Chapter 455

Soon, under Wei Yue's strong coercion, the group of reckless men in front of them were beaten away one by one, and the follow-up people have not discovered what happened here, so there is no danger for the time being.

"Brother, let's go." Seeing that the group of people had already passed out, they must be safe for the time being.

Hearing the voice from the corridor in front, Wei Yan finally came to his senses, looked at the figure beside him, "Here we come."

Feeling his attention, Luo Zhilan lowered her head slightly, not daring to look at him directly.

Looking at the figure of the little girl in front of him, Wei Yan felt that something was stirring in his atrium, it was a little itchy, but it was very comfortable.

Strange how he could feel this way.

"Brother." Seeing that there was no movement in the grass in front, Wei Yue felt a little strange, and hurriedly ran forward, thinking that they were taken away by someone.

"Here, here." Hearing the anxious voice in front, Wei Yan hurriedly got up and helped the people around him up.

In fact, if you look closely at that woman, she is still pretty, with a hint of stubbornness and heroism in her brows, which is really different from the daughters' families you see on weekdays.

Could it be because of the previous misunderstanding that he didn't pay much attention to the special beauty in the other party's bones?

Seeing that they were all fine, Wei Yue felt relieved.

"Brother, take Sister Lan with you, let's find a safe place." Seeing that the crisis in front of him is temporarily lifted, he has to think of the next step quickly.

Wei Yan nodded, without saying a word, he directly hugged the person beside him, and jumped up the corridor with ease.

Before Luo Zhilan could react, she had already fallen into a warm embrace, which made her even more at a loss, so she could only bury her face in the other's shoulder shyly, not daring to look at anyone.

Wei Yan naturally also felt the reaction of the person in his arms. He just didn't think too much at all just now, so it was easy to find it subconsciously. When he really reacted, he realized that the person in his arms was so light. .

Are all the daughters' houses so light?Why didn't he feel that way when he hugged that smelly girl before?What's the matter with this woman, is she too thin?
"Go." Seeing them coming up, Wei Yue didn't think too much at all, but looked around vigilantly, and walked towards the corridor on one side.

Wei Yan nodded, and followed without saying a word.

Also because the person in his arms is too light, it doesn't take much effort for him to hold him like this, so he can naturally keep up with him in action.

After bypassing the corridor in the backyard, further forward, there are another layer of courtyards.

This base camp is surrounded by mountains and is located in this basin. It stands to reason that there are ten good places that are easy to defend and difficult to attack. Moreover, the houses here are well-located, like some kind of formation, and they all seem to be the same at a glance. Yes, it's hard for people to tell the direction at all.

"Yue'er, why are the houses here all the same?" After walking for a long time, Wei Yan found out.

Wei Yue nodded. She didn't see a lot of chasing soldiers along the way, which made her feel something was wrong, as if she had fallen into some kind of trap.

"Master, that stinky fox seems to be around here too." The gorilla who had been lying on Wei Yue's shoulder raised his head slightly and moved his nose hard.

After resting for a while, it felt that its strength had recovered a lot, and its head was no longer dizzy.

"It's a shame." Thinking of the little fox helping to divert the pursuers all the time, Wei Yue felt very at ease in his heart.

It seems that as long as there is that little thing, she always has a feeling of winning.

"Master, there is someone ahead." Hearing the slight sound of footsteps, the giant gorilla hurriedly reminded.

Called by it, Wei Yue hastily and vigilantly looked at the path ahead, but at a glance, there was no sign of anyone moving.

However, the hearing of the giant gorilla is better than that of ordinary people, and I believe it will not hear wrong.

"Yue'er, why don't we go into the house and hide." Looking at the room beside him, it seemed that there was no movement, so Wei Yan began to signal.

"That's the only way." Thinking of avoiding those people temporarily, Wei Yue had no choice but to walk in front and push open the door beside her.

As soon as the three of them entered the room, they could smell the strong herbal smell, which was a bit pungent, but at this time they had no choice but to bite the bullet and go in.

"Who?" At the moment they closed the door, a questioning voice suddenly came from behind the screen in front.

Because of this voice, the three people who were already cautious were startled.

At this moment, footsteps could be heard faintly near the door.

"Yue'er." Wei Yan called softly, not knowing what to do at this time.

Wei Yue frowned slightly. When she felt the sound of footsteps getting closer, she made a sudden movement and went directly behind the screen. While moving, she did not forget to take out a dagger from the tail ring and directly used The knife aimed at the figure on the couch in front of him.

It was at this moment that she noticed the figure on the couch that was wrapped up in gauze. Looking at him, he seemed to be seriously injured, with only a pair of eyes left in the bandage.

Moreover, those eyes look really familiar.

"Dong dong dong!" At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Team leader, is there any movement in your place?" Because they had explained before that they couldn't disturb them, those people didn't dare to take the liberty to come in.

The person lying on the couch at this time was Fei Yang who was kicked down from mid-air by Wei Yue that day. He was lucky, he couldn't be killed if he fell like that, but his whole body was severely injured, and he probably needed to recuperate on the couch for more than half a year. That's it.

Because Wei Yue was still in disguise at this time, the other party didn't recognize her for the time being.

At that time, Luo Zhilan also recognized her by relying on the other party's voice and her own intuition.

"Team leader." Hearing that there was no movement inside, those people knocked on the door again.

"Know what to do?" Hearing them shouting, the status of the person in front of him was obviously not low, Wei Yue couldn't help but put a knife into the other's neck, his eyes were ruthless.

"It's okay, you all go down, remember to remind Feisheng to drink the medicine." Feiyang responded with effort, his voice a little hoarse.

"Yes." Hearing the voice inside, those people left.

Hearing the sound of footsteps outside getting farther and farther away, Wei Yue felt a little relieved.

"Hero, I didn't offend you, please be merciful." At this moment, Fei Yang naturally knew what to do.

Looking at the seriously injured person in front of him, who probably wouldn't do anything wrong, Wei Yue frowned slightly, and then put away her dagger.

At this time, there is such a person here as a shield, so it should be safe for the time being.

"Yue'er, help her take the medicine first." Seeing that she was temporarily safe, Wei Yan suddenly became worried about the person in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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