The lord is looking at me

Chapter 453 I'm Coming Out Too

Chapter 453 I'm Coming Out Too

Hearing that Fei Ri spoke so impolitely, the blue-eyed fox didn't show mercy, and jumped lightly again, slashing his paw towards the opponent's face unceremoniously.

"Ahhh, come and help me." Feeling the burning pain on his face, Fei Ri immediately started to yell, not daring to touch his face with his hands.

Many of these phantom beasts are highly poisonous, how dare they take it lightly.

Hearing the shout in front, An Yuan looked over suspiciously, and before he could react, a snow-white figure suddenly floated in front of him.

Looking at the hypocritical figure in front of him, the blue-eyed fox showed no intention of showing mercy, and slashed fiercely towards the other's neck.

Feeling a sudden strain on the neck and an indescribable pain, An Yuan was stunned for a while.

The reckless guards outside the door heard the shouts from inside, hurriedly opened the door and walked in, looking at the two people in front of them suspiciously.

"Grab that stinky thing, I will definitely peel it alive today." Thinking of the pain on his face, Fei Ri didn't dare to speak loudly, otherwise his face would hurt even more.

"Yes." Those reckless men looked at the injured figure in front of them in surprise, slightly startled in their hearts, and hurriedly looked around.

The speed of the blue-eyed fox was very fast. In the eyes of those people, they could only see a white figure running rampant in the room at this time, and they couldn't see the specific shape at all.

Luo Zhilan, who was tied up in front, naturally noticed the situation at this time, and was slightly surprised in her heart.

That phantom beast came so strangely, just when the mercenary group was about to attack him, it seemed that someone was coming to help him?Could it be the chief guard and the others coming?

Looking at the messy scene below, Wei Yue also covered her mouth and snickered, it seems that the little fox still has some skills.

"Hurry up and grab it!" Looking at the helpless people in front of him, Fei Ri suddenly shouted, feeling more pain on his face.

"Yes." Those people responded, but they were still at a loss!

"Hiss! Hiss!" The blue-eyed fox yelled happily, and after attacking the people in front of him again, he happily moved outside.

"Follow me." Seeing that the white figure had already flashed outside, Fei Ri suddenly became exasperated and planned to put aside his affairs for the time being.

Anyway, that young lady couldn't run away, so at this moment he wanted to give that stinky thing a tough lesson.

Seeing him go out, An Yuan naturally followed, after all, he was also attacked!

At this time, Wei Yue, who was staying on the roof, saw that all the people below had retreated, so he moved away the rubble in front of him, moved quickly, and jumped directly from above.

Faintly, it seemed that someone could still hear the sound of someone locking the door outside.

"Yue..." Seeing the figure jumping down from above her head, Luo Zhilan's eyes widened, and she was about to cry out, but was stopped by the other party.

"Hush!" Wei Yue made a gesture of silence, and gently signaled the other party.

Seeing her being so vigilant, Luo Zhilan only then remembered her situation, and then nodded hastily, not daring to make another sound.

Hearing the footsteps outside seemed to be getting farther and farther away, Wei Yue breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried forward, ready to untie the rope from the opponent's hand.

"This won't work." Seeing that she wanted to help, Luo Zhilan hastily reminded, "This is a special rope that can limit people's soul power. If you touch it, the soul power on your body will also be temporarily restrained."

Hearing what she said, Wei Yue was taken aback for a moment, temporarily withdrew her outstretched hand, and looked ahead with some embarrassment.

Since that thing can restrain soul power, it is useless for her to use soul power to help untie the rope now.

"You go, don't save me, I know you are a good person, if you can, I will give you the snow jade, you just need to help me get the first place in the refiner's competition, get that thing, I will be satisfied even if I die Already." Seeing the other party's embarrassment, Luo Zhilan had no choice at this time.

Although she had known this little girl not long ago, her intuition told herself that this person was trustworthy, and she could even make her trustworthy enough to give her most precious thing.

"What stupid things are you talking about?" Hearing what she said, Wei Yue felt a little helpless, looking around, trying to find something that could break the rope from the opponent's hand.

The rope seems to be very strong, and this ordinary thing probably cannot be undone.

"Master, I'll come." At this moment, the gorilla who had been staying in the Eudemons space couldn't wait any longer.

"Come here." Hearing the call from there, Wei Yue was a little puzzled.

If the phantom beast goes to help, then the phantom beast's soul power will also be imprisoned, will it be weak and weak?

"Well, anyway, I have my master protecting me, so I'm not afraid." Superstar shouted vowedly, with a firm look on his face.

Anyway, as long as he can go out and play, he doesn't care.

Now that the little thing had recommended himself, Wei Yue smiled, clasped his hands together, and made complicated handprints, and then summoned the giant gorilla from the Eudemons space.

"Finally came out." When it came out, the giant gorilla was excited for a while, as if it felt like he hadn't come out for a long time.

Obviously it just came out not long before this.

"Hurry up." Hearing the flurry of footsteps outside the house, Wei Yue was a little anxious. It seems that the little fox caused a commotion around here, right?
"En." The giant gorilla responded, and walked forward quickly, and its body shape began to change, slowly turning into a human shape.

Seeing the little thing walking over and starting to transform, Luo Zhilan's mouth opened wide, and she couldn't believe her eyes.

This is the first time she has watched the phantom beast transform into a human form at such a close distance, and, to be able to transform into a human form, it must be above the level of a divine beast.

So, the one standing in front of her is just a divine beast, how terrifying is that little girl's level!

This soul power has not reached a certain level, but it cannot be contracted with a divine beast, or it will explode and die.

With the help of the giant gorilla, Luo Zhilan quickly untied the rope in her hand, and because of the power of the rope, the giant gorilla seemed a little weak at this moment.

"Little gorilla, go back to the space to rest first." Seeing its wobbly appearance, Wei Yue became a little worried.

Hearing the voices around him, the giant gorilla waved his hands in a hurry. Apart from being a little dizzy, he was still conscious.

"Yue'er, you really don't need to take me with you as a burden." After being free, Luo Zhilan's eyes gradually dimmed.

(End of this chapter)

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