Chapter 438
Seeing those piranhas getting closer, Wei Yan felt that it was becoming difficult for him to breathe, and he didn't dare to move rashly.

If they moved suddenly at this time, those piranhas would notice it, and they would probably pounce on them directly, right?
"Brother, be careful, don't move." Seeing that there were more and more piranhas around, Wei Yue's expression also became dignified, and the other hand slowly began to gather soul power.

These piranhas seem to follow the ore, as long as the ore moves, these piranhas will respond.

"I didn't move!" Hearing her reminder, Wei Yan naturally knew not to dare to move. There are so many piranhas, it is impossible to beat them all!
Wei Yue looked around, her bright red eyes became more and more dazzling, "There are still a few ores nearby."

"Still... more?" Hearing this, Wei Yan was a little surprised, but at this moment he already had one in his hand, even if he wanted to take it again, he didn't know how many piranhas would come out.

"Well, brother, you go out from that waterfall first, and leave the rest to me." Wei Yue glanced around, and immediately began to make a decision, and the fire soul power in her hand had already condensed into shape.

Seeing that she seemed to want to push him away, Wei Yan was not willing to say anything, but he was suddenly hit by a force, and rushed forward involuntarily.

"Yue'er!" You don't need to look to know that it's that stinky girl.

"Brother, protect your ore." Just as Wei Yue finished speaking, her body was already filled with fire soul power, and the cold plum whip in her hand didn't stop, and directly hit the piranhas around her.

When those piranhas were attacked, they became more and more rampant, and their bodies also grew larger, almost filling up the cave directly.

Because of that force, Wei Yan rushed towards the end of the cave, thinking whether it would be because he hit the stone wall, but unexpectedly, there was a huge waterfall outside, and their position was on the mountainside at this time. , this cave is hidden in the middle of the waterfall, because there is a huge water curtain outside, so people outside can't see it at all.

"Ah!" Because of that force, he couldn't stop at all at this time, and his body rushed towards the waterfall uncontrollably.

Soon, his body was suspended in the air, and the whole person quickly moved towards the direction of the big lake below.

Seeing that there was no concern around her, Wei Yue******** focused on dealing with those piranhas. Naturally, fire is the most feared thing of this kind of plant, so she wrapped her body with fire soul power At that time, those piranhas dare not approach at all.

If they rush over desperately, they will only be burned to death.

With the power of ghost pupils, Wei Yue quickly saw clearly where those ores were buried. Apart from those piranhas, there seemed to be many more poisonous weeds here.

"It's so poisonous, it's a pity if I don't take some back." Although she always refines some great tonic pills, as a doctor, it doesn't mean that she can only use those good herbs to save people. Under the circumstances, these poisonous things are actually more useful.

After freezing all of the cave with the plum whip, Wei Yue easily found a few ores from other corners. These ores were very ordinary. If it wasn't for the help of Guitong, he could see the ores It is estimated that no one will notice even if it is still on the ground.

It seems that a big reason why those people came to look for ores before is that sometimes they couldn't tell which one was right?

After all the ores in the cave were taken away, the poisonous flowers and weeds that had been frozen in ice became even more irritable, as if they wanted to break free from the shackles of the ice.

"It's better to leave as soon as possible." At this time, there was no idea what would emerge from the cave, Wei Yue quickly ran towards the waterfall on one side.

"Wow!" With the sound of the waterfall being washed away, she quickly flew out of the cave.

"Yue'er." Wei Yan, who had already been waiting under the waterfall, naturally noticed the figure that suddenly flew out of midair at this time, and couldn't help waving excitedly.

It's good that this stinky girl is fine.

Hearing the shout from below, Wei Yue originally wanted to respond gracefully, but she never expected that the cave was actually on the mountainside of the waterfall. After jumping down like this, the whole person seemed to be suspended in mid-air.

Before he had time to use his soul power to assist him, he was already falling like a boulder towards the big lake below the waterfall.

"Plop!" Soon, the sound of water came from the big lake, and some small animals that were still drinking water by the big lake seemed to be frightened, and quickly fled towards the woods on one side.

"Yue'er, are you okay?" Looking at the figure in the big lake at this moment, Wei Yan called out kindly.

He just drank several sips of water just now when he fell like this, and he still hasn't reacted yet.

"Gulu Gulu." After falling for a while, Wei Yue floated up quickly. She didn't expect such a waterfall to be connected to the other side of the iron mine.

But fortunately, everyone is fine.

"Come on." Looking at the drenched figure in front of him, although Wei Yan wanted to laugh, he also wanted to step forward to help, "Let's warm up first."

Wei Yue went ashore quickly, looked at the burning fire, and couldn't help smiling.

"I have fire soul power, so I can do it myself." As he said, he slowly lucked out the soul power of his body.

Hearing what she said, Wei Yan immediately slapped his head, how could he forget this.

This person with fire soul power can use his soul power to evaporate the water on his body.

"Hiss." With the sound of the lake water being evaporated from one side, Wei Yue's clothes became the same as before, and it was impossible to tell that it had just fallen into the water.

Seeing that both her clothes and hair were dry in an instant, it seemed that she was still steaming white, Wei Yan suddenly wanted to envy him, looked at the fire piled up on one side from the corner of his eye, and looked at his wet clothes with some distaste. .

Why isn't my soul power attribute the fire soul power?
"Okay, since we got the ore, shall we move to another place for rest?" Looking at the ore in his hand, Wei Yue felt that he would be able to sell a lot of gold coins this time.

Looking at the ore in her hand, Wei Yan was a little surprised. So there was such a thing in the cave just now?
"There must be a lot of these things in the nearby iron mines, and they will probably be outside in the next few days." Thinking of the upcoming auction, Wei Yue felt that it is better to get more of these and sell some gold coins. it is good.

I just don't know if the workshop is willing to ask for these ores.

(End of this chapter)

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