The lord is looking at me

Chapter 454 Accident

Chapter 454 Accident
Hearing the meaning of the other party's words, Wei Yue didn't have time to explain in detail, and directly took out a cloak from the tail ring, and wrapped it tightly around the person in front of him.

"Can it last?" Thinking of the injuries on her body, this is not the time to clean up.

Feeling her body warm up suddenly, Luo Zhilan nodded slightly, and looked at the people around her gratefully, "Yue'er, you guys go out first."

Considering that there are so many people here, no matter how outstanding the soul power is, there is no way.

"What did you say, let's go together." Wei Yue looked around, not wanting to continue arguing with the other party, and frowned slightly.

At this time, the door seemed to be locked. With her ability, she could break the door directly, but that would attract people's attention, so it was best to go back the same way.

"Yue'er." Looking at her determined eyes, the corners of Luo Zhilan's eyes began to moisten slightly, and her heart was extremely moved.

Being able to meet her is probably a blessing accumulated in my previous life.

"Little gorilla." Wei Yue didn't notice the figure with wet eyes at all, but looked at the figure in front with some worry.

It seemed that under the influence of that Horcrux, it was difficult for the giant gorilla to maintain its human form, and it returned to its original appearance, and its body also became smaller, only the size of a palm.

"Master." Hearing the cry in front, although the giant gorilla felt a little dizzy, he still tried his best to run towards the opponent, and easily jumped directly onto the opponent's shoulder.

Sure enough, the warm shoulder of the owner is comfortable to lean on!
Seeing it seemed to be okay, Wei Yue breathed a sigh of relief, and raised her head slightly to look up.

She came from that way just now, so naturally going out there is the safest way.

"Yue'er, there are many people here, so be careful." Knowing that no matter what she said, the other party would not leave, Luo Zhilan naturally gave up this idea.

If her soul power had been restricted by that horcrux for so long, her body wouldn't have become so weak, or at least it would have helped her so that she wouldn't become a burden to the other party.

Wei Yue nodded. At this time, she naturally knew everything to be careful, looked at the people around her, and hugged them directly.

Feeling the strength on her waist, Luo Zhilan was slightly taken aback, and before she could react, the whole person had already flew over there.

While moving up, Wei Yue had to use his soul power to expand the small hole so that it could accommodate two people.

Soon, the two stood firmly on the roof.

Also because of the movement of the tiles just now, the guards standing outside the door felt something was wrong, hurriedly unlocked the door, and looked inside nervously.

It doesn't matter if you look at it this way, when you see that there is no one inside, everyone feels that their eyes are going to go black.

"There's a hole over there, hurry up and inform the leader of the second regiment." One of the reckless men quickly discovered that something was wrong in front, and walked forward while calling for someone.

Hearing the movement below, Wei Yue knew that he couldn't stay here for a long time, so he jumped onto the roof of the other party and moved directly to the complicated corridor.

"Yue'er." Wei Yan, who had already moved his position, also noticed the two jumping in front of him at this time, and ran up.

Hearing the voice from the right, Wei Yue was slightly startled, and quickly noticed the figure in the grass, but at this moment, she also noticed the people behind who heard the movement.

Judging by their footsteps, it seemed that they were almost there.

"Brother, take good care of Sister Lan." Thinking of stopping those people, Wei Yue didn't wait for the other party's reaction, and directly threw the people around him in the direction of the grass along the flow of soul power.

And Luo Zhilan only felt that she suddenly became very light, and she moved forward uncontrollably.

Wei Yan, who was standing over the bushes, was about to climb up from the bushes because he saw them, but before he could take a step, a figure flew straight towards him, and if he was not careful, his whole body was instantly caught in the face. run down.

"Boom!" At this moment, an extremely harmonious voice suddenly sounded in the grass.

Looking at the magnified face in front of him, Wei Yan couldn't believe his eyes, only felt that there seemed to be something soft over his mouth, which looked delicious, he also pursed his lips subconsciously, and lay down Don't know how to react.

And because Luo Zhilan knocked the opponent head-on, when she felt that her mouth seemed to touch something, she was about to get up, but she felt that the opponent seemed to be licking her, which made her startled all over. Suddenly a flash of electricity made the whole person paralyzed.

It should be weird for them to look like this right now?

The two were in a stalemate. At this time, the sound of weapons colliding could be heard in the corridor, and people could be seen flying over their heads from time to time.

"Are you bleeding?" Feeling that there was something wrong with the posture of the two of them at this time, Wei Yan had no choice but to support each other directly, and naturally noticed the wounds on the other's body, and felt a chill in his heart.

Although he just wanted to say that the opponent was a bit heavy and that he was a little out of breath, but he felt that it was inappropriate to say that, and he noticed those wounds when he lifted the opponent up.

Who on earth is so cruel, to lay such a heavy hand on a girl's family.

"'s nothing." Luo Zhilan felt a little overwhelmed when she felt the caring eyes of the other party for the first time, recalling the scene just now in her mind, she couldn't help but blush.

Seeing her face suddenly become so red, Wei Yan already had a fever, after all shed so much blood, it stands to reason that her face should be pale!

"Cough cough cough!" Being stared at like that by the other party, Luo Zhilan didn't dare to look into the other party's eyes. After sitting still, she felt stuffy in her heart for a while, and she couldn't help coughing.

"Wait for Yue'er to come over and let her show you." Looking at the injured person beside him, Wei Yan also became worried.

Obviously I didn't have a good impression of her before, why do I feel pity when I see her hurt now?Could it be because just now...

Thinking of this, he touched his mouth subconsciously.

"Cough cough cough! Good." Seeing that the other party seemed to be thinking about something, and touching his lips from time to time, Luo Zhilan's face suddenly became even more red.

It was just an accident just now, um, accident!
At this time, Wei Yue, who was fighting those reckless men in the corridor, naturally didn't notice the strange feelings in the grass over there, and just wanted to get rid of the group of people in front of him quickly so that he could leave.

This base camp still looks quite big, at this time they have to find a safe place to break the barrier.

Because of their appearance, the enchantment above seems to have begun to change at this time. Without a specific soul seal, it cannot be opened at all, so at that time, it can only be broken through forcibly.

(End of this chapter)

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