The lord is looking at me

Chapter 425 Helping myself too

Chapter 425 Helping myself too

Following the roaring sound, Jiu Xing's figure began to grow slowly, almost becoming the same as a giant gorilla. Not only that, but also some strange white spots began to grow slowly on her body. Hair, from a distance, looks like a white monkey.

If it wasn't for her head and its original appearance, it would really make people think that the one standing in front of them was just a phantom beast.

As Jiu Xing's figure gradually became larger, as long as she stretched out her hand a little, she could directly support the enchantment above. However, that enchantment seemed to be alive, no matter how she supported it, the enchantment It will also increase gradually.

"What kind of trick is this?" Looking at the huge figure in front of him, Wei Yue expressed a burst of emotion.

This is the first time she has seen people suddenly change into such a strange appearance.

Could it be that that cutie is also a half-orc like that member of the Minghu mercenary group?
While she was making various guesses, the huge figure in front of her had already untied the strings wrapped around those servants.

Seeing the sudden change in this matter, Fei Ri was surprised, but also excited in his heart. He had heard that someone could use this technique before, and this was the first time he had seen it.

"Catch it alive." If you just catch it back and study it carefully, you will definitely be able to develop a peerless Horcrux!
Hearing his order, those soul masters were not afraid, they picked up the Horcruxes in their hands and pointed directly at the white figure inside.

There are many strange things in this world, so it is not surprising to them that a person suddenly turns into a phantom beast.

Seeing that the people around seemed to be planning to attack again, Jiu Xing raised his head to the sky and roared, and the surrounding trees began to sway, as if there was a strong wind blowing around the barrier, and it hurt people's faces even if it scratched it.

But those soul masters were also well-trained, and they began to focus the horcruxes in their hands in the direction of the dove star.

The servants standing around Jiu Xing just got their freedom, so naturally they wouldn't let the incident happen again, and built a defensive shield one after another, so as to resist those thin ropes.

At this moment, the situation became heated in an instant, and the two sides were in a stalemate, evenly matched.

Looking at the passing of time, everyone's soul power will only be consumed more, and Fei Ri's patience is almost exhausted.

"I'll do it." Kicking a nearby soul master aside, he quickly took out his horcrux from the tail ring, and aimed directly at the white figure in the barrier at this moment.

At this time, Jiu Xing was hurting because she couldn't break the barrier. After using this technique, her strength increased several times in an instant. How could she not be able to shake such a simple barrier?It's just too weird.

"That Horcrux..." Wei Yue frowned slightly when she saw what the figure outside was holding.

Of course, she is very familiar with that thing. Someone pointed it directly at her before. It was the cannon that the person used on the flying fish before, but this one seems to be an upgraded version, the one with the cannon barrel The location seems to be bigger.

The person who was shot before seemed to be still alive. Falling from such a high place was really a fate, otherwise the group of people should have seen their enemies when they saw him.

It's strange to say, if the other party really regards her as Sister Lan, there is a hostage in their Tianyu Mercenary Corps, why has that person never asked about it from the beginning to the end?
"Miss, be careful, it's a big fort." At this time, everyone inside naturally saw the big guy outside.

If they were hit directly from the front, the group of them would really be over.

After being yelled at by them, Jiu Xing, who was struggling with the barrier, was stunned. The big fortress, which she had heard before, seemed to be able to destroy the Horcruxes of an entire army with just one shot!

It's really over.

"You all go to hell." Looking at the group of people inside, a ruthless light flashed in Fei Ri's eyes, the soul power in his hand immediately relaxed, and the soul power condensed on the side of the big fort was released instantly.

"Hiss, hiss!" Soon, there was the sound of the soul force bead rubbing against the air.

The soul power orb pierced through the barrier, and shot directly at the group of people not far away. The speed was so fast that there was no room for people to dodge.

Seeing the soul power orb rubbing against the air in front of him and sparking, Jiu Xing stretched out his furry hands to cover his eyes in fright, and couldn't bear to look at it.

After such a shot, even if he is not dead, he will be disabled.

Looking at the fast-moving soul power bead in front, Wei Yue's feet felt windy, and her figure moved forward quickly, and the thin ropes on her body fell off obediently under her movement.

Just when Jiu Xing felt that he was going to die, there was a strange sound in front of him, as if someone was waving a whip.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" The crisp voice resounded instantly, and the soul power orb that was moving quickly was also split into three and four halves under the action of the whip, and slowly turned into star points and disappeared.

"You..." Looking at the little figure standing in front of him at this time, Jiu Xing began to suspect that he was wrong.

What happened to that man?Not to mention breaking free from the string all of a sudden, he actually used a whip to split that soul power bead... split?

This is really unbelievable, right?
"The soul power orb has disappeared." At this moment, the servants on the other side came to their senses, and looked at the indifferent figure in front of them with surprised expressions.

Looking at her relaxed expression, could it be that she was fine when she was tied up with a string just now?

Of course, the one who was more surprised than them at this time was naturally the figure outside the barrier.

"It's the Hanmei whip." Looking at the cold whip in the opponent's hand at this time, Fei Ri recognized it at a glance. No wonder the opponent can easily split the soul power beads. With that Horcrux, there is nothing wrong with it at all. possible.

"Oh, you recognize it." Wei Yue smiled lightly, and looked at the whip in her hand.

It seemed that they were not built by the Feather Mercenary Group that day, and they were always so sensitive to Horcruxes. At this time, the figure in front of him looked at Han Meibian with the same eyes as the one he met on the flying fish before.

It seems that they are all very interested in this plum whip.

"Wow! You are amazing." At this time, Jiu Xing had changed back to normal size, exposing Xingxing eyes to look at the figure in front of her.

No wonder she was so calm just now, it turned out to be so powerful!
Looking at the cutie with white hair on one side, Wei Yue said that it was hard to accept for a while, "It's just that they don't like it."

Thinking of the riots made by the accomplices of this group of people on the flying fish before, I still feel uncomfortable for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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