Chapter 437
After bypassing several aisles, the two stopped in front of this stone wall.

Compared with the coldness along the way, it is much warmer here now, and the air has become very fresh.

"There seems to be the sound of water in here." Wei Yan put his ear close to listen, and began to draw conclusions.

The stones in this kind of iron mine are very hard, and even with soul power, it can't be penetrated in a few days. If you encounter some harder rocks, then don't even think about moving them, because it is at the foot of the mountain. If there is too much movement inside and the rocks above are directly pressed down, the people inside will not directly become meatloaf.

"It's connected to the stream outside." Wei Yue nodded, and through the stone wall, he could clearly see that there seemed to be a huge waterfall on the other side of the stone wall.

"So that's how it is, then Yue'er, how do we get it!" Although the location has been determined, but this is at the foot of the mountain, if there is too much movement, it will be very dangerous. Thinking of this, Wei Yan felt a little helpless.

"Of course it's to penetrate." At this time, Wei Yue couldn't think of any other method except this method, and he didn't have any tricks to penetrate, so he had to force it.

"It seems that this aisle is not strong. If we let the rocks on it fall down, we won't be able to stop it." Wei Yan had already known that this stinky girl would mess around, so Wei Yan began to explain.

Fortunately, he followed this time, otherwise I don't know what this kid will do again.

"There's no other way. Before the roof collapses, we can just take the ore and go out through the exit in front." After looking at all the surrounding situations, Wei Yue finally made up his mind.

It turned out that the other end of the iron mine was connected to a huge waterfall. If it weren't for something blocking it, it would be really difficult for people to find it.

"Is there another exit from this stone wall?" Hearing her words, Wei Yan's eyes widened immediately. If this is the case, maybe he can take a risk.

"Brother, you lean back first, I'll break through this stone wall." Now that the matter has been discussed, Wei Yue is naturally eager to act immediately, clenched the Hanmei whip in his hand, and quickly poured soul power into the second bead among.

Although the stone wall looks very thick, the gravity of the Hanmei whip is not a joke. No matter how thick the stone wall is, it will not be able to withstand the weight of this thousand catties.

Because I don't want to cause too much commotion, I just need to inject some soul power at this time.

Seeing that she was about to make a move, Wei Yan hurriedly walked to the side to keep a distance. If the aisle is not very wide, he has seen the power of the Hanmei whip before, and it will definitely cause a sensation.

"Boom!" As soon as his worry was over, there was a sudden loud noise in front of him, as if the whole mountain began to shake, making it almost unsteady.

Also at this moment, a burst of dust flew head-on, quickly slashing from one end of the aisle to the other, the wind force made people dare not open their eyes.

When the surrounding dust settled down a bit, I felt a faint light in front of me, as if I was outside the mountain.

"Brother, let's go." Looking at the big hole in front of him, Wei Yue took the lead and walked straight forward.

Seeing her walking in without fear of danger, Wei Yan suddenly seemed to be frightened, "Yue'er, be careful."

This girl, won't she observe the situation before acting?
But when he caught up, he couldn't help being shocked by the scene in front of him.

This place seems to be a hole in a hole, because the thick stone wall was pierced, and everything inside it suddenly became clear.

Because the walls of the cave are covered with water plants and there are many colorful rocks, the cave does not look as dark as the outside. There seems to be a small lake in the middle, and the water comes from For those that flowed in from the outside, one could faintly hear the sound of water "squeaking" outside An.

"Brother, is this the ore?" After watching for a long time, Wei Yue was attracted by the strange looking thing in front of him.

After being called out by her, Wei Yan finally noticed the figure standing beside the rock wall.

It looks like you found it?
"It turns out that iron ore looks so ugly!" After all, I have never seen it before, thinking that this ore should be just like an ordinary stone, so Wei Yue was a little surprised when he saw this strange thing.

"Let me take a look." Wei Yan ran over all the way, and soon noticed the hairy stone in the opponent's hand.

Those hairs are tender green and look very soft, but under that layer of tender green appearance is an extremely hard stone.Regarding this iron ore, he had seen it in books before. This thing is like a good magnet, and it is very popular with those refiners.

It's just because iron ore is hard to find and dangerous. Generally, there are extremely poisonous things next to such things. If one is not careful, it is easy to be poisoned.

"Look, there are really good things here." Wei Yue blinked her bright red eyes, tilted her head slightly, and looked at the iron ore in the opponent's hand.

"It's the same as what's said in the book, it seems that it can't be wrong." Wei Yan nodded, naturally he wouldn't have any doubts about this thing, "It's just that the book also said that generally such places with iron ore grow There are many extremely poisonous weeds that are hard to guard against."

"Is that what you're talking about?" Wei Yue stretched out her fingers, moved her chin slightly, and signaled the other party to look at her feet.

After being reminded by her like this, Wei Yan noticed that the piranha was dripping with poisonous juice under his feet at this time. The flirtatious petals were slowly beginning to change, as if growing sawtooth. Possibly bite off his foot.

"Don't move." Seeing that he seemed to be frightened, Wei Yue grabbed him violently, not wanting him to move at all.

"Yue... Yue'er, that thing is about to bite." Looking at the man-eating flowers around his feet, Wei Yan felt that he couldn't speak easily, so he couldn't move in such a dangerous situation?

Those piranhas looked very poisonous, if they were bitten like this, their legs would be useless!But he had to listen to Yue'er's words, presumably there must be some reason for it.

"Don't move. As long as you move this thing, they will pounce on you. No matter how hard I try, I can't destroy all those piranhas in one go." Wei Yue began to explain the little things.

She noticed some clues from the beginning, but she didn't expect this piranha to react so quickly.

"Then what should we do?" Wei Yan said while scanning the things with mouths out of the corner of his eye, and couldn't help swallowing.

Wouldn't they be attacked if they didn't move like this?
(End of this chapter)

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