The lord is looking at me

Chapter 458 Seems to be a Good Solution

Chapter 458 Seems to be a Good Solution
Looking at the figure in front who seemed to have made up his mind, Wei Yan leaned forward, wanting to hear what they could do.

Wei Yue nodded. According to what the gorilla said, this method is indeed feasible. Although it will be a little risky, it is better than being passive like staying inside.

"What way?" Looking at her slightly frowning brows, Wei Yan suddenly felt that this method seemed a bit risky.

Wei Yue glanced at the figure sitting on the ground in front of her eyes, "Brother, let's start directly."

"Start?" Hearing her suddenly say this, Wei Yan was a little puzzled, he hadn't heard what they were talking about!

"Use soul power to change the shape, and pretend to be that person. If you go out like this, the people outside will be afraid, and naturally you will not be attacked. When the time comes, everyone can move to a safe place and leave." Wei Wei While talking, Yue has already stepped forward to help the frail eldest lady deliver her soul power.

Feeling the continuous surge of soul power from her body, Luo Zhilan looked at her hands in surprise, and seemed to have some strength at this moment, "Yue'er, what are you doing?"

Wouldn't it be a waste of soul power to do so?

"It shouldn't be a problem to pretend, right?" Wei Yue could only use this method temporarily because he was worried that the other party's soul power would be insufficient.Luo Zhilan nodded, now with the help of her soul power, there is no problem for the time being, "Don't worry."

Seeing those people in front seem to be slowly using their soul power to change their appearance, directly copying his appearance, Feiyang felt a chill down his back, the kind of person who saw several people standing in front of him who were with him The same person, that feeling is really weird.

Because gauze is wrapped around his body, this also allows everyone to better disguise, just tie it with gauze.

"It's all good." Looking at the gauze on her body, Wei Yue began to look around.

"Okay." Soon, Wei Yan and Luo Zhilan also finished changing their outfits.

"Don't think that you can get away with it like this, my brother will never admit me." Thinking that they wanted to use him, Fei Yang was really upset for a while.

Where did this group of people come from? Looking at the huge battle outside, it is obvious that these people must have something.

"Whether you will admit your mistake or not, you will know when you go out." Wei Yue didn't care about the other party's so much, and indicated to the elder brother with his eyes that he planned to go out and try first.

Because they wanted to help, the giant gorilla also transformed into the appearance of Fei Yang, planning to go out together to confuse the public.

"Squeak!" As the door opened, the cold air from outside rushed in again, making people shiver uncontrollably.

Fei Ri, who was standing outside, heard the sound of the door opening, and was thinking about how to teach him a lesson, but he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Why did five big brothers suddenly appear, and which one is the real one?

Not only him, but also the group of mercenary group members who surrounded them were also stunned. They wanted to do something, but they were afraid that they would really hit their group leader, so they didn't dare to do it, so they could only try helplessly. .

Seeing those people around her dare not do anything, Wei Yue felt a little relieved. Now that the regiment leader is standing beside her, imprisoned by her soul power, he should not be able to resist something for the time being.

"Brother, what's going on? Which one is you?" Looking at the five identical figures in front of him, Fei Ri felt his eyes were blurred.

"I'm real, I'm real." As his voice fell, the five people scrambled to answer.

Looking at the chaotic scene ahead, Fei Ri felt a little headache.

An Yuan, who was standing next to him, looked at the front indifferently at this time, and a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Since you don't know which one is the group leader, then just beat them all down, one of them is always right. "

"No." Hearing his proposal, Fei Ri directly refused.

The eldest brother's injury is already very serious, and he can't bear the second injury at all. If the eldest brother loses his life because of this, then his crime is really serious.

Looking at his firm eyes, An Yuan couldn't continue to say anything, so he could only look forward with his hands behind his back, bored.

Looking at the leisurely figure beside him, a glint of cruelty flashed in the corner of Fei Ri's eyes. On the surface, this young city lord seemed to be quite soft-hearted towards others, but he was really ruthless when encountering some things. This kind of inconsistency The most terrifying people, it seems that we should be more careful in the future.

"Fei Ri, I don't want to die." Looking at the stalemate and hearing the suggestion from the person in front, Fei Yang felt as if he was about to be killed.

"That's right, Fei Ri, you have to think about it, as long as you let them out, I'll be safe." Seeing the person beside him talking like this, Wei Yue also began to imitate in a decent manner.

Looking at the two persuasive figures in front of him, who seemed to be his elder brothers, Fei Ri frowned slightly, and at this moment he really couldn't tell the truth from the fake.

The eldest brother is seriously injured now, and he can't stand such constant exhaustion. It seems that for the time being, he can only follow their method.

"Get out of the way first."

Following his command, the surrounding mercenary groups dispersed one after another, making a path directly.

"Fei Ri, you can't let them do it, I can't bear it." Seeing them obeying obediently, Fei Yang was also relieved, thinking that his life was saved.

"Keep a little distance, or it would be bad to irritate them." Looking at the figures close to each other, Wei Yue imitated the other party's tone and began to speak.

"That's right, don't you want me to die?" Wei Yan on the side also began to learn in a decent manner.

Looking at the three wistful faces in front of him, Fei Ri felt that he was about to lose his mind, and the feeling that everyone looked like a big brother was really uncomfortable.

At this moment, he didn't know who to listen to. Seeing that they were all big brothers, he always obeyed his words and never dared to refute them in the slightest. Right now, it seemed that he had to let them go out first. yes.

The members of the mercenary regiment on the side saw their second regiment leader waving his hand, so they opened up a wider distance and did not dare to approach them half a step.

After all, at first glance, they were all their regiment leaders, so I really don't know which one to fight.

Looking at the bewildered expressions of the people around him, Wei Yue secretly laughed in his heart. It seems that this little chimpanzee is really reliable sometimes, so that they can reach a safe place first for the time being.

Soon, the five of them arrived at the gate, and if they went any further, they would walk out of the barrier.

"It's already here, should you let my elder brother go?" Looking at the figures in front of him, Fei Ri felt that if he continued to watch, his mind would really be confused.

(End of this chapter)

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