The lord is looking at me

Chapter 457 There is a way

Chapter 457 There is a way
At the same time that the door was opened, Wei Yue felt the murderous aura suddenly rising from all directions. Obviously, the murderous aura had been lurking around for a long time, and it just came out the moment they opened the door.

"Ahhh! We're saved." When Fei Yang felt that aura, he was so excited that he almost jumped out.

However, he is now a patient, and with gauze wrapped around his body, his movements are also restricted.

Just as he took a step, he was quickly pulled back by Wei Yan beside him, without the ability to fight back at all.

"Brother, close the door." Wei Yue had to make a decision immediately when she sensed the danger outside.

"Bang!" Soon, the door closed quickly, and Wei Yan looked at the patient beside him, feeling uneasy for a while.

It seems that those people are doing this for this talent, right?
"Look, this person must have revealed some information to the outsiders just now, letting them know that this place is very dangerous." Thinking about their conversation before, Wei Yue didn't feel anything wrong.

Hearing that she was aware of it, Fei Yang naturally didn't dare to say more.

There is no one named Feisheng in their mercenary group, so naturally there is no such thing as taking medicine. If you say this, the brothers in the mercenary group will definitely realize that they are being coerced to say these words, so they also Just know that those people are here.

Of course, he would not explain this clearly to them.

"Yue'er, what should we do now?" Since there are chasing soldiers outside, this is a catch. Thinking of this, Wei Yan felt extremely headache.

"Stay here and rest for a while." Wei Yue frowned slightly. At this time, she also knew the seriousness of the matter, but if she rushed out like this, she would definitely be besieged by those people, which was really not worth the candle.

Besides, they had to bring a hostage and a patient, so it would be too bad for them, but staying here all the time was not an option, the group of outsiders would rush in sooner or later.

"Come." Hearing that he said to rest, Wei Yan hurriedly stepped forward to support the man and slowly sat aside, eyes full of distress.

He must be sick, right?Why do you always unconsciously want to care about each other.

And Luo Zhilan, who saw the other party suddenly become so close, also felt a little uncomfortable, but enjoyed that feeling very much, so naturally she would not show any reaction.

Wei Yue rested her cheeks and looked at the two figures in front of her suspiciously.

When did these two bickering enemies become so good?
"You can't escape, maybe you still have a chance if you let me go." When he knew that someone outside was paying attention, Fei Yang's tone hardened.

This group of people really don't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth!

"Let you go, let's die sooner." Wei Yue stepped forward and tapped the opponent's head lightly. At this point, does this person really think that he will believe them?
Since this person was able to tip off the news, it must be extremely dangerous outside at this time, so staying inside is safe for the time being, because people outside don't know what happened here.

"You'd better think about it carefully. If you let me go, I can intercede with them and let you go out." Seeing that the other party didn't like this, Fei Yang didn't intend to give up just yet.

Hearing that he could go out, Wei Yan suddenly became curious, "Can he really go out?" No matter how he looked at it, he didn't think he was so kind!

Seeing someone take the bait, Fei Yang nodded suddenly, as if seeing the dawn.

"Going out is death, stay here to replenish your strength." Looking at the figure in front who seemed to be interested, Wei Yue felt a little helpless.

Isn't her big brother too easy to trust others?
"Oh, good." Hearing her explanation like this, Wei Yan didn't bother to think too much, so he responded directly, intending to take care of that little man.

Seeing that the figure in front was almost persuaded, Fei Yang was so angry that his teeth itch. If he hadn't been seriously injured at this time, he really wanted to rush up and slap them all.

"If you want to be more comfortable, you'd better not have any other thoughts, otherwise I don't know if I will make you shut up." Looking at the figure in front who has been thinking nonsense, Wei Yue kindly began to remind.

Seeing that his thoughts were seen through, Fei Yang was suddenly surprised, and hurriedly sat aside obediently, not daring to say anything.

The feeling of being under the fence is really aggrieved.

"Listen, people inside, let our eldest brother go." Seeing that the door that was opened just now was closed again in an instant, Fei Ri naturally knew that the people inside had discovered their existence.

"If you don't want to suffer too much, just let it go."

"Anything can be discussed properly, that is, you can't hurt our eldest brother, and we can agree to whatever conditions you want."

"It's okay to let you go out now."

Fei Ri kept talking, trying to let go of the opponent's defense.

After all, that's the big brother, so they had to say something nice.

"Did you hear that? Just let me go." Fei Yang who was on the side started persuading again when he heard the cry from outside.

"Yue'er." At this moment, Wei Yan looked at the thoughtful figure in front of him with some hesitation.

Wei Yue frowned and looked around.

It is naturally impossible for them to hand over the human beings. This is equivalent to letting go of the last life-saving talisman. However, there is no way to continue this stalemate. It seems that there is also a flying beast above the roof.

It seemed that this room was completely surrounded and tight.

"I'm the leader of the group, and they will listen to everything I say." Looking at the pensive figure in front of him, Fei Yang thought there was something to be done, and continued to persuade.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that the little girl speaks with more weight.

"Don't say any more." Wei Yue was a little distracted by the noisy voice in front of her. At this moment, she must think of a perfect plan.

"Master, or we'll just follow the plan." At this time, the giant gorilla who had been staying on Wei Yue's shoulder spoke slowly.

Wei Yue was a little surprised to see that the gorilla, who had always been the most thoughtless, had a way.

Seeing that the owner seemed to have some doubts, the giant gorilla leaned forward, leaned on the other's ear, and began to express his opinion.

Looking at the dark clouded eyes of the little man in front of him suddenly glowed, Fei Yang felt a little restless, as if suddenly he felt that he was about to be counted against.

"This method may be feasible." After listening to the other party's words, Wei Yue nodded slightly, expressing some agreement.

Since the people outside are most concerned about the so-called group leader in front, they can only do this.

"Yue'er, is there a solution?" Looking at the figure in front of him, Wei Yan leaned over curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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