Chapter 452
Hearing what Fei Ri said suddenly, An Yuan was a little surprised. Naturally, he understood the meaning of the other party. Is this to destroy the corpse after getting the things?
But if they didn't do that, how could the people in Luoyan Town let them off so easily?
"What are you going to do?" Looking at the figure slowly approaching in front of her, Luo Zhilan's eyes suddenly widened, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

"The snow jade must be on your body. Since it is not in the tail ring, it can only be..." Fei Ri said while slowly stretching out his hand to touch the other party's face.

Feeling the other party's contact, Luo Zhilan shook her head aside fiercely, almost spitting at the other party directly.

"Still stubborn." Looking at the unruly figure in front of him, Fei Ri has always been an impatient person, so he raised another hand that has gathered soul power, and directly hit the opponent.

"Bang!" With the sound of a strong wind blowing, Luo Zhilan only felt that something was torn apart from her body, causing a dull pain.

"Cousin." When she saw that the clothes on her body were bloodstained by the wind, Luo Zhilan yelled suddenly, and seemed to be looking at the figure in the distance with a trace of expectation, "You Are you going to let this bastard humiliate me?"

Are they not relatives?Why did things become like this?
Hearing the questioning voice in front, An Yuan still didn't dare to look at the other party directly, feeling guilty for a while, but thinking of that baby, his trembling heart also calmed down.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Luo Zhilan gritted her teeth, she was blind, thinking that the other party might miss her family and save herself.

"You yell, it's useless to yell, just hand over the things if you know your senses. I can't guarantee that this slap will pass, and the rags on your body will still be able to bear it." Looking at the embarrassed figure in front of him, the corner of Fei Ri's mouth The smile deepened, and he kindly reminded the other party.

Hearing what he said, Luo Zhilan looked at the remnants of cloth on her body, and felt a surge in her heart.

That snow jade was formed with her painstaking efforts for more than ten years, she had to keep it, thinking that she would be able to get that thing when she came to participate in the refiner's competition this time, but she was still targeted by someone.

Even if it is to kill her, she will definitely not hand over the things.

"It seems that you don't intend to hand it over." Looking at the silent figure in front of him, Fei Ri became a little impatient, and his right hand gathered soul power again.

Seeing that the other party seemed to be planning to strike again, Luo Zhilan gritted her teeth. If she could escape the humiliation she suffered today, she would definitely return it to them ten thousand times.

At this time, because Wei Yue was standing in the middle, she didn't see the situation in front of her very clearly. Anyway, the only thing she knew was that the people from the Tianyu Mercenary Corps seemed to be planning to do something again.

Before, it seemed that he was just probing, and he cut countless holes in Sister Lan's clothes, so that the snow-white skin could be seen clearly.

"Master, over there." The blue-eyed fox naturally knew what his master was thinking, and stretched out his little paw to point to the other side of the roof.

If you go from there, you should be able to just fall into the position of that sister.

Wei Yue nodded, and did as the other party wanted, and soon stopped at one place, gently lifted a piece of tile in front of her, and leaned forward to have a look.

Looking at it this way, he suddenly found that the Tianyu Mercenary Group seemed to be planning to do something.

Before she had time to think, just when that person was about to make a move, she also quickly gathered a cluster of soul power balls and hit them towards the opponent's hand.

At this moment, Fei Ri who had already hit Luo Zhilan with the soul power in his hand was stunned, looking at his hand in disbelief.

It was obvious that the soul power condensed in his hand had been shot out just now, but why the other party was not affected in the slightest.

At this time, Luo Zhilan also opened her eyes suspiciously, and looked around suspiciously.

Just now she obviously felt the flowing breath of soul power, thinking that the other party would shatter all of her clothes, but she didn't want to, it seemed like nothing had happened at this time.

Fei Ri looked at the figure not far behind him with some doubts, could it be that the person couldn't bear to help just now?

"What's the matter?" An Yuan, who was struggling at this moment, felt the probing gaze ahead, and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Looking at him as if he really didn't know what happened just now, Fei Ri frowned slightly, looked around, and didn't feel the slightest strangeness.

This is not something that just anyone can come in. It seems that I missed it just now, right?

Thinking to himself, he gathered his soul power again and planned to attack.

"Master, this consumes a lot of soul power." It is not easy to condense such a soul power orb, and the blue-eyed fox is a little worried about this.

Wei Yue nodded, of course she knew this, but at this moment, she was staying in other people's territory, if they startled the snake, it would be a question of whether they would be able to escape unscathed.

Besides, the young city lord doesn't seem to be weak in spirit power, thinking of the barrier used by the Tianyu mercenary group last time, if it comes a few more times, no one can bear it.

"Master, that person is about to attack again." The blue-eyed fox leaned forward and looked down worriedly.

"It's not the way to go on like this." This can be blocked once, but if it keeps blocking, it will definitely make people suspicious. Wei Yue frowned slightly, and really didn't know what to do at this time.

"Master, let me go down and lure them away." Looking at the situation in front of him, the blue-eyed fox thought for a while, and this was indeed the only way at this time.

"But you..." Although Wei Yue was very worried about that figure over there, she didn't want her own people to take risks.

After all, if this goes on, no one knows what will happen.

"Don't worry, master, they won't catch me so easily." The blue-eyed fox naturally saw the worry in the other's eyes, and his heartstrings twitched slightly.

Looking at its determined eyes, Wei Yue hesitated. After all, the two people below are not vegetarians. If you try to lure them away like this, what should you do if you are attacked?
"Master, after I lure them away, you can save that sister and call me back to the Phantom Beast Dimension." The blue-eyed fox knew what the other party was thinking, after all, it was a bit risky to do so.

Seeing that there was nothing to do at this time, Wei Yue gritted her teeth lightly, and finally nodded, "Then you must be careful."

The blue-eyed fox nodded, and the snow-white figure jumped directly from the small hole in front of him, and his figure slowly began to grow larger as it fell.

Fei Ri, who was about to continue attacking, only felt a group of furry things suddenly appear in front of his eyes, and before he had time to react, the little thing had already swung its claws towards him.

"Ah! Where did the lowly thing come from?" There have always been many phantom beasts in this mountain, so Fei Ri didn't think too much about it, but that little thing just ran in privately.

(End of this chapter)

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