The lord is looking at me

Chapter 426 Something More Powerful

Chapter 426 Something More Powerful
Seeing that the little figure who was still trapped by the string just now broke free not to mention, and even split the soul power bead abruptly with the cold plum whip, the surrounding soul masters were dumbfounded.

Horcruxes also have different abilities, not everyone can use them to exert their power. If the person who uses them does not have enough soul power, the power of the Horcrux will naturally be greatly halved. Just now I saw that the cold plum whip can reduce the power of the soul. Splitting the bead is enough to prove that the soul power of the person who used the Hanmei whip is naturally unfathomable.

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful, then what you did just now was just an act!" Looking at the small figure in front of him, Jiu Xing naturally thought of something to say.

Obviously, she looked easy to bully before, but now it seems that her calculation was wrong.

"I don't know what you guys are doing, so just watch the show." Wei Yue was not polite, spreading his hands, expressing helplessness.

Indeed, he came to this strange place as soon as he opened his eyes, and before he had time to react, another group of people appeared to snatch him, so naturally he had to wait and see.

Seeing what she said so calmly, Jiu Xing raised his cheeks and thought for a while, it seemed that it was indeed the case.

Looking at the harmonious scene in the barrier, the corners of Fei Ri's mouth twitched. He was really surprised that the soul power orb was split open just now, but it must be Hanmei whip. By the way, take this treasure back, their Tianyu Mercenary Group is really going to send it.

Feeling An's fiery gaze from outside, Wei Yue unnaturally relaxed, frowned slightly and looked at the group of people outside, "Let's put the previous matter aside first, get rid of this group of people first and then talk about it."

Seeing that they have been using those Horcruxes alternately, it seems that everyone has a lot of them.

Hearing what she said, Jiu Xing was taken aback for a moment, but quickly realized that although this woman spoke a little rudely, did she actually repay her with kindness?Seeing her save everyone before is enough to explain everything.

"Everyone listen to her." Now is not the time to care about those.

The servants on the side were a little surprised when they heard her order, but they quickly recognized the fact that the enemy's enemy is naturally an ally!

At this time, everyone is trapped here, so it is natural to find a way to get out first.

"Yes." Everyone responded one after another.

Wei Yue was thinking about how to teach the group of people outside, when she suddenly heard the loud voice behind her, she was really startled, those people didn't think about how to get out, what was the reason for this sudden surprise?
"You all don't want to escape, you can't break this barrier." Fei Ri said while signaling the soul master around him to start using Horcruxes to imprison the people inside.

The soul masters around the barrier naturally understood what he meant, and picked up the previous Horcrux one after another. Immediately, countless strings flew out of that Horcrux in an instant, towards the group of people in the barrier. past.

Looking at the countless thin ropes around him, Jiu Xing gritted his teeth and planned to make his body bigger again since it was about to confuse people's eyes. In this way, because of the size of his body, he would not be trapped.

And the servants standing beside her used their soul power one after another, intending to build a defensive barrier.

Because a lot of soul power was absorbed when everyone was bound by the thin rope before, so when the barrier was built again, the defense ability was naturally much worse.

"Crack, crack!" Looking at the countless thin ropes flying around her, Wei Yue felt dazzled, and quickly swung the Hanmei whip in her hand, cutting off those thin ropes neatly.

But this kind of entanglement will only consume soul power, and it is not a long-term solution.

Seeing that the group of people inside seemed to be quite defensive, Fei Ri sneered, even if the other party had a cold plum whip, so what, his fists were hard to beat, he couldn't believe how capable that little girl was.

Seeing the sinister smile at the corner of the man's mouth outside, Wei Yue couldn't help but tremble, and the soul power in his hand subconsciously moved towards the third bead of Hanmei Whip.

It seems that the only way to break this barrier is to forcibly break it.

Although the barrier seemed to contain a lot of evil spirits, the ghost pupil contained a lot of spiritual power, which could just purify those evil spirits. Therefore, it was only a matter of time before the barrier was broken.

"Let me do it." Just as Fei Ri finished speaking, he immediately took out a huge soul gun from the tail ring. There were still many small holes in the tip of the gun, which seemed to be visible from a distance. What's in it.

Wei Yue, who was concentrating his soul power, was quite puzzled when he saw the situation outside, not knowing what he was going to do again.

And the soul masters around saw that he had actually taken out this treasure, and stepped aside one after another, as if they were waiting to see a good show.

"It's over, that's the Horcrux that confines soul power." Feeling that the strings around him seemed to have stopped, Jiu Xing noticed the thing outside.

That is a soul gun, which can eject countless filaments, as long as any part of the body is hooked by the filaments, the soul power will be imprisoned, and the body's tendons will be instantly sealed, just like a useless person .

Although this horcrux was not on the weapon ranking list, it was used by those soldiers to capture criminals. It is unexpected to encounter such a thing here today.

"Confine soul power?" Hearing this word, Wei Yue couldn't help but think of the handcuffs he saw when he rescued Xia Han in that cave, which seemed to be a weapon to confine people's soul power.

I don't know who came up with this kind of broken thing, and if the soul power is imprisoned, then the soul master is simply useless!

"This kind of thing is only available in the army. It's impossible for ordinary people to get it. It's unexpected that the members of the Tianyu Mercenary Corps have this kind of ability." Jiu Xing frowned, looking at the figure in the distance with a solemn expression.

Being so strange by what she said, Wei Yue immediately began to pay attention to it, that thing seemed to be really powerful.

"Miss, it seems that the members of their Tianyu mercenary group seem to have connections with the army." At this time, the servants on the other side have already begun to make bold guesses.

"Even in the army, this kind of horcruxes are kept by people above the general level, and it is impossible for them to fall into the hands of others. It seems that the people of their Tianyu mercenary group are quite capable." On the other side Several people also began to analyze.

Hearing the group of people behind started talking loudly, the corners of Wei Yue's mouth twitched suddenly. Is this the time to talk about this?Since that thing is so powerful, if you touch it, your soul power will be imprisoned. Shouldn't you be thinking about how to escape at this time?

These people must be calmer than themselves, right?
(End of this chapter)

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