horcrux with a sharper blade, and I'm ashamed to show it off.

Seeing the other party's disdain, Fei Ri didn't mean to get angry, on the contrary, a smile slowly emerged from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing the other party's weird smile, Jiu Xing immediately raised his vigilance, and just as he was thinking about what kind of trick the other party was trying to play, the group of soul masters who were surrounding them suddenly inserted their big knives into the ground, and their hands began to knot print.

"Oh no, Miss, they are setting up an formation." At this time, the servants standing beside Jiu Xing could see it.

"I've seen it a long time ago, why don't you go quickly?" Jiu Xing shouted suddenly, if she hadn't been bitten by that stinky little silver on her right foot, she would be so slow at this time?So embarrassed?
"Yes, yes, yes." The servants on one side hurriedly supported her and moved to the other side.

And Xiaoyin walked in the front and started to open the way.

But because their reactions were a bit slow, just as they walked to the side, a huge barrier suddenly lit up around them, trapping them in the middle.

"It seems to be an enchantment." Looking at the dark enchantment, everyone felt a little weird.

Because Wei Yue was very close to them, he was naturally taken into it for no reason. It seemed that the member of the Tianyu Mercenary Group did this on purpose, thinking that he could be trapped so that he could be taken away, right?
However, their hands and feet were really fast, and she was wondering about their strange handprints, and then, this dark enchantment appeared.

Looking at it, there seems to be a strange aura floating above, not like soul power, but more like the evil spirit I have seen before.

"You can't escape." The corner of Fei Ri's mouth traced a smug arc, and he walked forward slowly, with an appearance of winning.

Looking at the soul masters around at this time each took out another Horcrux one after another, Jiu Xing's eyes almost popped out angrily.

These people really know how to bully people. It's not enough to use one Horcrux, but they actually use two.

Seeing the depressed figure inside, Fei Ri burst out laughing, "Miss, as I said, for your safety, it's better not to compete with me for talents."

After all, he gave the group of soul masters in front of him a wink, and soon, the strange horcrux like a long tube in the hands of the soul masters suddenly shot out countless strings.

The thin rope seemed to be cast by soul power, and it could quickly penetrate the barrier and move towards the group of people inside.

Seeing the danger, Jiu Xing and the others naturally began to resist, using their soul power to break up the thin rope.

But I don't know why, the more I struggle, the tighter those ropes are tied, and there are even more and more of them, as if they are alive.

Xiaoyin on the side also resisted with all his strength, but he couldn't resist the overwhelming rope, and his huge body was wrapped tightly without a single gap.

"Where's that person?" While struggling, Jiu Xing didn't forget to pay attention to Wei Yue's condition.

But when she saw clearly the figure sitting calmly on the ground not far away, her eyes almost popped out.

That Miss Luo family is too cowardly, isn't she?If she didn't guess wrong, it seemed that the other party had no intention of avoiding those ropes from the very beginning, just looking at the thin ropes wrapped around her body, she had no intention of shrinking at all.

The more you struggle, the tighter the rope is. Judging by the relaxed appearance of the opponent at this time, the rope seems to be quite loose. That is to say, the opponent has given up resistance from the beginning, and has never meant to struggle?
Does this mean she is calm or cowardly?Wei Yue naturally noticed the unfriendly gaze not far away at this time, so she looked around boredly, ignoring him directly.

These ropes are weird at first glance, and fools will move around casually. Moreover, everyone in the surrounding group has this horcrux in their hands, and the countless ropes poured in like there is no gap. , the best way is naturally to wait and see first.

"Hahaha!" Looking at the slowly entangled figures inside, Fei Ri burst out laughing, feeling even more proud.

"Don't get complacent too early. Brothers know that I haven't gone back, so they will definitely come to me. Then you will be in trouble." Feeling more and more ropes on her body, Jiu Xing didn't dare to mess around at will. If you move, you worry that it will become tighter and tighter.

Hearing that she actually moved out to someone else, Fei Ri seemed to have suddenly remembered something serious, and laughed out loud after a moment of contemplation.

"Since you have said so, Miss, then don't blame me. If you want your brothers not to know, then I can only be cruel, so that you have no chance to complain to them at all."

After all, his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

(End of this chapter)

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